The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

(Lol idk... Doesn't matter to me :0 )

Lillian was too occupied recovering from her scare to say goodbye. When she was fully recovered, Mion had already left.
((haha we'll just go with the flow))


Soran (yes yes I know) laid down on his bed and stared at the now travel size bag he had. "This should be fine." Soran nodded at the bag. You'd think Soran would be a carefree person who would probably be packing at the last minute, but no, Soran Aran is a perfectionist. He needed everything to be perfect and have no mistakes whatsoever.
Finally in her room, Lillian began putting together a small satchel of the things she would need.

(Should we skip to them being allowed out of their rooms?)
((Yes because this is going to take some fact want to just skip it to them leaving? unless you have an idea of what could happen when they get out))
(I don't lol... Lets skip xD )

Lillian was at the edge of the school well before sunrise. Sunrise was when they were supposed to meet, but she always liked to be early. She carried her small pack of food and supplies on her back, and her satchel was hanging off her shoulder. She didn't have a horse like most of the students would, she couldn't afford one. The school didn't provide horses, if you had one, you brought it. If you didn't, then too bad for you. End of story.

Rowan approached the meeting place just before sunrise. He sat atop a bark brown Clydesdale, and dipped his head to the assembly. His bow and quiver were slung across his back, and his two packs were resting on the horse. He turned his attention to the towering trees before them. The forest. The never ending sea of danger that they would soon have to enter.

Mazie woke up before sunrise to get dressed. When she was ready, she picked up her two bags, her personal one, and the pack identical to the ones issued to each party member and left her dorm. She made her way to the stables and led her horse, Twigs, out of its stall. Right as the sun began to peek up from behind the horizon, Mazie rode in.
Artemis rushed down the stairs and to the school entrance where everyone was waiting. Behind him was Mion, who was calming gliding down the stairs, carrying the bags. Artemis was panicking, What if they left without us? The young man sprinted towards the others, feeling quite the relief that they hadn't left yet.

"H-hi!" Artemis bent down and tried to regain his breath from running so much. Mion, however, was standing perfectly fine next to Artemis, still holding the bags with no falter.

Soran leaned on the gate, waiting for everyone to come to the entrance. What can I say? I like to be prepared. Soran was petting the mane of a dark brown horse, who he liked to call Olive, as he watched Artemis and Mion run up to the group. Well, Artemis was running, Mion just looked like he was going for a morning stroll.
"Hi!" Lillian smiled, "How are you?" She didn't even look at Soran. She had been ignoring him since he had arrived. She was surprised, and disappointed, that he had decided to go.

Rowan dipped his head to the two boys, "Morning," he greeted.

Mazie nodded, acknowledging the two new arrivals, but wasn't as chatty as the others, "Are you ready? We should get going," she said simply.
Artemis pouted for a moment but easily shook it off by stretching his body. Glancing over at the horse Mion had, Artemis wondered how we're all going to get there. "Does everyone have a horse?" Of course Artemis wasn't able to actually afford a ride, so he was just going with Mion.

Soran patted his horse affectionately. He was always so protective of his ride... "You're a beauty, ain't cha?" Soran chuckled lightly as he continued to stroke the Olive's mane.
Rowan nodded, "I have one. If anyone needs a ride, I'll be happy to oblige," he said smiling.

"I have one too," Mazie stated when Rowan was done.

Lillian readjusted her satchel, "I'm just going to walk," she announced, "I don't want to be extra weight to the horses."

Rowan eyed her doubtfully, but she assured him she could walk. After insisting she ride with him, Lillian finally agreed.

"How about we give your packs to the other horses? To lighten Mirabeth's load?" He had suggested, which was enough to convince the reluctant girl.
"You can ride with me." Soran suggested nonchalantly. He really didn't care any more. The man just wanted to get this done with.

"I'm already going with Mion." Artemis beamed cheerfully as he patted Mion's horse, whose name is Siopao is Artemis could remember properly.
(Did Soran ask Lillian? :0 )

(If he did xD :

Lillian turned to Soran, an incredulous expression on her face. "No thank you," she replied stiffly, but politely, "Rowan has already offered..."

(If he didn't... Just ignore that :0)

Mazie waited patiently for everyone to get organized so they could start.

Lillian secured both of her packs onto Mazie's horse, not wanting them to go anywhere near Soran. Even if her life depended on it, she wouldn't get help from him.

Rowan held out his hand, which Lillian gratefully grabbed so that he could help pull her up and onto Mirabeth.
(He was talking to Arty xD )

Soran shrugged and gave a mock salute to the others before riding off on Olive. "Bye." Soran rode off into the woods, following a small path along it.

Mion glanced back at Artemis, who had wrapped his arms around the man to keep himself from falling off. "Let's go then." Mion leaned forward ever so slightly before following in Soran's lead.
(I thought so, but I wanted to be sure xD )

Mazie followed without hesitation. She made a small clicking sound, squeezed Twigs ever so slightly between her thighs, and the horse trotted off.

Lillian rolled her eyes at Soran. Unsure of how fast the horse was going to be, she held Rowan's jacket at the shoulder seams.

Rowan chuckled at the fact that Artemis would so readily wrap his arms around Mion, but reserved Lillian would just barely touch his jacket. He happily brought up the rear. 
(Omg! I have an idea! Yknow how you were asking if it was really going to be a soranXlillian romance? We could do a love triangle :0)
((Let's do...both... Want to have a whole bunch of teenage drama? :D It'll be so complex that it'll be funny xD ))
((Yes! xD Okay um.. Guy 1 likes Girl 1 who likes Guy 2 who likes Girl 2 who likes Guy 3 who likes Guy 4 and Guy 4 likes Guy 1 AND Guy 3. Sorry if that's a little confusing xD ))
(Who's who? We could also do something where two people like one person... That makes it more dramatic... Person a and b like person c who likes both of them but person d likes a and e likes b and f but f likes d :0 Idek if I understand that :0 or there could be one person who doesn't like anyone but others like them DX)
(Hm... Okay. I think I got an idea for the crazy love hexagon. Who do you think your characters would like? I'm thinking Soran likes Mazie, Artemis likes Mion, Mion likes Arty AND one of your characters to :) )
(Hehe arty and Mion are so cute! <3 Mazie could be totally not interested in anyone cause it would take time off the mission.... She can slowly develop a liking for Soran though xD Lillian and Rowan can like anyone... It doesn't matter to me...Lillian will probably end up having an attachment for him though cuz they're riding together... It isn't necessarily a romantic attachment though ) 
( Lillian will probably stick close to Mion and arty too though because she knows them)
((Haha! Alrighty then! xD So....Here's what I got for now Soran develops a crush on Mazie who at first doesn't care but slowly develops a liking to the man which gets Rowan jealous and then rebounds on Lillian who turns to Artemis for comfort and makes Mion jealous and then goes to Soran for romance advice which causes Artemis to be sad and think he's not good enough for Mion. Any suggestions?))

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