[The Realms] Discussion Thread

(In fake mocking voice) "Oh hi, I'm HDL and I love to break shit."

I can see you're still classy as ever, my friend. Haha! Now why isn't Nemonia a nation in the Realms?
Just PM some one and ask them if you can help them out with something once your charecter is complete

on a completly unrelated side note... WHAT IS YOU MONKEYS DON'T GET ABOUT EARLY BRONZE AGE TECHNOLOGY! There is no long swords, their are no great swords, 99% of the world is lucky if they have leather armors, let alone bronze curasts or any kind of plated armors made of bronze or some form of plated shield.

Any blade made from bronze that's longer then like 2 feet long isnt likely to survive more then a few hits do to the forging methods required to make a weapon out of bronze make it incredibly brittal and most weapons that big are structurally unsound.... The only 2 handed weapons out their are spears, clubs axes, the kopesh witch by defalt is technically an ax, the khopis or falcata if used in two hands though is meant as a 1 handed weapon.

There is no Iron forging methods at the moment to make superior weapons from, and their sure as hell isnt any steal.
I WIN YOU FAIL! MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! xD Bow to my superior Trolling abilitys! We master call this the counter troll!
And I call this a citation:

-Soldier: Armed with a sword and a shield, the soldier is a good, well rounded unit that can slaughter normal and unguarded troops. Their shield allows them some additional protection against archers, but don't rely on it.
Apparently we have the ability to make some sort of swords at a standardized rate to produce these soldiers. >:0
Yea.. They had shields, mostly made of wood or wicker, or cloth or leather depending on where you were. The Greeks coated theirs In bronze eventually and called it the hoplon. And Ive stated they had swords, just they werent that long, they were like a bout a foot and a half long two 2 feet. Most Europeans who used shields primarly used wooden shields, sometimes leather coated or some form of odd composites i don't know off the top of my head. Most Asians had some form of wicker shield or something to that extent, and a lot of your African nations had like simple leather shields that were little more then basically a wooden cross that had leather tacked at every end. The issue with swords and weapons at this time is they quite often broke during battle so had to be replaced usually after every couple of fights do to begin brittle. Often they'd just melt the old metal down and recast it.

Until iron is discovered, witch honestly happened around 1000 bc in Europe and the middle east, and around 500 bc in asia, weapons are pretty much crap.
Until iron is discovered, witch honestly happened around 1000 bc in Europe and the middle east, and around 500 bc in asia, weapons are pretty much crap.

To call it a limp sword is an insult to limp swords. The weapon is nonfuctional
If you whack someone hard enough with it, you can do more damage than your fist at least. Once.

And then you have a jagged dagger!
I'm very confused as to what the issue you're talking about is. What's the problem, Bel?
Its me being me. I keep noticing people Wanting to start with weapons like Greatswords, and long swords, and my nervous must correct people wether im right wrong or even relevant Twitch started acting up... THERE IS NO DAMMED GREAT SWORDS, ZWEIHANDERS, OR WEAPONS OF THE LIKE!!! ITS ALL BRONZE WORKED! NO IRON!! Erherm sorry.... Couldn't help myself...
well you have Bronze, witch is what you would have most likely had your weapons made from, and while Im probably the last person who needs to correct peoples grammar but its Carved, not craved, to crave something is to want it, to desire it...
[QUOTE="Comrade in the Shade](In fake mocking voice) "Oh hi, I'm HDL and I love to break shit."
I can see you're still classy as ever, my friend. Haha! Now why isn't Nemonia a nation in the Realms?

I thought about it, but at the time I joined Uzi's M/M here was going, along with another NBRP I was in. I also wasn't terribly fond of the unit-creation system (the same tier system was in M/M) and while it works and can be made sense of, it still drives me up a wall. But, beyond everything else, it was just an issue of time. As a character player I focus on a couple events, tops, at any given time. As a nation, if you're focusing on only a couple events at a time, you're hosed, as we vets all know. Between school, work, friends, and already having a couple nations in other games, I didn't have the time to run a Nemonia-scale nation attempt.
I gotta be honest.

I don't want to do this anymore. I have other things I could be doing.

I'm just going to put this away until I'm up for it again.
Uziel said:
I gotta be honest.
I don't want to do this anymore. I have other things I could be doing.

I'm just going to put this away until I'm up for it again.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! Good one Uzi! Hahahahahahaha...hah.. ... ha...... hah... *cough*

That wasn't a joke, was it? :(
*cries* alrighty folks some ones got to take up the mantle and build a nbrp to replace it.

One two three Not it!
Uziel said:
I gotta be honest.
I don't want to do this anymore. I have other things I could be doing.

I'm just going to put this away until I'm up for it again.
I am surprised you haven't restarted this game after your absence. But now the question arises what do you want to do?

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