~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

WritingMan said:
He wouldn't use it for blackmail or leverage unless something really critical came up. He'd just keep it in his collection of secrets so if someone ever came along and said, "I want to know Axel's secret's," he would then sell them those secrets for a hefty price.
Sure I'm okay with that, it's just not that big a secret anybody who's anyone knows about it and everyone else suspects it strongly
@UltraYuseke : Actually, I'm going to have to go back on that offer because of how many people we've got now, my apologies :')
Oh yeah, if anyone feels like makin' cool links, just speak up! (By the way ginge, I like the whole link business. It's pretty fun :D )
Why thank you, Prizzy my man, and I must say I agree completely on what you've put for Robin's link with Leon :D
I'm just going to go around and make links with /everybody/ because Belle is that kinda person.

Wanna do something, Prizzy? :D
@cloudyblueday, you know it :P *Shuffles over to read sheet*

*Casually shuffles over and takes a sneak-peek at own cs due to bad memory* Why I thought it fit him exactly, Skyginge my good fellow!
@Pasha Updated my link and checked yours first, love it! Mines a bit of a sappier version of the story, since my characters sappier : P

@Prizzy Kriyze I think our characters will get on well once they meet haha.
There, I finally have all my links done. If anyone disagrees or wants to work something out then just mention it.
@tem502 Awwwe... I just read your link with Ambre, it's so saaad! Ambre is horrible, lol. I love it though, it'll be a nice little bitty side plot.
I think i finally nailed down my character consept. I'm going for a teenage Old man Hendersson.
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Everything is going ahead as planned and the RP will be starting in four hours time as originally stated! However, there's still a whooping 8 of you yet to watch the Overview section like I asked. You really need to do that otherwise you will miss things and get confused. I'm about to post something in it now, for instance, but I'm not going to be telling you all here everytime as well :P ( @Shura @Iallcsz seeing as the pair of you are yet to watch this page too :') )

Its lovecraftian
Plz, it's called "shoggoth". And if I've understand the premise correctly, there should be no mention of monster yet, as there might never even be any.
What do you mean can you make one xD It's a monster, right? And Prizzy is completely right, so no, you can't :')

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