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Realistic or Modern The Perfect Town


Two Thousand Club

Monday morning 6:00 Am

In the perfect town of Evergreen, The perfect child would be getting ready for school at Evergreen High or Evergreen University. The perfect parent would have breakfast already prepared and would be getting ready for work. Evergreen had perfect weather just like mayor Mr.Evergreen IV predicted. The small city of Evergreen produced most of the countries oil but the mayor refused to modernize the city.

In the newspaper, there was a post about the upcoming seniors getting married. After you graduated that's what you were supposed to then take some college classes to take over the current businesses in evergreen or work at the Evergreen plant. The crime was zero and the prisons were empty everything was Evergreen.
Amara lay on her bed, reading her favorite book, Highland Warrior. Sighing she rolled over and hugged the book to her chest. This had to be the dozenth time she read through the story, it being one of a few she had hidden from her parents. Looking at the clock, Amara realized she should be getting down to breakfast, she could smell the pancakes and eggs her mother was cooking. Scooting to the edge of her bed, she pulled on a loose board in the wall and slipped the novel back into its hiding place. After making sure the board was firmly back in place, she grabbed her school bag and headed downstairs. She left her bag on the bench by the door before walking into the kitchen. "Morning mom, smells delicious." She said, placing a kiss on her moms check as she passed her. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard, she poured some orange juice and went to the table. "Morning dad, hows the paper?" She asked as she took her seat and her mother turned to place plates of steaming food in front of them. She smiled and nodded as the usual perfect conversion ensued between her parents, giving the appropriate responses when prompted.

Having seen her father off to work and said goodbye to her mother, Amara was relieved to get away from the perfectness for a bit. She allowed herself to daydream about valiant knights and daring pirates as she walked to school.
"I wish life here could be more adventurous or even just more diverse." She sighed to herself as the school came into view. Shaking the wishful thoughts from her head, Amara plastered a smile on her face and resigned herself to another perfect day at Evergreen High.
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Ebere woke up and practically fell out of bed because of the horrible alarm she kept for some reason. Quickly running to the bathroom, she began her morning routine. Ebere furiously brushed her teeth until her gums stung and gurgled the painful mouth wash before spitting it out. Now the battle she had fought for many years. She slowly took up her weapon and pounced on the beast. Her weapon was a brush and the monster was the mess that was her hair. After Two hours straight she finally defeated it and tamed her hair.

After shedding her Minnie Mouse pajamas she changed into her usual outfit and rushed to snatch a doughnut from the kitchen before her parents could even say anything to her about the mishap that happened last night that involved a long talk about segregation.

Last night she got a bit loud with her protests and got numerous complaints from neighbors. Now that she thought about it, almost everyone on the block complained. She got another warning from the police and was sent off. Her parents were absolutely livid which caused the long talk.

She bolted out of the front door like a bullet and ran to every single pole she could find in her colored only neighborhood to put multiple posters on them. An old lady out on her regular stroll yelled at her again as usual.
Rori un-tangled himself from last nights fling and went into the kitchen "Thanks for the food." she wiped her tears and put her fake smile "I just want my little boy back." Rori rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of toast "Samantha or whatever needs to be gone by the time I get home." his mother just nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. Rori got in the shower and started to sing he was huge Sam Smith fan. Then his mom knocked "Rori you're going to be late." He ignored her and continued to sing "This ain't love it's clear to see."

His mom sat outside the bathroom with a brush and his backpack "Rori dear are you doing choir this year?" Rori came out and brushed his butt-length hair "If that would make you happy." he shrugged then kissed her on the forehead. He ran out the house then walked back in his mom was waiting at the door with his bag "Thanks." he said then headed for Evergreen High School.

Once he arrived he walked to his class and sat near the window. Rori wasn't interested in making friends or getting to know the square girls. He just sat stared out the window or sketched in a book. But today Rori was feeling music so he put his headphones and started humming Lay me down to himself. His green eyes lit up they almost looked yellow he was true bliss. As long as no one sat next to him he would continue to be that way.
Ebere got on the bus and watched it move. The bumps were relaxing and soothed her constantly worriying head. Eventually she got there. After mumbling a thank you, she walked to her class. School was surprisingly her favorite place out of the whole town. You could mingle with anyone without being limited by the color of their skin.

Eventually Eberegot to her class. Sitting at her usual seat right in the middle, she took out an old notebook which was already tearing off of the metal spiral and opened it. The pages were completely covered with notes she jotted down and half finished essays. She flipped to a new page and titled it "How to not get arrested," She sat lost in thought before the teacher walked in.
Amara was walking down the hall towards her class when she noticed a boy with long hair and bright as walk into the class next to hers. Pausing at the door, she peeked in and saw him sitting by the window with his headphones in. Well that's interesting, she thought, wonder who he is.. She bit her lip, curiously watching the boy who seemed so out of place in their perfect little town. "What am i doing? Class is gonna start." She mumbled to herself, sighing she gave the boy a last curious glance before moving on to her own classroom. Slipping into the room, she took a seat near the back and pulled an 'approved' book from her bag. Leaning back against her chair she started reading as she waited for the teacher to call attendance and begin the day.
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Five minutes into class Rori got put out "I didn't want to be in this shit hole anyway." he said slamming the door. He sat in the hall and wrote in his lyric book. "Is there someone missing me." he sang to himself then pulled out his phone. he stood and stretched "15 more minutes until second hour." He stood outside the room next door and peeked through the window. Rori felt like that was the only teacher who understood him.
Ebere jotted down meaningless notes as the teacher continued talking about the history of the town. Each word made her deeply cringe, she needed something to drone out the words. Slowly she snuck in a pair of ear buds and flipped through some songs. Most were incredibly boring and would put her to sleep in a minute. Ebere found some sort of cheesy pop song and pressed play. Lightly bobbing her head she looked at each of the students. They looked as if they were characters of a 50's t.v show. They were nice but, it felt that if you talked to them every word they said was scripted and repeated until they got it down to perfection.
Amara was bored, listening to the teacher talk. She'd already read the whole chapter he was going over. She absently doodled in the margins of her notebook, wondering what it would be like to spend the summer in the real world. Knowing her parents would never allow it, Mara sighed and turned to check the clock. Spotting the boy she'd seen earlier standing outside the door, she tipped her head slightly and stared curiously. Why's he in the hall? She wondered, studying his face. He's rather handsome, she thought, blushing lightly as she imagined him being a pirate from one of her books.
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The teacher noticed Rori in the hall "Rori just come in." I walked in quietly closing the door "Hey... She put me out again." The teacher sighed "I figured it happens every year just sit down." I sat down next to this blonde girl with blue eyes "Pssst do you have a pencil?" I figured if I was going to skip in his class I had to do some type of work. I looked the girl up and down waiting for a response she was pretty small and had beautiful blue eyes. She looked similar to every other girl in this town but she had a glow to her.
Amara pulled her gaze away from the boy as the teacher called him in. So his name's Rori. She thought as she pretended to be involved with her notes. Looking up in surprise as he sat beside her, she gave a small smile and nodded. "Here," she reached into her bag and then offered him the pencil. "My names Amara, by the way." Tuning the teacher out, she concentrated on the boy beside her as she continued to doodle in her notebook. Sketching a pair of haunted eyes as she wondered what he'd done to get booted from his own class.
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I accepted the pencil "Thanks, Amara." I smiled then started to write but for some reason, I couldn't concentrate. I looked over to Amara and tried to show her my notebook I wrote a small note in the corner "This is a snooze fest." Then I suddenly regretted writing that "what if she a square and tells" I thought to myself. Well, only time could tell...
Amara bit her lip, trying not to laugh as she saw his note.
It is rather boring (:
She wrote on her own notebook. Smiling she repositioned the book so that he would be able to see the note and random drawings.
Rori smiled "You're a cool chick." he whispered. It was my final year of high school and I finally met someone worth talking to. My mind filled with so many questions, "Does she like sports?" "Is she fan of art.?" Instead of asking I pulled out my sketchbook and ripped out a page. I wrote a note on the back "6th street visit anytime."

Amara blushed lightly at the compliment and looked down at her desk before glancing back up at him. She took the offered page and placed it in her notebook. "Wow," she whispered, tracing her finger over the ballerina, "she's beautiful." Amara wondered what it would be like to express herself so freely through dance as she imagined the ballerina Rori had drawn would.
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"I could draw you," Rori said with a smile on his face. He pulled his long hair into a ponytail "I draw for a living." Rori closed his books because the bell was about to ring "Whenever you're ready third house on 6th street."
Ebere mindlessly flipped through the pages of the notebook practically begging for the lecture to end. She could be doing anything else and it would better than sitting here and doing nothing. She placed her head on the desk and in her mind let out a groan, How long has it been?! I swear he hasn't even taken a breath to stop. Was all that she could think. Waiting for the bell, Ebere hoped the teacher would be struck by lightning.
Amara was surprised by the offer but intrigued by the idea. "I'll find you." She said with a smile. Closing her books she slipped them into her bag and stood as the bell rang. "See you around, Rori." She headed to her next class, while thinking about her interesting new acquaintance, An artist, hmm, maybe this town is more interesting than it looks.
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Ebere quickly got up and packed her things. She had English next which was across the hall so she left the classroom and started her long walk over. On the way she bumped into a girl and dropped her books. If this was a romance novel she would would have blushed and slowly reached down to pick them up but then looked into the eyes of the protagonist and immediately fell in love. But this is the real world. Ebere practically fell down and awkwardly scrambled to snatch up all of her books before muttering a sorry and jogged away. She didn't even get a glance at the girl.
Amara squeaked in surprise as another girl bumped her in the hall, books falling to the floor around them. "Are you okay?" She asked as she knelt to help with the books, however the girl had already scooped them up with a mumbled apology as she took off down the hall. "Well today keeps getting stranger." She muttered, watching the mop of curly brown hair disappear down the hall.

Standing, Amara dusted her skirt off with an amused smile. Then she turned and headed for the library, it was her free period so she hoped to find something interesting to read. Entering the library, she gave a friendly wave to the librarian before scouring the shelves for a new discovery.
"Shit! I'm late, I'm so fucked"! Renn Tenni exclaimed, flinging her bedsheets away as her bare legs got tangled up in them.
"Renn Tenni, don't use that language"! She heard her pregnant mother shout from her room, obviously not asleep.
"Bite my ass"! Renn retorted, grabbing and putting her glasses on quick, checking her bedside clock.

After twenty minutes of sprinting faster than she knew she was able, Renn burst into her classroom, panting heavily, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. Her hair was sprawled out and her outfit was hastily put on. As if that wasn't degrading enough, her stomach rumbled. Loud. Renn went red, making her way to her seat, ignoring the detention she received.

( Anyone Anyone )
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Ebere finally got there and was at her seat just like any other student. She looked up in surprise seeing a girl with bright pink hair rush in late. What was her name again? Oh yeah it's Amara! Ebere watched as she walked over close to her and sat in the seat two desks away from her. Ebere quickly pretended she was busy doing some work hoping Amara would notice her being uncomfortable.

Taking out a notebook and the book they were assigned to read, Ebere looked up at the teacher. He had the same plastic smile everyone else had but his almost seemed worse. The teacher's lips were so chapped that if he smiled for any long it looked like the skin would rip open like a bag of chips and just start bleeding. She immediately looked back down, trying to forget about his mouth.

R Rock And Roll Boy
Rori walked into his favorite class art he sat down and started to sketch. He always drew something controversial but this year he really outdid himself and t got him sent to the office. Rori tried to explain that his sketch wasn't lude but it expressed a beauty that the world needed to see. He got suspended on the first day but his photo got posted on the school wall because it was still a piece of art.

Renn, while having anger issues, did want to succeed in all her classes. "God. I'm so bored" she muttered to herself, gasping quietly as she saw their teacher spin round and give her a death stare, making Renn's pupils dilate. She looked away from him, his death stare dauntingly effective, going red again as she ended up looking right at Ebere. Trying to ignore her heated, degraded blushes, she gave Ebere a curt nod before facing forwards.

SheepKing SheepKing
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Ebere turned three shades red out of pure embarrassment and confusion. There were so many possibilities as to why she nodded at her and yet none could fully form in her head. What was left was a bunch of half answers and worst possible cases. Ebere quickly hid behind her book making sure that Amara wouldn't be able to see her face again.

After cooling down a little, she listened to the teacher's monotone voice explain the deeper meaning of the story they were reading. As he explained it seemed as if he didn't even know the meaning and was just reading of a page. Ebere desperately wanted to explain to Everyone around how deep the book was but her own emotions discouraged her, leaving Ebere without a voice.
R Rock And Roll Boy

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