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Fantasy The Old Age of Avaria


The Crusader
In the dawning age of 1000 years, the lands of Avaria have overcome much bloodshed, the Kingdoms had warred for centuries, finally, one overcame the rest through thousands of battles. The king proclaimed his bloodline to be forever standing atop the control of the land. But of course, many, still opposed him. Armies grew like never before as the king prepared his forces for another sudden war, the old nations rose up their men, mercenaries who once sat around taverns looking for a master left them desolate, men of fortune and glory became men of one nation or the other, taking up arms and armor, all of them... waiting for when their lords would call upon them to attack.

Extra Info-

There is, or should be, VERY few magic-users, and those who are cannot be able to show themselves off as over-powered.

Women, in this time, are few in numbers of warriors, due to prejudice by almost all men.

There are four factions at war- the Kingdom (knights)

The Northumbra (Vikings, raiders, savage peoples)

The Eastern Rebellion (NOT Samurai, I will have none of that, they are people of all races, in large numbers, but poor training and little in the ways of arms and armor)

And the Fallen (these are the undead, they may have the largest numbers, but the weakest forces, they are all skeletal soldiers, or revenants)
In the lands of the Middle nation, The Kingdom, the King would sit on his throne, two of his most elite guards by his side, guards lining the hallway on either side, large oak doors at the end, reinforced with steel.

A knock would come at the doors, six soldiers stepping forwards and taking up the chains the massive doors let down, tugging on them, the massive doors opening, a mercenary party of twenty-five men walking down the hallway, the guards at the ready.

Once at the end, the leader, Leofric, would step forwards, kneeling to the king. 'My lord.... I saw your recent indication that you needed more soldiers, mercenaries, hired blades, the such...' he would say, holding up the official paper.

One of the soldiers at the sides walking up, taking it, and taking it up to the king, the king looking at it, then back at him. 'Your request is granted... I'm glad that the people of these lands would fight loyally beside me in this dark time and matter... The Southern borders are brimming with Fallen... Of course, the undead scourge haven't attacked yet-- but... I can never be too sure... I've sent multiple regiments to ready to march to them... I'd like your party to join them...

The mercenaries would seem to smirk, Leofric looking up at him. 'Of course, lord... but first. Our payment?' he'd say, the king making a small hand movement, the soldier at the king's side (not one of the two who are always at his side, the one who had given him the letter, of course) would walk over to a small chest, picking it up, and giving it to Leofric.

He'd open it, chuckling, closing the chest. 'You are, as they say, most generous, and overall wise... Many will fight by your side, lord... you have our blades... and our thanks...

The mercenaries would turn, walking out, the doors being shut, all of the guards retaking positions.
Cutan was ordered to get into the castle, so she dawned a maiden's skin & the outfit that goes with, got on (stolen) horseback & rode up to the drawbridge calling out "I'M HERE TO TAKE THE PRINCE'S HAND IN MARRAIGE!" @hitman654
A guard would walk up to the gates, looking down at her, another one walking up to his side, a few achers on the walls looking down at her.

He'd chuckle, shaking his head. 'You think we need a new king? Also... the prince hasn't been known to have a lover...' he'd yell down to her, a couple of the archers on the walls pointing crossbows at her.
Vorkaysus said:
A guard would walk up to the gates, looking down at her, another one walking up to his side, a few achers on the walls looking down at her.
He'd chuckle, shaking his head. 'You think we need a new king? Also... the prince hasn't been known to have a lover...' he'd yell down to her, a couple of the archers on the walls pointing crossbows at her.
"Oh I'm in such distress" Cutane sarcastically said as she shot an arrow up at a knight just over the drawbridge.
(they're not all in armor by the way, not every soldier could afford it, so most of them because they're guarding the king's personal castle would be in gambesons, helmets, and some chainmail.) he'd stutter back, falling backwards, the other soldier at his side picking up a crossbow and pointing it at her, yelling 'Kill that whore!'.

the soldiers shooting bolts at her, one of them rushing towards the bell.
Olivier heard a few shouted words - something about marrying a prince, followed by the unmistakable twang of a bowstring. He shrugged to himself, despite his job he had never had much enjoyment in the art of politics. He simply had a job to do here. A very simple job. To kill the king and install the prince onto the throne, nearby he heard a marching of boots, dodging into a nearby shadow, he heard one of them lugging behind a large chest of gold and another mutter something rather treasonous about the king. Waiting until they were gone he continued his movement, quickly and silently tracing the walls of the palace until he reached the door of the throne room, bracing himself for what to come. He opened the door.
Vorkaysus said:
(they're not all in armor by the way, not every soldier could afford it, so most of them because they're guarding the king's personal castle would be in gambesons, helmets, and some chainmail.) he'd stutter back, falling backwards, the other soldier at his side picking up a crossbow and pointing it at her, yelling 'Kill that whore!'.
the soldiers shooting bolts at her, one of them rushing towards the bell.
The arrows either miss or pierce the skin, but that didn't stop Cutane from shooting at Knights.
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The soldier would ring the bell, once Olivier opened the door, the bell would go off, soldiers rushing to the walls, and... all of the soldiers in the kings room looking to Olivier... and they weren't friendly looks. The king's two personal guards would step infront of him, putting shields in a locked formation that would make it so any ranged attacks would be ineffective, all the soldiers rushing at Olivier, getting into formations around the doorway, holding up shields and lowering their spears and readying swords alike, the captain of the guard rushing to the throne room with twenty men; 'Sire-- I brought my men-at-arms with me to make sur--' he'd stop, seeing Olivier, drawing his sword, his men smirking and drawing theirs, surrounding the other side of the door.

Meanwhile, the mercenaries and the four regiments of soldiers would march towards the Southern border, all of them seeming to get aquainted with each other quite quickly. The bells in the distance making all of them turn, a man on horseback with chainmail armor, a surcoat, and a sugarloaf helmet riding infront of them, drawing his sword and looking back to them. 'Form Ranks! We flank the assault!' the men forming ranks, marching towards the castle, the men in the back forming a shield wall in case of an attack on their own rear
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Olivier simply let a light smirk form onto his lips, pulling out his sword, a light steel-alloy blade that he had crafted himself. Requiem.

"Will you truly die for this man?" he asked them, a cold steel in his voice which cast a chill into the hearts of every single guard. He turned his next comment to the king himself "I am Olivier, I hope you have made your peace with this world" He closed his eyes briefly before assuming a defensive stance, preparing for the onslaught.
Vorkaysus said:
The soldier would ring the bell, once Olivier opened the door, the bell would go off, soldiers rushing to the walls, and... all of the soldiers in the kings room looking to Olivier... and they weren't friendly looks. The king's two personal guards would step infront of him, putting shields in a locked formation that would make it so any ranged attacks would be ineffective, all the soldiers rushing at Olivier, getting into formations around the doorway, holding up shields and lowering their spears and readying swords alike, the captain of the guard rushing to the throne room with twenty men; 'Sire-- I brought my men-at-arms with me to make sur--' he'd stop, seeing Olivier, drawing his sword, his men smirking and drawing theirs, surrounding the other side of the door.
Meanwhile, the mercenaries and the four regiments of soldiers would march towards the Southern border, all of them seeming to get aquainted with each other quite quickly. The bells in the distance making all of them turn, a man on horseback with chainmail armor, a surcoat, and a sugarloaf helmet riding infront of them, drawing his sword and looking back to them. 'Form Ranks! We flank the assault!' the men forming ranks, marching towards the castle, the men in the back forming a shield wall in case of an attack on their own rear
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'alright lady... we'll open the drawbridge....' one of them would say, smirking, the drawbridge dropping, the portcullis being raised, fifty soldiers standing in a shield-wall in the gates, and behind her, the regiment would surround her, leaving both of them surrounded.

Meanwhile, in the castle, the king would get up, the two royal guards slowly moving forwards in pace with him, he'd look to his hand, opening his palm, 'you know.... Olivier.... many like you, with bloodlust, have tried to kill me....' he'd say, a sword forming in his hands from seemingly nothingness '... but I know better.... For if you knew that I was one of the few magic-wielding people left in this land... you would know i'm not to be so easily taken down....' he'd make a small wave with his sword, men in the back ranks shooting crossbow bolts into him, and from the back of him as well from the men-at-arms.
In one swift motion Olivier swung his sword around with an almost inhuman speed, cutting the arrows out of the air. "And you should know that true power doesn't come from magic" he smirked, bringing a light whistle to his lips and blowing. As he did this 5 other men descended from the rooftop, engaging the kings forces. Olivier looked at the king and swung his sword rapidly towards him, forcing him back a few steps.
Vorkaysus said:
'alright lady... we'll open the drawbridge....' one of them would say, smirking, the drawbridge dropping, the portcullis being raised, fifty soldiers standing in a shield-wall in the gates, and behind her, the regiment would surround her, leaving both of them surrounded.
Meanwhile, in the castle, the king would get up, the two royal guards slowly moving forwards in pace with him, he'd look to his hand, opening his palm, 'you know.... Olivier.... many like you, with bloodlust, have tried to kill me....' he'd say, a sword forming in his hands from seemingly nothingness '... but I know better.... For if you knew that I was one of the few magic-wielding people left in this land... you would know i'm not to be so easily taken down....' he'd make a small wave with his sword, men in the back ranks shooting crossbow bolts into him, and from the back of him as well from the men-at-arms.
Cutane had the horse charge into the castle as the stolen horse jumped over two rows of Knights but the horse landed on shield wielding Knights leaving Cutane trying to run past the back end of the Knight's shield wall.
the knights would all grab her, restraining her, all of them seeming to surround her, finally one of them putting her in shackles.
Vorkaysus said:
the knights would all grab her, restraining her, all of them seeming to surround her, finally one of them putting her in shackles.
She didn't fight them in her imprisonment, she'd still see a good chunk of the castle's layout & probably come up with a cleaver way out. Meanwhile the horse whinnied in fear, not knowing what's happening, he galloped down the hallway as Cutane let her self get hauled away.
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they'd bring her to the regiment, handing her over to the captain, him putting her on the back of his horse, strapping her shackles to the saddle.

'Thought you were going in the prison? We needed someone like you for the Southern Borders... Besides, did you really think you were getting past the thirty men in the throne room, the royal guard, and the king himself?... along with the Captain waiting for the bell to ring to bring reinforcements...' he'd say, chuckling.
Vorkaysus said:
they'd bring her to the regiment, handing her over to the captain, him putting her on the back of his horse, strapping her shackles to the saddle.
'Thought you were going in the prison? We needed someone like you for the Southern Borders... Besides, did you really think you were getting past the thirty men in the throne room, the royal guard, and the king himself?... along with the Captain waiting for the bell to ring to bring reinforcements...' he'd say, chuckling.
"Uhh yeah" Cutane said while subtly trying to pluck the arrows out of her skin without her true skeleton showing 'what if he catches on that I serve the southern border?' She thought.
He'd laugh, mounting his horse, sheathing his sword and turning it, the army marching back towards the south. Leofric looking over at her, his men obviously not part of the army due to them not bearing the King's colors.
Vorkaysus said:
He'd laugh, mounting his horse, sheathing his sword and turning it, the army marching back towards the south. Leofric looking over at her, his men obviously not part of the army due to them not bearing the King's colors.
"Now do you work with the king?" Cutane asked
Leofric shrugging 'well, he payed me what we're worth, we already split up the pay... so... yes... that is... unless you have more than four hundred pieces of silver... but of course, only a king or insane lord would have that much.' he'd say, a few soldiers chuckling, thinking she hadn't a fortune like the one the king had amassed.
Vorkaysus said:
Leofric shrugging 'well, he payed me what we're worth, we already split up the pay... so... yes... that is... unless you have more than four hundred pieces of silver... but of course, only a king or insane lord would have that much.' he'd say, a few soldiers chuckling, thinking she hadn't a fortune like the one the king had amassed.
"Interesting" she said as she looked around the castle trying to memorize the layout of at least the first floor.
(they marched out of the courtyard and back on the road again, they're not in the castle)

Leofric would keep marching. '... So... How did you die...?' he'd ask, keeping his gaze forwards, towards the road.
Vorkaysus said:
(they marched out of the courtyard and back on the road again, they're not in the castle)
Leofric would keep marching. '... So... How did you die...?' he'd ask, keeping his gaze forwards, towards the road.
Cutane was surprised, so she asked "How did you find out I was fallen?" As she reached down the dress to take the skin off.
'do that and you'll make have the men here piss themselves...' he'd say, his men laughing, the soldiers looking over to him, and then to her.

'I've been fighting for everyone but your side, pretty lass... and I've seen how you do things... I've seen much war, because it's all I'm good for.' he'd say.

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