~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

There you go, the monster post is up and the main bulk of lore is up! There's still a little more lore but it'll come later and gradually; the main bulk of it is out of the way! Make sure you've read through all that, and don't worry, I'm not planning anything major now until Sunday at the earliest. Feel free to have your characters ask questions. Cheers!
Hi guys! I managed to finish work on my new sci-fi RP before the craziness sets in! It's changed and developed a lot since I last shared the basic concept with you guys, so don't be put off: check it out here and I'd love to see you join if possible! Cheers!
Right, so, as expected I was crazy busy last week. Les Mis was really fun but also very tiring, as was yesterday with the Uni stuff. Despite the fact this has been up well over a week, @Kiyoko Tomoe still hasn't replied, which I can't say I'm particularly impressed by, but nevertheless, I'm hoping to get a post up later today. However, I'm going to be busy next week as well with a load of schoolwork despite the fact we're off from school for a week, though I'll be around enough to keep track and such in my breaks.
I'm sorry I haven't replied... Kinda got busy, draft I had was deleted somehow, and I just didn't have the time to work on it again. I'll try and get up a post as fast as I can, though it'll probably be, at most, two to three paragraphs.
There you go, a post at last! Please remember to try and post once a day/every two days now that things are back to the way they were before, and expect another plot-post within the next few days, one that should set up some events that will give you guys a little more freedom of posting for a while :)
It looks great but I have a few too many RP's already. Maybe later if some of them dont last
Alright, I said I was going to get one out tonight, to react to the plot post, but I have a CS I desperately need to get done, so while I might have time to work on it, I will probably get it out tomorrow for sure. :'D
Yeah... I'm like really out of ideas on what to have Camellia do... I can't come up with any ideas that don't break the purpose of personality so much it would be like changing her entire sheet permanently Dx
@Kiyoko Tomoe : Maybe react to the giant life-shattering batch of world information she's just been given? It's very hard to believe she wouldn't have something to say to that.
She wouldn't, because she would fall asleep to keep her mind from breaking due to the information that's so unbelievable, yet obviously true. Little bit of a mental issue brought along by the unbelievable, but undeniably real events of the of the ocean waves xD

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