The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

(One day ill get you old man! Lol!!!)

Lillian noticed that Artemis was upset. Although she was a terrible person to Soran, she was not a terrible person to everyone else. She felt bad, so she decided to not do as told and go to Artemis' room instead. Hopefully she could cheer him up. Lillian lightly knocked on his door.

Mazie thankfully and happily pranced to her room. However, when she got there, she realized there was nothing productive to be done, so quickly became irritable.

Rowan held the door for the everyone, except Mion who had left ahead of him, before he went to his room.
Artemis sobbed through his pillow, "Who is it?" Getting up, Atremis filled the pillow over so that whoever it was wouldn't see his tear stains. Quickly wiping his swollen and red eyes, Artemis grabbed his sunglasses and scarf, making it look like he was doing something weird.

Soran lay on his bed, letting his head cool off. "What a great headmaster." Soran muttered sarcastically. Flopping around on his bed, trying to get comfortable. With no avail, Soran hopped off the bed and began packing for the "adventure".


(I like Artemis a lot more than Soran lol. In fact I also like Mine more than Soran!)
(oops I thought I replied but I didn't)


Artemis opened the door slightly, checking if it really was Lillian. Peaking over his over sized sunglasses, Artemis let the door swing open from momentum, letting the girl see his dorm room.

"Oh, um," Artemis fumbled over his words, his voice cracking a little bit. "Hi?" Artemis smiled sheepishly as he pushed his sunglasses up to hide the fact that he had been crying a few seconds before.
Artemis frowned and lied to the girl, "I'm not upset." Snuggling into the scarf, Artemis' voice became a quiet mumble as his face grew into a soft pink.
Artemis stared at Lillian, trying to see if she had any alternate motives. After a few moments of silence, Artemis finally agreed to Lillian's invite to chat. "Alright..."Artemis nodded, sitting down on the bed next to her. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Are you going to help us retrieve the quill?" She asked curiously. Lillian hoped that talking about it wouldn't make him more upset.
Artemis frowned slightly, hiding his expression with the oversized scarf. "I guess so," Artemis mumbled shyly. "The headmaster did kind of guilt us into it..." Artemis averted his eyes to the floor as he shuffled his feet around.
Lillian shrugged, "I guess so.... I wish this whole thing would have never happened," she flopped down onto his bead and stated up at the ceiling, "Are you excited or nervous? Or both?"
Artemis blushed heavily, his pale face turning as red as a tomato. "...Imreallyexcited..." Artemis whispered quietly into his scarf. To be honest the shy man was actually looking forward to the adventure. They got to miss school and get a bunch of credit!
Lillian chuckled, "That's great!" She declared encouragingly, "It is kind of exciting... And all your excitement will make probably the most tolerable person in the group," she winked, "do you think you'll still be excited when we face danger?"
Artemis' face paled when Lillian brought up the subject of danger. "I don't like fighting," Artemis stated strongly, his sudden change of personality shocked even himself. "Violence only leads to trouble.." Artemis muttered, looking down at his sweaty palms. "But," Artemis started, wanting to prove that he wasn't a weak link to the group. "I've been told that I'm good at cooking.." Artemus' face turned a light pink as he boasted about himself a little bit.
Lillian smiled fondly, "Well," she stated, "I shall do all your fighting for you... As long as you cook my food." Lillian stood up, wandering around his room examining his stuff.
Artemis giggled cutely as he stuck out his hand and said with a small smile, "It's a deal, then?" Watching as the girl wandered around his room, Artemis pondered about the other remembers of their little group...
(OH NO! That's terrible! Do you want to switch to the others POV?)

Soran stared down at the large bag in front of him. "Yup," Soran nodded to himself. "I've over packed." Opening the bag, the young man began throwing things across the room to make the bag more travel sized.

Mion opened the window in his dorm room, peaking out of it a little. After checking that no one was looking, Mion swiftly climbed out of the dorm and onto the roof. It was a beautiful day today, only a few clouds in the sky. The sun gave off a warm, but not too hot, glow, which felt very comforting.
(:0 rebel!!!)

Mazie decided she would start packing. She pulled out a cloth bag and began shoving the few things she would need, the rest of the stuff would have to be packed later.

Rowan sat on his perfectly made bed and debated on packing.

(What's something exciting Lillism can find in Artemis' room? xD )
(Hm...Do you want to have an emotional moment with Arty? Since he comes from a really poor family, Lillian could find a poorly drawn picture of them)


Mion sighed in relief. It had been a long day for everyone. Frowning slightly, Mion ran his hands through his silky raven hair. "What am I going to do about this?" Mion thought to himself out loud.

Lillian pulled out a scrap of parchment with scribble marks that vaguely resembled people, "What's this?" She asked, holding it up.
(Sorry! It seems writer's block is contagious!)


Artemis swiftly grabbed the parchment out of Lillian's hand and put it down carefully. "It's nothing." Artemis stated, not wanting anyone to know about his family's....situation.

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