The Place We Call Home

Onyx rubbed her neck. "Wow, That's a long story... So after the Director sent you to boot camp, I went back to the mental hospital. After a while I got sick of it and busted out of there, then I met Chel," she paused to point her thumb at Chel, then continued, "and she let me stay with her. And then, well, we found you."
"oh. well things have been really hectic around here too." Maine said.

The P.C. bared it's teeth and got ready to pounce at onyx.
It pounced but maine smacked it down before it got her and he stomped on it's tail. "Why you little brat!" he snarled at it. He picked it up by the tail. It growled at him and attempted to bite him but couldn't.
The creature started to laugh hysterically. It twitched a second and then got really sleepy. It pulled itself up and curled up on maines hand and was about to sleep when maine dropped it. It scrambled to get up. It stood and climbed up maines back digging in his claws as he did earlier. (brb)
((Oh crap. Spellcheck changed a word into awesome... I guess That's good because it was kinda bad)) 

Chel glanced at the ground, seeing a metal pipe. She picked it up and said, "I think we found a solution for... That." She thrusted the pipe into the P.C.'s face.
(ok back)

The P.C. took the hit like it was nothing. "Oh no.. Im in so much pain." it said sarcastically.

Maine looked at the P.C. "now what do you really do? what is your ability?" he asked again. The P.C. climbed up on top of his head and looked down into his eyes. "you don't need to ask." it whispered. Maine gave a small nod. "I dont want to know anymore.." he said almost seeming hypnotized. He shook his head and growled. "Stop that!" maine hissed
Chel growled and grabbed the P.C. by It's tail and threw it on the sidewalk. She whacked it several times in the head, clenching her teeth. Onyx watched, "Damn."
Maine watched, and sigma got a tight grip on maine's shirt, it was horrifying to him, because after all the creature was a P.C. too. Weather he liked it or not. Sigma looked at it. "Stop hurting him." he said, almost demanding. A thick black blood dripped from the creature's head, and it laid pressed against the ground not daring to move. A P.C. chip appeared next to it, a tiny bit cracked.
Chel thrust the pipe into Maine's hamds. She hissed at it, "You just don't know what to fucking say and who to say it to, do you?" Onyx blinked, surprised. She didn't say anything, just shifted on her feet.
The creature whimpered once and crawled into the chip. Maine picked it up and put it in his pocket. "he's a bit... insane. He was a messed up project the director made, but he told me how to find you onyx. Or at least.. which direction to go in order to find you." maine said. Sigma had an angered look at Chel, his orange flames burned more violently as he let out a deep growl. Maine rolled his eyes, "Don't you start in on me too sigma.."
"Let's go back to base, get reunited with the others." maine suggested. Sigma hissed at Chel. "sigma stop." maine said. Sigma growled at maine. "what do you expect me to forgive her just like that? Imagine if Raptor took a metal pole and bashed tex in the head with it. It's kind of like that." Sigma said. He stopped growling and hissing, but he kept a look of anger towards chel. (ugh I have bad connection)
((It's fine, I passed out anyway))

Onyx sighed, "Sigma, just stop. You do have a point but just drop it." She took thethe pipe from Maine and added, "If you're going to act like that, I'm taking it."
Maine shook his head "oh no your not." he said, "but sigma stop it now or you will be in trouble." maine said again. Sigma rolled his eyes. "Fine." he said. He then yawned and laid down on maine's shoulder. Maine had then realized something for a second time. They are in a human city. Maine looked at the others. "I think we she hurry up and get out of here before something happens."
Janie walks outside tired of hearing the same stories about Nekos that she couldn't believe anymore. She was afraid too speak up, she knew she would get in trouble for hanging out with one of 'them'. She walks along heading in a random direction, not sure what to do.
A group of human soldiers walked past Janie. They all carried there weapons at hand and were talking about a recent fight they had with a neko. "haha we got him pretty good. That big savage didnt even know what hit him!" said one of them. "haha yeah!" said another. "yeah, if nekos are that easy to fight it shouldnt be a problem to get back our base." said another
Onyx followed,literally dragging Chel along with them.

"But I don't know anyone!"

"You'll live. And besides, you know me. I've known them since I can remember."
The creature crawled out of Maine's pocket and on to maine's shoulder. It looked at sigma and flickered a snake-like tongue. Sigma nervously climbed over to onyx's shoulder, avoiding the other P.C. The creature grinned and laid happily in sigma's spot. The creature seemed to be fully healed. Eventually after a while of walking, they got to the base. It looked like nobody had been there in a while. Window's were broken and cobwebs everywhere. Maine sighed. He went to the door and grabbed the handle. He tried to open it but it was still blocked. There were hundreds of pounds of equipment behind it. Maine at first struggled to push the door open but then he used sigmas strength and he opened the door with ease. He walked inside. "It looks worse outside then on the inside. Living conditions arent great but we have what we need to live out here." maine said.
Delta appeared in front of them. "It is safe. The chances of a successful invasion without anybody noticing is 46.7 percent."

Maine tilted his head "that's not so low of a percent delta." maine said with a sigh. "That is correct, maine. But it's safe to stay inside." delta said. "whatever you say." maine said walking around in side the base somewhat looking for the others. "where is the rest of the group?" maine asked. "they were all here a short time ago, I don't know there exact locations but they did not leave. So surely they are here somewhere." delta said.

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