[The Realms] Discussion Thread

Lareh said:
Well I mean, someone else has to develop tech before it can be stol- I of course mean, that planning these things out takes time and consideration! *cough* :cool:
Stay away form my farms >.>
Dam I was so hoping that my warmongers would get it... Let me guess Im going to be the last one who starts a war... <.<

I need to plot a take over of something....
Oh thats right, Spartas like a get out oif jail free card for reasoning behind invasion..

Wonder how much longer I can keep up the cock jokes for this dire turkey.
I know Uziel, if invade some one, then im suddenly going to get a thousand angry citizens trying to bitch about their freedoms and rights, and the old oppressive rule turns into the good guys <.< Ive been down this road I know how it works! *shakes fist* When I conquer the world Ill do it all at once!
Tsk, Tsk, Know your G.O.D..

So when are you gona sign up, I need some one worth a dam to harass, threw out the game.
Well, I'm actually gonna be playing independent characters in this game. Get back to my roots of RP-ing so to speak.

Meaning... I'll be doing the harassing ;)
A pair of them. One's gonna be a warrior style, the other a mage. They got their agenda, their goals, and they're god-damn twins!
now if onl they were girls.... And asian... And in school.... ANd their was tentacles.....

also, the closest thing to a long sword at this time period, considering hes making every one use bronze, Is my khopis. For the most part the rest of the world uses short swords and spears. I think the Egyptians have the kopesh by this point.

Dragonkin are people too!

Haha, Adeptus, I'm thinking when our nations come into contact with one another things will be most interesting for sure. xD
Mukodens? No, I want to erase their existence from the earth, making sure they never appear in history. I mean, I want to bake them a cake? My post was the counter to Crocman, who is busy trying to subjugate my fellow DragonKin's under his evil Oligarchial heel. Unless I'm really turned around, and that is someone else...
Belial said:
every one seems to want to conquer the Mudokens for some reason, I dont know why?
Because many of us are quite intrigued to see if Mudokon legs tasted the same as frog legs. I mean that's the only reason we formed the Anti-Mudokon Alliance really. . . . Wait, was I not supposed to say that? Whoops! Freeman, you saw nothing! ;)

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