The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Lillian shrugged, despite the man being unable to see it, "The school part or the work part?" She asked rhetorically, then answered his question. "It's as good as it'll ever be. I mean, I'm glad that I'm even here. What about you?"
Soran chuckled lowly, "Well, you see, my school was attacked by intruders, and I was injured very badly because I was helping people get out. Now I'm in the infirmary." Soran combed his fingers through his hair and muttered something about the security.
"Oh?" Lillian queried sympathetically, "That must have been quite a terrible occurrence. My deepest sympathies to you and your class mates. Wanna' give me another piece of chocolate? My school went through something similar and I need comfort," she said slyly.
Chuckling at the girl's antics, Soran suggested something, "Maybe we both go to the same school, considering we both know Francis." Soran gave a mock wave at said Francis, tossing the girl another bar of chocolate.
"Hmmm..." Lillian pondered what he had said for a moment, "Maybe...." She agreed. Then, after opening the chocolate and taking a bit, "But maybe he has a clone."
Nodding in agreement, Soran stared at Francis, who looked very uncomfortable in this situation. "Maybe he does..." Soran's gaze concentrated on Francis, who stiffened when he felt the stares focused on him.
"Francis?" Lillian called, "Do you have a clone.

Francis turned his gaze to Lillian. He slunk down in his bed uncomfortably. Then, he turned to a nurse just walking in, "Um.... Can I go back to my room now and get check ups from there?" He asked. Lillian suddenly felt terribly guilty.
"He's nervous...and avoiding the question..." Soran gasped in astonishment. "HE DOES HAVE A CLONE!!" Soran yelled loudly, only to be shush by the nurses.

Francis gave Soran an annoyed look, raising one of his eyebrows at them as the nurse escorted him out of the infirmary.
"I actually feel really bad," Lillian stated, embarrassed, "We were making him uncomfortable.... That wasn't very nice." She hung her head, a guilty blush creeping up her face.
Soran leaned back and smiled, "He's probably going to bombard me with questions when I get back to school..." Soran shut his eyes and grinned, imagining what Francis would ask him. "Don't feel bad," Soran smiled at the girl behind the curtain, even if she didn't see it. "Francis is easy to forgive. He's a..." Soran pondered over his words."He's more of a forgive and forget kind of person."
Lillian sighed, "I hope so..." She yawned wide and tucked herself tightly under the covers. "When do you think we'll get out?" She asked.
Soran shrugged, hugging the white pillow to his chest. "I have no idea..." Soran frowned slightly, realizing something. "I think, you'll get out earlier than me. The doctors told be it would be a month or so for me to recover fully." Soran grinned when he was struck with an idea. "How about, when you get out, you'll visit me!" Soran faced the girl behind the curtain, smiling happily. "That way we can finally meet, you know?"


((sorry for my inactivity, for some reason I didn't get any alerts))
(That's fine! Happens to me all the time! X) )

(When should she get out? Lol)

Lillian smiled, "It's a deal. I'm looking forward to finally being able to see you." She made a shape with her hands and allowed it to dance in front of the cloth so the man could see its outline. "Look!" She exclaimed, "It's a bunny!"
Soran chuckled lightly, raising one of his eyebrows. "I thought it was a cat..." Soran tried to copy the woman's hands, but it only turned out to be a fist. "Look!" Soran snorted at his failed creature. "It's a.....frog?" Soran tried to come up with an animal using his hands, but in the end it didn't work.


((Any time you'd like :) ))
Lillian chuckled, "I think you mean a rock," she stated, molding her hands into a new shape, "Good try though! This is a frog..."

(K xD I'll free her in the next post xD )
Soran stared in awe of the girl's hand skills. Suddenly struck with a perverted thought, Soran smacked himself to get it out of his mind. "Why did I just think that?" Soran blushed heavily as he stared down at his pants. "NOPE!" Soran punched himself in the stomach...again. "Focus on the pain....focus on the...pain..!" Soran repeated the words through his mind, keeping his mind away from the dirty thinking.

After the pain had receded, Soran turned back to the girl and said, "You should teach me how to do that one day," Soran tried to make the frog, only for it to turn out into a rock. "Because I suck at this."


((Alrighty then. Can't wait to see their reactions! xD ))
Lillian raised an eyebrow at the sounds of slapping, then chuckled when the man finally spoke. She looked over as a nurse walked in, "Looks like that day is today," she stated as the nurse approached them.

"Lillian Maine?," (I think that's her last name! :0 I kinda forget though) the nurse queried.

"Yes?" Lillian replied.

"You're free to go now."

"Yes!" Lillian exclaimed jumping up in her bed, "I can finally move!" A ghost of a smile played on the nurses lips before she turned around and left the room. "Are you ready to learn those hand puppets?" Lillian began, walking around the sheet. She looked up, mid-sentence, and froze, "I should have known," she finally said in disgust, "That voice was too familiar to be a stranger's... I can't believe you would decieve me like that! I didn't think you could be that low..."
Soran's eyes widened when he saw the girl come to his bed. His mouth wide open from shock. "" Soran paused for a moment, holding his head in his hands, trying to recollect his thoughts. Jumping up off the bed, Soran pointed at Lillian. "You tricked me!" Soran waved his arms around, causing quite a scene in the infirmary. "And you're accusing me?" Soran rolled his eyes at the girl. He felt betrayed, played, angry even. "I even liked you for a second." Soran muttered lowly before jumping off the bed and onto the hard floor.

A few seconds after Soran landed on the ground, he collapsed in pain. Hunching over, Soran could feel the stitches on his back become loose.

"Nurse..!" Soran cried out in agony, blood soaking into the back of his white hospital gown. "..Get the nurse...!" Wincing in pain, Soran shut his eyes tightly and focused on the weird shapes and colours it made to try and keep his mind off the pain and the girl in front of him.


((Oh snap this is cray))
"Whatever pain you're going through right now is you're own fault," she stated coldly before leaving to fetch a nurse.

The nurse swooped in, worry plastering her face, "What happened?!" She demanded.

Lillian shrugged, "He decided he suddenly hated me and had a hissy fit. Sorry, it's not my fault he can't control his own temper."

The nurse examined Lillian, as if contemplating something, "I think it would be best, for his sake and yours, if you left," she said, her decision made.

"It would be more than my pleasure," Lillian replied. She walked towards the door. When she reached her destination, she turned back to say one thing, "And I'd like to apologize for the pleasure being all mine... It is un-characteristically selfish of me really." Her sarcastic tone echoed in the infirmary long after she had left.
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Soran laid on the bed, letting the nurses stitch up his back wound again. "I can't believe she did that!" Soran ranted out to the nurse, who just smiled and nodded her head. "She just deceived me!" Soran smacked his face into his pillow. "Why does she hate me so much anyway..." Soran grumbled, looking away to the side. "I really liked the girl behind the curtain, and then it turns out to be her." Soran glanced up at the nurse, who was finishing up his stitches. "What do you think, Glenda? You're a girl, you should know."

Glenda sighed, taking out a damp cloth and dabbing Soran's bloody back. "So much teenage drama..." Glenda muttered before giving a real answer. "I think she just hates you." Glenda peered in on Soran's face, concentrating on something. "Maybe it's your eyes. I mean, why are they golden?" Glenda pulled back and ruffled the young man's hair. "Just don't worry about it now, okay?" Glenda flashed a motherly smile at Soran. "It'll slow down your healing process."

Soran sighed, laying his head down. None of Soran's friends had yet to visit him, and the only people he had talked to was the nurses, Francis, and....Lillian. Soran's eyebrows furrowed when he thought of her, before Soran didn't really mind the girl, thinking she was an okay person. But, after this, Soran almost hated her for deceiving him like that, and how she had treated him when he was in pain. Soran had even spilt a few secrets to her! Maybe Lillian really was a mean person like what some of the girls had said.

Soran decided to take the nurse's advice and push those thoughts off to the side. Closing his eyes, Soran fell asleep to silence, but his mind still remained on Lillian.


((I guess, it's your turn to explain how Lillian feels xD I loved her exit! It was awesome ))
(Hehe yay! And I love they nurses reply!! "I think she just hates you." Rofl, made my day... This is gonna be so long DX)

Lillian stormed to the kitchen, fuming. When she got inside the head chef gave her an inquiring look. "What?" She bellowed. The pompous woman held her hands up defensively. Lillian sighed and began taking her frustration out on the dishes. She felt terrible for how she had acted earlier, but she had been too angry to stop herself. Soran always liked to bother her, but she would have never expected him to play a nasty trick like that..... Maybe he was being honest, maybe he really did think it was her who had deceived him. No. He couldn't be too stupid to realize that she was the girl behind the curtain. Or could he?

Distracted by her thoughts, she cut herself while washing a knife. She broke out into many unladylike curses until the head chef intervened. "A cut? That's unlike you.... Maybe you should go back to the infirmary and get it fixed?"

Lillian swivelled around, "I am NOT going back there!" She declared.

"Okay. Okay," the chef quickly said, "How about you take one of the old tea towels and go up to your room to fix it yourself."

Lillian nodded, apologized, and left with tea towel in hand.

After bandaging the cut on her hand, she thought more about Soran. Finally, she decided that, although she somewhat despised him, what she had done was wrong. So Lillian prepared to apologize. However, she didn't want to risk a vocal altercation, so she wrote a letter.


I do not know if you really did deceive me, but if you think it was I who was the deceiver, I would like to apologize. I can assure you that at no point did I think you were who you are. I was being myself, without any devious intentions. Had I known it was you, I probably would have demanded to be removed from the infirmary. I am sincerely sorry for my behaviour, and only hope we can go back to despising each other in peace.

Grandest Aplogies,


She rolled up the ink blotted parchment, decorated with her spidery penmanship, and sent it to the infirmary by pidgeon. There were no flowers, or chocolate, only the letter. Lillian did not have the money for such silliness.
Soran woke up to a pigeon pecking his at his head. Slapping the bird off, Soran sat up, obviously not having a great day. Spotting a letter attached to its leg, Soran untied it and began to read it. It was from Lillian... Soran felt more infuriated at every word there was! Finally, Soran couldn't take it any more and threw the letter away and began to write his own.

'My dearest Lillian,


From the man you hate,


Tying the letter to the pigeon's leg, Soran flopped back onto his bed, and fell asleep the very moment his head hit the pillow.
(ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Etc exclamation marks)

When Lillian received Soran's letter she stared at it in shock. How rude! Of course she had been less than kind earlier that day, but to just reject her apology certainly wasn't the courteous thing to do. However, despite her offence, the letter made her feel better. It only confirmed her negative beliefs about his character, and allowed her to move on from fretting about his damaged feelings. She refused to even consider that he really was hurt and he just didn't believe she was being sincere. Lillian decided that Soran wasn't worth writing back to, so she pranced back to the kitchen, ready to return to chores.
Days passed by without communication from any of the two people. Those days became weeks.. And a few months later, Soran was out of the infirmary.

"What's up, Franny?" Soran grinned cheerfully as he slung his arm around Francis' shoulders. "Anything happen while I was gone?"

Francis shook his head, happy that his friend was back. "Nah," Francis laughed, slinging his own arm around Soran. "It was boring without you!"

Soran broke out into a loud and obnoxious laugh. "I knew you missed me, Franny!" Patting his friend's back, Soran removed his arm and brushed his long brown hair out of his face.

Francis recalled a time when something had happened. "Oh, but, that Lilli-"

Soran shot his friend a harsh glare. "Don't you dare say her name." He hissed, his eyes narrowing dangerously. After Lillian had betrayed Soran, he began to really hate her, just like she did to him.
Early in the morning, Lillian was informed of a school assembly. It was to be held right after evening classes. Once she got out of class, she hurried to the auditorium. Scanned the room, she looked for an empty seat. Soran will be out by now, she thought; she didn't want to have to sit beside him. Much to her relief, she found a seat that was surrounded by other empty ones. She quickly made her way to it.

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