[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Yeah sorry about that guys, I actually was super busy the last week. I've been job hunting and as my car died I decided to pack it in and just got a week bus pass to hit the trail so to say. That and Skyrim and some things I work on the side meant that I just kept putting off posting.

As for Wavecrest I was kinda waiting for the stockpile group to finish the battle as at the point you guys are at I figured you wanted to talk to your compatriots before continuing.
Sooooo, I just remembered I've not posted in ages... If the game's gone on without me, I'll gracefully bow out, but if it's still viable to step back in, I can.
I'm with family right now so my replies might be lacking as I forgot to copy my notes over to my laptop before leaving. I apologize for this, and will try to post what I can.

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