The Place We Call Home

(no problem)

"I'll walk her home." David said.

Maine and Raptor nodded and hurried off back to there base. David looked at her. "So Janie um... I could tell you were kind of surprised to see us. Had you not seen a Neko before?" he asked curiously.

Tex grabbed her brother's gun and loaded it. Garry didn't have any way of protection either. He wandered around looking for something to fight with.
"Brother, we can check in the armory for any weapons." said Soror. She then walked down the hallways tyring to find the armory in the base.
"Never" she answers honestly. "I only know what i've herd from stories." She looks at his ears, they looked soft and she felt the urge too pet them. For some strange reason, so wanted to know what they felt like.
"good idea." Garry said.

"oh.well. that explains some stuff." he says. David kind of looks at her and tilts his head. "something the matter?" he asks, he noticed that she was staring at him. His tail wavered and he kept walking
Soror hummed. She then opened a door to find the armory. Soror picked up one of the few guns that were lying around and checked the magazine whether it had ammo or not.
Garry followed soror, and helped her out. He grabbed one gun and three magazines for it. Cawing of crows could be heard nearby the base
"oh ok." david says. Eventually they reach the spot where they first saw her. "Do you know your way back from here?"
Janie nods "yeah, I do." She looks at his ears "can I?" she pauses wetting her lips "can I touch it?" she asks gesturing toward his ear.
Soror's ear twitched at the noise, looking up from her gun. "We don't have much time." She quickly loaded the gun and grabbed a couple magazines of ammo before quickly exiting to the room and went too the main room where the others were.
Janie reaches over touching his ear softly and brushes her fingers through the fur softly. It felt soft and delicate. A smile appears on her face "It's fuzzy"
He chuckled. "ha. well it is fur after all, but I did not see myself having my ears petted today." he said with another small chuckle
Birds broke throw the windows and they swarmed in. Maine saw and he ran over, climbed through the window and picked up a gun and opened fire at the crows. Garry and tex also opened fire. 
David smiled. "well I should get going." he said
"um...... I guess." he said. "I dont come by here much but, if you want to be my friend then... I guess I could come and get you and then bring you to where we've been staying..."
Soror smacked a crow that was flying towards her with her gun while turning towards the window to shoot at the ones coming inside.

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