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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~


Sad Shroom

The kingdom of Valia. A lone island amongst a thousand sprawling seas. A medieval isle of dramatic landscapes and a world dominated by magic. Welcome to a new world.

The people of Valia lived a peaceful, rural lifestyle in primitive villages, bar the bustling capital, Aliak: the walled city situated amongst a ring of mountains and home of the Palace of Light and the universities of magic, highly acclaimed academic buildings for budding magicians. Under the reign of King Lyram, the kingdom was growing steadily in knowledge and magic. As a people yet to discover the benefits of electricity, magic was a wonderful gift used amongst communities for all purposes; construction, agriculture, light, cooking, ECT. Indeed, the people of Valia were a strong nation living happy, simple lives amongst the wonders of nature.

However, throughout its timeline, the island has been wrought with battles and war. Various dark magicians, upholding the title of Shadow King, sought the destruction of Valia and, leading an ever present evil faction called the Dark Druids, mercilessly attacked the people of the island. Corrupted by their dark magic and motivated to create chaos purely for the cause evil, the Shadow Kings would unleash beings of pure darkness upon the people. Nevertheless, each and every time the kings, knights and magicians of Valia would quash this evil, only for another Shadow King to appear years later when a suitable candidate was found. And thus set into motion a pattern of subsequent peace and destruction.

In his youth, King Lyram decided to stop this once and for all. Early on in his reign, he set about finding and destroying the many hideouts of the Dark Druids, killing their current Shadow King in an attempt to bring conclusive peace to Valia. His efforts were successful and brought about a thirty year period free from fighting, the longest period of peace the kingdom had ever enjoyed.

But peace never lasts forever.

One fateful night, the old King was assassinated in his throne room. Thousands of Shadow Warriors, swirling, blotchy beings of pure darkness encased in sturdy armour, overran the kingdom, performing a mass genocide as they swept through the villages of the realm, mindlessly slaughtering the innocent population; a new Shadow King had been born, more ruthless and powerful than ever. With nothing left to stop them, the Shadow King and his Shadow Warriors seemingly eradicated all human life from Valia; for once, evil was totally triumphant.

Only the fight isn't over yet. A month later, scattered across the land, young magicians and warriors who managed to escape the onslaught live secret lives in the wild, on the run from hideous beasts manipulated by the Shadow King. Now, they must group together and attempt to avenge their fallen people by overthrowing the Shadow King. It will be a monumental struggle full of epic battles and journeys, but they must succeed; surely they have nothing else to lose now.

Can these survivors truly save Valia? Does the Shadow King have greater evil intentions? And what on Earth is the Magistone, and why, seeing as it is in the flipping title, is it so important considering it hasn't been mentioned at all so far?

Experience gritty post-apocalyptic fights in a beautiful fantasy environment! Develop interesting characters amongst others as you struggle through a life of dire survival! Enjoy a plot full of twists, turns and occasional freedom of direction! And endure SkyGinge's TV-advert-style bigged-up introduction! Only you, dear writers, can unfold this tale and decide the fate of our heroes.

~What to expect from this RP~

Lords of The Magistone is a survival/fantasy RP. It is essentially like any post-apocalyptic RP only mixed with fantasy elements. Thus whilst this RP will be largely focused on survival features, such as trying to live in the wild, camping out and hunting, and avoid pursuing shadow creatures, there will also be a heavy emphasis on magic, combat, and a traditional fantasy-genre plot-line.

It's a fairly simple idea; magicians and warriors as the last survivors in the wild, but an idea that will hopefully be easy to fit into and enjoy. So don't be shy; if you like fantasy RPs then don't hesitate to join in!

Lords of The Magistone will also be both linear and freeform. At different parts of the RP, role-players will have the freedom to create their own subplots and lead the RP in different, exciting directions. However, there will also be points where I will need to maintain the central plot arc and as such will make things more linear at these times. The RP will also utilise an objectives system, which I will explain later.

Below I have contained some handy and essential details about the RP and how it will work.

  • Due to this nature of this RP, there is going to be a heck of a lot of fights and scraps. In this RP, it is up to you as role-players to fully determine the outcome of fights. However, this is a survival RP, so I do expect injuries, no matter how minor, to be sustained. No battle will be easy; most of the population was wiped out by the enemies after all.

    Below I will include mini data sheets for all the kinds of enemy that you can run into at a given point. This will allow you to see how to properly combat them, how easy they are to fight, and essentially stop inequalities in battle. Whilst I am fine with a bit of tongue in cheek regarding battles, please have common sense in fighting and don't be ridiculously over-powered or dumb.

    You may also encounter un-profiled enemies should you choose to introduce subplots: these are entirely under your control, but remember not to make them too overpowered and please PM me beforehand regarding them.

    Enemy list

    Enemies for this objective:

    Enemy Name: Shadow Men

    Description: Essentially normal humans of all shapes and sizes, decked in simple black armour and topped off with an intricate black helmet. This helmet is used by the Shadow King to control them, and it cannot be removed unless the wearer is dead.

    Fighting Abilities: They are far more vicious fighters than most humans, and as they fully serve the Shadow King, emotions do not get in their way in a battle. They use simple swords to attack.

    Weaknesses: They weren't created for battle, and as such are fairly clumsy and easy to beat.

    Other Enemies:

    Enemy Name: Shadow Dogs

    Description: Like a wolf or large dog in stature and shape, but instead of housing familiar features is made out of a swirling mass of dark matter.

    Fighting Abilities: Shadow dogs use all the abilities that a wolf or hound may use in battle; claws, teeth, lunging, ECT. They can follow a scent for days and hunt in large packs, making them a formidable enemy. In addition to all their hound-like traits, the beasts don't get tired and don't feel as much pain as standard animals because of being made out of dark matter.

    Weaknesses: On their own, they are quite weak; they could easily be taken out by a few deft sword swings, or a health blast of magic. They are also slightly more fragile to physical damage than normal wolfs.

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SkyGinge updated ~The Lords of the Magistone~ with a new update entry:

Objective 1: The Survivors

As the first objective of the RP, the focus of this RP will be on making introductions. Therefore, your first goal will be introducing your characters and having them meet up with other characters. Then, when everybody is together, we will set up a camp and cover the events heading into the night. The objective will end with everybody asleep, and I will introduce the new one.
In terms of setting and time, the objective will start in the early evening, in the southern valleys described in the...
Read the rest of this update entry... 

~The Lords of the Magistone~

Objective 1: The Survivors

(introducing and grouping characters)

~One month previously~

The mountain crown that surrounded Aliak had never looked more beautiful, or so thought King Lyram as he gazed from his surprisingly small observation room, through the large jaded central window of the castle of light. The heather on the mountain slopes was dyed a vivid lilac, bright spring trees gushed from the tiny slit in the ring of mountains surrounding the capital, and the bustling town was a stream of happy people, talking, selling and entertaining. A kingdom at its most peaceful, one that he had built himself to triumphant heights.

How sad that things must change, he thought.

The old king, muscles still strong and mind still actively whirring, gazed upon his kingdom with a sad smile, taking in everything. In the far corner of his eye, a lone thief ran from pursuing knights, but he didn't care. He was too busy enjoying himself.

"Sire, you called?" came the fast voice of Jonveng, his loyal advisor. The boy was young, perhaps mid twenties, but wholly reliable.

"Yes, I did indeed," the king's voice bounced back, particularly powerful and impassive in the tiny room. "Sit down please." The advisor, looking stressed and busy as always, took his seat at the back of the room, fidgeting slightly as the King continued. "Do you think me to be a good King?" he asked.

"Of course Sire!" Jonveng exclaimed. "The people love you, and under your wing they have developed and excelled to the best of their capabilities. I can think of no other man who could take your place."

"Thank you Jonveng," Lyram smiled, breathing heavily and taking in the world around him. "I sincerely hope that you are right."

"Is there something troubling you, my lord? You sound downbeat."

"Oh, nothing, don't worry." Lyram replied. He still hadn't turned around to face his partner from his 'throne', a simple wooden stall. His people had forced upon him lavish goods but in his own privacy he preferred humble simplicity.

"Of course, I'm sorry Sire. It's none of my business after all." Jonveng hurriedly responded, his tone almost comic in its excessive apologetic nature.

"I didn't mean it like that," Lyram still didn't turn, "Look, I have a task for you. Tell the general to double the castle guard

"Of course Sire." And then, cautiously. "Is there any reason for these defensive precautions?" Jonveng's eyebrow twitched with curiosity as he leant forwards on his seat.

"I fear that somebody is going to attempt to kill me
tonight." Jonveng's face lengthened in horror, but Lyram's giant hand rose to stop his tongue. "Don't ask questions, just obey. Nobody must be allowed out of the castle tonight. Can you do that for me?"

"O-of course," Jonveng murmured, still puzzled.

"Excellent," the King replied calmly. "You have been a most excellent servant. I couldn't have wished for somebody more trustworthy in your position."

"T-thank you sire." Jonveng was taken aback. Standing up in a surprisingly more controlled manner than usual, the advisor took his leave, as the King continued to stare out to his bustling city, undisturbed and unperturbed long into the afternoon.


As the sun finally set over the eastern desert mountains, Lyram was still sat in his chair, staring at the crisp oranges of the sunset. The city below was beginning to calm, with only some late salesmen and enthusiastic youth out braving the near darkness. One would have been forgiven for presuming the king had too joined the cities slumber despite his open eyes as his body remained almost frozen in place. But his muscles tensed slightly as the door behind him slowly creaked open. His guards remained stationary at the large castle doors and the king cursed in his mind that something, somewhere in his planning had gone wrong. Then again, he had tried to fight destiny. He should have expected an ethereal force to play dirty.

With a sudden burst of energy, the king leapt from his chair and turned, a huge light ball ready to fire from his hands. However, he let it disperse. "Ah, it's you. I thou..." The hooded figure thrust both arms out in front of him and a massive hand formed of darkness rose from the ground and crashed into the monarch. The fist slammed him backwards, and with a horrible crash, the king smashed through his iconic window, glass shards joining him on his final plummet. He had time for only one regret, cursing his fatal mistake. Then glass rained down as his bones shattered on the paved courtyard ground.

Thus began the fall of Valia, and the most nightmarish night the Kingdom ever experienced.


~Present Day~

The southern forests of Valia, a place largely uninhabited before the fall. A myriad of luscious green forests and a sea of foliage interrupted only by the occasional dusty clearing. Then, off course, the mountains, some jagged and pointed like giant claws caught in the earth, other smoother and covered in bracken. They coursed the valley and created a wide web of peaks and troughs left purely to mother nature. There was very little sign of civilisation, only the occasional primitive hut left probably by an eccentric mage of times long passed. In the west, a lazy sun was beginning to fade, lighting the valley with a romantic orange glow.

On the dank dark forest floor, a lone figure ran, chased by a thousand thundering footsteps. Behind him, a pack of about fourty shadow dogs made chase, howling and growling, biting and pawing. With a tentative glance back, the figure ran on, somehow staying ahead of his pursuers. He danced over undergrowth and through overflows of leaves, disturbing a flock of birds which flutterred away in a panic as the beasts behind followed through. The light shone brighter ahead, and they reached a small clearing, a lone hut stood intact in its centre.

With a little more effort, the figure sprinted to the door of the house and slammed it shut behind him, surveying the insides. To his disdain, the building was practically empty - the claustrophobicly simple downstairs heralded only a long table, a few crumbling stone shelves, all bare, and a wide window. He thought that perculiar - a window in a woodern hut? Then again, these buildings had belonged to people crazy enough to live this far from civilisation. In finding nothing to defend himself, the figure leant hard against the door, forcing his tender weight down in the vain hope of stopping his oppressers.

The door juddered loudly on its frame, a chorus of howls roaring outside as the hellhounds flung themselves against the wall. Wood splintered into the figures back and underneath his dark hood he grimasced, but nevertheless held strong. Then suddenly the door shattered into a hundred flying wooden shards, sending the figure flying across the room. He landed on his chest, the impact knocking the hood off of his head and revealing his wild ginger hair, hair impossibly styled like a raging fire. But on landing, the boy was already turning and reaching out his arm, thrusting it towards theopening that the dogs had created. His gesture summoned a flurry of wind which carried the ancient table into the opening, creating a blockade that sent several dogs flying on impact.

Crumbs, cursed Skyre, climbing to his feet and brushing himself off. This was a terrible idea. I had thought a building would have given me cover, but now I'm trapped in this mess. As the old table shuddered with each charge of a beast, a cacophony of barks echoing through the evening air, Skyre drew his winged sword and held it out defencively in front of him. I may well be doomed, but I'm not going down without a fight!


((The RP is Open now: you may post!








@EinRaikou ))
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If anyone were say that a smith had no place in an uninhibited (by people) dangerous forest region, most times Jerrick would agree with them.

This is not most times.

And Jerrick happens to be that smith.

Grumbling to himself as he walks a long-forgotten game trail, Jerrick thinks upon just how crappy his life has gotten. "I should've just stayed in that town. They could've used a smith, but nooo... you had to get yourself lost in a forest filled with god-knows-what."

As if on cue, the howls of the shadow hounds fill the forest. "Like that. ...I'm going to have go in that direction aren't I?" Sure enough, the game trail heads in the general direction of the howls. "Well there's no time like the present, even if that present is dark." Jerrick says as draws his hatchet, as his sword would be impeded by the dense shrubbery. He takes off running down the path. "With any chance, it's probably some poor shmuck in trouble."
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There was a certain charm about the southern forests that Rederik found calming. He slowly wandered through it, careful not to disturb the world around him as he wove through the foliage. Naraya, his feline companion, padded next to him when the trail let her and was just as considerate through natural instinct. Her gigantic paws made less noise than Rederik's booted feet. Soft leather soles tried their best not to crunch the leaves too obviously, and he changed his center of gravity to make for lighter footing.

The howls of shadow hounds broke through the serene display and stilled his steps. Naraya's ears perked as she halted next to Rederik, and the two stood for a moment in contemplative silence. While the bays echoed through the trees, their red eyes scanned the forest to judge location, distance, and number. If it weren't for the dogs particular howl, Rederik would have made way in the opposite direction, but the hell beasts were definitely in pursuit of something. That was never a good sign. Judging by the sound, he determined there were likely far too many to deal with, and they were fairly close.

He knew if there were a great number of shadow hounds, someone was in danger, and that someone was likely important. Rederik looked down at his white, furry companion as if to ask for her vote in the matter. Naraya looked up at Rederik briefly before returning her gaze cautiously in the direction of the hounds' cries. They could only communicate to each other by observation. Naraya's gesture told him she would follow him where he decides.

With a nod, he quickly set out in the direction of the howls, his companion close behind. Their feet remained light even with their new pace. Once out in the clearing, he crouched to keep his stature less obvious, but stopped once again to take in the scene. He was close enough to see, though it was somewhat blurry for him. It looked to be close to thirty, maybe forty shadow hounds frantically trying to enter someone's home. He removed his daggers from their sheaths strapped to the outer leather plating on his thighs. While he had no intention of jumping into the fray, it was better to be prepared.

Rederik made his way to the other side of the house, giving the hounds a wide birth. He was banking on the dogs being too focused on the scent of whoever was inside. To his relief, he found the window and cautiously peered into the hut just as the hounds burst through the door. He only had a second to see the fiery redhead before he was knocked out of view, and it was just enough time to determine his next move.

The fray it is. He didn't look to Naraya before running around to the front, though took note of a flash of steel through the window before he left. He knew the ghostly feline would follow if she'd like, but understood if she took to better odds. With daggers at the ready, Rederik lunged for the nearest shadow hound.
The table/makeshift barricade smashed finally into three huge chunks, and the leaping frame of a shadow dog surged through the debris, followed by another two. Skyre held his ground and slashed out at the group of hounds, the sharp wings of his blade slicing all three of them in half, their bodies splashing behind him and immediately evaporating into thin clouds of black matter that drifted slowly to the ceiling. As deft as the movement was, another group of hounds immediately took leap in place of their fallen comrades, catching Skyre off guard and knocking him to the ground. The beasts gnashed towards his face, but the fallen magicians extended both arms forwards, creating a large gust of wind which slammed the animals against the far wall of the hut. The building juddered once again, and Skyre wondered how long it would stay upright for.

Outside, he heard a pained yelp, a yelp that carried a little surprise. However, he had focused himself so much on the combat at hand that he zoned it out. He touched a new bruise on his upper arm, and winced with the realisation of a new back ache, but held out his sword. As the dogs began to climb to their feet, Skyre prepared for impact once more.
The constant gurgle of a small brook occupied the sandy bank Vaelem sat upon. He knelt at the water's edge, watching the calm waters flood into his canteen. He'd been following the brook for several days now, making camp along its shores and trying his luck at catching a fish or two. He found the process very relaxing, leaning against a tall, gnarled tree and allowing the sounds of nature to swirl around him. He had no reward though, and relaxing became much more tedious on an empty stomach.

He finished filling the skin of water and began to close the cap when the baying of hounds pierced through the brook's peaceful song. The howls were coming from the direction he'd been heading, so they likely weren't after him. That meant there were others still out there in the forests, others who hadn't perished as of yet. That wasn't a guarantee for long if the Shadows were hunting. He pushed the canteen into his pack and began stalking softly through the massive trunks around him.

As the snarls of hounds grew louder, Vaelem glimpsed a small hut through the foliage. The hounds were in a throng around the rickety shelter. He saw a flash of red hair from within the hut and sudden movement as someone plunged a dagger at a shadow dog. Vaelem's thick eyebrows scrunched togeter as weighed his odds. These might be the last humans he'd see. If they turned out to be cut-throats, he'd think on that later. The hounds would be after him next, and all the better to fight with two others at his back. He unsheathed his two-handed broadsword from his back and laid the flat of the blade against his shoulder. It shimmered a light blue where the sunbeams reached down through the tree tops and met the shining steel. One of the hounds began circling around the outer edge of the clearing, smelling a newcomer. Vaelem tensed both hands around the grip of his blade, then swept from the foliage and swung it down in a mighty arc.
The ruckus indoors caused Rederik to hasten. The hut looked to be unstable in its foundation, and looked as though it could collapse at any new touch. Naraya pounced on a hound, sinking her teeth into its neck to drag it away and wrangle it. Rederik stabbed through another hound, lifting it up off the ground somewhat to throw it towards his companion. The feline beast quickly leaped to grasp in and thrash it to the ground with a flurry of claws.

As much as they progressed, the numbers didn't look to be diminishing. There were so many hounds and only three against them, until out of his peripheral he noticed the imposing newcomer. Slashing through another hound quickly, he took a moment to assess what the man's intentions could be. It looked to be the same as his, though in the heat of a fight it was difficult to tell. No thief would voluntarily fight off shadow hounds just to rob the survivors.
After cleaving the first hound, Vaelem returned his sword to his broad shoulder in haste. His entrance into the clearing had caught the attention of the dogs on the fringes of the pack. Three broke away immediately and loped in his direction, a trio of swirling, inky forms. Vaelem distanced his feet and calmed his nerves, watching and waiting for their next move.

The three shadow hounds raced towards him as he began his swing. The long broadsword cut cleanly through the first two shadowy forms, but the third leapt over Vaelem's heavy slice. While Vaelem was recovering from the swing, that third hound latched onto his wrist, dragging him down onto his side. His sword fell beside him to the grassy earth and the hound released his arm from its jaws to stand menacingly over him. Vaelem began drawing energy from the air to form a thin, razor sharp ice shard in the palm of his hand. As the wolf lowered its head to finish him off, Vaelem shoved the frosty blade up into its chest, just above the collar bone and gave it a twist. The creature turned to smoke around the blade and Vaelem was able to push himself off of the ground, a new scratch adorning his wrist. He quickly recovered his broadsword and turned to face whatever challenger approached next.
Once again a hound leapt towards him, and once again Skyre batted it off with his sword. However, he was now running low on magic energy and, desperate to conserve it, knew that he would have to fight physical. Now that he was in danger, he strongly rued his defencive decision. It was an unusual tactical mistake very unlike him, but he would know better for the future.

Completely unaware of the action outside, Skyre skewered another leaping dog on the end of his blade, swinging its scrabbling body into another attacker. However, this lavish manoeuvre left him unprotected and another beast tackled him painfully to the ground, a small shower of sawdust falling for the ceiling as he smashed into the makeshift stairs at the end of the room. The impact winded him, but he knew he had to keep fighting; still grounded, he swung his sword manically to prevent the snapping jaws of the beasts from reaching him. He was in real danger now.
It appeared as though the increase in numbers against the shadowy beasts caused their attentions to split. It was a good sign, but it meant Rederik had to deal with the hounds head on rather than his previous indirect approach. A hound clamped down on his forearm with its massive jaw and yanked him away from his target. He stabbed the beast with his free arm while kicking away his original target. Naraya roared as she tackled another away from Rederik. He and Naraya had to have whittled away at least ten hounds by now, or at least he could hope. He needed to clear the way into the house.

Jabbing his blade further into the hound that held him, the jaw finally released as it cried out, though quickly attempted to take back his forearm. The wound stung and stiffened his movements in that arm, making his form slightly off from its typical flow. Another stab and the hound fell limply on the ground. He was so close to the door now and began to slash away at the dogs at the entrance.
The forest. With all the shadows prancing around, the forests aren't a good place to walk, and Aladrien knew it perfectly well. But his grumbling stomach was protesting for a while, and even though getting maimed by shadows isn't a good idea, Aladrien needed something to eat.

Since the fall, Aladrien became a nomad. He escaped the village he lived, once again, by sheer luck. Since then, he lived mainly by hunting and foraging. Since he had no skill with bows or long range magic, he had to improvise, using traps or just the good old running. And for the past hours, he had no luck.

Reluctant, he wandered into the forest, to try to find something to eat. He managed to find some berries, and some fruits, but his stomach was begging for meat. And then, a rabbit jumped out of a bush. The game was on. He chased the rabbit for some time, and when he was about to get it, he heard howls. He knew that wolves didn't make this sound, and the only explanation was shadows. And he hated shadows. But then again, he heard scratching on some kind of surface. "Wait, they're attacking a house? There must be someone there. Grrrr, dammit, I gotta help them!" Aladrien clenched is teeth, and went to the aid of whatever was getting attacked.
Vaelem watched as his battle ally tore through several more hounds. He charged forward and let loose a devastating sideswipe with his two-handed blade, clearing several hounds from his path to the door. As more moved in to close the gap, Vaelem's deep voice called out, "See if you can get inside! I'll guard your back." His blood pulsed rapidly with the heat of the battle as he tightened his grip on the sword.

A dog leapt, snarling, towards the man at the entrance, greedy for his blood. It's bloodlust was cut short when Vaelem knocked it to the ground with a deep slice to it's side. It dissapated in a haze of black smoke as Vaelem sighted his next target.
A young man was making his way through the groves of trees in the southern forest. He had been travelling for some time in hopes of finding more survivors; in hopes of finding someone to help in avenging the death of his brother.

Ein, the young man, had been travelling from village to village attempting to locate someone... anyone, but all he found was ruins. He had encountered very few people since the war began, and the few people he did meet didn't last long. A merchant being fleeing for his life, a dying women shielding the corpse of her child, an elderly man looking for his wife. No one who could fight, and all of whom would be a burden for Ein to have to protect.

'I don't know how much longer I'll be able to survive on my own', he thought to himself. 'The number of shadows has been increasing each and everyday; the number of humans.... decreasing.' Ein had the fortunate luck to have only run into individual shadows or small gatherings of only a few, but he knew that this was changing. Day by day the noises of the forests got louder, the snarling, the growling... the battle cries of survivors? 'Could it be... a group of warriors? Fighting together.... Alive?!'

He began running through the forest until he came across the clearing in which the voices came. He saw in front of him numerous beasts resembling hellish hounds, and piles of ash and dust spread about. At the center of it all was a motley hut, nearly destroyed in the skirmish of beasts. 'They're protecting that hut for some reason..... If I get killed here I'll never avenge my brother.... but without their help, I won't be able to avenge him."

At that thought he charged forward, towards the hut. He noticed the attention of some of the wolves switch to him. He began knocking them back with swift kicks and flurries from his fists. He knew as long as it was one on one he would seldom be hit, but if they managed to gang up on him he wouldn't be able to keep dodging efficiently. When he got close to the house, he jumped into the air, just as frost began to develop over his gauntlets. As he slammed down into the ground a wave of crystalline dust spread forth freezing the feet of the surrounding wolves in place. He continued to charge forward, knocking away the few his spell had missed.

"Quickly! Take this opportunity to get inside! We'll regroup. This frost won't last long!"
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Jerrick fights through the brush, moving surprisingly quick wearing armor under his cloak. He slows as he hears the sounds of fighting. He unshoulders his pack and drops it at a base of a tree and keeps moving.As he nears the sounds. Jerrick skids to a stop as he comes across the hut, the people fighting, and the shadow hounds surrounding it. He sets his mouth into a line and hefts his hatchet. His free hand pulls on what looks like an insulated work glove, before clenching it into a fist as a ball of fire surrounds it. He then releases a bellow and charges into the fray.

His first attack is a kick, hitting the underside of one hound and definitively feeling something break in it. The second is a near decapitation of the next nearest hound. Then a Shadow dog makes a jump at him, only for it to get punched out of the air with a flaming fist. The now ignited hound sails into the side of the Hut,

And sets it on fire.
The sudden effort of teamwork by the imposing man and the ice-manipulating stranger brought Rederik's spirits to rise. This was exactly what this situation needed, and he felt they'd surely overcome the fight. Once the doorway was clear of any hounds, he slipped in and turned about just as another hound lunged for him. With an upward thrust, he drove his dagger up through the beast's head, the dark swirl of its form writhing about before being released to the ground.

Rederik took the opportunity to search for the redhead. "Hello!" he called out, his attention partitioned between his search for the stranger indoors and the fight outside. He could see Naraya engaged in a beast-on-beast battle of light and dark, her white fur stark contrast from the void of the shadow hound. Then the fire billowed through his peripheral, and he hoped the house would remain unscathed from the magic.
Aurelia was awoken by some commotion not too far off in the forest. Admittedly, it was a bit late to be waking up (judging by the sun's position). She'd slept comfortably for at least two or three hours prior, having stayed up past dawn the previous night. Of course, sleeping for that much time was a risk what with the amount of shadow beasts in this area. None had bothered her, however. They were probably all off in the distance, causing the commotion that had woken her.

I could go help, Ari thought as she stretched out the last bits of sleepiness from her body. Or I could wait until it dies down and go check for loot. And indeed, this was what she decided she would do. Already, the noise had begun to abate, which Ari took as her cue to begin heading that direction. She stood and drew her knives in preparation for any stray shadow hounds that she might meet. Aurelia began on her way, casually swinging her knives as she went.
The beasts continued trying to chomp at his face, climbing over his legs with rough feet, leaving hundreds of tiny bruises on his lower limbs. However, he faught on, slashing the beasts gradualy off until to his surprise, his small crowd of up-close attackers faded to a view of chaos. The side of the hut had now began to cinder with unexplainable flames, out of the window he caught a fleeting glance of something larger fighting the hounds, and through the doorway he swore that the ground was now crystaline ice. Most importantly though, a human, an actual other survivor stood at the entrance, a pale man who was calling out to him.

At that moment, Skyre felt a rush of emotion. This was the first other human he had seen in two weeks, and the first properly since the fall itself. At the beginning, Skyre had edged his way slowly back towards Aliak in the hope of figuring out what was going on. And surprisingly enough, the place had been virtually unguarded - there were almost no shadow warriors or shadow creatures anywhere. The city was a ghost town, though strangely enough he had seen no bodies anywhere. He had remained in the city for a few days as it was good for surprises, but in the middle of one night he had heard the battle cry of several others. His heart had filled with elation as he realised that he wasn't alone, that others had survived. He had rose from his sleep to try and find the others, only to watch them get slaughtered by a rush of fresh shadow warriors. It was that attack, he thought, that triggered the sudden patrols of shadow warriors and creatures; it must have shown the Shadow King that his plan hadn't been infallible, that some had survived. But having the hopes of meeting other quashed before his very eyes had hit Skyre hard.

That initial emotional reaction was recreated here upon sight of Rederik, and despite his many bruises, Skyre climbed to his feet with a wide grin on his face.

"Hello!" he returned the greeting, approaching the doorway without a care about the smokey smell that suddenly filled his nostrils. He glanced out of the window and saw three others dotted about. That made four - four whole survivors! His grin almost extended from ear to ear. "I think I must thank you for saving me. I was a goner without your help, all four of you." He shook his head in disbelief. "Forgive me for being so flabbergasted, but I'm just so happy to find other survivors." Composing himself with a sigh, Skyre focussed once more. "I'm Skyre."
Ein saw a flash of red from the side of his eye, just by the door of the hut. Initially he thought it was just a cinder, or some sparks flying off the house, but it became apparent to him that this was the hair of another survivor.

"I hate to break up this little celebration, and as happy as I am to see other survivors too, perhaps we could worry about the introductions once the rest of these hounds are dealt with " Ein backed towards the door slowly, as he saw the two survivors inside exchange greetings. There were still about a dozen hounds bound by their icy shackles surrouding the hut, but the binding was beginning to falter.

"The ice keeping them in place is beginning to melt, " he glanced at the burning hut, " no thanks to the fire!"
"Pleased. To. Meet. You," Vaelem grunted brusquely through each swing of his two-hander as he cleaved several shadow hounds from the entrance of the house. His endurance was beginning to fail him and each swing seemed to replace his limbs with lead. His fur coat billowed as he swept through the door and into the house to find a flame-haired man, the ice mage, and the dagger wielding fellow he noticed earlier.

"That one's right," he said, jabbing a thumb in Ein's direction. "If we're caught blabbering when they get here, we'll be dead before we know it."

He turned to face the entrance again and strode out to begin dealing with the wolves while they were still locked in place. The first shadow hound was beginning to break free when Vaelem crushed it beneath his broadsword.
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Jerrick tumbles to the the ground in view of the others, holding a snapping jaw of a hound at bay. "Get off me!" his hand is set aflame once more and he stars to punch the hound repeatedly. As soon as he stuns it, he pushes the hound off him and rolls away and into a crouch. He hound growls menacingly at him and charges, only to be met with four feet of steel through it's breast. Jerrick grunts and shoves to corpse off his Bastard sword.
Rederik nodded to the redhead before him as he eyed him over for any serious injury. He looked well enough to continue on. Vaelem and Ein made agreeable points, and he waited for the redhead to make the first move to the door. "Strength in number," Rederik added as he looked over at the other two at the door. "We should stick together. At least until we are out of harm's way."

He hoped they would stay with him. He hoped he would be granted the company of others in a much less stressful environment. Since the fall, his human interaction had become increasingly sparse. Narayan was a good companion, but he wanted to speak and share in laughter like he once did with his family. If the group did part in their separate ways after the hounds are dealt with, perhaps one of them would allow him to tag along for a time. The question of what this young man was doing inside a house being hunted by hounds had been reeling through Rederik's mind since the start.

Outside Naraya crashed through the ice encasing one of the shadow hounds. The ice, while melting, provided a controlled environment where the beasts could be taken on one by one. She didn't seem to find the newcomers as much of a threat as the shadow hounds for now.
Before the pale man in the doorway could even reply, two of the others outside has responded similarly. Skyre eyed the floor with a sheepish chuckle - in his excitement he had forgotten about the potential fighting outside. He had initially presumed the group of them to be some kind of resistance team, but from their tone and words he noticed that they two were strangers to each other. Well, at least the climax of this infernal chase has had some good recoil. "Yes, of course," he replied. Although he was tired, he would help them. After all, they had just saved his life.

Hopping just outside the hut door, Skyre faced the rising flames and stretched his arms out, massaging the air. A torrent of wind surrounded the fire, keeping it from spreading further. With a twist of his hands, Skyre used up his last magic energy and cemented the torrent in place. Happy with his work, the ginger boy turned back to the battlefield and noticed that there were barely any hounds left, only a few left in the ice and a couple of stragglers dotted about. Certainly not enough to be a major threat - the battle had been won!
Jerrick grins as the hounds are now hesitant to attack. "Yeah, that's right!" With shout and a burst of fire in their direction, He sends them scattering into the forest. He then stops to slow his breathing and to pick up his hatchet where he dropped it. He sheathes his sword and return the handaxe to his belt before turning to look at the group. "Now, can someone tell me what in blazes is going on?"
Ari arrived at the scene a little sooner than expected. It took her a moment to register what was going on. Contrary to her assumption, there were few shadow hounds. In their place, a group of battle-worn warriors were recovering from the attack and striking off the last few stragglers (which were trapped in ice for whatever reason). The building behind them had caught fire and it looked like a warrior's head had as well, but he either didn't care or didn't know yet.

Ari briefly contemplated running before she was spotted by the other humans. But it had been so long since she'd seen people, and here stood a group of able warriors. People who actually stood a chance. Was it worth meeting these people, teaming up with them, and cutting them loose when they were no longer necessary?

Having taken a moment too long to make a decision, fate decided for her. A fleeing shadow hound spotted Ari at the edge of the clearing. It charged at her, snarling and growling. Unable to think things through, Ari did what came most naturally to her -- she struck it with a lightning bolt. The flash and resounding crack of splitting air made her presence known to both the warriors and the hounds.

She swore under her breath before clearing her throat casually. "Uh, what he said" Ari said, gesturing to the man who'd just spoken.
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Another wave of relief hit him as he followed the young man out of the hut. A pack of shadow hounds had been reduced to stragglers easily dealt with. Rederik quickly ran over to help his feline companion kill off the last hound encased in ice before it could break free. He forced his daggers through the icy cocoon and into the back of its head and chest. The blades were stuck for a moment, and it took several forceful pulls before he was staggering backward.

Fatigue had begun to set in as he found his footing, his arms hanging loosely at his sides as he held onto the hilts of his daggers lightly. Blood ran down his left forearm and dripped off his hand. The pain of the bite throbbed, and he looked down at it to assess the damage. The leather gauntlet he had adorned on that arm was punctured through the layers where a set of the beast's teeth had managed to squeeze through to clamp down on his skin.

When he looked back up, he noticed the short woman emerge from the forest just as she raised her hand and unleashed a bolt of lightning. The resounding thunder reverberated through him, his eyes in awe. He had only ever been able to create a small spark once or twice. What she had created was extremely powerful.

Naraya wearily made her way to Rederik's side and lowered her head, her red eyes scanning everyone skeptically. Rederik sheathed his daggers to his sides and gave her a reassuring scratch behind one ear before speaking. "We should make our way out of the clearing," he said, then looked over to the others for suggestions.

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