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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

As the last hounds scattered off, Skyre looked incredulously at the smith. He was about to respond when suddenly a loud thunderclap pierced the evening air, revealing a fifth survivor, a girl. Again he found himself grinning at the sight of a new human being.

"There's quite a simple answer to that question," Skyre sheathed his winged sword and stood forward. "I was being chased by several shadow hounds and you guys all suddenly appeared and saved me, for which I am really grateful." It'd been such a long time since he'd spoken to anyone, and Skyre had forgotten the sound of his own voice - a deep but smooth voice that had a beautiful quality of power to it; it was the rare kind of voice that is filled with real, attention-grabbing emotion. Given the friendly young face of its owner, at the glance the voice was hardly fitting, but it complimented the enigma he tried to convey, an enigma that in his excitement he had briefly forgotten.

He was about to continue further when his initial greeter spoke up - the hurried desires of his companions saddened him a little. Did they not want to introduce and accustom themselves with some of the only other survivors left? "I see no reason why we should rush past introductions; we did after all just defeat an entire bunch of shadow creatures, that should buy us enough time to at least say hello. For the benefit of our newcomer, I'm Skyre. And you all are?"
Vaelem sheathed his broadsword across his back before crossing his now exhausted arms. He ran an eye over the people he had chosen to fight alongside. They made a fairly ragtag group, looking like the strangest band of survivors he'd ever laid eyes on. A skinny young man with flaming red hair that seemed charismatic enough. A short, wary, but charming looking woman. A nearly unarmored man with a nearly shaved head. A well muscled fire wielder, and an extremely pale man with unnerving eyes. And of course, himself, what most might call a bear of a man with a broad chest and thick layer of stubble.

He remained silent for a few moments longer before finally uttering, "Vaelem," in his rumbling voice and nodding ever so slightly. "Member of the protectors of the realm-err, used to be. 'Suppose I'm not protecting much of anything anymore." With that he fell silent and waited for the rest of the group.
He looked back at the forest behind the hut and then scanned the area around them for threats as far as he could see. Even with poor eyesight, he could still be attentive to his surroundings. If they were going to stay out in the open, it was best to be sure it was safe to do so.

"I'm Rederik," he said, finally looking over at Skyre with a friendly smile. "I did not mean to come across as rude. I was only thinking of our safety. It is a pleasure to meet you." He directed his smile and his words to everyone present with an inclination of his head. Naraya leaned against him, her white fur matted with patches of glossy red. "This is Naraya."

Words felt foreign in his mouth. He hadn't spoken in nearly a week, and while the action was bizarre, he quickly warmed up to the task. It was so good to see and interact with people once again, and they all looked quite trustworthy.
Ari walked towards the group uncomfortably, putting her unused knives away as she went. She was most certainly in a pickle now. After the fall of Aliak, nobody wanted to travel alone. Except her. But now, she would most certainly be expected to go with this ragtag group who could potentially provide some glimmer of hope to Valia.

Well, Ari thought as she approached, maybe one of them is a master healer who can teach me. She knew it was an off chance. Healers were unfortunately concentrated near Aliak, which was no longer accessible. Regardless, she decided that she would join them if the question arose (and it would), but she wouldn't trust them.

Having arrived alongside the others, Aurelia was reminded of how short she truly was. The men towered over her, making any attempt at intimidation impossible. Her mind worked past initial visual impressions into how she could best win against them in a fight. Hopefully, the situation would never arise, but she had to be prepared just in case.

Though her mind was reeling with uncorked thoughts such as those and other, more random ones like 'Oh, his head's not really on fire.' Ari maintained a calm facade. She looked up at the group's faces --something that she saw herself as doing a lot in the near future-- and smiled pleasantly.

"I'm Ari." She looked at each of them in turn, ending with the redhead who'd introduced himself as Skyre. "I heard the commotion earlier, but when I arrived, you'd already handled the situation. And very well, I might add. It seems to have been quite the battle." She said in the most amiable way she knew how.
Ein walked over to the circle of strangers. Listening to each introduction, 'Ari, Rederik, Vaelem, and Skrye. All the remains is the oaf that burned down the hut,' the whole while keeping his eyes to the edge of the forests to ensure no more hounds came at them. "Can I trust you? What's to say you aren't working for the Shadow King?" he said wearily and exhausted?
Vaelem," Skyre repeated with a smile, "Well, you can put your protection skills into full use now I guess." Then he turned to the next speaker, the pale man, who had now been joined by a standard wolf. The animal made him a little nervous, but he his it well. "Don't worry, you didn't come off as rude at all. Nice to meet you!" And then to the short woman, bizarrely the only one not looking at least a little tired out. "We'll, if you'd wish to describe a near death experience and highly dangerous combat on the edge of mortal injury then I guess it would be something to describe jovially." Skyre grinned, stopping his sarcasm from being rude.

Finally, the shaved figure whose tiredness appeared to extend to his thoughts as well as physicality. "I understand your unease, but think about it. How many human agents of the Shadow King have you seen before?" He said this because of course, there were no such thing. "You can choose to distrust us if you want, but we'd much rather appreciate your help in surviving as agronomist now, I think." Skyre was completely oblivious to the fact that he was already stepping up to the plate of a leader, responding and making overarching statements. Nevertheless, it suited him well.
"Do you know why they were after you, Skyre?" Rederik chimed in. "The hounds. I've never seen that many before after one man."

Narayan plopped into the grass and began licking the wound along her paw, her tail swishing lightly as the introductions softened the air. Rederik began to remove the punctured gauntlet from his left forearm, unstrapping it carefully before sliding it off with a wince. It was unfortunate to him to see a piece of his armor so far beyond repair. He let the gauntlet fall onto the ground before him, and Naraya turned to sniff it in brief curiosity before going back to her own grooming. He found the end of his hood and ripped it along the hem line to provide him with a makeshift bandage to at least stop the bleeding until he could gather the right medicinal herbs.
Aurelia turned her attention to the speaker. Rederik, he'd introduced himself as. He was patching himself up with a piece of cloth. Ari glanced around, but nobody was stepping forward to help him. Of course. She was foolish to even consider the possibility of another healer. But then, she could use this opportunity to teach herself Light magic.

"Here, let me see." She held out her hand for his arm.
At first, Rederik didn't think Aurelia was speaking to him. It wasn't until he caught her nearing hand in his peripheral that he turned his pale face to look at her. His brow furrowed somewhat with the gesture. He hadn't had anyone volunteer to tend to his injuries since he took off on his own. He brought his wounded arm about to hover above the woman's outstretched hand. The wound was a partial imprint of the beast's teeth on both sides of his forearm. The skin around the punctures was swollen while blood oozed more slowly from the holes. Rederik kept quiet while he awaited the answer to his question to Skyre.
"I don't think there's any particular reason for it, no," Skyre replied. "They always travel in packs - this one was only a fraction larger than most from my experiences. Though normally I manage to evade them, I kinda failed this time by trapping myself back there." He smiled sheepishly once again, admiring the distant sunset. So many new faces.
"That wasn't a smart move. You were lucky we were in the area." He thought about the oddness of them all being there... Together...

Ein looked up and down at each of the members of this motley crew. He decided for the time being it would be smart to trust them, afterall, it wasn't likely he would find any other humans to fight alongside of.

He choose to introduce himself. "I'm Ein. "
Ari listened quietly to Skyre as she studied the wound. It seemed like something she could handle, though it looked nasty. She gingerly placed one hand over the greater part of the bite marks. A faint glow emanated from underneath her palm and she felt the blood slowing. The swelling went down and Ari removed her hand. All that remained of the wound were pale scars, as though the injury had taken place many weeks prior. Ari smiled at her good work. Maybe if she was better, there would be no scars, but that was good enough for now.

She turned her attention to Skyre, who was gazing into the distance. She followed his gaze, noting the sun dipping below the horizon. "Sunset." She remarked simply. "We should move."
Skyre snapped back to reality with the pairs words, listening a little absent. "Yes, I agree. We could do with setting up a camp or something, finding somewhere a little more protected and holding guard." Then they could talk in more detail. "I'm just going to check inside this hut for any left over loot. Then we can leave if you'd wish." With that, he strolled inside the building, a building that now smelt foul with the scent of the decayed shadow hounds, and climbed the creaking staircase above.
Truth be told, Rederik had never witnessed magic like hers. His little town had its share of magic users, but most of them had moved on to study in Aliak at the university and rarely returned. The glow from her hands caused his eyes to widen, and he could feel the wounds closing near painlessly. Once the light diminished, he brought his arm up to view the faint scarring, his fingers lightly brushing over the marks. This woman was powerful if she possessed the ability to conjure lightning bolts and heal.

"Thank you, Ari," he said to her before looking over at Ein. "And thank you for the ice, Ein. That was excellent timing." He turned his head to watch Skyre make his way toward the hut once again. "I'll check the perimeter." His gaze looked down to Naraya to check and see if she'd want to go with him. She looked up at him and rose in response, stretching out her legs and claws before walking next to Rederik.
To his disappointment, Skyre found nothing of worth upstairs; it was a bare as the downstairs. Now alone, he took the opportunity to take a breath and calm down after all the chaos. Turning back, he hopped back down the stairs to return to the others.



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The staircase was only a short climb, and Skyre soon arrived back downstairs. "Nothing." he reported, "the old inhabitant must have died many years ago and taken his equipment to the grave." It struck Skyre as odd saying such a thing - they were affectively trying to rob from the dead, a highly disrespectful act. But then again, in survival, many old morals had been lost and replaced with the animistic will to survive. And that was what had kept them alive after all.

Skyre was about to suggest that they move out when suddenly, from the surrounding bushes, came a second batch of shadow hounds, this time perhaps sixty or so in number, their yapping suddenly ear-piercing as they leapt from the foliage. One jumped up into the air towards an unaware Rederik and, in desperation, Skyre swung his hand from the hut to the man, using what little magic energy had returned to him to transport the wind trap to Rederik's body. The hound snapped right next to his ear, but the cage of wind forced him back and away from the warrior.

Skyre just had time to draw his sword again. Well, here we go! With that, he raised his weapon and charged into action.
Before Rederik could make it even to the corner of the house, Skyre was already back outside. The sound of his report made him double back and pause for a moment, his eyes set on the redhead. He hadn't really expected there to be much in the hut, but he thought something of even the smallest value would have been left behind or overlooked by looters. He thinned his lips in quiet momentary disappointment.

It was interrupted by another howl, and just as Rederik turned to face the fight, the nearest shadow hound was gnashing its teeth only inches away from his face. He took a moment to assess what was around him as the beast was pushed further away, slowly at first as it resisted the force, but then crashed through the grass. Wind had formed a sort of cage around him, the torrent of which could only barely be seen and tossed his shaggy white hair about.

Naraya's roar resonated through the clearing in dissonance with the shadow hounds' howling. Rederik wanted to recuperate from the previous battle, but there would be no rest as long as there were threats about. He waited for the wind trap to dissipate, blades at the ready by his side as he ever so slightly bounced in his stance.
Jerrick remained wary of the forest. And with good reason too, as more shadow hounds crash through the brush. His sword flashes out of it's sheathe and slices at a leaping wolf. He casts his gloved hand out and semicircle of fire appears between the group and the pack. "Agreed! We need to get out of here before even more show up!"
The wind disappated around Rederik, making him susceptable to attack once more. Skyre charged at the oncoming forces, batting the first dog away with the hilt of his sword. Another rose up in its place, and he swiped his sword at its chest, cutting it clean in two. His extra light sword made it easier for him to manourve, and usually he would utilise this in tandem with his wind magic to make his movements quick and fluid. But he was out of magic energy, and thus was struggling on the battlefield. In addition to that, he had ran from the hounds for a fair while before the others had shown up; he was much more tired. Thus he was completely unaware of the shadow dog behind him, snarling as it readied to pounce unsuspectedly onto his undefended back...
Desiree stumbled into the small clearing as several of the shadow hounds pursued. She skidded to a stop and spun around as she plunged the end of her quarterstaff into the ground as an anchor. She waved her free hand across in front of her with her palm facing out and summoned a stiff pocket of air to slam into the three wolves that followed her. The impact of the gust pushed them aside, but only slightly so that their inertia carried them past her in a jumble of paws, tails and gnashing teeth.

The wolves bit and clawed at each other as they tried to extricate themselves from their sudden heap. Desiree took the brief pause to glance around the clearing.

So many wolves were not the only surprise – it was the other survivors, too many to count! All of them were struggling against the wave of the shadow beasts that she had inadvertently brought to them by her own flight for survival.

The brief moment passed as the three wolves found their footing and came at her once again.

Desiree held her quarterstaff horizontally in front of her as she called a wave of air to blast forth toward the three wolves. The wave sliced through the center one and the one on her right as they lunged toward her; the third had jumped slightly higher than she had expected and it cleared the thin, slicing blade of wind. Her breath was forced from her lungs as the wolf's impact knocked her to the ground.

She struggled against the larger, stronger opponent on top of her. It's claws found easy purchase through her cotton shirt as she thrust her quarterstaff sideways into its drooling jowls. Fatigued, her waning strength was barely enough to keep its fangs from her face.
Jerrick reaches out and yanks Skyre away just in time. "Watch your back!" He lashes out with his foot and catches the hound square in the face. Then his sword comes down and cleaves it in half. He watches as another survivor bounds into the clearing, struggling against a wolf.

"Somebody get on her! The rest, form a circle!" Jerrick's face twists into a grim mask as he tries to take control of the situation.
Skyre suddenly found himself flung to the floor by the long haired man, the man yet to introduce himself. He followed his gaze and noticed the other survivor, breaking into a grin once again. They must have sent off an entire squadron of these things to finish off everybody living down in these forests. That would explain the numbers, and also why we are all suddenly in the same place. "Thanks!" he nodded to Jerrick, and then took it upon himself to save the newcomer, a girl. He scrambled to his feet and then gracefully dived towards the hound in question, slicing its biting head clean off and kicking its limp body off of her as it evapourated into lurid gas. Another dog leapt at her side, but Skyre span, the wings of his blade extending just enough to sever it too.

Now briefly free from attackers, Skyre offered her a hand to help her up. He kept one eye scanning the rest of the battlefield, where his new comrades were all engaged in viscious combat. Nobody seemed to be handling too badly, but the ammount of creatures just didn't seem to stop - they would have to flee as they didn't have a hope in defeating all of the enemies. Turning back to her, he nodded politely. "I'm Skyre," he said.
The wolf lashing at her was suddenly knocked aside and just as quickly slain. A young, red-haired fellow with goggles over his forehead extended a helping hand. Desiree took it gratefully and allowed him to help her to her feet.

"Thanks," she managed as she stooped over slightly, clung to her quarterstaff for additional support and tried to catch her breath.

After a moment to collect herself, she stood taller, raked her long, blonde hair back from her face and replied in a light, sweet voice, "Desiree. Sorry about the wolves. I thought I had shaken them, but they proved ... overly tenacious in their pursuit." The last part was added with a wry grin.

She looked down at her dusty, slashed and somewhat bloodied shirt – her newest souvenir from the marauding wolves that she daily sought to avoid. She wrapped her cloak closer around to cover the gaping tears in her shirt, lest she show more than was dignified to this young man.

Desiree followed Skyre's gaze across the melée. "Maybe we should help clean this up?" she offered. It was more of a statement than a question.
"They do tend to do that, being 'tenacious'," Skyre consulted, "but then again they are the beasts of the dark lord who controls this entire world. You would expect them to be unrelentless." His voice was smooth and powerful as ever, but conveyed friendliness as he smiled wryly. Then, following her second comment: "Maybe." Although his maybe meant 'yes', Skyre kept things vague and enigmatic. He turned and was about to walk over to their comrades when a bunch of other hellhounds broke free from the main pack, quickly circling the pair. "Or not." Skyre conceded, sword outstrectched once more. "Looks like we have problems of our own."

Now back to back, the wolves circled the pair, ready to attack in unison. Skyre panted hard, still exhausted. He certainly wouldn't be able to last much longer. The wolves forced them back a little, and now they found themselves right next to the entrance of the old hut. The first wolf began to leap, and Skyre grimasced, preparing to fight once again.
Jerrick grits his teeth as a hound latches it's teeth onto his arm. It doesn't penetrait his armor, but it still hurts like hell. "Get off!" He bellows and slams his arm; hound attached, into the side of the hut.

Jerrick cries out in pain as another clamps down on his ankle. "A little help here!"
Modesty be damned, Desiree thought as the wolves moved to encircle her and Skyre. She released her hold on her cloak and with two hands on her quarterstaff, she slowly twirled it before her as she contemplated their situation.

"So," Desiree tossed over her shoulder to Skyre as she blew some stray strands of hair from her eyes, "this kind of thing happen to you often?" She feinted at one wolf with the end of her quarterstaff and it cowered back out of range as the two of them slowly worked their way closer to the doorway.

"Because if it does, I'd be happy to just be on my way," she added, with a smile in her tone.

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