The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Artemis stared at the girl, unsure of what he should do. Finally giving in, Artemis admitted, "That's a picture my little sister drew for me a few years ago," Artemis added in with a small smile. "She's gotten much better now."
Artemis paled as he placed the picture gently into a drawer that was filled with parchments. "It's...." Artemis started, unsure of what he should say. "It's none of your business." Artemis finished coldly, not trusting the girl enough to tell her about his family situation.
Lillian blushed, "I'm sorry," she apologized, embarrassed, "I didn't mean to pry." She sat back down on the bed, not wanting to come across anything else that Artemis was sensitive about.
Artemis nodded, a gentle smile on his girly face. "It's alright," Artemis forgave Lillian quickly. "You were curious. It's natural, isn't it?" Artemis hummed a light tune as he pulled out a small bag and began packing. "What do you think we should bring?" Artemis asked the girl as he began opening a few drawers, looking at the contents, and closing it again.
Lillian thought for a moment, "Not a lot," she stated, "Just bring a few items of clothes. We will probably get our food, weapons, and other supplies later." She got up and opened the window, having a sudden desire for fresh air. "I hope you don't mind...?" She voiced, turning back to him.
Artemis shook his head. "No, not at all. I wanted some fresh air anyway." Artemis flashed Lillian a small smile, and looked out of the window.

"Boo." Mion popped out from above the window, hanging down like spider man. Artemis jumped in surprise, but calmed down eventually. Mion climbed through the window and sat down on Artemis' bed.

Artemis frowned at the new man. "You need to stop doing that," Artemis turned back to packing his stuff. "You're going to give me a heart attack."
When Mion appeared, Lillian screamed and jumped. When she saw that it was Mion, she clutched her head and exhaled in relief. "I hope no one heard that.... It would be terrible if we got caught out of our rooms," she stated.

(Once my friend scarede so bad I was lightheaded for 10 minutes afterwards lol)
Mion stood emotionless in the room, not knowing why he was here. Laying down on Artemis' bed, Mion put his hands over his eyes and just laid there. On the bed.

Artemis flashed Lillian a tiny smile. "I hope not. The headmaster is already mad at us." Artemis hummed a light tune as he began to pack his clothing.

"He deserved it." Mion added in quickly.

Throwing a book at the older man, Artemis frowned playfully at Mion. "Be quiet you." It looked like Artemis and Mion had secretly been friends for a long time. What an odd pair. The cold and emotionless Mion and the kind and happy Artemis.
Mion stared blankly at the girl. "Maybe." Not being one for words, Mion returned back into his peaceful silence.

Artemis sighed and smiled at Lillian. "He's going." Artemis answered properly for Mion. "Right, Mion?" In response, Mion gave a low grunt.


((Sure, your choice))
(Why not... It'll provide more conflict)

Lillian laughed, "I wonder who else is..." She mused. Suddenly a knock came on the door. Lillian froze, not knowing what to do. She was afraid to even breath.
Artemis looked up at the door and gave a muffled voice, "Who is it?" Covering his mouth with his hand, Artemis tried to make it sound like he was in the wash room.

Mion didn't even move when he heard the knocks on the door. Feeling very calm, Mion laid his hand down on Artemis' pillow, not caring about what would happen.
"The headmaster," came a voice, "May I come in?"

Lillian stared at Mion hysterically. What was he doing! She looked around the room then saw the window. (Shod they escape? :0$
Artemis quickly pushed Lillian into his closet, gesturing for her to be quiet. "Of course!" Artemis quickly opened the door and checked if it really was the headmaster. And it was.

"Hello there, Artemis." the headmaster greeted the young man, walking into his room without even asking. Spotting Mion, the headmaster frowned. "Mr. Lin."

In response, Mion gave a rough grunt, acknowledging the old man's presence.

Shaking his head, the headmaster turned back to Artemis with a calm smile on his face. "So, Artemis..." The headmaster began to have a polite chit chat with Artemis, who easily replied like he wasn't hiding a girl in his closet.

"That boy is very deceiving... Even if he doesn't know it." Mion chuckled lightly, letting his eyes close once again.
Lillian placed her hands over her mouth, trying not to make a sound. She barely e en breathed. Carefully, she watched the headmaster through the slits in Artemis' closet. Unfortunately, a box that had been precariously resting on the top shelf fell down on Lillian's head. "Ow!" She exclaimed, without realizing that it would blow her cover.
The headmaster turned to look at the suspicious closet. "What was that?" the headmaster glanced back at Artemis as he slowly advanced to the closet.

"What was what?" Artemis chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't hear anything." Artemis glared at Lillian through the slits, frowning at her.

"That noise," the headmaster reached for the closet door. "I heard someone yell ow." the headmaster slowly opened the closet.

"LOOK!" Artemis pointed outside the window, making the headmaster turn his head to Artemis. While the headmaster was distracted, Artemis gave Lillian signals to hid in one of the coats.

The headmaster stared at Artemis and raised an eyebrow. "Never mind. Sorry." Artemis laughed, trying to make it look like he had made a mistake. The headmaster turned back to the closet and opened it.
Lillian was wrapped in an extremely warm coat. The fur tickled her nose, but she didn't dare make a noise. The one good thing about the coat, was that it muffled any sounds. However, the amount of fur did make breathing somewhat difficult.
" are you, headmaster?" Artemis flashed a charming smile to the old man as he continued the polite chit chat with the headmaster.

"Oh, I'm fine, my boy." the headmaster replied, also going along with the little conversation they were having. "Fine weather we are having today, are we not?"

Mion sighed as he tuned out the boring conversation and proceeded to fall asleep on Artemis' bed.
Lillian fought back a sigh, not wanting the headmaster to realize she was in there. She hoped he would leave soon, she didn't know how much more of closet confinement she could stand. At least the fur is soft, she thought.
"The headmaster left the room to go check up on the others." Artemis called out to Lillian after the old man had left. Mion had gotten up and was scavenging through the young man's stuff, looking for something interesting.
Lillian's eyes widened as she came out of the closet. "What am I supposed to do?" She exclaimed, "He'll go to my room!"
Artemis paused for a moment and glanced over at Mion with a nervous smile on his face. Mion sighed and got up off the bed.

"Tonight." Mion stared at Artemis, like he owed him something. Picking up Lillian, Mion jumped out the window and quickly dashed over to Lillian's room. "Where's your room again?" Mion paused as he stood in a very dangerous position, if he made any wrong movements, they would both be falling to their dooms.
Lillian screeched when Mion picked her up, filling his ears with protests. Lillian pointed in the direction of her room, "It's that way," she said, "You think you could put me down?"
Moon smirked as he let go of Lillian, causing her to plummet to her doom. Just before she went out of reach, Mion swiftly grabbed her. "Okay." Mion jumped over and did some crazy arobics before placing Lillian down on her balcony. "Bye." Mion fave Lillian a mock salute before running back to Artemis' room.

((Is this really soranxlillian lol))

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