The Place We Call Home

Soror let out a sigh of relief as it became calm once again at the base. She left the gun rest loosely in her hand as she turned to the others, "Is very one alright?" she asked. Soror saw that Raider didn't get scratched by there claws unlike her, a crow scratched her left arm near the elbow.
David walks off. He sees crows flying away from the base. "uh oh.. ". He starts running. He goes to the door but it's locked. He looks around and very carefully climbs in through a broken window, getting some small cuts on his way in. "what happened???"
((Hey guys, this is Tao from TM! To you new people, I'm Onyx/Silence [even though he isn't up there] aaaand I've been missing for a while. So yeah, sorry for that, but I'm back now, it's cool to meet you all))
(ok, so go ahead and jump in whenever))

Maine looked around to see everybody was there. He wanted to go find Onyx but he had no idea of where to look. He sighed and walked up onto the deck. He picked up a crow feather
((Here's that character I was talking about+ a finished Onyx skelly

Name: Chel

Nickname: N/A

Age: 13 1/2

Species: Neko

Appearance: Curly bown hair w/ black side bangs (stays in a ponytail) and hazel eyes. Tortishell ears+tail

P.C. Name: Duke

Ability: Can see certain disasters that will soon happen (she can't tell things that will happen in more than a day, more like less than 12 hours, and even then she might not catch them)

Personality: She is quiet and usually calm, though this is only because she is always tired. Doesn't makes friends easily because of social anxiety,though when she does she will do mostly anything for them.

Bio: She lost her family at a young age and was taken in by the Director. She met Onyx after all the agents were sent away and they stayed together for a while, before they found the others. Over the time, her and Onyx became close friends.

State: Nebraska

Name: Onyx

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17 (I forgot :| )

Species: Neko

Appearance: Black hair in a side braid and red eyes. Black ears+tail

P.C. Name: Zack

Ability: Self-healing

Personality: Is cold-hearted to strangers, and is bipolar. She warms up to people slowly and is distrustful

Bio: She was separated from her parents when she was a few years old, and went into shock because of it. She was sent to a mental hospital where she was hurt and gained a fear of doctors. She was found by the Director when she was ten.

State: Virginia))
(accepted. and to help duke, if I have anything up my sleeve I'll let you know ahead of time.)

Maine stayed only for a short time before he left, and began to return to the director's base
((Ok, thanks :3))

Onyx and Chel walked down the street, looking around.

"I have no clue where they could be.." Onyx mumbled. Chel looked up at her and asked, "Your friends?"

Onyx replied with a simple nod, though her eyes were sad. "I haven't seen them in forever, especially..."
Janie walks back toward her house. She brushes her hair behind her ears thinking about what she had learned from her experience that day. It was strange thinking that a neko might actually be her friends. Maybe not yet she decided. How can everything she had been told be wrong. She sighs not paying much attention too her surrounding due too being lost in her thoughts.
Maine sneaked into the directors office ang grabbed the cage from his desk and ran outside. Nobody was there, so it was easy to steal. He removed the towel covering the cage. A hyper voice said "freedom freedom! let me out let me out! hahaha!" it said, with a evil laugh. Maine stared at it. It was foaming from the mouth and grinning at him. "now I see why it's in a cage." maine thought. "who are you?" it said in a darker tone. "I'm maine. I've come to make a deal with you." he said.

The creature kept climbing up the sides of the cage. "hehehehe! deal! let me out! I think I am going CRAZY maine.......get me out...." it said at first hyper but then really calm. It had a demented look on its face 
(oh hey tao can you get me silences stuff to please?)
(ok thank you)

"ok so...I need help finding somebody.. what is your ability?" maine asked.

The P.C. grinned. "I know where everybody is and can predict there actions." it said. It was a lie but, maine being the idiot he was believed it.

"great! so can you tell me where Onyx is and then I'll let you out?" he said.

The P.C. smirked. "sure!" it looked around picking which direction to guess, knowing if he messed up, he'd be in trouble. "uh....that way." he said, pointing with a claw towards the city. Maine gave a nod and opened the cage. The creature jumped straight up and bit maine's ear. "Ow!!" maine said. The creature gently let go and climbed up his shoulder, digging his claws into it as he did so. "ha sorry, just excited." it said. Maine winced a little and then stopped. He began to walk towards the city. The P.C. climbed up on top of maine's head anxiously. Sigma stared at the creature with fear. "um...maine youre an idiot you have a monster on you maybe you should pick it up and throw it then we can run and forget all this ever happened." sigma whispered. Maine just grunted. The creature heard sigma and snarled loudly, the creatures eyes glowed and he looked straight into sigma's eyes. "Nevermind, we are going to keep the creature and we will be very close friends. Us P.C. should really stick together." sigma said. The creatures eyes stopped glowing and the creature made it's toothy grin. "I knew you would think better." it said with a smirk.
((No problem))

The two continued down the road in silence. Onyx, reminiscing on the past, and Chel wondering who Onyx was talking about. The only sound between the two was the sound of their feet on the sidewalk, slow, uneven footsteps.
Maine sighed. "How much longer?"

The P.C. around and they were close to the city. "Not that long." he said. Maine nodded. "good."

Maine eventually reached the edge of the forest and soon came across the road. He crossed the street, and without even noticing, went right past onyx and chel. He kept going though, at a rather quick pace
Maine's ear flicked. "you guys hear something?"

The P.C. grinned. "It was nothing keep going." it said, it turned at onyx and chuckled.

Sigma looked around. "wait a minute.."

Maine stopped and looked. "Onyx!!!"
Maine also wiped his eyes. He eventually let her go. "where have you been and..who's that?" he said looking at chel

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