[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Don't worry she won't kill you out of hand, the other lunars in the room on the other hand .....
It's with sadness that I must step out of the game. School has kept me way too busy lately and I do not want to hold up, with what I am seeing, such a wonderful game. Thanks for having me. I hope that sometime soon I can get more involved again in the games and school lets me.
Sorry to lose you, but school is more important then gaming. I'll have your character off to the side if you ever get enough free time you want to jump back in.
Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. I've been recovering from knee surgury and I'm all tanked out on percocet right now. The good news is, I'm going to be able to walk much better once all the swelling goes down and be nearly pain-free for the first time in years! Yeaa for me. I should be back on my feet (so to speak) soon.
Question: just how much detail about the Usurpation and its aftermath do those history books give? Do they mention the fate of the Solars' mortal families, for example? Or the extermination of their servant races? Because I can imagine the reaction some of the crew might have to stuff like that.

Hope you feel better, Sherwood.
You guys where basically given Realm history books. Think level of detail you'd find in a highschool level history class that had it's books edited by propagandists. Most of the other history you guys currently have is from the fall itself or shortly before.
I know the Immaculate Faith does mention that the Anathema created foul servants, and these were destroyed too. However, it's up to Reaver whether you can make a Lore roll to make that connection to the servant races.
So, something like this, then?

From the patrician textbook Wonders of the Lost Age:

“During the First Age, the Anathema created many kinds of life by abusing Essence to construct aberrations — beings that had parts of various different animals combined together in them. These terrible creatures were often able to breed true, and many of the terrible beasts that are scourges of the Threshold in the Second Age are a result of these terrible experiments. From the eight-tailed mole hounds to the simhata lion-horses, these fierce beasts blight Creation to this day.â€

Commentary from an edition provided for Dragon-Blooded students:

“Obviously, this is laying a great deal that came afterward at the feet of the Anathema. It is certain that the Shogunate conducted many experiments in the creation of life, some successful, especially in the early period after the destruction of the Solar Deliberative, but the Shogunate-era Dragon-Blooded never proved the equal of the Anathema in the modification of living beings to suit their wills.

“Clearly, the destruction of Solar-created life was a major priority for the early Shogunate, but it had nothing to do with the immoral nature of creating life (though such artificial life is offensive to the Immaculate Philosophy). The problem, which led to many purges, was that it quickly became evident under close scrutiny that it was not only the mechanical wonders of the Solars that were so dangerous. Many of their prodigies were found to possess programming on a fundamental level that rendered them hereditarily loyal to the Twilights, the Deliberative and the Solar Anathema. As a result, it was necessary to destroy them as a form of prophylaxis.

“This is often decried as one of the worst ‘sins’ of the Shogunate. The fact of the matter is that this decision was undertaken after a number of uprisings and sabotage events rendered it evident that the issue was not related to individuals and would not be settled even by mass behavioral modification.â
Is it any good ? I hesitate as I don't usually like Elder Scrolls games. (More of a Bioware/obsidian and is large dialogue trees man)
So you guys now have battle. The password was Crow as the the Crow is the destroyer of dreams and illusions. Just figured you guys would want to know what my thought was.
Ah, well. I had a thought that it was Peacock for some reason. No biggie.
If your asking for the massed battle stats they are in the forum under here. If you want their full stats I've got them they are basically built off the Experienced and Veteran Soldiers from the Storytellers Compendium. Combat wise I do all the rolls off screen and have the results posted.

The battle I'm keeping it non mass combat mainly cause it's a single monster and this way everyone gets to have fun. I think only you and Midboss have any war let alone war charms.

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