~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

Well, Kiyoko, you have a lot to react too even if no one talked to her. ACTUALLY, Belle yelled in her ear, but you don't seem to use that. x3
Jack's humanity got questioned, so there wasn't much I could do in the post except throw a book. However, I understand your plight, I will be sure to react your person's actions as quickly as the conditions and scenario Jack is currently situated in allows.
Sorry I didn't reply to it more. For some reason I thought the whole this was in her mind. >< Belle honestly wouldn't be able to process all that deep stuff anyway, haha.
CloudyBlueDay said:
Well, Kiyoko, you have a lot to react too even if no one talked to her. ACTUALLY, Belle yelled in her ear, but you don't seem to use that. x3
I don't accept that, because you never gave me time to post between that and your previous.
I'm sorry. We were going at a very fast pace. But it would have been very easy to just go back and edit your post, as I did post right before you.
Still, I found it very unfair, so I can't really accept it... I think people should wait for others to post, or at least ask them if they're going to post.
Due to the fast speed of our most recent posts, and any possible future string of rapid fire posts that include Cammy, maybe you should either A)Try and get out a post faster, which is harder than I make it sound, I know or B)You could wait until the post speed slows down and react to the whole thing as a whole post. I have had to rely on B during situations similar to yours.
Alright then, we will next time, but I can't change anything about it. If you felt we were going to fast you should just wait until we finish flying through everything or ask us to slow down.
Yes, but relying on B just puts me even further back, and makes my post virtually impossible to hold any value, since the events are over and done by that time.
Kiyoko, I feel it would be best to leave this conversation as is. I don't mean to be rude at all but I can't change it now so next time we will approach it better. :)
Well, A is always an option. Also, you could have asked us to slow down or wait for a post. Cloudy did this, and we waited for her reply before continuing, or, putting it on pause.

Cloudy has the right idea. Hopefully, this entire thing will be better handled next time something similar comes up. It was a good post though, Kiyoko. ^_^
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Um... Cloudy posted her character yelling at yours on wednesday... that's a whole lot of time to respond to your character getting yelled at.

Other thing is there has been almost no posting activity on here for several days... The short flurry of posts of only 9 posts, less than even a page of RP, we just did was mostly between my character and Damage mostly because of their issues. Cloudys character got involved partly because of her outburst.

Other thing is you go long stretches without posting anything, even when no one else is posting and you're online, and the one thing you do post has your character wake up and say something that out character would not even known about. I would understand if nothing was going on, but the fact is there was a current exchange going, it wouldn't have made much sense to then suddenly stop and switch to something that no one but your character knows about. You also had her walk away from the whole situation with in the same post.

If you felt like you wanted to weigh in on the small situation you could have posted here in the OOC that you had an idea so we know to wait for your character to do something other than sleep...

I wait all week for updates and then get like a million in one go XP Such pacing, very wow. You guys get me worried that people are losing interest and then all post in one massive go, which kinda makes pacing stuff very difficult
xD But oh well.

@Kiyoko Tomoe , please keep all OOC in this OOC thread, rather than tagged onto the end of your IC posts.

Secondly, hello
@Tree xD Nice to see you pop by very briefly to try and keep my roleplayers in check xD

@Iallcsz , to my reckoning we actually have about 7/8 roleplayers left here: myself, yourself, Cloudy, Kiyoko, Shura, Speccy, Cojemo and M4K3. A lot of people have sadly dropped out, true, but that's the way of the RP, and I was expecting it. We're at a good number here I reckon!

Fourthly, almost everyone seems to have misheard what the Keepers have said
:P Lukasz literally just said in my last post that they were pretty much guarenteed to be able to get back. Pretty much everyone's arguments seem to be completely ignoring this fact, which is a little annoying. The only risk that remains, and this would be something mentioned hours ago to them now, is that the Hackers might go after them, however, you can infer from the optimism in Lukasz's last speech that that's now much less of a worry. As interesting as these reactions are, I seriously doubt everybody would have completely glossed over this good paragraph worth of speech, and I feel almost every line of argument would have transpired differently. So please try and take things like this into account. It's very frustrating when I'm trying to give information to sway things in certain ways and then it's completely disregarded.

On the other hand, interesting stuff, nice content all! xD

Fifthly, I'm pretty certain you guys' wouldn't just be able to leave the room; Lukasz is right there at the entrance for one and would attempt to reason with anyone passing by. Hence I'm just going to treat it like anybody making to leave either didn't quite get there, or instead went to a corner.

Sixthly, wow at the devil-related joke a couple of pages back in the OOC :P

Seventhly, I hope you enjoy your valentines weekend Shura! (#foreveralone)

And last, but not least, this whole posting debarcle. @Kiyoko Tomoe I understand and sympathise with your plight, so perhaps in the future make a post in this OOC thread personally telling people you're working on a post and asking them to wait for you, like Cloudy did a little way back. Otherwise it's very hard to know if somebody is actually waiting on a post, and if you spend ages asking every single person if they are also working on a post it'll be ages before a responce is had. It's always frustrating when something like this happens, but with due respect, since the manic beginning I think there's only been a single string of posts as fast as this, and so you can't really blame being left behind on stuff like this, unless you were talking about those beginning posts, in which case things are largely irrelevant anyway because it was such a long time ago.

Still, hopefully we won't have this problem again. In fairness, people have not really reacted to what Cammy did in much more than a passing glance, and I imagine realistically the characters would have had more to say or do to her. However do note @Kiyoko Tomoe that everyone here was pretty much caught up in their own conflicts anyway. If it's any consolation, I'd have reacted to her, had I not been understandably asleep XP

Anyhow, I was planning on getting a plot-post up today anyway, though now I'm not sure how far I'll advance just because I don't want the post to be gigantic again xD However, if I don't get the plot stuff up today, it will come shortly!

On another note though, you guys have to be more consistant with pacing. It's all very well calling Kiyoko out for not posting when she's online @Shura but we can't honestly say we aren't all guilty of this too. I know too that Kiyoko wasn't the only one frustrated by the flurry of posts. I'm personally alright with it, but I'd rather not go days without a post only to have nine of them fly forth within the space of a few hours.

Anyhow, lets drop this entire debate. Just bare these things in mind so that we can avoid any similar future conflict!
Damn teens and their hormones ^^" Sorry Sky, Didn't expect it to go as long as it did. I kind of figured Ari wouldn't get far like... a step out the door at most for some air.

I think our characters know there is a way back but the mention of death and danger is still looming over their heads. At least that's whats going on for Ari. Honestly I'm trying to figure out a way for her to be okay with everything, but firstly how to have her wake up and not beat Jack to a bloody pulp xD (@DamagedGlasses)
I actually never said Camellia left the room. I just said she walked away from the group that was arguing. Ari's the one whose actions were specified as leaving the room.
Oh yeah, I'm also aware things are getting a bit samey in terms of things to react to; hence, I'm not exactly expecting a ton of replies before I do my next post. I'd appreciate it if somebody did something so that I don't have to double post, but the big plot post should come on Sunday, which is looking to be a big RPing day for me as I have two RPs starting then too xD Good thing I've managed to get the majority of my coursework out of the way already, just some touch-ups alround needed!
I'm going to make Camellia's amnesia either permanent, or long-term. Amnesia seems like a fun thing to try out, plus Camellia was just the kind of character to end up with amnesia through the way she did. She did after all, have experience erasing memories from her head temporarily, which was why she was sleeping so often (^.^)

Do you approve, @SkyGinge? Your choice and opinion on this really matters to me (^.^)
I'm still trying to decide on what that one thing to stay attached to her mind is though... I honestly have no clue, though it's clearly not going to be related to what's currently happening, as that basically puts the whole point of amnesia being long-term and hard to clear up well, pointless and too easy to fix. Should I have her remember Leon for some reason, and now that she's not sleeping off her traumas every five minutes, show a completely different side to Leon? My other choice on this is to remember just the significance of the stuffed bear she carries around, not anything like why it's significant. I'm debating between these two things myself... I just can't choose between the two in this situation. Oh Camellia, why does figuring out which you would forcefully hold onto if only able to hold onto one have to be difficult? Significance of the stuffed bear so you don't toss it out or let it get hurt because it's something precious enough you would protect it with your life, or somebody who you clearly seem to love more than life itself...? Too difficult on this part for me to choose alone (>:<)
Well, she did previously remember Leon earlier in the RP, or at least you heavily hinted it, so it might be best to stick with continuity and choose the former option. You could mix the two honestly though; have her like Leon but not quite know why. Honestly I'm not that knowledgable in terms of how amnesia works and things so don't know best what to suggest.

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