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Realistic or Modern The Party of a Life Time ~Forever Accepting~



It was 7am in the morning and I had enter a contest to this party everyone was talking about. Me and my dumb sister got invited fro it because my parents thinks that it would be good for the both of us to finally get along. In my head I was like "What the fuck is wrong with my parents". I got up and went over to my private bathroom and took a nice shower and washed my hair. After I got out the bathroom I went in to my walk in closet and puts on my high-rise jeans with my red crop top and some converses that I had and flat-ironed my hair and went over to put some make up on and my maids grabbed my bags down to my car and I was eating some breakfast that my cook has made for us.



I was already up swimming in the pool, I walked out the pool and went inside the house. I saw my sister eating breakfast I rolled my eyes and ran up the stairs to my room. I went to go shower and wash my hair. Right after I didn't finish packing, so I was getting dressed and packing at the same time. I put on some random shinny jeans and some top i got from hot top and my sneakers. I then let my hair how it was because I didn't care and it looked normal to me (Her hair looks like in the picture above). I ran down stairs while the maids was putting my bags in Nina's care. Yea that's right Nina's car, my parents said I can't get my car until I pass my driving test and that might be long until that happens. So I been riding to school and going places in Nina's car. I went on my IMac and went to see videos of my in the ocean and see all the mistakes I have made.

@TheUnspokenGodess @likeliteraltrash



"GREYSON GIVE ME MY BLANKET BACK" I yelled to my brother as I had to chase him down the hallway, although he was older than me we always acted like little kids, while I was figuring out what to bring with me. I was packing my favorite blanket and my stupid brother came in and ran off with it. The housekeeper Jackie got it back for me, she hated it when we ran around the house, I got back to my room and finished getting ready, I picked out a nice tank top and shorts and flip flops. My parents were away on a business meeting so Jackie made me and Greyson breakfast. I quickly ate, the usual breakfast scrambled eggs and toast with apple juice. Greyson helped me to bring my bags to my truck.


So here I am enjoying my nice dream when my alarm clock wakes me up. The annoying beeping sound rings through my ear and I groan before slowly reaching up to find the damn thing and turn it off. I had set the alarm because I needed to finish packing and because I love to sleep, although I think just about everyone does. Slowly sitting up I rub my eyes and then ruffle my hand through my hair. The sound of the television and voices downstairs was enough to let me know that both my parents were up and my siblings. First thing I did though was step into the shower and let the feeling of warmth do its job in fully waking me up. Once I was done I threw on a pair of faded jeans that hung off my hips, a white t-shirt and a jacket, my tims, and a snap back to top it all off. As I walked downstairs my little brother Jonathan runs past me with his toy and bumps into me. I turn and look at him, " Man watch out Jon" I spoke not really annoyed but I enjoyed messing with him. My older sister Jasmine was sitting at the table with my parents and when she spotted me she rolled her eyes.

" Well look who decided to join us"

" Yeah Morning to you too Jazz"

My mother looked up from the paper she was reading and welcomed me with a heart warming smile. Yeah my moms the the greatest. My father simply grunted and then nodded in my direction and that was his way of saying good morning. When I sit down my mother passes me a plate of eggs,bacon, and grits. It was my favorite and I don't hesitate to dig in. " So when exactly are you leaving?" My mother speaks after taking a few gulps of her juice and I look up at her. " In a little bit, mostly everyone's getting there stuff together right about now". my father who had been quiet for the most part decides to join on in this little conversation. "Yeah well stay safe and have fun iight?". I nod my head in his direction and when I turn my head I catch my sister's glare.

" Jazz what's the problem?"

" There's no problem, I'm still trying to figure out why you couldn't leave earlier"

" Yeah fuck you too"

" Ju Ju , language". I can hear my mother's stern voice and I look up at her with a look that says I'm sorry. Jasmine looks content and then goes back to scrolling on her phone and I finish eating my breakfast.

When I walk back into my room I''m not sure how to feel. Jonathan is jumping around on my bed, tossing clothes into the bag on the bed and missing and somehow he managed to get one of my shirts on, but in his case it was on backwards. Jonathan was only six and he was as annoying as a six year old could get. " Jon what are you doing?". Jonathan looked shocked for a moment but then he tilted his head to the side in slight confusion and pointed to the mess that was on the bed. " I'm helping you pack". I fight back a laugh because I can tell that he genuinely was serious and I walk over and ruffle his curly little head and sit down on the bed and pick up the clothes he tossed, folding them and placing them into the bag. "Okay man go grab some more pants and underwear". Jon's face lits up at the fact that I wasn't kicking him out the room or shouting at him and he raced over to my drawer and started grabbing more things. I wondered what everyone else was doing and to be quite honest I was ready to get out of the house, but for now I was content with packing with Jonathan.

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After breakfast I turned around and saw Amanda on her IMac as usually. I walked over to her and said "Amanda get you ass up or I am leaving you here we have to go to that Mansion now" I said looking at her, After that I went upstairs to grab my phone and my Imac and my Ipad with all my chargers and headphones and puts it in my purse and goes in the car beeping at Amanda to hurry up.



I laugh at her and said "No problem bitch". I got up and grabbed my headphones and my mac and left the house and went inside her car after she started to beep at me.



I was having a good ass dream until my alarm clock went off. I got up and shuts it off and says "Wow thank you so much Alarm Clock". I got up and walked my way to the bathroom and went to shower. After my shower i walked over to my closet and picked out some jeans and a shirt that I had and some shoes. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and milk and watching my videos on my youtube channel because hell I love looking at myself I am Fabulous. After my breakfast my maids puts my bags in my car and packs all my youtube stuff as well. I walked over and took my Mac and walked out the house and went inside my car. I started the car and my favorite song came on and I drove away going to the mansion.



I said bye to my brother and after several attempts I finally got into the truck. I loved singing in the car but after a while it get boring so I pulled my phone out while I was parked at a stop light and looked through my contacts to see who I could call, just to talk to. without really looking I just picked someone randomly, when I looked down I was calling Nick




I was like 10 minutes away from the mansion and once I was at a stop light Callie started to call me. I connected my phone to my car and said "Hey Callie what's up"



"Hiiiiiii, ummm what are you doing" I really didn't know what to say, I was never great at talking on the phone. I just have to make sure to focus on driving. I was actually a little surprised he answered me.​

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I smiled and said "I am driving and on my way to this party I am like 5 minutes away not far what about you" I said making a right turn



I was happy that at least I wouldn't be the first one there " Yayyy I'm almost there too, byeee" I was hoping that I wouldn't have too much trouble parking the truck, I hated driving it, here I am this little 5'2" girl driving this massive truck




I was driving my car and we were like 4 minutes around from the party. And I was getting text from work and they said this party will determine how I do and stuff. I don't even know what the hell they are talking about but I don't care I came to take a break from work not do more work. Once we got there I parked my car in the drive way and walked out the car and was on my phone while the maids was bring my bags in the house and I was on Instagram.



I rolled my eyes while Nina was taking selfies on her phone and I was still on my IMac looking on youtube and saw Nick's you tube shows up. I was really upset because I did dump him because he is indeed a dick to me. I did like him but I had to come up with something to break up with him so I don't like him away more



I laughed and said "Yea bye I will see you there". After hanging up the phone I was like a minute away from mansion. I parked my car right behind Nina's car. I hoped out and looked at her and said "Hey Nina, miss me". I looked at my phone and it was a lot of Instagram feeds and YouTube stuff. I looked at Nina and said "Callie is on her way and is Amanda with you I really don't want to start problems with her"




I was taking pictures until Nick came along. My sister's ex, I looked at him and said "Hey Nick and I can't wait fro her to come since she is my roommate." I said looking at him



I hoped out the car and heard every word he said and I said "Yea don't even bother starting problems with me on this trip either , I came to party not to deal with ex-boyfriend problems" I said looking at him and walked inside the mansion and seating there on the couch

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I finally got to the mansion, and the only thing I could think of was that I really, really had to go to the bathroom. As soon as I parked the truck I quickly jumped down and ran towards the door "gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee,gotta pee" I ran right past Nina and Nick, one of the maids had to show me where the bathroom is. A few minutes later I walked back outside and gave a hug to Nina and Nick "This is so exciting"
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I laughed and said "Well then nice to see you again Amanda and you think I didn't come for the same thing not to deal with girlfriend problems okay" I turned around and saw Callie park her car and tuning in the house and she had to use the bathroom bad. Once she came back I said "Hey Callie" I said huging her back



I laughed and said "Nick don't worry about her okay she just bitchy,okay" I said laughing at him. I then saw Callie come and she was running to the bathroom and when she came back I said "Hey Callie" giving her a big hug. I then looked at them both and said "You guys look cute" I said looking at Callie and Nick



I was watching on of Nick's youtube video with me in it and this was when we went suffering for the first time for him. I started to laugh and then I saw Callie running to the bathroom and said "Dumb ass Red heads" then I plug back in my headphone and continues to watch the video.




Seeing both Nina and Nick made me realize how much I missed them, once Nina made the comment about Nick and I looking cute, I giggled a little and poked his stomach the way I normally did "Can we go look around" I asked the two. I felt weird having not saying anything to Amanda when I passed her, but I know she is not all that fond of me, and honestly she scares me




I nodded and said "Yea let's go look around and get use to this house" I went in the house and said "It looks so nice in her like Oh my god".



I laughed when Nina said that and said "Why thank you Nina I know we are". When Callie poked my stomach I laughed and said "Stop it Callie" I said in a playful way and picked her up from her leg and went inside the house putting her down



I couldn't help but start laughing when Nick brought me into the house"This is so weird" I said happily before he put me down, I looked around the house it seemed big, a lot bigger than my house"I love this house", I started wondering around, I found the backyard "There's a pool yayy" I yelled​




I kinda got a little excited when Nick mentioned that he would be going swimming with us later, and without a shirt. I held Nina and Nick's hands and walked towards the stairs "let's go find our rooms" I was really excited to be able to room with Nina and hopefully Nick's room would be some what close.




I smiled and said "Nick, shirtless what can be better in this trip" I said laughing. I walked upstairs with Callie and finding our rooms. I can't wait for the parties to start tomorrow because it would be the best week ever. I then looked at Nick and said "We are in room number 1 what about you Nick"



I was in room number 3 because well I had to pick a room right. I was already in there talking to my best friend which she is not here yet. I am hope she is coming because she's the only one who understands me.


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