The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Lillian was woken from a fitful slumber. She stared up at the ceiling, wondering what had awoken her. If it weren't for the steady glow of a candle, it would have been pitch black. She still had no idea who the man was, and she wanted to know. So, she stood up, picked up the candle and left the room. Slowly, she crept down the hall to the infirmary. Just when she was about to open the door, the head nurse saw her and scolded her sternly.
Soran awoke, feeling a lot better than before. He sat up with the help of the nurse and asked her to hand him one of the cards as he began to read them, one by one.


Hey, do you think they should bond and get to know each other better in the infirmary? But they won't know who each other are, only the voices. That way when they get out of the infirmary they'll be all like "YOU?!"
(Sure! xD )

Lillian sighed. "He's been taken care of now," the nurse stated, "So I guess you can come back in." The nurse guided Lillian into the infirmary and to a new bed. "You have to stay in this bed," she warned.

Lillian nodded, "I will."
Soran chuckled at one of his friends jokes about him. He set the card down and moved onto the next, a small mountain of cards was growing at the foot of his bed. When Soran heard one of the nurses move someone to the bed next to him, he was intrigued.
Lillian sat up, examining the silhouette of the stranger for the second time today. It seemed almost familiar, but she couldn't quite place why. Then, she recalled the way he had acted earlier. "Are you feeling better?" She queried meekly, concern in her voice.
Surprised that the person, no woman, behind the curtain noticed him. "I'm...I'm alright." Soran answered, huskily. "So, how did you end up here?" Soran attempted to stir up a conversation. His mind was still blurring from the night that the invaders attacked. The doctors and nurses still have yet to tell him what happened. Brushing some of his brown hair out of his face, Soran turned to the mystery woman behind the curtain.
"I was fighting a group of invaders by myself," she replied, "I'm lucky I got off with so few injuries. There was a man there... He was unconscious by the time I reached him, but he had fought off a good chunk of them already. If it weren't for him, and the teachers who came after, I probably would've been unconscious too." She paused, examining the man's figure, "We're you the one in the cafeteria?" She asked.
Soran tried to remember what had happened that night. He could only remember the people dressed in black, and the pain of his wounds. "I....I don't really remember.." Soran chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "The nurses haven't told me anything yet. They said that my body was in shock that night because of my injuries. But, I don't know what happened." Soran gave the person a smile and took a bar of chocolate from his pile of gifts. "Do you want some? I can't finish it all," Soran waved the bar of chocolate through the curtains, then grabbing one for himself. "Don't tell the nurses..!"
Lillian giggled, "Thanks!" She said, "But why can't the nurses know? Not that I would tell them... Dud they say you can't eat chocolate?" She placed a small square of chocolate in her mouth and closed her eyes. This was the first time she had had chocolate in years. The tast tickled her taste buds; she had forgotten how good it was. "Mmmm," she murmured.
Soran laughed quietly, "They said that chocolate wasn't healthy, and would give me a toothache." Soran paused for a moment, letting the milky goodness melt in his mouth. "But, it would have been worth it..." Soran laid down on his bed, thinking about Lillian. "I wonder if she's alright..." Soran muttered out loud.
"Hmmm? You said something?" Lillian queried, once she had finished her chocolate. She desperately wanted to get up and stretch her legs, but knew that if the nurses caught her she would be in terrible trouble.
Soran whipped his head towards the sound of the voice, he had almost forgotten that she was there. He let out a chuckle, "I'm just worried about a friend of mine," Soran didn't know if he could consider Lillian a friend, after all, she hates him. "I didn't see her the night of the invasion. Well, I don't think I did..." Soran tapped his chin with his finger. "I do recall usher some people out of the cafeteria..." Soran flashed the woman a smile, although she couldn't see it because of the curtain between them. "Anyway," Soran changed the subject, it's not like Lillian would miss him or anything like that. "How about you? Got any friends you're worried about?" As weird as this topic was, Soran decided to strike up a conversation because he was a very social person.
Lillian shrugged, "I'm worried about everyone," she stated, "Even the people I'm not particularly fond of..." She trailed off. There was only one person she wasn't 'particularly fond of,' and that was Soran. She suddenly became silent. Now that she thought of it, Soran was probably one of the people she was closest to at the school. Through all their rivalry, he had come to know her better than anyone else. Then, a thought came to her. What if he was dead? It would be her fault. If she had allowed him to stay and bother her, they would have been together when the invasion began.
Soran leaned back and sighed. "I wonder if she's even worried about me," Soran pushed back his hair with his hand. Glancing at one of the teddy bears, Soran knew that none of these were from Lillian. He read the cards, not one that said 'from Lillian' at the bottom. "I'm bored." Soran blurted out without thinking. "There's nothing to do here." Soran's eyes dashed around the room. Nope. Nothing.
"Hmmm..." Lillian murmured, "We could play a game," she suggested. She glanced around the room. There really wasn't anything exciting about the dull grey colour. She fell back into her bad and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for a reply.
"How about I Spy?" Soran suggested, jokingly. He followed in suit, and lay down on his bed, staring at the boring grey ceiling. "They should paint the ceiling a colour. Like bright pink." Soran laughed at the thought of the bright pink ceiling, earning him a shush and harsh glare from the nurses.
"But then it would be too hard to look at," Lillisn pointed out, "Harsh colours hurt the eyes after a while... I think it should be a mint green," she mused. Then she searched the room for something to spy. There was a picture of flowers across the room, framed with sturdy wood. "I spy with my little eye... Something that starts with F."
Soran chuckled at the idea of a mint green ceiling, he then scanned the room for something that started with an F... "" Soran answered, not sure if he was right or not. There was a plate of grilled fish sitting on a cart. "Wait, no! It's frogs! They make you eat frogs!"
Lillian shook her head with a chuckle. Then, she remembered that he couldn't see her and quickly spoke up, "Nope! Need a hint?" She asked, staring at the frame.
Soran scratched his head, trying to figure out what it was, "Yes, please..." he answered back, his eyes still roaming around the room.
"I spy withy little eye something that starts with F-R," Lillian stated. She sat up and stretched her arms. Then she did her best at stretching everything else. She desperately wanted to get up and walk around, but she knew the nurses would never let her.
Spotting a bowl of strawberries, Soran raised his eyebrows and pulled out some French, "Fraise?" Soran really couldn't guess what it was! Somewhat frustrated, Soran sarcastically said, "Wait, it must be frustration."
Lillian chuckled, "Nope. I couldn't see any frustration when we started the game. Try again. Shall I give you another hint?" She questioned gaily.

(Parlez-vous francais? xD )
Determined to figure out what it was, Soran started to blurt out random words that start with 'fr'. "Fruits? The word fragile? Frills? Frrr....fra....grances?" Soran sighed in defeat. "I give up. What is it?" Massaging his temples, Soran reached for another chocolate bar. Girls aren't the only ones that go to chocolate for comfort.

(Oui, but only a little bit)
Lillian chuckled evilly. "Don't think that I will let you give up so easily," she declared, "I will give you another hint... And that is it. I soy with my little eye something that begins with F-R-A." When she had finished speaking, she may down on her side, staring at the curtain separating their beds. 
(Moi aussi!!!)

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