[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

As a philosophy towards mass combat I feel it's an avenue to the story. Most of the battle will happen in the background as a highlight to the PC's actions. Not to say War or War charms aren't useful. Those are just another tool for a PC to shine. I got that from L5R and long discussions with my friends as we debated various systems. You've likely noticed with how I've been using the DB escorts you guys have been bringing with. All that combat happens behind the curtain and only the story comes out.
Personally I find that a bit sad since a number of us actually are good at/designed for a mass combat setting. I understand where you are coming from, but it would be nice to be able to use the skills we have when War is the appropriate avenue.
Eh, I'm sure that when a mass combat is the climax of a story we'll all get to strut our stuff. This is just warmup.
Yes when the story is about you guys being the great leaders then I'll use the Mass combat rules. I just find them clunky if effective.
I sort of have most of the lunar war charms so maybe I should swap something if we will be avoiding the system until then...
Go for it. I don't lock characters down for a while. I know how it can be if you make a mistake or realize that it's not what you wanted. Just one word of caution. The first war will likely be your guys fault so that could happen sooner then you'd think.
I mean, it is what the character is supposed to be good at, so I don't want to get rid of it if we'll have chances to use it. I just didn't want to be wandering around with 8 or so useless charms. :-P I'll leave it be. I'm sure we'll find armies soon enough.
Well I think the question comes down to are you guys gonna do a peaceful annexation of the west. Try to at least or are you going to just take the places by force. That is if you decide to try and be world conquerors.
Cross will favor diplomacy towards the more... respectable factions of the West. A bit less so for others.
Wolf is very much in favor of peaceful diplomacy if it appears possible. He's less a fan of diplomacy if it involves Creatures of Darkness, but he could be convinced if it were a matter of dealing with a greater foe.

Wolf also has some charms that could be quite effective at conquest via diplomacy.
Diplomacy. Ulysses will even work with fae courts. Provided they've learned to be civilized and curb their tongues. Banquet of Crumbs works, he doesn't care if it's not as tasty.
Diplomacy, although Nightwish truly dislikes the Lintha, and would not be fond of a strong Underworld presence in Creation, especially in the West.
Diplomacy here as well, though Lothian is more accustomed to fighting Fae than talking with them just now.
Ulysses believes the fae are as varied as the Wyld. There are certainly a good many that can be dealt with peacefully, even a few that can join mortal society. Just as many though need to be reeducated, or destroyed.
Now you get into another quirk of a GM for me. I award xp to everyone at once. First of the scenes are done so everyone take 2 XP for it. As others finish you will get more given as it goes on.
Coyotekin, that is one heck of a charm wish list you have going. :-P (You were looking at the established solar char gen right?)
Might've after all.... I'll have to do it later because with the mood I am in I either leave it alone and get to it later, or just leave the game altogether. Yes, just one of those kinds of moods....
It's fine, we are no where close to the major action. For the most part we're in the prologue and me letting you guys show off.
*reads about the unfortunate Lunar engineer and raises an eyebrow*

How Ood! :wink:

*looks at the Bosun's writeup*

Maybe I'd better change Ayame's mother's name...

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