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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko


"Maybe it was... I remember a bit about my first painter and he did have a certain air of magic about him. Probably the canvas too..." said Axe before he noticed the hallway. "So what is that we Nekos usually do around here? What is it like to live?" asked Axe.

Unknown to most, Axe was probably meant to be a demon Neko or painting - evidenced by his dark aura and tattoos. His original painter was killed for the act of trying to bring a demon to life. But luckily, since he was completed by Kurusaki, who had a good heart, it could be said that Axe's demonic side had been sealed. However a side effect of that was that part of his memories was also left in his other self. Which was all for the better though. Otherwise the whole mansion would be full of dead Nekos. As long as nobody changed Axe's painting, he would remain on the side of good.



Cookies nodded and then jumped up and down to show that the girl had guessed right (even though her message was badly typed). Oh that's right! She forgot the other half of the message!

Message said:
yhsalllllllllllp pl;s
Kurusaki grinned."Well we have fun of course, just follow me."He walked out of his room.

Moonlight nodded and she went to one section of the library before skimming through the books with the cat in one arm until she picked one out and it had one for Spells.
Azrael entered the mansion, moving quietly and soundlessly. His amber eyes were painfully alert and his dark red fox tail was stiff and barely moving. He couldn't make out any single scent, but the primary one was cat. Feline Nekos. Azrael was new to this whole concept of living in a huge group; despite coming from a family of 8, and the fox was more than eager to stir up a bit of trouble.

His eye patch was the one of two that he owned, the one he currently wore seemingly falling apart at it's seams and the secondary one was no better. He came from a poor family, so he could never afford a nice eye patch only resulting in plummeting his self esteem further. "Hullo?" He called out as he entered the foyer, his silky voice echoing throughout the entirety of the mansion.

His mind began to work over time, trying to think of ways to manipulate the creatures in this mansion. Currently, he was covered in bruises, welts and scratches with splotches and flecks of dried blood on his shirt and pants. His ears laid droopy against his skull and his tail hung limp and defeated. He had been robbed whilst he had been walking the streets by a gang of dogs.

He had no money or wallet, out anything of value so they just beat the shit out of him. His entire body was aching and sore and blood was dripping from his nose. He felt miserable, but alive. He could use this to his advantage...but how?
Moonlight had helped the cursed cat girl with a certain spell while then leaving the library with a few large books in her shoulder bag and then she see's the injured fox Neko and she walks over to him before saying."Would you like some help their and it is obvious that it was dogs who beat you up because you smell like them, i could always fix up that eyepatch."
Azrael had his back to moonlight, an he forced a few tears to well in his eyes. He was going to play the pity card first. He bobbed his head, the three earrings in his ear jingling as he did so, his amber eyes down cast staring at bare feet. "E-everything hurts...please.." he forced his voice to tremble, and he shook with false fear ever so slight every few minutes.

"P-please help me," he croaked and one tear fell leaving a wet trail down his face and falling to his bare clawed feet. He was filthy, reeking of dirty alley ways and the grunge of the city. Azrael was painfully thin from living on the streets though it didn't bother him that much.
Moonlight rolled her eyes."I will help but i will not fall for your pity, because i can tell those tears are forced the trembling is as well, now just follow me to my room and my name is Moonlight by the way, Yours?"She started to walk to her room while passing by her brother Kurusaki.

"Well if you say so" replied Axe as he followed Kurusaki out into the hallway. Axe wondered what he would find. "Say, can I call you by a shorter name? Kuru maybe? Saki?" Axe asked.



The cat meowed happily when she saw the girl reach towards the spell books. Was her curse finally going to be lifted? She did miss having fingers and opposable thumbs. Another person entered the room and the girl went to greet him for a while. Cookies was left with what seemed to be a book with nice smelling paper. And thus the cat's instincts took over 100% and she began eating the paper.
Ritsuka had been in the kitchen once more when she heard a new voice call out from the foyer. Suka had become almost a ghost that haunts the kitchen. Shes been there for a few days and only two people know of her, who by the way, she hasnt seen since her first day. She runs and hides the moment she senses another presence. And she did just that when the stranger walked in. She hid in a corridor somewhere between the kitchen and the foyer, and watched as Moonlight spoke with the stranger. He was beat up pretty bad and grew a little worried, she wanted to say something but backed out, and once again the little wolf girl became just a shadow.
Jasmine emerged from her room as she heard the voice call out in the foyer. Sipping and icy glass of lemonade, she walked into the room and saw Moonlight. She strode straight past them...

.... And then backtracked, hopping beside Moonlight.

"Oh, hi! I'm Jasmine! Sorry to interrupt. I just heard a voice."

Her eyes wide and a big smile upon her face, Jasmine held out her hand for a handshake while taking another sip from her straw.
Akira sighed, walking into the house. It was large and at the moment, quiet. She sighed, giving of a small smile as she walked towards her room with her books in tow. She smiled, flinging open the door. She walked to the book shelf and started filling it will all the books she brought. But there wasn't enough room. So she started assembling the other ones. Finally, she finished unpacking all of them and she took a book out to the garden and sat down with it under a tree.
Lupa swore quietly, rolling over on her bed and staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. Dryly, she noted that the constant ticking of the clock sitting across her room on the desk was doing nothing to help the feeling of time marching on inexorably. She yawned, one ear twitching, and sat up on the dark covers of her bed. Belatedly, she realized that, maybe, she should actually leave the safety of her room and make an attempt to meet the people she was living with. After moving in, she'd pretty much shut herself into her room and refused to come out, despite how it may affect the others opinion of her. She scowled, slipping off the bed and grabbing her notebook and a pen, thinking maybe she could go sit out in the garden and someone would approach her.

Toby glanced around, standing in the middle of the entry way with a somewhat dumbstruck expression. He came from a family that was by no means poor, but the sheer grandeur of the entryway still shocked him. He realized that he might be blocking the way, standing at the foot of the stairs and staring blankly, so he moved to the side slightly. He glanced around, looking for someone to direct him to one of the upstairs rooms where he'd been told he'd be staying for his duration in the house. His ears twitched, white with brown splotches toward the base, listening for any signs of others. "Uh...hello? Anyone here?" he finally called out, not hearing anything.

((I hope this is okay?))
Akira looked up, her ears finding signs of people in the garden. Grumbling, she stood up and walked towards the main hall where the stairs where. She walked into the room and saw someone in the hall. Taking a gulp, she looked at him. "Uhh, can I help you?" She asked.
Toby jumped, turning to face her, looking a bit startled. "Um..." he stammered, startled into silence for a few moments. Finally, his thoughts started moving again, and he blushed. "I-I'm Tobias King. A pleasure to meet you, this . . . is the house, right? I hope I'm not in the wrong place." he asked, smiling slightly. "I'm a day late, I know. I'm sorry about that, there was a complication on the way here." he apologized, ducking his head, ears laying back slightly apologetically.
"Akira." She said, a small blush across her face. "This is the place...." She said. "I'm new here too." She said. 'You are doing a great job of embarrassing yourself! She mentally yelled at herself, resisting the urge to slap her face.
Toby smiled, "Oh! So I didn't get as lost as I thought." he murmured, staring up the stairs again with a somewhat mystified expression. He looked back at her, green eyes friendly, "Really? I wouldn't have thought, you seem very relaxed." he replied, meaning it in the best way possible. "I suppose it's not normal for people to freak out about new things, yeah?" he asked, dropping his gaze and blushing.
Akira looked at him. "No, it's totally normal." She said, a small blush crossing her face as well. She clutched her book in front of her with both hands. "I am just sort of a person who gets lost in what she likes to do and forgets about how scary things can be."
Toby seemed to relax only slightly, "That's not all bad." he replied. "I over think things and then freak out." he chuckled. "I'm afraid I'm not very up to date with the things that have gone on around, do you know?" he inquired.
Akira shook her head. "I kind of came in on my own. I'm not a person for much human interaction." She said, looking down. "But ignoring people is rude, so I thought I would help you out a bit." She said. "And it turned out ok."
Ritsuka had an arm wrapped around a cookie jar while both hands carried a book with both hands. One hand let go of the book to reach into the jar, grabbing a cookie. She lifted the cookie to her lips and instantly her white wolf ears and tail popped out from hiding. Her sapphire eyes big and blue and content with the taste of cookie and chocolate. Her tail wagged as a sign as she walked out of the kitchen and through the foyer. Shes gotten used to seeing people and has stopped hiding (for the most part). The 4'10" white haired 17 year old passed Ari and the new comer. No one spoke to her and she spoke to no one. She was like a ghost, payed no attention, and no attention payed to her. Shes gotten rather used to it. She passed, eyes buried in the book while she nibbled. White long locks bounced with each step. She started up the stairs when the jar lost is grip with her skin and spilt cookies rumbled and rolled down the stairs. She gasped and froze looking at the two. Her heart raced and she panicked. Was she in trouble? She looked around tears barely starting to form. She set the book down and picked up the jar, starting to collect tainted cookies that had fallen...
Akira's vision flew to the stairs where a girl was picking up cookies off the floor. Feeling a bit of sympathy, she walked towards the stairs and silently helped her pick up the cookies.
Ritsuka looked at Ari, she met her just a couple of days ago. So, theyre still acquaintances. Their meeting was brief and she was one of the two people she ever talked to in this house. Ritsuka stopped for a moment to look at Ari, Thank god i didnt get in trouble, she thought to herself. She shook her head, where were her manners,"Um! ...thank you..." she spoke rather quickly and that tiny voice of hers trailed off to a mumble when she had realized she actually spoke to someone. She cringed and got back to work setting the jar between them so Ari could place the ones she collected in it and Suka did the same.
Toby blinked, blushing darkly. "Uh...thanks. I think?" he replied. "I should...uh...go now. Sorry to bother you. I'll assume the rooms are upstairs?" he asked.

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