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Fantasy The Packs

RowanClaw stumbled over a small rock and growled softly. He slipped through dense trees and underbrush, a new scent filled his senses, Draik pack. Maybe they will want to play!! He trots into enemy territory, sniffing around absent mindedly.

Fang watches Saige leap onto a low hanging branch, he smiles lightly. His pack had many females to choose to mate with, yet mating wasn't a petty thing to him, he mates for life, being as loyal as he is.

Willow makes her way through the forest, loving the smells and scenary.

Blaze sniffed the air and picked up an unfamiliar scent lingering in the forest. He trailed the scent for as long as he could, slipping past bushes. Then, he found what had wandered onto the territory: a strange wolf. He held back a gasp. Did they come from the other side of the river?!
RowanClaw stumbled around on heavy puppy paws in the Draik territory. He pants softly, his little puppy nose wet as he pushes over a rock and plays with a large bettle from under it.
He poked his head out of the bushes. "Hello?" He grinned at the pup, not noticing that he was from the Dwarven side of the river. If this pup got the right amount of training, this pup could be a great warrior to have by the side of the packs.
Saige quickly ate her meal. She had been very hungry. She smiled as a small bird landed next to her. Instead of killing it, which would most likely be what most wolves would do, she quietly patted it with her paw, giggling softly as it landed on her snout.


"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Hawkstorm asked, admiring the scenery.
RowanClaw was large for ten months, he looked up at the new male wolf, he wagged his tail happily. "Oh! Hello!" He said happily, he had no sense of danger toward the rival pack member, he was young and impressionable, easy to train to be a vicious warrior, or a loyal warrior.

Fang chuckled lightly, the scent of a pup drifted in the breeze and he perked his ears.

Willow nodded, "why yes, it's beautiful. I'm glad that we relocated here, Alpha." She bowed lightly.
He shook out his fur and looked down at RowanClaw. "My name is BlazeEye, and I've never seen someone like you around here!" The Omega was glad to meet someone new, and he would get the chance to be with anyone but his pack.
RowanClaw wagged his tail, "I'm from Dwarven pack!" He exclaimed happily, not realizing the Packs despised one and other, and trespassers we're often killed.
BlazeEye lowered his tail in fear. Another pack? He had heard the Alpha mention a rival pack, but what was he going to do with this innocent pup? The right thing, he decided. To hide him from the pack. "Hey," he said, looking a bit better, "I know where we can play, or we can stay here and play with the stones. It's fine either way."
RowanClaw wagged his tail, "oooh! Take me to a new place to play! I love new places!" He bounced excitedly, wagging his tail and barking with excitement.
Saige smelt the pup as well and looked around. It didn't smell like a Draik pack pup at all. She jumped down from her branch, the small blue bird following her. She walked up to WolfFang's rock. "Do you smell that?" she asked quietly so no one else would overhear. "It smells like Dwarven pack."


MistSong took off, swirling around tree roots, jumping over logs and dodging tree branches. She looked around until she spotted a small patch of herbs. "Okay Willow, this will be the first herb you learn about. It is called Cotton. It helps with burns and other medical problems."
He barked back in excitement. "Great! I'll show you some nice places!" He sighed with relief and headed off into the wood, pointing out many different features like the tall rocks that they passed. Blaze padded along a mossy road, hoping to stray away from his pack, but he walked across the grove of trees next to the dens without noticing.
WolfFang nodded, it smells of a Dwarven Pup. He stands up, and leaps from his position to the ground. He lands with a heavy thud, and looks around, the pup was close, very close. "what is a Dwarven pup doing so close to camp? They rarely venture far from the boarder."

RowanClaw looks around happily, smelling the ground and chasing after a few mice he sees every once in awhile.
Hearing the rumbling tone of WolfFang's growl caused him to pick up the pace a little. He, too, had started bounding after prey, but then snapped back to the front. "Over here, we have some herbs," He darted into the assortment of plants. "There might be another mouse or a squirrel in here... maybe a rabbit?"
Saige looked concerned. The Dwarven Pack was their enemy. She leaped down along with him and faced her Alpha, "Do you wish for me to go check it out. Since it's a pup they might be less scared of a female. Anyways, the pup probably doesn't mean any harm."
WolfFang nodded, "yes, check it out, I'll remain here, for all we know it may be a diversion for an attack. We careful and come back Quickly." He ordered, before beginning to circle camp, smelling for more Dwarven.

RowanClaw leaped on the pile, a mouse squeaked and scampered away, RowanClaw leaped on it, picking it up in his mouth. It squirmed and squeaked, the scent of Draik becoming stronger. He wagged his fluffy tail, shaking his head with the mouse in his mouth.
"Yes, Alpha." and with that Saige took off. She could run quietly and quickly if needed and now it was needed. What she saw was an odd sight. There was one Draik pack member, Blaze, and one member of which she believed belonged to the Dwarven pack. The Dwarven pack member had a mouse in it's mouth and Blaze seemed to be helping him. "Blaze?" she asked softly, trying not to upset anyone.
RowanClaw put his mouse down, putting a paw on it to keep it from running away. He looked up at Saige, "oh! Hello! Hi!! I'm rowanclaw!!" He said wagging his tail. He was young, but adorable.
Saige smiled a tiny bit but kept up her questioning, "Nice to meet you, too. I am Saige, beta of the Draik Pack. Anyways, why are you here Rowan?" she asked, her bluebird landing on her shoulder.

(I'm going to bed. Night!)
Lily followed the older she-wolf to the oak tree and stopped next to her. She observed the herbs and memorise the smell. "Cotton," she said it out loud so the name will stay in her head.


Pyro stumbled across WolfFang, the omega of her pack, and an unknown wolf. She was just going out to the river to explore more, but the strange scent of the young male wolf had fought her attention. She was about to approach them but stopped when she saw Saige, the co-leader of the pack.

RowanClaw wagged his tail, his tongue lolling. He noticed Pyro and his ears perked forward, he looked to Saige. "I came to play." He wagged his tail and rolled onto his back showing his pinky under belly.
Golden (or the rouge as people keep saying) carefully sniffed each new plant, tasting a few, shredding others, squishing some into a pulp. Her tail thumped on the ground, thinking about all the new knowledge she was gaining by being here.
Crimsonwing let out loud cheerful barks of victory as she landed on top of the cliff. Waging her tail she hopped up and down, rolling on the ground doing her regular happy dance. She has been trying for weeks to make it to the top of the rocky mountain and now she finally succeeded. She was awesome, and knew it! Rolling over she pushed herself back up and let out a howl of victory. Beat that.
Golden stood up and stretched, her tail curling over her back and her jaws opening wide to reveal a sharp set of teeth. She walked out of the fallentree-den and looked around, licking her muzzle from the bitter taste of some of the herbs she had tried. Her tail wagged in the air happily.
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