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Fantasy The Packs

Fang withdrew, growling softly, his head lowered below his shoulders in a threatening manner. "Youre a medical wolf?" He withdrew more, no longer growling, yet holding a dominate position. Med wolves were not to be harmed when trespassing through territory, they are sacred wolves.
She slowly stood up, not making any sudden moves to set off his mood. She shook out her thick pelt and nodded. "I may not be in any pack, but I do help animals that need my help when I travel. I want to learn about as many herbs as I can." She dipped her head. "My name is Golden. If it makes you feel better you can 'escort' me or whatever to the river." She kept her tail between her legs, still a little nervous.
Fang nodded, "I shall. To prevent any of my pack members attack you by mistake." He slowly began to walk toward the river. "I am Fang, alpha of Draik." Pup mothers told stories of the draik pack, stories of then being large, murderous wolves who tease and trick rouges, traitors, and enemies until their own demise.
Golden's ears pricked at the pack name she had heard so many stories about. The ravens had told her about them, leading rouges and other wanders to traps and treating them unfairly. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and she loped behind him, her fur raising slightly.
He trots through the forest, leaping over logs elegantly. The draik were known to be cruel, yet they are not traitors or foolish wolves. They are noble and brave wloves. He leads her to the rover before sitting, letting her fond the herbs.
The dipped her head in thanks and noses around the riverbed, her eyes widening in excitement or her tail wagging happily whenever she came across a new plant or flower. She walked back and forth across the side of the river for awhile, digging up roots and bulbs and pulling up plants. When she was satisfied with what she found, she made her way back to Fang with a bundle of assorted herbs in her gentle jaws. She dropped them in front of him to speak. "Thank you, this will help immensely in my studies and research. I never knew these forest held such abundant supplies of herbs!"

(i'll be away for a few minutes, I gtg walk my dog)
Fang nodded briskly, "you may stay with my pack, for however long you please if you need to. Medic wolves are always welcome to the territory."
Blaze sat among the rocks at the riverbed. Today was slightly colder than other days, but it mattered to him. His right golden eye focused on the river. "The Alpha of Draik never takes a break, does he? WolfFang thinks he's so important, does he now? The stories that I hear sound fake." He paced around in circles, then knocked a rock into the river, watching it tumble away into the blue. He sighed and started towards the pile of leaves he had created only for himself.
(hey i'm back)

Golden nodded to Fang in gratitude. "Thank you. Are there other medic wolves in your pack?" she asked curiously.
Blaze scowled at the fact that when he was almost to his home when he noticed the Alpha speaking to another wolf. He should stop lying to himself, this was reality. He was stuck in this torn up pack, and now WolfFang was recruiting another packmate. What luck, he thought.
Wof Fang shook his head, "no, yet you can summon Dwarven pack's Medic wolf and apprentice." His amber eyes flickered toward Blaze, before looking back toward Golden, he had no interest in Blaze.
Golden nodded. She looked back when she saw his eyes look away. She saw the wolf and turned back to Fang. She gestured with her head towards the other wolf. "Who's he?" She asked.
Fang twitched his ears, "That's blaze, the Omega of my pack." He says as he looked toward Blaze, being the Omega made him bitter, yet Fang didn't care much, Omega's normally earned the low title, and Blaze was no exception.
Fang gestured for her to follow, as he Led her toward camp. "you may sleep in the Medic den, if you have any problems with my subordinates, let me know, so I may deal with it accordingly."
Fang pushed through the barrier of thorn bushes that protect the entrance of camp. He shakes a few out if his thick black fur, and gestures toward a fallen tree, the the small opening leading to a large den, "that's the Medic den." He nods.
The wolf went out to the rest of of the pack. At the moment, he didn't want to stay long. BlazeEye snuck out in a gathering of trees around the dens. Sure, he couldn't hunt that well, but maybe some rest would be nice at the moment. Then it came across his thoughts, and his eye glared at the wolves. "What's on the other side of the river?" He muttered, remembering when he tried swimming to the other side, but he was weaker and a pup. Now that he was stronger, he had the idea of a lifetime.
Golden's ears prick up as she looks at the den. She looks at Fang and nods in thanks then pads over to the fallen log, entering the den.
Saige smelt the rogue. Female, she guessed. She sighed and picked up the large elk, taking one last look at the area where Fang had disappeared. She then ran swiftly back to camp and placed the elk in the food pile. "New food!" Saige yelled out.


"Probably near the large oak tree." She smiled at the younger wolf and then spoke, "Shall we get going?"


Hawk followed her gaze and smiled. He was glad their pack was alive and thriving. And now with more food on the way it was even better.

(I've been at school and choir all day)
He lie down in the slightly chilling breeze, thinking of the wonders hidden away from him and the pack on the other side of the river. He had never asked, and did not know of a different pack, nor did he recognize any other scents masked deeper into the darkness. Before he could ponder for hours, the scent of fresh blood from prey drifted to the trees.
Golden brushed away some pine needles and cleared a small dirt patch. She gently placed down the herbs and plants she had found by the river and separated them into different piles. She smiled in satisfaction at the new finds, her tail wagging and thumping on the ground in contentment.

(sorry I gtg, i'll be on tomorrow :3 )
Fang trots up a fallen tree that had made a bridge like structure that led to his den. He sat high on his den rock, watching over the camp quietly.

Willow enhaled deeply, "care to take a walk?" The beautiful she-wolf stood up, and began to make her way into the forest.

RowanClaw trotted through the forest, pushing his way through the undergrowth quickly, and clawing himself under fallen longs as he adventures through his pack's territory.

RaccoonPelt had ventured away from her litter mate, RowanClaw to go on her own adventure. she sniffed a few plants near the edge of the river, and beginning to chew on a dug up plant bulb.
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Blaze's ears perked up in excitement at the phrase. Though, he had to wait a while. The Alpha and the rest of the pack would tear right into the elk, but it was his role to wait. Being the Omega meant less than a regular wolf to most, but that meant a little more to BlazeEye. A little.
Saige grabbed a bit off the elk and walked over to sit near a tree away from the commotion. As she walked, she nodded quietly in respect to WolfFang, who was sitting on the rock above his den. She began to wonder what happened with the rogue. Once she got to a taller tree, she leaped up into a somewhat low branch and began to eat her late breakfast. Leaping was a skill not many wolves could do.


Hawk smiled. "I would love to go on a walk." he said as he followed her into the woods. They were beautiful this year with multicoloured flowers and bright green trees.


Reedstripe sighed. Today had been incredibly uneventful so far. He walked over to the pile. The elk was almost gone and it had been the only thing on the pile. He grabbed the last piece. He was glad mating season was finally here, which meant sooner or later there would be more food. He walked over to a shady rock.

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