~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

Well, amnesia, from what I know, doesn't always remove the impression one knows somebody or something, since it simply gets rid of a person's access to certain or all memories. Feelings are still possibly left accessible, so it would make sense for her to like Leon and not know why. Great idea @SkyGinge. Glad I asked you for opinions, as you were a real great help! Five stars out of five! xD

There, a nice two paragraphs so you won't be double posting if it comes down to it (^.^)
I wonder what superpower Cammy will get, lmao xD Maybe the ability to make anyone fall asleep! :D In a roleplay one time someone had pink sleep powder in their hair. It was so cool. *.*
Actually, that wouldn't be very fitting of who Camellia actually is, but it would be funny and an enjoyable power to play. Would certainly allow me to play the comedy role, and have her be a clumsy girl who keeps putting herself to sleep by mistake. Would give an entire new meaning to her falling asleep once the whole forced forgetting of traumatic memories is all over xD
Must admit, I'm struggling very much to avoid plagerising it xD

Just for the conveniance of getting to this plot bit, I'm doing a mini timeskip thing, just to warn you guys in advance.
Should I post? I was thinking that the best thing to do was wait for the others react a bit before going again. >.> Also, @Shura is going to be gone until Tuesday, so she won't be able to post until then. I wasn't sure if that was discussed here yet.
@DamagedGlasses She did announce that, yes. Feel free to post if you want; you should have a similar amount to react to as everyone else.

Also I feel the need to apologise once more for the tardiness of the post. I knew what I wanted to introduce but feel like I've done it in a very scrappy fashion. Thankfully I have everything else after this planned out a little better so I shouldn't end up in the same sticky situation again. Sorry folks!
Go ahead with out me, it's why I didn't have Ari dodge the book. XP I'll catch up when I get home

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I'm really sorry guys but i have to drop this rp. I just have too much stuff on my plate with school and family stuff. Sorry :,(
@DamagedGlasse I thoigh Ari was staying in the library with Heidi. AAt least that's what one of the Council put
Darnit, I looked back to see if they said anything about you and I was like, well, lets try this. So sorry. Will change! :'D
@M4K3SH1FT : Alright man, hope you had fun!

@Iallcsz : That's a bit sudden given how you were last week but I appreciate the honesty. I can't force you to stay, I guess. It'd be sad to see you go as you're a decent roleplayer, but do what's best for you, I guess.

As for everybody else, please try to reply when you can! I'll be posting next either tomorrow or Thursday depending on what's been posted. And remember, keep me updated! If you're going to be busy or if you've got any issues, please just say so that I know what to do!
@Shura @CloudyBlueDay
King Dede!

I will try to post when I can. I was busy the past week and now I have a big list of things I need too reply to. X_X I am working my way through that list as quickly as possible.
@Shura : It's up to you. I have a plan for if you do want to wake her, but obviously you have freedom of choice.

@Iallcsz : Tbf I don't really blame you for losing interest; my handling has been increasingly shoddy. I'd like to say though it will get better as the next stuff is better defined and planned out. See you around!
Lol well if you have a plan then I'll have her wake up when I get to a computer

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