[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

Works for me. I think the glyph readers were meant to work trans-Creation via I AM, so I can't imagine anything more than within a city's radius (still a sizeable range but not enormous) for short range comms.

Also, in regards to who gets to the I AM terminal first, I'll wait for Midboss's decision on how fast to push the Battle Carrier before I make my own decision. If he decides to take it slow, Paxton will scout the countryside first. If he overdrives it, Paxton will arrive early, ostensibly to secure the landing zone.
I was actually using more a Roman model for organization. Figured what was given was from after the usurpation. Not a big deal I can switch it to the standard model.
Roman model is cool too; I just noticed we were mixing models.

I'll go back and edit my posts to use Roman model.
Ailera just wanted to be first to take the field in case there was something nasty waiting, while the transport worked its way over to a place to dock up.
Hm. Lords of Creation would seem to suggest that the Shogunate-era ranks employed by Lookshy were already in use in the High First Age...
Where to go... What to do... LOL. And is the ship just floating in mid-air, and over where? I think I overlooked that somewhere
Heh, until the first round of combat is over in Rapture you can still join in there. As for the ship. It's heading to a small island where it can set down and the crew can start on what repairs they have supplies on hand for. Unless any players decide to stay with the ship it'll be handled off screen.

Stairway to heaven is the trip to Yu Shan by your trusty navigator. Right now his assistant is also joining him and 7 other DB NPCs who are your old guard. In case he wants to send a message that's not quite a Solar breathing down their neck. A Long Lost Tuna is the Scouting for the North group. Don't Hoist that is the North East. Between them is where at least 3 Lunars are planning on being going a North by North East heading to be able to aid either group if needed.

The course of your destiny is in your hands Mr. Coyote.
Hey Midboss, just an fyi, since Davian has Compassion 3, he can control his Lambent Bolt so it doesn't hurt people he doesn't want it to.
Yes I thought about that. But for all he knows, the force Paxton had with him could still be concealed in the crowd. And I'm assuming you need to know who you want to avoid hitting for it to work. Well at least I think.
Reaver, Nightwish will stay with the ship. The thought of being on an island to gather his thoughts again sounds good. Not to mention he's not sure what threats might be around either.
Axel just point out to me that I didn't make it clear you were on different floors. Cause of the confusion I'm gonna just edit my posts to make it so you are together.
Sorry for the delay in positng my JB roll. I was out with family enjoying Zion National Park. Beautiful scenery.
Whoops. Okay, visiting friends on the east coast of oz, got the basics of the character done and i'll catchup on the posts asap.
Heh it's cool. If you want to join the search for the IAM terminal give me a join battle. Other wise feel free to post in one of the others.
Sorry all, but i don't seem to be able to make such a high level character. Going to have to bow out of the Waxing Moon Position.
So with Madmal dropping out I'm gonna have the Waxing Moon having died in the last few months. He's been the unluckiest of the shards having been reincarnated 5 times to date. The current Lunar is learning to use his charms and to take up the position of Lord Engineer (considering no one had the training for it.) Currently until he finishes training he's excluded from his rank.
The ship is free, the army is free, and what I put in it's holds at the beginning are free. Anything for the ship acquired in game I won't make you pay for. Dragon Blooded characters can cheat a little and pull from the holds if the need them but they need to talk to the Quartermaster.

That being said. If there is something you absolutely want then ask and I'll think about it.
Other than the rest of his Backgrounds, defining Artifacts, and back-story Nightwish is finished.

He has a Water-Aspected Manse hidden away deep in the depths of the West somewhere. Cult 2 represents the many tales and stories still told about him with the prayers that accompany him. And given he was great at telling stories about his exploits, as well as embedding them in various documents or graffiti, you can see how he is still a legend. Mind you, nobody remembers that he is a Solar. Most think he is some god or elemental spirit. All the same there are still many gods and elementals that remember and revere him.

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