[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

He never posted a character. I have no idea if he's still interested in playing currently.
.... I should really read posts more thoroughly. The whole scene just went kind of silly there for a moment.

Still, something fun did just come to mind...
Question: do the boots and gauntlets in dragon armor and celestial battle armor block the use of unarmed Martial Arts Charms?

*imagines Exalted martial artists marching barefoot into battle*
Most martial arts are blocked by armour anyway, so isn't that a moot question? Those that aren't usually allow smashfists and god-kicking boots, which basically covers those.
If the style allows Armor, then they are fine. Note that they have the N tag on their weapon stat block, so they count as your character's natural unarmed attacks. This makes them better than Smashfists, since a Smashfist can't be used with Touch keyworded charms, but N-tagged equipment can be.

(If they didn't have N, and just had M, then they'd effectively work like Smashfists / God-Kicking-Boots, and so function for only those styles that allow those weapons, which not all styles do.)
Oh, there are certain Investigation Charms that would allow Nightwish to look through the history of an area for centuries and more.
Teki, Lothian is organizing the party headed out to scout the nearby dragon lines (and going with). More essence power is totally welcome. :)
Zoronos, I noticed you have a Bureaucracy 7. Are you planning to be heavy in those Charms? If so I can trade out some of mine for some other Charms.
Coyotekin said:
Zoronos, I noticed you have a Bureaucracy 7. Are you planning to be heavy in those Charms? If so I can trade out some of mine for some other Charms.
Wolf has a few. I've got Wolf's charm list done, but I'm holding off on 'finalizing' it because I'm having trouble coming up with a good custom artifact weapon for him.

I tried to avoid going heavy into Bureaucracy, Socialize, or War charms (he only has Mastery of Small Manners from Socialize, and one or two War charms) to avoid stepping on the toes of the people more dedicated to those fields. Most of Wolf's charm loadout is in Presence and Performance, since those are the Zenith skills.

For Bureaucracy, he has:

2nd Bureaucracy Excellency

Speed the Wheels

Bureau-Rectifying Method

Visage Made Law

Halo of Ministerial Dominion

My design goal for Wolf was to play up the 'Solar God-King' aspect, since that seemed the one least likely to step on the toes of the other Celestial exalts.
Ok, just wanted to make sure because I am looking at all the way up to Visage Made Law, where should Nightwish die his spirit will contoniue to guide future Captains, etc.

For the life of me I'm having the damnedest time to narrow down his Motivation. Basically Nihtwish is as good as he is with Sail partly because necessity required it throughout his many years. He'snot the kid of guy to want to rule the seas. He's more the guy that just wants to be free to wander as he likes and explore the world, the Wyld, and anywhere else. It is mainly why he was chosen to be the Captain of this ship because he focuses on the mission, but is excited with wanderlust and such.

I am still working on how to write out his background and why he was chosen as an Eclipse. The main thing is that this guy was all about bringing people together, especially other mariners, and to share the seas.
Visage Made Law is the one that prevents you from being impersonated; Legend Lives On is the one that preserves your spirit to guide others. (They have the same pre-reqs and requirements)

I doubt Wolf will go any further into bureaucracy than he already is; Halo of Ministerial Dominion was the actual charm I was after in the tree, since it fits with his God-King niche. Visage Made Law was just a cool pickup along the way. :-P
Thanks for clearing that up, but you are thinking along the same lines as me. This is the guy that potentially would've made the Guild, albeit not so heartless.

As an aside, still working on the xp expenditure, but I have never been the combat monkey in Exalted, so could use any suggestions towards better protecting the character.
On a completly different subject, would it be possible to tell us when we left just so we know what Deliberative events/inventions we know about ?
We left in the 2725. That's what was in the recruitment post. That means we were around for the Second Deliberative Era, but not for the Era of Dreams. No Five Metal Shrike or Operation Wyldhand for us.

Edit: Hey, that's actually a plothole for us. I AM wasn't activated until 3193, three and a four and a half centuries after we left. Unless we're houseruling its activation earlier, I AM didn't exist until the Era of Dreams, so how would we know about it?
Um, that is a plot hole I didn't think of. I'm gonna hand wave it cause it's to much to fix everything. IAM was in it's infancy stage by the time you guys left. More as a military command and control then used in private life.
Works for me!

Edit: This reminds me to ask; do we have communicators for long distance? DotFA mentions glyph projectors but I was thinking something more subtle, like an earpiece.
I'm taking a weekend trip out of town to visit some relatives. I'm bringing my laptop, but I don't know how reliable their internet connection is, so I may be out of touch for a few days.
Prayer Transceiver Module, Wonders of the Lost Age, page 61.

Oddly enough, it is artifact 2.

Or get spell capturing cords with Infallible Messenger, or get Winged Messenger Bauble (artifact 1, page 98 of Wonders of the Lost Age).
Actually the prayer receivers would of been useless. The ship when the sheath is up is outside fate. But a short range communicator is easily creatable. As well as a longer range one that sends receives to a specific place. Say the long range one is as big as a satchel and the short range is a head piece?

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