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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Akira smiled. "No problem." She said. When she turned to Toby, she blushed as dark as he was. "Uh, yeah. The rooms are upstairs." She said. I think there is one open across from mine." She said, turning to walk up the stairs.
((I'm back! So sorry!))

Toby nodded, glancing at the child who had just fallen down the stairs (though he noticed somewhat belatedly that she was short, not a child). He smiled at the girl, "Thanks." he said, ducking away and heading upstairs to find a room.
Akira shrugged. "Sure. You can nock on my door when your ready." She said, smiling at him. She blushed a bit and pushed open her door, giving him a brief glance at my large library before I shut the door quietly again. Sighing, I walked towards the window and set down my book, looking outside.
((Gonna hope and pray that post is directed toward Toby.))

The near silver-haired boy nodded with another quick smile before going into the room, dropping his bag on the bed and glancing around the room. It was pretty nondescript he noticed. This wasn't all bad, he wasn't the type to need a lot. So, sitting down on the bed, he dumped his bag out beside him and rifled through the items. In the back of his mind, he wondered when dinner was.

((Also, I've got an idea for this, if you were mulling around for any. To get everyone in one place and get some good and proper character interaction, why not have dinner? That's usually the time that everyone is attending for the food, and it would give a chance for the characters that haven't gotten a chance to interact to do so?))
Akira looked around, her vision wandering around. She sighed, walking towards her library. She took out some of the scrolls looking at the writing she had put down in kanji. She sighed and rolled it back up, placing it back. She opened her laptop and turned it on, starting to type again. She smiled, relaxing in her chair for a moment, and continuing.
(Sounds like a brilliant idea! :D )

Ritsuka was grateful to receive help and showed it with a gentle and sincere smile. She picked up the jar and before she was able to even mutter a thank you, the others left. Suka stood there not really knowing what to do now but sigh and sit on the now empty stairs. Setting the jar down on the stair beside her, she cracked open her book which was titled,"Steps to Joining The World" which was about over coming your fear and become more social and affiliate in everyday things with others. Bright blue eyes blinked and darted back and worth along the direction of the words on the thin, light brown pages. 
"Par take in things others invite you to, or things that everyone does together..." She meditated on that sentence for a moment. Repeating it to herself over and over, trying to comprehend. But what things exactly? She thought to herself. She looked around at the empty stair well and foyer and stood up. Picking up the jar of tainted cookies, she made her way carefully down the stairs, leaving the book where she was sitting. Ritsuka carried the jar to the kitchen and hesitantly threw it in the trash bin. That action broke her heart, cookies were her favorite thing to eat.
"That is a terrible waste of yummy cookies," Lupa said quietly, recognizing one of the other girls that lived in the house, though she did not know her name. She realized the error in her ways and ducked her head "My apologies, I didn't mean to bother you! I just was coming to see who left the book on the stairs and then I saw you and I said the first thing that came to mind! I'm sorry." She rambled.

((Sorry if this is short, I'm on my phone and a bit rushed))
(Its okay c:)

Ritsuka jumped as a voice filled her ears unexpectadly from behind. "Gah!" She quickly swiveled to see the culprit. Another girl. Suka had never seen her before, nor recognized her scent or voice. She took a step back and looked up at her, a little frightful. She twiddled her fingers together nervously,"Thats alright...." She paused, trying to gather courage and figure out words,"You didnt b-bother me...." She stuttered, being sure not make eye contact. Phew~ I said it.... She thought.
((So active. That's good)) 
Michiyo walked around her room after she had set everything up. Her portfolio was set on her dresser, her clothes in the dresser, and she had set up her canvas and all her books. She smiled and pulled her long pink hair back into a ponytail using a sunflower hair band. She looked in her mirror and rubbed the paint from her cheek and then began to sort through her paints to pass time.

"Wow it's so white! Time for decorations!" Asami squealed and opened her boxes and began to decorate the room in picture, banners and other things. Her room soon became colorful and cheerful which made her satisfied. She then began to unpack everything else and tightened her cute white bows that were in her hair. "I love it in this room. I wonder how Michi is though" she said as she continued unpacking.
Lupa blinked owlishly, taking a half step back. "That is...good..." she said. She held the book out toward Ritsuka, "Is this yours?" she inquired, "It's a good one, a favorite of mine." she added, hoping to ease the awkwardness pressing down on the whole room so thick it was like a fog. For a girl wearing all black as if she'd just returned from a funeral, she lacked the typical personality associated with an all black outfit.
Michiyo walked through the basement halls and up the ladder. She walked around looking at everything and then she saw her sister Asami. "Hey! Asa!" She said waving to the young blue haired girl.

"Oh Michi!" She said and jogged over to her sister and hugged her. Asmai's white tail swished back and forth as she hugged her older sister. "I decorated my room and it's really cute" she said laughing as they started walking
Ritsuka looked at her then quickly to the book,"Yes..." She mumbled. A quiver in her throat. Suka hesitantly took the book back and hugged it, the book pressed against her chest. She looked down at her bare feet on the cold tile kitchen floor. The marble was cold but she payed no attention. Sapphire blue eyes blinked back up to look at Lupa then darted off to the side,"Thank you..." She said louder than when she spoke earlier. Her shoulders lowered, some tension melting off,
Lupa smiled, "You're welcome." she said, "Oh! I don't think I ever introduced myself. I've been the basement monster for quite some time, but I...have a tendency to be a hermit. I'm Lupa, a pleasure to meet you." she introduced, though she did not make any movement to offer a hand to shake. She didn't care for physical contact with people she'd only just met, or people she didn't like.
Akira sighed, wondering if Toby was going to come by soon. She heard her stomach grumble, signaling that she should look into eating dinner soon. Maybe she could eat will all the other new kids. She shook her head. She was not a social person. Then again, it was worth the try right? After all, she had Toby.
Asami stretched as they walked into the kitchen. She looked around for something to eat as Michiyo sat down and began to draw in her sketchbook. "Michi should I have the cinnamon swirl bread or pumpkin spice bread?" She asked holding up the to breads with a confused look.

Michiyo kept drawing and as she made a swirl in what she was drawing she answered her sister. "The swirl" she said and went back to drawing with a small smile on her lips.
Ritsuka nodded her head to show she acknowledged Lupa,"Ritsuka...." She replied. Before Lupa could reply she jumped back in,"OH! B-but you can call me Suka! ...if you like...." She trailed off at the last part, calming herself down after getting a little excited.

Ritsuka was temporarily distracted by the two sisters in the kitchen with them. But quickly turned her white haired back to Lupa.
Toby finished unpacking (more or less, there were still some things to be found proper places), and glanced around the room. With time, he would no doubt find new things to put in his room, but for now, it was the bones of his belongings, just the basics. He shook his head, raking a hand through his pale hair, and turning away, heading out of the room and across the hallway to Akira's. He paused, unsure of himself, before knocking and then bouncing back a step from the door, as of he expected it to bite.

Lupa nodded, "that's a beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said, her mouth turning down at the corners at the bouncing duo that had just entered. She smiled at Ritsuka, "I should go, it was nice meeting you!" She chirped and turned to leave.
"I see. Good choice!" Asami said and put two slices into the toaster as she plopped down next to her pink haired sister. "Michi what are you drawing?" She asked swinging her legs back and forth.

Michiyo looked up and showed her the detailed winter scene she had drawn. "Just the old park in winter" she said and went back to drawing. Michiyo felt weight on her shoulder as Asami had fallen asleep. Michi laughed a bit as she watched the toast so it wouldn't burn.
Ritsuka waved a little, no emotion on her face,"You too." The crystal blue eyes blinked while her new acquaintance walked away (if she could even consider her that). Her mouth sank and frowned a little. She stood there for a minute thinking about her next move, what to do next? Slowly, Suka turned her head to look at the siblings at the table, trying to be discreet and not so obvious that she was looking at them. She snapped her head back facing forward and walked away, bare feet padding on the floor. The 4'11" girl made her way toward the foyer, leaving the kitchen. A brief whiff of something hit her nose. Fluffy white ears and puffy white tail popped out from hiding, queuing her wolf-ish instincts due to the scent. Her eyes had more spark, more excitement than the normal, timid, emotionless vibe it gave off. She followed the scent to behind a couch. Her ears perked and she crawled behind it on all fours, tail up and wagging.
Akira heard the knock at her door and she shut off her laptop and walked towards the door. When she opened it, she saw Toby. "Hey." She said.
"Asami your toast" Michiyo said flicking her sister. She laughed at Asmai's reaction and she closed her sketchbook.

Asami jumped and fell off her stool. She got up and ran to the toaster slipping on the slick floor. She grabbed her toasted bread and placed the pieces on the bread and buttered them before she slipped and fell to the ground. "Michiyo...you're so mean" she pouted getting back up fixing her bows
(You'd could still grab a couple people from it and restart it up, I'd be willing to post some more in this one.)

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