[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Still figuring out what position could Waxing caste could occupy on a starship, but i guess i'm going to have to take some military unit charms anyway...
Rough thoughts on the half moon swirling around in my head so far... A gentleman with a head for strategy. Stag spirit shape. Mass combat, white reaper + some lunar charms for personal combat.. legendary heart's blood and a long list of knacks probably... Lots of perception charms and likely just terrestrial sorcery for utilitarian stuff, an awesome dire lance of some sort

Mate? probably meshes best with the absent-minded twilight or a commander sort of person (war-ish)

Role on the ship??? Could lead some troops or work with helping science people, maybe if there were a need for a smaller exploratory force (Seems maybe not so safe...)? Really not sure on this one, could fit in lots of places

(Clearly this idea is still pretty malleable so I'm open to suggestions. I wish Lunar Hero wasn't so far behind the other MA styles right now. Hopefully it will be ok having two characters with the same style?)
Well I was planning for a ship military officer (chief of security rather than overall expedition commander). Planning to have him with his own warstrider.

Airships, mechs and eccentric crews.... I just realized we're playing Successor Martian Nadesico...
With all of the lore and dots in Savant I can see Ailera being a teacher and ships historian, making sure that the crew doesn't forget the glories of the First Age on our generation ship.
Well, you guys will have to decide who's the captain of the ship. Even if it's ruled by council when not in battle one of the Solars will have to step up. Taking the sail charms might not be a bad idea for who ever gets stuck with it. Other then that you should have a commander of the 500 or so soldiers you have currently embarked, the person in charge of engineering, communications, a master of crafting (Specifically for using the ships hull as a weapon), navigation (The chosen of Journeys already claimed it and is in a contest with Ryoga on who can get more lost), interior security, and a few other positions that should be filled by a lord or lady of creation.
Paxton is most likely the master of internal security. I'm working on his sheet and such at the moment, and I'm mixing stealth with sociability. He will know where dissent is and how to put it down in the best manner possible.

If you need something done somewhere without anyone knowing, Paxton's already done it twice and is enjoying just watching your frustration in trying to figure it out for yourself.
So, would a Dragon-Blooded navigator function as the Bananasid's PA, then? Or just work under him in Navcom (or whatever the Navigation department is called)?
I honestly picture the ship running like a modern destroyer would. The head of the departments are mainly the Celestials but your watch leads and non coms are all dragon blooded. I didn't see anything that really said how such things run. Same with first age armies. I mean I doubt they used the talon/wing/dragon designation when it was basically the Solars running things.

I think the departments that would need a celestial holding it would be:


1st officer


Medical (Counselor could be separate)





and Science

All the sub departments under those would be held by Dragon Blooded. Maybe the occasional heroic mortal by the time you've returned. Advantage of having the near limitless resources of the first age means you can staff positions with elites that could be handled by mortals.
Sail and Ride are part and parcel to an Eclipse, and they tended to be the glue that held a Circle together. Mind you, the Zenith's tended to be the natural motivators too. I can see this Eclipse with Favored in Presence and Socialize, of course. He might make a good 1st mate, XO.
I must say I am tempted to play captain on this one. Just for the laughs. Has that charismatic leader thing going. WOuld be one of the original members of the expedition.
Example: Navigation department aboard the Royal Britannia --

Commander N (Navigating Commander responsible for Navigation & Communications)

Assistant Navigation & Meteorology Officer

Communications & Royal Cypher Officer

1 CPO Chief Radio Supervisor (In charge of Radio Sub-Department)

1 CPO Chief Communications Yeoman (In charge of Tactical Signalling)

2 PO Radio Supervisors

1 Petty Officer (PO) Communications Yeoman (In charge of Flag Deck & Message Distribution)

2 Leading Radio Operators (Tactical Signalling Sub-Department)

3 Leading Radio Operators (Radio Sub-Department)

4 Radio Operators (Tactical Signalling Sub-Department)

6 Radio Operators (Radio Sub-Department)

1 Navigator's Yeoman

Fleet Chief WEA

Chief Radio Electrician

Chief PO Weapons Electrical Artificer

Leading Radio Electrical Mechanic

Weapons Electrical Mechanic (Radio)
If we need to, I can move a few dots in Abilities around a bit. Just depends on what the group needs.
I think I didn't bother mentioning this but if anyone wants to do shorts about the adventures of the Wyld Ship Enterprise on her grand journey you can. Gaia's creation is a non magical earth. If you want to be a legend in the brief time you were there have fun.

As for the journey, you have a ship filled with extra's to draw from. And the wyld can spawn the strangest things. Whole planets can be spawned so if you want to do something like that you can.

If you write them, please put them in Order within Chaos
I'm still working on all the mechanics, but the Zenith will be running lots (and lots...) of social charms, and the associated abilities. I have no idea what role he'd fill on the boat. Probably something that relates to people is what he'd be best at. He'd probably do very very poorly as a 'communications officer' as he'd probably try and either smite or brainwash (I mean, helpfully use Social charms on >.>) whatever is being communicated with...

I presume Coyotekin's Eclipse will actually be the one steering the boat with Sail, and so in case you haven't looked at the Scroll of Errata yet, there's some awesome Sail stuff in there from the Dreams errata to make the boat nigh-invincible. (Or whomever does end up steering the boat; no imputation that it has to be the Eclipse)
Haku, your right about the capacitors in the machine shop. If PC's want to grab them for themselves that's fine. They won't work for the ship as the ship is designed to insulate you from the outside thus making it take to many of them for constant use. That and you have the center generator for emergency power. And you had ... as in pass tense. More then enough hearth stones to run everything on board.

Query, custom charms... allowable? Especially if they're for Dragonblooded?

Also, custom Martial Art Styles (yes, I just said it)... allowable with your approval/editing and such?
So -- my nav officer come in two possible flavors:

An Air-aspected Communications/Signals officer, in charge of both translation and coming up with secret codes, which may make her a little too quick to see patterns that don't exist.

or a Water-aspected Assistant Navigator (and respected martial artist) whose Bureaucracy and Sail Charms are, of course, what really keeps her department running.

In both versions, she is a brilliant mathematician, is fond of civilized hobbies like calligraphy and bonsai, and is a little unprepared for Creation, having lived her whole life aboard ship. She was married to the previous senior Dragon-Blooded navigator, a much older man, who recently died. Before his death, he spoke ominiously of discontented Dragon-Bloods and mortals who did not want to return to their homeworld, and hinted a group of some kind was forming. She has no idea whether his warnings were the fevered imaginations of a sick man or all too real.
Reaver said:
For Char Gen did you want something more then the character sheet directory?
I meant more like a post that I can easily refer to while working on stats. ^_^ ;

ie. I can't recall what level DB chargen is at. And so on... at least beyond 400 XP
Earth aspected Systems specialist. Will be both engineer and medic, with a penchant for using the ships onboard weapon systems with glee.

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