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Fantasy The Packs

Blaze shivered. He was so close to being executed by the wolf. He nodded, "Saige, he means good. He didn't know he stumbled across our territory." Then, he flinched, huffing in the strange scent of the herbs.
Golden sat and gazed around the camp quietly, noticing a large elk carcass on the ground. She licked her muzzle, but she was already being looked at with suspicion and didn't want to take any food. After all, she had done nothing so far to earn her keep and didn't think she deserved these wolf's prey. She looked around the camp, bored.
RowanClaw pants happily, and looks up at Saige playfully. He rears up, swatting at her nose playfully, "are you a mommy? Cause I want to play!" He wags his tail excitedly.

WolfFang noticed Golden sitting alone, he slowly makes his way to her. He was quite handsome, and large. He sits beside her with a soft thud, his tail curled around his rump. "Find enjoyment in those herbs?" She smelt strongly of mixed herbs.
She looked over at Fang and smiled, nodding happily. "I'm going to be able to do so much more with them than the herbs I'm used to! The blisterwort will mix nicely with the canis root, and oh! The nirnroot and deathbell will be so much more effective than just plain frost marriam..." She started going off on all different herb and plant names and mixes.
WolfFang nodded, listening to her ramble without complaining. He looks toward the entrance of camp, Saige wasn't back yet, and he was beginning to worry.
"...just some simple hawk feathers, or was it an imp stool..?" She stopped talking and looked over at him, her brows furrowing together when she saw worry in his eyes. "A-are you waiting for someone? I don't want to keep you here if you have other matters to attend to.. I'm sorry, I tend to become a bit chatty when it comes to my work." Golden said apologetically, her ear twitching in embarrassment.
"Rowan, I'm glad that you came to play but I think you need to go back to your pack." She said softly, trying not to upset the young pup. "Maybe you can come back another time." She smiled sadly, knowing he would never be able to come back.
Pyro tilted her head to the side a little then walked over and stood next to Saige. She nudge Saige a little, "can he play for a bit? please?" She wagged hr tail then looked at Rowan and back at Saige, "just a little bit?"
"Darling, I fear he cannot. You know of the rivalry between our packs. If they found out Rowan was on our territory they might come attack us." Saige said gently.


Mistsong padded over to a different plant. "This is feverfew. As its name states, it helps with fevers and headaches."
Pyro lowered her head and ears when Saige told her that Rowan can't play. "okay..." she mumbled quietly then watched Rowan. It's the rivalry thing again, she thought.


Lily followed Mist and memories the next herb. "Feverfew," she repeated the name the chuckled, "I think we'll need lots and lots of this herb."

"Hey, it's okay, there are many other pups to play with." Saige said to the she-wolf. She turned back to Rowan, "Do you wish for me to escort you back, Rowan?"


Mistsong laughed. "Most likely. Especially when all the new pups come. Everyone will have a headache then." she joked.
Yipping, Crimsonwing hopped back down the rocky hill making sure to watch where she stepped. The last thing she needs is time fall. From this height that would hurt. Landing safely at the bottom, tail wagging she made her way back to where the pack was. She couldn't wait to tell them!
Golden continued to Fang, "If you need to go someplace I won't keep. you.." She dipped her head.

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