The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Soran frowned playfully, encouraged with the third hint, he finally guessed, "Francis?" Soran blurted out loud, watching one of his classmates walk in with a broken arm. Soran muttered something about framboise (raspberries).

(Haha! Twinsies! :D )
( xD )

"Nope!" Lillian declared, nodding a hello to Francis. He gave the two a funny look, as if surprised they were being friendly with each other. She furrowed her brow in confusion at the boy's face, but returned her attention to the game. "Another hint?" She asked.
In realization, Soran smack his head with his hand. "It's...frame, isn't it?" Soran sighed, a little embarrassed he didn't figure it out earlier. Soran chuckled and glanced at the picture frame. The painting was of very colourful flowers in a ornate vase. It was quite tacky if you had to judge it.
Lillian giggled, "Yup! Now it's your turn!" She tried to see where Soran was looking through the curtain. If she knew where he was looking, she would have a general idea if where the object was.
Soran grinned, thinking of a way to compliment the girl behind the curtain. "I spy.....something...sweet." Soran smiled, imagining what the girl would look like. He did know that her voice was quite pretty. Soran leaned back and began to imagine the girl. Long brown hair, fair skin, greyish-blue eyes, pink lips....a little bit of freckles..."...Lillian..." Soran whispered to himself, no one could hear him. When Soran realized what he was thinking, he punched himself in the gut. "Aurgh!" Soran rolled to his side and curled up. So, that's what those guys felt whenever he playfully punched them. No wonder they always had a pained look on their face when he punched them. Soran had to mentally note to weaken the punch next time.
(The part where he punched himself made my day xD )

"We'll that's not very fair," Lillian grumbled, "What if my idea if sweet isn't the same as yours?" Lillian glanced around the room, when her eyes fell on the strawberries she spoke, "Fraises?" She asked, playfully mocking his earlier guess.
Soran let out a pained laugh, his gut still hurting. "Nope! It's also has quite the humor." Soran chuckled at the figure behind the curtain. Swiftly grabbing a bucket on the side of his bed, Soran spit some blood into it. Coughing slightly, Soran furrowed his eyebrows together.
Lillian was silently thinking when she heard him coughing. "Are you okay?" She asked, "Shall I call a nurse?" She removed the covers from her legs and was getting ready to jump off the bed and go in search of a nurse.
Soran waved his hand dismissively, "No, I'm good. They told me it's normal at first, since the sword apparently damaged one of my lungs. They stitched it up though, it was only a little cut, like a paper cut." Soran shrugged and placed the bucket down, his chest still heaving up and down. "I'll be alright, they said. Since I have abnormal healing speed, I'll be out in no time!" Soran grinned boyishly, giving the lady behind the curtains a thumbs up. He had to thank his grandparents for passing the genetics down to him.
Lillian was unsure about his confidence, but had no reason not to trust him. "If you say so," she said, "Now, back to the game." Lillian figured that the object was a person, seeing as she couldn't see a wall, or a doorknob being humourous. She scoured the room for people. The first person she saw was Francis. "Francis?" she asked. Francis looked up, seemingly disturbed by the amount of conversation going on about him.
Soran irrupted with laughter. "Nah! Francis has no humor!" When the words reached Francis' ear, he frowned slightly, folded his arms and looked away. Soran chuckled lightly. "I'm just joking, Fru-Fru. You're hilarious." Francis glanced at Soran and turned away with a small and devious smile on his face.
Lillian giggled at the playful interactions between the man and Francis. "You?" she ventured, returning to the game.
Soran chuckled playfully. "I'm not that sweet, last time I bit myself it tasted like metal." Soran felt a blush overcome his face, "But, you're close." Soran closed his eyes, waiting for the girl to reply. Lillian... Soran's thoughts began to wander. He imagined pinning her down and kissing her on those soft, pink- "NOPE!" Soran punched himself in the gut, again. "Focus on the pain, focus on the pain, focus on the pain." Soran chanted quietly to himself. What was wrong with him? Had the nurses done something to him? Soran growled lowly, that's why he hated going to the doctor's. You never know what they really do to you.
"It's not... Me... Is it?" Lillian queried, incredulous. She couldn't help thinking about how truly great company the man was. She wished that she had known him before the invasion. It was rare you could find a person of the male gender that was likeable enough to become her friend. Lillian just had bad luck with boys, they were always just so egotistical.
Soran chuckled lightly, "BING BING! You are correct!" Soran had really started to like this girl, almost to the point that he would call it a crush. Soran brushed his hair back again. "You're probably the best girl I've met." Soran recalled all the other girls he had talked to. Most of them were good people, but none of them really sparked something between them. The girl behind the curtains had. And Soran couldn't wait to get out of this hospital and see her.

There it was again, that weird look Francis gave them. What was he doing anyway?
Lillian blushed. She was glad their was a curtain to hide it. "Likwise!" She said, "I barely ever meet men who aren't complete and utter dolts." By now, Lillian had completely forgotten about Francis. On a normal day, it would make her uncomfortable for someone to be listening to her personal conversations. Had she not forgotten about Francis, she would not have made a comment about men being dolts; but it wasn't a normal day and she had forgotten about Francis. She was too absorbed in conversation with the mystery man to notice anything.
Soran scratched his head, a little amused at what the girl had said. "Well, Thry may be utter idiots on the outside, but they're pretty cool when you get to know them." Soran gave an apologetic look to Francis.
"Sometimes....Some are just annoyances on the inside and out," Lillian stated, thinking if Soran, "Not you, though," she quickly added.
"Hahaha!" Soran chuckled, "Well, that warms my heart." He said sarcastically. "Can I ask you for some advice?" Soran asked nervously, twindling his thumbs.
Soran decided to take it from a girl's point of view instead. "Well, there's this girl," Soran rubbed his hands together. "She's really beautiful and amazing. We've known each other since we were kids and," Soran took a deep breath. "And for some reason, she hates me. I don't know what I did to make her despise me so much.." Soran was talking about Lillian.
"So... What do you want advice on?" Lillian queried, "There could be many ways I could interpret that and give all sorts of kinds of advice." Lillian thought of Soran as age thought about what the man had said. Her and Soran had known each other forever, and she strongly disliked him.
Soran chuckled lightly, "I kind of..." Soran hugged his knees shyly. " her...I guess." Soran blushed heavily. "Well, I think I like her. I mean, she always finds a way to worm her way into my brain! And I get this weird feeling whenever I'm around her." Soran ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't know if I despise her or love her!" Throwing his head up, Soran massaged his temples and muttered, "Girls can be so confusing..."
Lillian chuckled, "Girls can be confusing?" She asked, "You're the one being confusing! She isn't making you have conflicted feelings." Lillian giggled, "But you can love her and despise her all at the same time," she explained, "I suggest not troubling yourself over the topic... It'll make you stressed."
Soran took in the girl's advice. "Good idea," Soran nodded, rubbing his temples. "Soooooo..." Soran changed the subject. "How'" Soran chuckled at the awkward question.

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