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Fantasy The Order of Seven - OOC

Amberdale won't be coming back, but she can have anyone escort her to the room they are in, you can hijack some of the staff :3

Ahhhh, I was just going by the last sentence in the Lore write up and though the group was waiting for Sir Amberdale. I'll read everything to get a context for what's going on, I just thought if you were waiting on your new players to get on with your time skip, it might be timesaving.

I'm up for the chancellor making introductions if that's faster for you. Otherwise, I can introduce her myself. I don't want to hold up a scene you'd like to progress, that's all.
Between my job, my kid and a contractor failing to do what I asked, ran out of time today. Will post in about 10 hours or so.
Boo cloth-eared contractors. No worries Epiphany ^^

I left for the weekend with the expectation of having my kitchen redone when I came home on Tuesday. Discovered he'd made a number of assumptions and had to spend a good portion of yesterday getting him straight on them. Not a good day.

Whew. I think I've poured over the backlog enough for my post but if I missed anything (or anyone), please poke me and I'll correct. :)
I left for the weekend with the expectation of having my kitchen redone when I came home on Tuesday. Discovered he'd made a number of assumptions and had to spend a good portion of yesterday getting him straight on them. Not a good day.

Whew. I think I've poured over the backlog enough for my post but if I missed anything (or anyone), please poke me and I'll correct

Post is great, and yeah, its funny how bad contractors are at listening when that is literally one of the most important parts of the job ^^
I want to start this off by saying I'm sorry to all of you for completely abandoning the thread. You all have a right to fault me and it was very rude and irresponsible to just up and leave. SilverFlight SilverFlight I'd like to apoligize to you personally. I didn't plan on that, it just seemed to happen that way.

I could give you an excuse that I feel is justified, but I don't want too. Hell, I was so embarrassed I didn't even know if I'd post this apology. You all have a right to dislike me, and I deserve it. I just thought that I'd do some semblance of the right thing and apologize. I hope the roleplay goes on fine.

Again I'm sorry for the complete and sudden lack of activity. This is my first time on the site for a while and I just thought I'd apoligize.

I want to start this off by saying I'm sorry to all of you for completely abandoning the thread. You all have a right to fault me and it was very rude and irresponsible to just up and leave. SilverFlight SilverFlight I'd like to apoligize to you personally. I didn't plan on that, it just seemed to happen that way.

I could give you an excuse that I feel is justified, but I don't want too. Hell, I was so embarrassed I didn't even know if I'd post this apology. You all have a right to dislike me, and I deserve it. I just thought that I'd do some semblance of the right thing and apologize. I hope the roleplay goes on fine.

Again I'm sorry for the complete and sudden lack of activity. This is my first time on the site for a while and I just thought I'd apoligize.

Dude, you don't have to apologize ^^. You don't need to be embarrassed either. Things change, life happens, threads go up and down and no one can blame you if you lose motivation. I will never fault someone for leaving. It happens.
I'll admit a little note would have been helpful but you're sending one now so all's good.
I really appreciate you coming back to say this, and I want you to know you will still have a spot here if you decide that you want to rejoin.

I did remove your CS though so I hope you saved it X3
So...are there rules regarding how the Were-cat is formed?
I had an idea about a possible thing were the character would be battling for control over a...different were-cat thing that doesn't take its form correctly. Essentially the thing takes over the mind, but it can't change the body of the host-excluding minor details like the eyes.
Essentially, It's like a human: but it cannot handle weaponry.
So...are there rules regarding how the Were-cat is formed?
I had an idea about a possible thing were the character would be battling for control over a...different were-cat thing that doesn't take its form correctly. Essentially the thing takes over the mind, but it can't change the body of the host-excluding minor details like the eyes.
Essentially, It's like a human: but it cannot handle weaponry.
It could be a curse instead of a were beast. Or the result of an occult experiment gone wrong. How would it help the order? What would the abilities be?
It could be a curse instead of a were beast. Or the result of an occult experiment gone wrong. How would it help the order? What would the abilities be?
Well...the were-thing is a fast attacker; it relies on speed and surprise to eliminate certain targets and cause terror to spread.

Actually, I think I may need to rethink the were-beast concept, as the original story was that the character was tainted by a were-cat, and the parents were determined to "fix" the problem. They turned the character into a thing, and then had a "slight disagreement" of the ethics regarding their actions.
(the character) decides to join for the promise of adventure, and -barely- passes the test. They may become the Scout of the group, the semi-fast movements and almost inhuman stamina that the character possesses can be useful for a quick response unit or possibly a forward observer. or they could be the "recruit" that tries to assist in operations.
(Long story short)
It could be a curse instead of a were beast. Or the result of an occult experiment gone wrong. How would it help the order? What would the abilities be?
A: I'm still working on it.
B: Quick Response unit/ Recruit to the order. Essentially a unit for assistance.
Well...the were-thing is a fast attacker; it relies on speed and surprise to eliminate certain targets and cause terror to spread.

Actually, I think I may need to rethink the were-beast concept, as the original story was that the character was tainted by a were-cat, and the parents were determined to "fix" the problem. They turned the character into a thing, and then had a "slight disagreement" of the ethics regarding their actions.
(the character) decides to join for the promise of adventure, and -barely- passes the test. They may become the Scout of the group, the semi-fast movements and almost inhuman stamina that the character possesses can be useful for a quick response unit or possibly a forward observer. or they could be the "recruit" that tries to assist in operations.
(Long story short)

A: I'm still working on it.
B: Quick Response unit/ Recruit to the order. Essentially a unit for assistance.
The issue with not having control and being a werebeast is that control is exactly what the order requires to join.
The issue with not having control and being a werebeast is that control is exactly what the order requires to join.
The character will attempt to lie and hide the whole "were-cat" thing. He lied about his past and his race to join.Also, the Were-cat isn't easily distinguishable from the character, differing only slightly in appearance.
The character will attempt to lie and hide the whole "were-cat" thing. He lied about his past and his race to join.Also, the Were-cat isn't easily distinguishable from the character, differing only slightly in appearance.

Not to be a critic but I'm under the impression that the mere presence of silver in this setting is uncomfortable enough for were creatures that they can't even use silver bullets in guns, silver-tipped arrow heads in their bows and so on. Given the Order makes extensive, if not exclusive, use of silver in its weapons and that silver's the key advantage humans have over supernatural threats in the setting, it's going to be challenging to fake humanity when they stick a silver sword or gun in your hand...

Edit: Not just were creatures; pretty much anything supernatural. As a player of a fairy who routinely passes for human, I'm expecting my Bryony to fool the public but I doubt her secret's going to last long with this team...which isn't a problem in her case because her oaths and connections to the Order give her security. You might consider having your own connections for if/when said werecat invariably gets caught.
I do think there are a lot of people trying to hide their "Monster" blood. Personally I love it because when Jon finds out he's gonna take it hard. He hates most all tainted, or ay least doesn't like them much. So when he finds out he's been deceived I can see him getting angry.

Then again that's his problem. His hatred makes him a monster even though he's very much human.
Hey, if anyone wants to do character relationships with me then that'd be cool. We could talk or brainstorm some ideas together. I know a few of you I haven't really had the pleasure of meeting yet.
Hey, if anyone wants to do character relationships with me then that'd be cool. We could talk or brainstorm some ideas together. I know a few of you I haven't really had the pleasure of meeting yet.

I'd love to! That said, an American hunter only recently come to England and the wife of a Viscount who has never left England don't really have many points of interconnection. Although arguably Johnathan's parents may have known/had dealings with Bryony and/or her husband George Byng (or her father in law who, being the Earl of Strafford as well as a General, has never hunted with the Order but has personally funded and provided support for its operations). Be particularly interesting if Johnathan met Bryony as a child (he's about six years older than her oldest son), as she hasn't aged a day in all that time.

Or we can skip it as a bad fit, either way. I'm game for whatever you are.

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