[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Y'know, Operation Wyldhand doesn't seem so insane, now, really. Giant Fair Folk Invasions seem to be not so rare a thing (this is the second one, after all), and doing stuff like testing troops and weapons for such a potential threat probably would be the kind of stuff we'd need right about now.
Creation's population at the height of the First Age was likely in the billions (keep in mind that it's about the same size of Earth at the time of the game now, 80% of which is land compared to less than half that on Earth). 90% of that land, and 90% of those people, all died horribly, many consumed by the Wyld or hurled into Oblivion, in the Great Contagion and subsequent Fair Folk Invasion.

In the balance, it's still in the Solar's favour.
Tell that to the people who died because their Exalted lords didn't bother to warn them. Oh wait, you can't. They were wiped from existence.

I'm not saying the Sidereals and their Dragon-Blooded henchmen were right, either. Any plan that involves killing babies is automatically a bad plan.
If you wanted a justification, the loss of a handful of civilian lives (well, millions, really) allows for realistic triage preparations, and an understanding of the actual casualties such an invasion would inflict. This is necessary data for defending against an actual invasion, as it allows you to predict casualty rates, refugee numbers, etc. It's not exactly nice, but the long-term weighing of gains and losses could be argued to be better. If the data and tools from that time survived into the Dissolution Invasion, who knows how many lives it saved?

I'm not saying it is right, it's definitely morally questionable but, then, what isn't in Exalted? What isn't as questionable is that the world with Solars was healthier than the world without them.
Hahahaha' date=' I've a little army of buttons and I would gladly join in plotting. Is there much chance of getting a large collection of us on one medium or another at some point? Individual chatting is wonderful, but general consensus of any number of topics would be incredible.[/quote']
AIM sounds like the most common denominator, and this seems a reasonably good idea if we want to increase party cohesion and consensus. (Alternatively, we can all continue down the 'We all hate each other, and will flee from each other at first opportunity' path we've been going down so far)
Fox and I have already been figuring out the dynamics between our characters as mates.

FYI, as a sidenote, keep in mind that we will soon start having trouble remembering our Siddie friends.
Frankly, I love the dissention, myself. These people have spent two centuries together, they're all very powerful, and they all have their own opinions. They should have rather deeply rooted hatreds of each other by now, or love each other dearly, or both.

Just have to remember to not let it drag things down, is all.

Also, I'm on AIM too, for scheming.
*laughs* The only ones who seem to be leading towards 'we all hate each other' seem to be Lieh and Paxton. Everyone else, while occassionally trampling other members or other having disagreeing views, haven't crossed the hate-you threshold that I've noticed.

Also, how wonderful it will be to constantly treat our navigator as an intruder after he so kindly informed us that Siddies probably played some part in the revolution~
Yes, well, he may be a Siddie, but not part of the original conspiracy. Nightwish is not going to start getting into conspiracy theories of his crew because he has had to trust and rely on them for 200 years through many levels of adversity.
I think her point was more you guys have to wonder about the Siddies and now an unknown one is slinking through the ship trying to access the more vital locations. More then that he knows everyone and the ship like he lived there all his life. Who could this masked man be.
How long will it take before we start noticing such things? Our characters have been together for a long time after all. How easy would it be to start forgetting him?
That was exactly my point.

Siddies may have been involved in this fall!


I'd be pretty freaked out if some guy in my house was acting like he knew me and everything about me when he fits the description for people who might've killed all my friends.
Well, I'm guessing all Celestials on board are considered Acquaintances for me...it's more likely I'm gonna get arrested by a security patrol
Thorn I've GMed for you how many times and you think it's gonna just be security patrols?
Where in the world did he claim credit for the girl's rescue? I'm thinking Wolf is delusional somehow. We seriously need to work out backstory stuff, because taking other peoples' credit is not Nightwish's style and anyone that has worked with him would know that.
Arynne said:
Ayame bows to the Captain. "On the subject of diplomacy, I would suggest that the girl you rescued be sent to stay among us until your Excellencies find it convenient to return her to her family. If she is indeed of Gentle birth, it is only proper --" And she'll feel a lot safer with Dragon-Blooded than with you, given what we've heard about attitudes in Creation, goes unsaid, "--and we might learn things from talking with her. Also, if her family is of Terrestrial blood, they could be helpful in the future."
Followed by

Coyotekin said:
Looking to Ayame he nodded, "By all means. I think there is a lot to be learned while her being most likely to speak amongst her own kind....especially given the current thoughts of Celestials. Please let me know how she comes along."
Feeling that was settled he looked to his mate. "My dear, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe something caught from the sea...", He said almost wistfully with a small show of euphoria.
And before you get all bent out of shape, Wolf, as mentioned, doesn't care. It's not important to him, so he just finds it funny.
None of that shows him taking credit. He gave directions for what to do now and nothing more. And it's not a matter or concern about whether Wolf cares or not. It's more about him being delusional and reading something that is obviously not there.

And thanks, no getting bent out of shape here, but I appreciate your assumption. It entertained me. ;)

Clearly, tone is being missed. You called Wolf delusional, for stuff he didn't even say out loud. This is a mountain-out-of-a-mole-hill issue. (Also I said 'before' we get bent out of shape; I'm trying to head off unnecessary conflict. I didn't presume anything. Can we make the assumption we're not all out to get each other?)

Here's the chain of events / logic:

- Girl mentioned.

- Wolf gives initial directions.

-Ayame asks Nightwish if she can be responsible for the girl. (Using the phrase 'That you rescued', directed at Nightwish.)

- Nightwish declares what will be done with the girl.

- Wolf smiles, amused that Nightwish is declaring authority over the situation, when it was Wolf that rescued the girl.

It's not a big deal, Wolf knows its not a big deal, I know it's not a big deal, but for some reason you're jumping to the conclusion that it means Wolf is delusional. It doesn't matter in the slightest, let it go.
To be honest I got overwhelmed with all of the other threads and just focused on the latest one. If Wolf had said something about wanting to do something with the girl to Nightwish that wouldn't have been an issue. I never got anything though so I just pressed forward.

And the delusional thing is me messing with you. Text so easily gives confused messages given the lack of body language, and verbal aspects of a conversation.

Just trying to nip certain things in the bud given our characters have established relationships and I see us acting out like we were just put together or something.
Ooh, I think this is my fault. :(

"You" was kinda plural -- "you, my Celestial superiors" -- but directed at the Captain since he seems to be directing the flow of the meeting.

If we were posting in French this would be less of a problem...
Totally not a big deal; I made a (very minor) edit to clarify that Wolf found the authority aspect amusing, rather than the 'claim credit'. Mountain-out-of-a-mole-hill.

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