[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Nightwish now has every Sail Charm from Core, Ink Monkeys, Abyssals (Mirror that is), and DoTFA. Mwuahahahahah. Oh the things this ship will be able to do....
With the right siddie Charms, I can move towns closer to us too if we really wanna get somewhere fast...
I am still working on regular Charms before BP are spent. I still have to figure out what Charms he would've learned from the different Exalts
Lost? Heck no, we've always been going exactly in the right direction. That's what it says on the official logs as well. And all my reports to the captain.
and we all know that the captian wont lie to cover his ass! lol
So, I was thinking about Exalted and ship crew last night (Okay, I was watching Battlestar Galactica while selecting charms) and a thought occurred to me.

I think it would be better to define a council of Exalts (as our ST mentioned at one point) to run the ship, rather than selecting a captain, an XO, etc. Established Exalts can pretty well put to shame the greatest military minds humanity has ever produced; I think it makes a lot more sense to have a council of equals than trying to fit super-human beings into the various stations and ranks aboard a vessel.

So, I'd suggest we have a voting council, and I'd nominate the Eclipse as the titular 'captain' since that's what makes his Sail charms work best. Since Coyotekin was kind enough to pick them all up, seems fitting he should be in the seat most apt to use them since a lot of them specify that he has to be the 'owner' of the vessel to get the effect.
That could work just fine. The question is do you have the council be just the solars, just the celestials, or the celestials and a few of the more senior dragon blooded.
Personally, I would go for the last. It's good for morale if all parties had some representation.

The Eclipse might as well have command of the ship. Mine could concentrate on being the senior military officer on board and in cases or emergency, acting as a spare.

Another role that jumped into mind is the ship counselor. We need someone to make sure people are san.... not about to go postal. It's standard procedure on ships, real and fictional.
There is a charm for that; Hasten Night's End. Between the Zenith, Eclipse, and whomever else is running social charms, I think we can cover most of it. A lot of that boils down to Bureaucracy, Socialize, and Performance. Though it does look like we are missing Medicine so far...

On a similar, tangentially related topic, there's a handy charm I intend to have the Zenith running that will automatically establish a positive intimacy in anyone that he successfully social attacks, say, via one of many, many, rousing speeches or public musical performances. That should at least ensure we don't end up with a ship wide mutiny on our hands, since it all but guarantees the entire crew will have a positive intimacy towards us (well, towards the Zenith, and that's close enough. >.>).
Other then PC's they do. The Enterprise is their home. More then that they trust the celestial exalted and consider that you have their best interests at heart.
Writing out Paxton's background right now. His sheet is up, though. We've got plenty of social power, I must say...
The Solar Navy is/was also full of Exalts, and using rank systems didn't seem too much of a handicap.

There should be some kind of chain of command for emergencies, at least -- governance by committee is unlikely to work well when the ship is battling behemoths and raksha.
Actually, regarding the mutiny aspect Crew-Inspiring Charisma which is a Mirror Charm from Abyssals will cover that just fine. ;) And I have it.

As for sanity and such, well, he has Performance, Bureaucracy, Investigation, and Sail heavy. The funny thing is that he just loves the ship, and would be "Captain" only be default, but he is not usually the commander type. He tends to lead by pure Charisma where people just want to follow him. He tends to be fair about things and has no time for BS, from others or to others. And with his education Charms from Lore people are always well educated. And he can pass that info through written works as well. So memos, standard operating procedures, and more, are well-thought out.

He is also damned good at thrown weapons.

That aside we are talking about a guy that usually prefers Charms and effects that are constant and permanent.

Any questions just ask, I have the list of Charms, at least 70 of them right now. Still moving stuff around the new apartment. And can be contacted via messenger.
The 'Solar Navy' had a rank structure, but probably not one we want to mimic. "All the Solars are Adminals, none of the Lunars are Adminals (Except Leviathan), everyone else does what the Solars say" is probably not optimal for our three hour tour... I mean 200 year expedition to the Wyld.

The Solar Navy worked well with a rank structure based on the relative rarity of Celestials; 700 to police all of creation meant you had maybe one Solar and one Lunar in an entire navy; not 11 Celestials on a given boat.
Well, he is going to have only a few War Charms so he will need to heed the advice of the Dawn or Full-Moon for that matter.
Forgot to mention this in the opening blurb and can't figure how to make it flow without the rest of the opening around it so just gonna outright state it. The reason the ship is so damaged is because you guys ran into a gathering of fairly powerful Rakasha plotting an invasion. In the resulting battle you were able to get your hands on one of their maps, destroy some of them. and then fled. The map showed troops moving towards creation. Massing to overwhelm the defenders. To be fair the numbers shown while a threat you thought were a joke. That is until you crossed into creation.
That makes things easier to understand.

Also, Paxton's sheet, background, etc. is done. He's ready to go.

Edit: Oops! Just realized I underspent on bonus points! That's a fun sort of error to make, at least.

2nd Edit: Nooow it's done.
*contemplates her CS, still a work-in-progress*

Hm...the versatility of Terrestrial Martial Arts or the raw power of Celestial Martial Arts?
I'm still not used to looking at a character with this number of Charms and Spells, and a Essence that's this high. Takes some getting used to. :) I just hope Ailera comes in handy with her Spell list, and that it doesn't turn out to be a waste of points that I could have put elsewhere.
Making a character this powerful has left me wondering if the Bronze Faction had a point. When you've got this guy who answers to no-one that can make people fall in love with him just by walking down a street humming, or raise/level a kingdom in a week, you've got to consider the possibility that maybe 300 of them running around and doing whatever might not be a good thing...
There's a reason the Wyld Hunt's policy was kill-em-early, kill-em-often. Solars get big, and they get big fast.

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