[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Arynne said:
Example: Navigation department aboard the Royal Britannia --
Commander N (Navigating Commander responsible for Navigation & Communications)

Assistant Navigation & Meteorology Officer

Communications & Royal Cypher Officer

1 CPO Chief Radio Supervisor (In charge of Radio Sub-Department)

1 CPO Chief Communications Yeoman (In charge of Tactical Signalling)

2 PO Radio Supervisors

1 Petty Officer (PO) Communications Yeoman (In charge of Flag Deck & Message Distribution)

2 Leading Radio Operators (Tactical Signalling Sub-Department)

3 Leading Radio Operators (Radio Sub-Department)

4 Radio Operators (Tactical Signalling Sub-Department)

6 Radio Operators (Radio Sub-Department)

1 Navigator's Yeoman

Fleet Chief WEA

Chief Radio Electrician

Chief PO Weapons Electrical Artificer

Leading Radio Electrical Mechanic

Weapons Electrical Mechanic (Radio)
I've already called dibs at the top of this tree, but, navigation officers under me are more than welcome. You know, folks to keep the ship steering straight when I get the urge to, well, journey.
School and moving to a new apartment is keeping me busy here, but working on the character.

What is the max Essence we can buy for our characters with BP? I mean, given 28 BP we could have Essences of 10
(Disclaimer: It's clearly a ST call, so this is not in any way authoritative)

Reaver mentioned that (presuming your Eclipse is an original and not a reincarnation) that our essence cap is 7, net.

Depending on how you look at character creation, that's either 7 buyable with BP, or up to 5 with BP (the starting max) and then XP buyable to 7.

(Established Solar starts at Ess 4 with 35 BP. Even if you dumped all that into Essence, that's still only Ess 9. if you haven't checked scroll of Errata yet, there's a ton of changes to the chargen for Established from what's actually published in DotFA.)
Reaver is going by the Age/Max Essence chart on pg 275 of the core book. The trip has been around 200 years to us, and he has stated none of us can be over 200 before it began, making us 400 max, putting us at 7 max, so Zoronos is correct in that regard. Disregard the starting XP chart on that one, it's a bit wonky for our age category, thus the DOTFA Established chargen plus 400 xp. I am unsure whether or not he is keeping the 5 with BP max, but, it'd be safe to assume you need to buy the other 2 points with actual XP.
I'm gonna say you can buy your essence to a 6 with BPs starting as your old enough by the definition of the age chart. An established Celestial is 1 - 2 hundred years old.
Well, given my character is one of the original crew he will have the 7 Essence. I can still do a lot with that really. Just need to figure out what Charms to get.

Can we use Abyssals, Ink Monkeys, Glories Most High, and other such books for Charms?
Yes you can. Use the errated versions please but otherwise the books are open. Anything fan made clear by me first.
I have Wyld Cauldron Technology and Wyld Shaping Technique. I thought that they would come in handy, since I picked out the loremaster and lead sorcerer on the ship.
I will be taking some sorcery, mostly utilitarian spells. None too many in the combat department. The on deck siddie makes life easier, not make things dead.
I have almost as many spells as I do Charms, some 30 spells of all three Circles. I have them all posted on my character sheet if anyone would like to look at them.
I'm also making a sorcery-centered character -- No Moon.

I'm using an artifact that needs some expensive ingredients, which would be easy to get with Wyld shaping. I just needed to make sure that someone could use them.
I would like to have back stories at the very least up by Monday. I will likely make the first post of the game that night.
My sheet is more or less done, and Paxton's background has solidified. I'll most likely have it up later today.
Was thinking of taking the education Charms from the Lore tree. Kind of the counter-balance to the Dawn knowing how to educate others in War. ;) That and given that it makes it faster to raise Essence, learn spells, and more.
That could be very helpful. I mean it's not like you have to re teach the world about the lost glories and wonders that was the utopia of the first age? Well to most celestial exalts it was a utopia.
Combined with Guiding Words of Solar Wisdom he can bring some serious education to the people as a whole.

And if nobody else choose to I am going to pick up the Sail Charms. From DoTFA alone there are some sweet Charms......like only needing him on board to pilot the ship entirely and requiring no crew. Not a bad thing for those times when all hands are needed. And Ship and Soul Union is a sweet Charm, because with Essence of 7 he can put 3 different aspects onto the ship like making it Holy Ground, showing a banner of truce that all must realize is true, and perhaps some stealth bonuses or the ability to know about all possible attacks within 210 yards. ;)
Very nice. Though don't worry to much about not having a crew. You have a military unit, a group of fighter jocks, an auxiliary corp from those who are to injured, to pregnant, or to young to serve, and the dedicated crew of the ship.

Also I'm pretty sure Riverspeak wasn't invented yet so you guys don't get to know the trade tongue. Though if you guys want you could have a ship only language.
Dreams of the First Age, Book 2: Lords of Creation lists Riverspeak as a language.

However, First Age Riverspeak might not be comprehensible by people in the Second Age. Consider how much English has changed since Beowulf was written!
Well I was wrong. I thought it was made by the guild in the second age. So if you want to take Riverspeak then you are free to.
Nope, Guild Cant was Second Age. Riverspeak was an anomaly that absolutely delighted the linguists that made the 4 directional languages in the first age.
I've got a somewhat odd question -- what musical instrument do you guys think sounds most like water?

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