[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

I think the greatest thing about Exalted's design is that, by the endgame, there's usually a point of "no, John, you are the demons."

You can wipe out a city. You could probably do that from Essence 4 or so. That's just the beginning. You could wipe out city, slaughter the women and children, raise a monument to your virtue, impose martial law, and metaphysically destroy the concept of love, and then make the survivors love you for it. Mortals are insignificant to us - we probably all know crowd control charms that could let us wipe out, win over, or elsewise negate mortal and low-Essence existence, until one day you look around from the ruins the Curse has wrought and realize you've become exactly what the Immaculate Order accused you of being.

This pretty much goes with how Primordials are characterized. Consider Autochthon, slaving away at 700 Celestial Exaltations. He didn't stop to think about the consequences of releasing them onto flawed human meatsacks. He just sat there and he made the very awesomest soul-enhancer he could, because that's what Autochthon embodies. He lacked the perspective to see how this could backfire. And when it did backfire -- both from the Great Curse and human failings -- he ditched. Leaving us where we are today.

So I would say yes, the Bronze Faction did have a point. However, I don't know if they've done that much a better job than the Celestials might have done, given the chance. In the end, they have their own curse to fight with.
On a completely unrelated topic: Axel, what is Golden Godly Omniscience?

I'm not familiar with the charm, and google-fu turned up nothing except a broken wiki link. I am now curious. Alternatively, it is late, and in my sleep deprived state I have overlooked something stupidly obvious.
ill be handling the ships medic as much as a db possibly can. epic cases will have to be refferred to the twilight one of the lunars
Coyote, taking Stone Skipping Spirit, as it affects the pilot, not the siddie. Figured you'd enjoy perfect smooth sailing, :)
Zoronos said:
On a completely unrelated topic: Axel, what is Golden Godly Omniscience?
It's a charm by The Demented One that Reaver approved via AIM. It makes Keen (Sense) Technique and Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline into Indefinite charms instead of Instant. It also reduces their cost at higher Essence, until, at E7, the cost is reduced to 0.

In short, think of it as the Awareness version of Unparalleled Acumen Meditation.
Oooh, shiny. I think I need to make room in my charm selection for that then...

I'm surprised googling it didn't find it, given that it's a TDO charm.
Pffft, burned off almost all my BP making Essence 5...at least I got 30 charms starting, :D Wish Established gave me colleges though
Yeah, I was wondering why people keep complaning raising the essence costs a lot of bp. At 7bp per point, it should just cost 21bp to go from 4 to 7 in theory.
(14 BP for four to six. ST mentioned that seven had to be bought with XP)

Though I think in the case, its the worse ratio of BP -> essence that sids, lunars, and dragonblooded get which is causing Thorn's consternation.
The reason I pointed it out was he said it took most of his BPs to get to a 5. Considering he starts at a 4 and get's 35 BP's it made me wonder if he missed the higher starting essence.
This is where sleep deprivation gets me in trouble. >.>

I was attempting to respond to Midbosses '21 bp to Essence 7' rather than the 'It takes all my BP to get to 5', but I clearly failed. If I remember my siddie charts, it's 10 bp from 4->5, so Thorn should have in the neighborhood of 25 left.
Yup, and I spent 5 on my 31st charm. So, 20 left. If only the 7th pt costs XP, gonna be 10 left as I raise Essence to 6
So just thought of something that I'm not sure if anyone thought of. Right now no one can make manses. I am going to have crew members who have the training to make level 3 and less but anything more the PC's will have to be able to make.
Coyote' date=' taking Stone Skipping Spirit, as it affects the pilot, not the siddie. Figured you'd enjoy perfect smooth sailing, :) [/quote']
Oooooh, or imagine Mirror-Shattering Method and arriving in Yu-Shan to find out what's going on? ;)

And WAVES LIKE CLOUDS VOYAGE from the DB Charms of DoTFA would be great, but that is 7 Charms at least to get it. Mind you, it would let us sail beneath the waves, even in that ship.
Reaver said:
So just thought of something that I'm not sure if anyone thought of. Right now no one can make manses. I am going to have crew members who have the training to make level 3 and less but anything more the PC's will have to be able to make.
What Charm set is needed to make Manses? I might pop a few spells off my list and pick that up.
Craft and Lore..... Craft to actually make the damn things physically, while Lore will make them from the Wyld.
Best things for Manse-building:

-Wonder-Forging Genius

-Design Beyond Limit

-Demon of the First/Second/Third Circle

It's even better if you have a retinue of, say, 10 or so Dragon-Blooded sorcerers. Get them summoning First Circle Demons, you summon Second and Third Circle. One Third Circle, a few Second's, and each DB summoning 180 First Circle Demons. By the end of this, you have a force of 1800 First Circle Demons, and can easily get the others to bring the effective number of mortal worker equivalents up to 10,000. That's enough to build a Rank 1 Manse in less than a week, Rank 5 in less than a month.

Welcome to the magical world of First Age Solar crafting; the world is your bitch.
Also, may I mention that there are probably a SHITLOAD of drowned manses in our section of Creation. Probably all Water, maybe a few Solar (Designed to absorb energies of the setting sun!), and small oddities here and there (Fire on a volcanic isle, Wood in a kelp forest, etc.) It was my impression that minor manses (rank 1-3) existed EVERYWHERE in the First Age. Even the most minor dragonblood officers probably lived in a rank 1 or 2 manse, or at least had one at easy access.

Of course, now, in the Age of Sorrows, the geomancy has shifted, so, some of those may outright be unrepairable, but, certainly a large amount must exist that are just fixer-uppers, not fully blank demesnes.
Coyotekin said:
Coyote' date=' taking Stone Skipping Spirit, as it affects the pilot, not the siddie. Figured you'd enjoy perfect smooth sailing, :) [/quote']
Oooooh, or imagine Mirror-Shattering Method and arriving in Yu-Shan to find out what's going on? ;)

And WAVES LIKE CLOUDS VOYAGE from the DB Charms of DoTFA would be great, but that is 7 Charms at least to get it. Mind you, it would let us sail beneath the waves, even in that ship.
I would only need to buy one extra Charm to get it, so maybe once we've spent a little time in Creation...

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