~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~


Makes sense and sounds good to me! I'm up for a frenemy for Aderyn haha.

I like the idea they swim in the same circles so they -have- to be friends to a point : P

I do think there's certain things they could bond over/at least tolerate each other with too haha, like discussing fashion and whatnot.

Depending how far you wanna go with it they could even have occasionally mingled through parents knowing each other as business contacts or social status, so they could have been forced to hang out with one another once every year or so from earlier on. Rich people do travel a lot haha
They just have really different personalities, and all Belle would be able to do when they hang out is get paranoid. Lol. I think they're more in the acquaintances range.
yeah maybe

I might be one of the only ones who's character doesn't have his parents in the picture.
@UltraYuseke @Pasha @cloudyblueday

@DamagedGlasses @Allcure @AikoMomone @Iallcsz @WritingMan @Ozerath @M4K3SH1FT
Right, I've an announcement to make! Providing my coursework allows it, I'll be starting the RP at 5:00ish my time. You can figure out what time it is for you during the timezones in the database. This time will allow everyone a chance to be awake and post near the start, and also allow me time to write up the post. It'll be fairly long as I have to set up context stuff, so don't worry, you don't need to match the length. The hype!
WritingMan said:
@Allcure Hey, how would you feel if Mark had evidence that proved Axel was a drug dealer or had sold drugs while on school grounds?
Hmmmm I wouldn't mind but i don't think it would hold that much leverage over him, Most people already know he's a dealer and he doesn't really care about school all too much as he already has a decent paying job, so feel free just don't expect it to have that much leverage over him. Unless of course Mark wanted to go to the police but even then I think Axel is too cocky and proud to cave to blackmail like that.
Allcure said:
Hmmmm I wouldn't mind but i don't think it would hold that much leverage over him, Most people already know he's a dealer and he doesn't really care about school all too much as he already has a decent paying job, so feel free just don't expect it to have that much leverage over him. Unless of course Mark wanted to go to the police but even then I think Axel is too cocky and proud to cave to blackmail like that.
He wouldn't use it for blackmail or leverage unless something really critical came up. He'd just keep it in his collection of secrets so if someone ever came along and said, "I want to know Axel's secret's," he would then sell them those secrets for a hefty price.
Oh, Ginge, I think I might be taking that offer you made me earlier on about multiple characters. I'll probably make the character sometime after the start though, since it's going to be tomorrow that we start and it can take me anywhere between twelve hours and two weeks to make a character if I have ideas and everything.

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