[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

I switched a few Charms around to pick up Harmonious Academic Methodology and Legendary Scholar Curriculum to help our humble crew in my role as teacher and loremaster.
That would be a great purchase. Not to mention I could expand a bit more without being entirely focused on Sail alone

Sherwood.... I had already mentioned that I picked those bad boys up. :P Do you want to keep them and I can switch some Charms around? Or do you want to get some Charms back for yourself?
Need some advice: should I spend points on high-level Artifacts that won't be useful until we have enough enough manses to supply hearthstones for them?
I must have missed the post where you said you picked up those Charms... :( Go ahead and take something else, since I had planned on being a instructor of the masses with my Lore of 6.
Arynne said:
Need some advice: should I spend points on high-level Artifacts that won't be useful until we have enough enough manses to supply hearthstones for them?
High level/high end artifacts? We can use essence capacitors from Lords of Creation (Dreams of First Age) book. Look in the custom stuff thread for a repost of it. They've been approved.
Out of curiousity, does anyone know the commitment cost for warbirds and their submersible equivalents?
Do the characters know about the time jump and the events of the Dragon-Blooded uprising? With our ability to summon demons and elementals, we have a conduit of information from outside the ship about Creation.
Not yet, you haven't had much of a need to summon demons except in battle. The elementals you summon were not the normal ones you deal with. As for the demons you do summon. Why would they bother telling you anything?
Because they've got an enormous surrender oath on their heads that says "OBEY!" any time their binder tells them to do something?
I think he means, Why would they volunteer information? We probably wouldn't think to ask if it's been 1500+ years instead of two hundred, or if the Deliberative is still in power (why wouldn't it be?)

Back in the Era of Dreams, the only Solars who suspected the Terrestrials of plotting to murder the Celestial Exalted were the ones in the nuthouse.
At least we have all the demon summoning power we need; I can call up as many as necessary up to a 3rd circle, but I'll be very hesitant in doing so.
The thing is that yes the demons have to obey. Still they don't know everything and they do not have to say everything. More then that alot of sense motive powers will give false positives as they hate the exalted. In the end why would you really worry about creation after only 200 years. When you left the Solar Deliberative was a stable body. As for sending messages, you guys where caught in the stasis bubble literately right after you sent your last message. So if you sent messages back they'd of taken them to where you told them to and then drop them in the ruins that was the fortresses of creation. The few that you sent to people who'd pay attention don't get them.
First post in game is up. Please finish up your characters when you can. I'm not gonna require they be fully done and you can adjust things to better fit for a while longer.
Did most of the backstory and filled out the personality. He's playable now. Still have all that Xp left to grab and a couple more artefacts.
I'm realizing rather suddenly how utterly pointless it is for Paxton to have a warstrider (though infiltrating in a warstrider would be some tactical genius) and am going to rework my artifact choices and what-not a little.
Yeah, but it's not quite as handy as, say, having a suit that makes him virtually invisible and undetectable to Siddies, or a Familiar that secretes deadly poisons on command, or a personal retinue of loyal infiltrators.

Still, I can just mothball Varuna (his warstrider) by getting rid of the Essence Capacitors and get at least two of those things anyway. We can always get hearthstones/build ECs later, after all.
*rubs eyes* Sorry for getting anything up so late. Heh. I've still got some ep to spend and backgrounds to purchase/flesh out and things to possibly rearrange, but rough draft of the mechanics are up. I shall proceed to write all that flavor text role-playing gobbledeegook now.

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