The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Soran walked into the auditorium, surrounded with people, like usual. Taking a seat in the front, Soran was bombarded with questions.

"Where were you?"

"How have you been?"

"Will you marry me?"

"I want your babies!"

Answering them with ease, Soran flashed them all a winning smile. "It's good to be back." Soran chuckled to himself.

"I was in the infirmary."

"I'm alright, just had a giant wound in my back."

"I'm sorry, princess, I would like to get to know you before we get married."

"I haven't given birth yet, nor am I planning to, so, you can't have my babies." Soran laughed and put his arm around the two girls sitting next to him and looked up as the headmaster walked onto the stage.
Lillian grumbled when Soran sat down two rows a head of her. Hopefully he wouldn't be so infuriating that she couldn't focus. She turned her attention to the headmaster.

"Recently," he spoke, "We were raided, and a very precious item was stolen from us!" His booming voice filled the auditorium. "The Elf Lord now has our sacred writing quill in his possession. We were meant to protect it... But we have failed." A sudden feeling of dread hung in the air, but was interrupted by the man's voice, once again sounding, "However!" He declared, "There is still hope!"

Lillian couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew the powers of the Quill, and it being in the hands of one with dark intentions was not good.
Soran's chatter stopped when he heard the headmaster's words. "This is not good." Soran thought to himself as the headmaster continued talking. The Quill was a magical artifact that is rumoured to have helped create the universe. And if it could create, it could destroy.

"I have selected a group of strong students who have shown a large amount of bravery and power to go and retrieve the Quill!" the headmaster opened his arms widely, gesturing to the crowd of students.

"What kind of idiot sends students to go and fight a dark lord?" Soran thought, annoyed at the idea.

The headmaster pulled out a sheet of paper and began reading names out loud.

(Is it just going to be Lillian and Soran? Or other people?)

Lillian sat back, relaxed. There was no way she would be chosen.
(DX I'm no good at decisions!!! DX)

"First, for his display of courage and his excellent skill in battle, Soran Aran!" The headmaster spoke.

Lillian huffed, why was she not surprised?
Soran's eye twitched with annoyance. He gets out of the infirmary, and now the headmaster wants him to go on a giant adventure that could kill him? It seems Fate hates him. "It seems Lillian's not the only one who hates me." Soran joked in his mind sarcastically as he trudged up and onto the stage, masking his irritation with confidence.


((If it's in a group then it'll be more interaction, but in a pair there's more time for relationship development. Personally I'd prefer the group, since if those two are together alone, someone's going to die [cough SORAN cough]))
(K xD shall we make the character sheets for the others? How many? Boys or girls? xD )

"Next, for her courage, skill, and readiness to aid the injured, Lillian Maine."

Lillian's eyes widened, she couldn't have been picked. Especially with Soran. Was she dead? She certainly hoped so, because she would have rather been dead than on a team with Soran.
(Sure, maybe....4 more? idk)


Soran let out a quiet, "Tch." But, kept his confident face on so that no one would notice his annoyance. "It had to be her, didn't it?" Soran grumbled lowly, cursing whoever was laughing at him at the moment.
(K xD ) 
Name: Mazie Browne

Age: 26

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.342f959d7523069d86a5c2d75b040417.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.342f959d7523069d86a5c2d75b040417.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Blunt and hates wasting time. Somewhat harsh and rough around the edges. Likes to get things done without dawdling.

Bio: Her whole family went to the boarding school, and she is following in their path. Had a pleasant child hood and has always been one to have more boy friends than girls.

Extra: She is an enchantress.

Name: Rowan of Mowbray

Age: 28

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5e4169ccf69d1ff2c68f0ac500efb3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5e4169ccf69d1ff2c68f0ac500efb3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Careful and precise. Intelligent and eloquent. Honourable and chivalrous.

Bio: from a wealthier family and has had a perfect life. All of his life he had been groomed for greatness,

Extra: Tall and lean. Quick and agile. Skilled with bow and arrow.



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Name: Mion Lin

Age: 22


Personality: Although Mion maybe be one of the youngest of the group, he's very smart and skilled. What he gains in strength and intellect, Mion loses in emotion. He's not very good at expressing himself and often comes out as cold and calculating when he really is a big softie on the inside.

Bio: Coming from a rich and powerful family, Mion has many connections with powerful people. Growing up, Mion had a lot of responsibilities and expectations to fill as the first born of the Lin family.

Extra: Tall and muscular, Mion is very skilled with the sword and loves cute things


Name: Artemis Hope

Age: 20


Personality: The youngest of the group, Artemis is often described as "cute" or "adorable", and true to what people describe him, he is. Innocent and kind, Artemis is a caring person, and is easily loved by everyone. He is very stubborn, but is easily hurt with words. Artemis is a forgive and forget kind of person.

Bio: Growing up in a more poor family, Artemis worked hard and diligently to get into the school. He learnt that being deceiving and spiteful will only come around and bite you in the ass from his parents. Artemis was the youngest of the 4 children they had, and that caused his older siblings to baby him and spoil Artemis with gifts.

Extra: Quick and agile, Artemis prefers not to fight, but is an excellent cook!
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(I can't see Artemis' picture DX)

"Next," the headmaster spoke. Lillian crossed her fingers that it would be someone tolerable, "Is Rowan of Mowbray."

Rowan had been listening respectfully, and his expression was unchanged at the sound if his name. He was willing to accept his responsibilities.

"The fourth person to be a part of this expedition is Maxie Browne."

Mazie had not been paying much attention, all she had heard was the introduction and her name. She gave a grunt and leaned farther back in her chair. She just wanted this whole ordeal was over with so she could get back to her studies.

"Fifth will be Mion Lin," the headmaster announced.
(I put the link instead :) )


Mion's expression remained the same as a block of ice and he walked up onto the stage, towering above all the other students. His cold grey eyes staring harshly at the audience.

"And last of all, Artemis Hope!" the Headmaster finished reading off the list, and gave it to the second in command.

Artemis had a small smile on his face, as he timidly walked up and onto the stage. It was obvious he was a little scared to be in front of the whole school like this. Artemis looked puny when standing next to the tall Mion.
(Thanks! xD didn't realize they were going on stage DX let's pretend my charities were already there)

Lillian made sure she was as far away from Soran as she possibly could be. The headmaster continued his speech.

"A week from now, these six students will embark on a dangerous journey. They need your best wishes and prayers. Until then, they will prepare for their departure."
Feeling gutsy, Soran interrupted the headmaster very rudely, "Why in the world are you sending your students to go fight a dark lord?" Feeling very angry that the older adults wouldn't take responsibility and do it themselves instead of pushing it onto the younger generation.

Artemis stared in shock at Soran, thinking, "He did not just talk to the headmaster like that, did he?" Artemis averted his eyes from the daring Soran and glanced at the teachers behind him. "Soran is right though...why did they have to send students?"

Mion rolled his eyes subtly, hiding his amusement at Soran's little outburst. Although, he practically stayed the same, like a statue. Not moving, one bit.
The headmaster was shocked, but quickly gained his composure. "Well, Soran, the teachers must stay here to teach and look over the other students. You six are our best students, and have been trained for many years," he explained, "If you do not wish to go, then by all means desert this school... And humanity."

Lillian chuckled, served him right, he deserved to embarrass himself in front of the whole school.

Mazie was visibly irritated by Soran's outburst. Couldn't he just accept what it was and not fill up the time with pointless questions?

Rowan was surprised at Soran's question, but did not really care that he had asked it.
Soran, being the smartass he was, continued to challenge the headmaster. "You obviously have more than 6 teachers in the school, a lot more in fact," Soran looked like he was a female on her period, rage was evident on his face. "Why would they risk the lives of their students?" Soran paused for a second to take a deep breath, "You could easily send off 6 teachers instead of students, in fact, it would take less TEACHERS than STUDENTS to take down a dark lord."

Mion smirked and that he would like to humiliate the headmaster in front of the whole school. "That is very true, considering we are still learning under the teacher's wing." Mion stated in his usual monotone voice. Everyone's eyes were on the usually silent Mion. "Putting your own students in danger would mean you are-"

"A terrible headmaster!" Soran interrupted, his rage had cooled down back into an irritation.

Mion nodded his head in agreement, "Exactly."

Meanwhile, Artemis was standing awkwardly to the side, not wanting to take any part of dishonouring the headmaster. "Not you to, Mion!" Artemis twiddled his thumbs nervously, he could feel himself sweating from being in front of so many people.
Lillian had finally had enough, "Soran! You're such an idiot!" She exclaimed, "A contagious one apparently. Why are you so upset? It should be an honour! On top of being an idiot, you must be a coward too because you can't seem to find the courage to help change the fate of the world! You ate ridiculous and after disrespecting our headmaster like that you shouldn't even be allowed to come with the rest of us! Honestly! What is your problem?"

Rowan raised a brow at the girl's sudden outburst.

Mazie gradually became more and more irritated. Now it just wasn't Soran wasting time, it was Mion and Lillian.

The headmaster was clearly flustered at how the people who were supposed to be representatives of their school were behaving.
The group began to argue back and forth, pulling at Artemis' patience. Normally known as a shy and kind person, Artemis did something that shocked the school. "WILL ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP?!?" Artemis slammed his fist down on the wooden podium, shaking the stage.
Mazie's patience snapped right after Artemis' did. "I'm leaving," she simply stated and began walking off the stage.

"I do not mean to offend or anger you," Rowan said to Mazie, "But I think you need the headmaster's permission first..."

Lillian was in the middle of berating Soran when Artemis interrupted. She became silent, but kept her steely eyes on Soran.

The headmaster had pulled out almost all his hair by now, and spoke up, "Artemis is quite right. Enough! You have been an embarrassment to this school and yourselves! Please, all go to your dorms until told you can leave."
Soran huffed in annoyance and jumped off the stage, still feeling very pissed off at the headmaster. Before leaving the auditorium, Soran turned his head back at the old man and gave him his best "One day I'll get you, old man" glare.

Mion chuckled lightly as he calmly walked off stage and out of the auditorium, his face still as expressionless as can be. Mion's silky long black hair trailed behind him and he opened the doors and walked swiftly to his dorm room.

Artemis on the other hand was on the verge of tears after his sudden rage. Quickly running out of the auditorium, Artemis wiped the tears from his eyes and scolded himself, "That was so embarrassing, Arty! I can't believe you just freaked out in front of the whole school!" Artemis ran through the hallways and into his room, slamming the door behind him. "Will they think I'm weird?" Artemis laid on his bed, feeling very anxious.

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