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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ari hated it. She hated having to be rescued. It made her feel weak (even though at this time she was very weak). She only wanted someone to take care of those last few wolves. Certainly, Jerrick had done so, but was it absolutely necessary to carry her when no danger was imminent? Ari was indignant, though some rational part of her knew that he was only doing what he thought was best. Stupid, perhaps. Running into the burning forest. At least if there were any surviving hounds, they wouldn't follow.

She felt a sharp pain by her ribs from the way Jerrick carried her. "Ow!" she exclaimed, "put me down, you're hurting me..." Ari demanded faintly.
Skyre too was tired, but he did very well with hiding it; his ever-rising chest was the only indication that he was out of breath. As she let go, he turned to face her and was utterly surprised at the state of her appearance, concern flashing through his remarkable emerald eyes. He hasn't known that the experience had scared her that much and now felt incredibly bad for putting her through it. The warm grasp of another human being wrapped around him had been a bizarrely amazing experience to him given the circumstances, especially the grasp of a woman, but now he cursed himself for trying to be too enigmatic to actually reveal his plan to her.

"You perhaps shouldn't try it again if you're going to end up like this," Skyre indicated to her tearstained face. "I'm very sorry. I didn't expect you to have quite that reaction." He was reassured, then, when she held his shoulder, and returned her smile. "It's no problem, and you needn't thank me. I just did what I'm sure any person would do, helping out another. And in any case, I couldn't have done it without your help. You should be thanking yourself."

When she strolled away, Skyre took his position leaning against a tree. The riverside was decorated with small grey pebbles that created a small rocky beach. He watched her with a caring smile as she washed her face, before breaking out into a more mischievous grin. "Though of course, if I were a man who tallied favours, I think you'd owe me three times now, hey?" He had no other words bar this comedy - he was too tired and simply needed a moments recuperation before resuming in action talk.
Rederik was nearly blown away with the rest of the hounds as Desiree's wind pane forced a group of them clear away from the small hut. A crash and a bang and something shot out from the collapsing hut with such speed he had to double check to insure it was indeed Skyre and the newcomer. At least they were safe, but as they began to fly away from the fight, his brow furrowed with unknowing. Were they abandoning the rest?

The thunder from Ari's massive attack caused him to turn, and he rushed in to finish off the rest of the hounds. They needed to be completely eliminated before pursuing the idea of finding Skyre. To his dismay he saw Jerrick scoop Ari from the ground where she had collapsed and ran off into the woods. Their numbers were thinning, though by what little Rederik could make out it was likely the best option for the girl.

In a streak of white, Rederik and Naraya killed off the stunned shadow hounds one by one, making their way towards Ein. The magic users were draining themselves too much to be certain how long they'd last on their own. A swift slash, followed by a quick stab led to a trail of falling beasts. They were almost completely dead. They had to be eradicated before they could move on.
Desiree raised hers face from her ablutions at the brook. Still kneeling at the water's edge with her long hair still trailing in the water, she turned to face Skyre. Her eyes narrowed at his comment, but she found only a slight grin on his face.

"So it's tallies we're keeping then?" she asked. She fully turned toward him and sat amongst the pebbles along the small shoreline. Desiree's eyes had returned to their normal, bright color – the cold water having revitalized her spirit. They sparkled in the waning sunlight that reflected from the surface of the water. Her demeanor, even in her state of exhaustion, remained light.

"Well," she continued, "I cannot imagine how we might have escaped that hut without our combined efforts. I am not so certain that your count is correct, sir."

Desiree stood and wrung the water from her hair. Her slashed cotton shirt, still stained with her own blood, revealed enough to leave imaginations to make up the rest. She grasped her quarterstaff and leaned heavily on it as she crossed the small space between them, uncaring for her appearance.

"Still, I suppose that you are deserving of some reward," she said. She leaned in close to Skyre and lightly kissed his cheek. "That's about all I can afford for your timely heroics."
Thick underbrush crunched under the thin sole of Clara's shoe, plants being brushed aside as she crossed quickly through their wake. The forest around her was alive with the murmur of animals, birds in the canopy and the occasional four legged animal scurrying through the underbrush. Taking another step, her foot stepped down on a branch fallen from the tree above. The loud crack of the stiff twig froze her in position, her arms as tension as the bow string she had draw while she strained her ears for the noises of the forest to come alive again. Hunting wasn't as easy as her grandfather's books had said and while it was hard enough to even locate a good enough animal to kill it was harder to kill it. She had a good shot for only having picked up a bow a few months prior but even then she could only hit 60% of the time. Clara was no marksman, she wasn't even a warrior. What Clara was, if said, would make any in the right mind wonder why would she was making such an effort in the woods instead of in a library.

Clara was a Mage, a witch, a sorceress, or whatever it was that people like to title those that could use magic. The fact that she was in a forest, dirty from the time of travel and hungry from the lack of food, was because the library she should have been in was no longer there. Burned to the ground, ransacked, destroyed; all words that could describe the outcome of the library she had once relished. The thought made her hiss in distaste, her eyes burning as they glared angrily around at the green glow of plants with a sudden need to release the tension of her bowstring. She than caught sight of it, a rabbit half hidden in the leaves of a nearby bush. She had hunted a rabbit once before, killing it had been pure luck but she knew well that if she got much closer the animal would disappear without a trace. This meant she would need to shoot it from her current position, a good four yards away and through a tangle of trees and brush. It wouldn't be easy but as long as the animal didn't move she had confidence that she could hit it. Aiming the tip of the arrow at the furry backside, Clara released the string just as a noise echoed through the clearing.

"By the Gods, I'm going to kill whatever made that noise." She hissed angrily, pacing over to where her arrow was embedded deep within a tree trunk. Gripping it's base she tugged, rewarded with the snap of the arrow to make her mood all the better. She hissed and tossed the useless wooden length of the arrow away from her. Clara needed every arrow she could, it wasn't like she had a blacksmith to make her arrow tips or an experience crafter to make arrows that shot straight. She had been lucky happening upon a bow and arrows in the village they had passed through a month or so ago. She had lost three arrows thus far; one she had over aimed, another had run off with an animal, and the last had just snapped in the tree. Now Clara had about fifteen arrows left, give or take a few arrows.

"No use wasting any more today." She grumbled, looping her arm through the bow so that she could head back in the direction of the noise. She drew her dagger as she went, pausing in so that she could crouch in the brush outside of a clearing. Just beyond, beside the river, was a group of people. Clara's eyes widened at the sight of them, unsure of whether she should approach or not. It was probably better to avoid, she didn't know if they were dangerous and with her grandfather waiting she couldn't afford to get her throat cut now. Still she felt the need to talk to them, these were the first people she had seen since fleeing the capital. She stood securing her hood over her brown hair, notched an arrow on her bow, and stepped into the clearing beside the stream.

"Make any sudden movements and I'll send an arrow through your skulls." She hissed.
Ein looked at Rederik while letting out a sigh of relief. He was at the point he could barely walk, but stumbled to his feet. He glanced down at the torn shreds along the bottom of his pants, and the pool of bloody building up at the base of his foot. slowly he took his pack from around his back and hauled out bundle of bandages. 'There isn't many left...' he thought to himself as he bandaged up his wound.

"Hey Red," He called out realizing it was only them remaining in the clearing... " We should probably catch up to them..."

Ein began limping towards his comrade as he saw the man he called to finishing off the last nearby hound. " I'm not fit to fight, and somehow I doubt we'd survive if many more came."
Ethan had made his way back to his master's cottage. The roads where no longer safe and keeping to the woods was the best option for his journey. Passing a clearing Ethan was nearing the valley, his mind wandering back on the village, the smoke and fire and horrid images of death that lingered in the air. His eyes had dried but his chest was still heavy from the experience. Reaching the valley entrance Ethan was close to his teacher's home. As the path opened up the old hut was revealing itself, the old wooden roof covered in pine needles was always easy to see among the trees. Ethan was worried and sped up his step as the smoke that would normally come from the chimney was now silent. Careful in his approach Ethan looked for any sign of intrusion. All was quite and the home seemed empty.

Slowly from the bushes Ethan inches closer to the cottage, each twig and leaf that snapped below felt like a scream, expecting something to leap out before him. Able to view the entrance there was no sound, no sign that anyone had been there for days. With an assured look upon his face Ethan stepped towards the door releasing the iron hatch as the wood cracked and stretched from being moved. As the home opened itself the room was dark and the air stale. Ethan rubbed his hands together slowly breathing into his palm till a small light escaped between his fingers. Spreading his hands a ball of emitting light began to float then fly inside the house. Using its light Ethan's eye fell upon an empty home, the fire coals long since out was cold and lifeless. Dust had collected on the surrounding furniture, the old bed looked unused and from all he could see his teacher was no where to be found. clearing the dust and taken a moment to breath from the anxiety Ethan worried where his former teacher had gone to, the cottage all but abandoned.

After tidying the cottage up Ethan set out in search of his master. Removing the hard cheese and crackers from the cupboard Ethan backed food for a day. Opening his satchel he grabbed a few bottles from the storage varying in color and size. Recalling the terrain Ethan assumed his teacher went off for roots and planets somewhere towards the darker end of the forest. Going off only by what he knew Ethan left the rest up to luck. Looking back to the cottage Ethan waved his hand causing the ball to emerge from the house and fly towards the forest a few feet ahead. Hoping to find the old man alive and sleeping under a tree Ethan headed towards the ridge.
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Skyre's cheeks immediately bloomed rose red as he received the kiss. He certainly hasn't expected that; perhaps another witty comeback and then down to business, he had thought. But to be kissed by a girl in that current attire, a pretty girl who happened to be the first girl, no, person even, he'd seen or spoken too casually in an entire month... An emotion firework exploded in his chest, and an awkward grin spread onto his features, a grin that he tried, in vain, to hide.

"Well, erm..." he managed softly after a small pause, "I suppose that'll suffice." He remained there awkwardly for another moment before composing himself and trying to mask his elation by changing the subject. "You flatter me with this talk of heroics. I just did what any other person would do, and as you said, it was a good effort. I... eh-rm..." He trailed off, but his mind continued. It's a shame I can't return your reward.

His moment of indecision was timely interrupted as a newcomer appeared, violently dissipating any underlying romantic tones from their conversation. "That's a friendly greeting." Skyre retorted, regaining full composure as he regarded the newcomer, a younger girl. "I can assure you that we're not dangerous."
Clara looked over the one who had spoken, raising an eyebrow at him. "And I can assure you that I am." She replied, her tone thick with confidence. She didn't know if she could trust them, lies were something that people could say easily even in times of peace. All she could do was let her eyes drift over them, judging their appearances. They looked nothing like what she thought those with Dark Magic would appear like. They were tired looking and battle worn, enough that it made her hesitantly lower her bow.

"You. What's your relationship with the Shadow King?" She asked. Still skeptical as she swallowed a lump in her throat and glanced over her shoulder in the direction of her camp. Her grandfather wouldn't like that she had approached them by herself and he probably knew how to deal with this situation a whole lot better than her but it was to late. Instead she aimed her arrow at the ground, string still draw back just in case.
Jerrick's pace slows as he nears the river, his breaths turn labored, and using that last spell caused his nose to start bleeding. He looks like crap, and he feels like crap, yet he still takes the time to shift Ari into a more comfortable position on his shoulder. "Need...to find...the others..." He says between heavy gasps.

When he finally breaches the forest into view of the others, at arrow-point and all, he falls to his knees and slowly pulls the mage on his shoulder off. He sets her down gently and then falls to his side in exhaustion.

"I know...this is the first...time we've met...but let's...never do that...again."
"My relationship?" Skyre raised an eyebrow, the word bringing a wry smile to his face as it brought back warm mental re-enactments of the kiss he had just received. "Does mortal enemy sound like a suitable relationship to you?" Gingerly, Skyre reached for the newcomers ground-pointed bow, raising the woodwork and aiming it towards his own head, his genuine state never departing from the hunts-woman's eyes. "But better to keep us heavily guarded, right? In case we try anything." By putting himself purposefully in a position of weakness, Skyre intended to show her just how innocent they were; his unrelenting glance portrayed a calm, genuine kindness which aided this.

"We don't want to harm you," he said, slowly, noticing her youthful paranoia, "we are merely others in the same boat as you. Survivors." His ever present smile returned, and his thin, almost non-see visable eyebrows raised together, lightheartedly. "So how about we treat each other like fellow survivors and stop with the threats."
Ethan fell to nostalgia as the forest around him was familiar and one he grew up to with his master. The trees and brushes where like friends revealing their secrets to him. His teacher was always one with nature and knew the secret of every root and flower. The wisp of light in front swayed back and forth as the search continued, the small wisp was lifeless but tied to Ethan's conscience it swayed to his emotions and thoughts. The spell was basic and was the first thing his master taught him when they found the young man had a knack for the mysticism. The ball was useful for scouting for plants and at night provided him free use where fire from a torch tied one of his hand. Breaking from his day dreaming the light pulsed stopping upon the break of the forest. Twisting his palm the ball returned to his shoulder dimming out so not to draw attention. Lowering himself to the brush Ethan looked through the branches.

As the light adjusted in his eyes Ethan was shocked to see the old hunter cabin was now collapsed and the surrounding area was covered in shattered wood and broken branches. Turning his gaze from the clearing to the edge of the forest he caught the sight of two individuals resting on the ground. Sending the orb to search for any signs from the cabin Ethan slowly walked the edge of the brush towards the people. One was a young boy from their appearance the other a tall man with long black hair, both showed signs of a struggle but overall they seemed still breathing, a change from Ethan's current run in's of people. Stepping out of the brush at the sight of other living souls Ethan went to check on them still cautious.

The man looked strained while the young boy when up close was actually a young lady, a bit embarrassed at his misconception Ethan was glad he could tell before addressing them. His orb was still surveying the cabin while Ethan kept his hand on his satchel "Who are you and what are you doing out here?" his voice attempting to stay stern and focused. His act of intimidating was more an act as he stood above the hill of the brush staring down at them. He could not tell what they went through or where they came from, but not wanting to risk anything he felt better to keep the matter in his control. The sound of voices around the bin left him worried and the sign of battle gave Ethan the feeling it was best to keep his guard up.
Ari sneered. Another newcomer. How was it that everyone happened to be in the forests at the same time? She was in no shape to fight, even if she wasn't paralyzed. But the man didn't have to know that. He was right to be wary. But Aurelia was really in no mood for another conflict of any sort. Recruiting him would definitely be the easier option here.

At the moment, it was just her and Jerrick against him, but Ari wanted to put some pressure on the newcomer."If you're feeling okay, could you go check if the others are on their way?" She spoke audibly to Jerrick, but looked at the newcomer for a reaction. Of course, this would leave her alone and defenseless; she wasn't worried though. She'd seen firsthand that humans preferred to team up rather than kill each other in these tough times. It would be between diplomacy and death, with the former being more likely for a change.
"Mortal enemies." Clara repeated, letting the words settle on her tongue for a minute as the youth came forward and pointed her arrow at himself. She held his eyes as he did so, letting his words shift her emotions. Clara knew it wasn't wise but she lowered her bow again, loosening the string and removed the arrow from it so that she could return it to it's holder on her back. "Surviving is hardly what I'm doing." She stated evenly. "I seek revenge, I'm not a survivor. I'm a warrior, a rebel, a person that seeks more than just to survive but to live." She looked over him one more time before glancing over her shoulder once more. "When you want to live, not just survive, than we can talk about stopping the threats. Until than you aren't much more than something to keep the Shadow Hounds in shape." Looping her arm through the bow she cleared her throat and gave the group a smile. "Since I know your not a threat now I can be going. I've got someone waiting for me."
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Skyre smiled gently as the newcomer lowered her bow, but frowned as she began to elaborate properly. "Those are some bold statements. But how can you honestly expect to exact a revenge against the person who singlehandedly destroyed out entire kingdom, all by yourself? We all have our reasons to want to kill the Shadow King, we've all our individual motives. But in this day and age there is no difference between living and surviving." A little voice in his head niggled at him - didn't the girl's desires match up exactly to his? He too had intended on returning to Aliak somehow and, despite the odds, saving the kingdom and avenging all of his fallen comrades. No, he told himself. That was a feeling of hope, a natural feeling born out of my lonely desperation. And I did not let it consume me.

His ears pricked up again at the sound of there being somebody else, another survivor, and as the girl turned to leave, he reached out his arm and stopped her. "Please reconsider your options. There aren't many of us left now, so we can't afford to be selfish; we must work together. And even if you don't agree with me, there's always strength in numbers. We were attacked by a huge group of shadow dogs. If you met the same fate alone I wouldn't rate your survival chances." There must be a way of reasoning with her.
The wisp was still searching the fallen cabin, the light spreading through the wreckage, hovering slowly then dancing through the air as it went up and down and through the planks of wood. Ethan was listening carefully, his eyes a bit hesitant to the young woman's words.

Still her voice while stern seemed to put up the same intimidation he was putting. Raising his hands he slowly walked towards the two. Stopping a few feet from them he gauged their reaction but considering the weariness of her eyes and the exhaustion of his it felt more like they where wounded animals ready to pounce then thieves or bandits.

"I am seeking an elderly man who roams these woods often. I do not wish hostilities but considering the events unfolding I must ask you once more..." as he looked at them sternly "Who are you and What are you doing here?".

Whether they where friendly or even innocent victims the fact they where in the woods so far out here Ethan was grasping at straws expecting to hear any news of his teacher. Even if they didn't know news of any kind about the surrounding lands would be better then nothing of the world beyond the forest.

The wisp was beginning to finish surveying the cabin and return to Ethan.
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"Like I said," Clara replied, "I have someone waiting for me." She then ripped her arm from his hold, pacing a few yards before pausing. He was right, as much as she hated to admit it. He was right in the terms of her being nothing but dog food for Dark Magic hounds. Clara and her grandfather would both be the prey of the Shadow King, she knew that he hunted for them. The Shadow King hunted for all that would turn his rein into nothing more but a shadow past of Valia. It was enough of a thought to make her turn back to the boy, her brown eyes searching his face again.

"I'm camped two hours hike from here," She stated, pointing north. "On the west end of a valley with a river flowing through it. You'll find the clearing easily enough if you follow the water." She glanced at the others that had remained silent until than. "I don't expect all of you to be happy about traveling with someone who pointed an arrow at you so I'll give you time to talk it over." She withdrew her dagger and turned back toward the forest. "I'll be there until just after dawn tomorrow, come if you want." Clara than disappeared into the trees, planning on getting back to her grandfather before nightfall.
"We are...ah, refugees, for lack of a better word." Ari began. "Warriors, I guess you could say. As for what we're doing here...well, I suppose our business is done and we should really be leaving before more--" She halted as the ball of light returned to the newcomer's side.

At first, she assumed it was a trick of the forest or her eyes were beginning to fail her with blood loss. But no, it was clearly there. A ball of light, obediently floating by the man's side. "Before--uh," Ari tried to continue, but she found herself staring at the light. Was this really happening? Had she really just met a Light mage? Could he teach her?

Ari had to remind herself to focus on the conversation. She turned her head back towards the stranger while her eyes lingered on the wisp for a second longer. Re-establishing eye contact, Aurelia spoke; "Shall we just say that these parts are not safe from the Shadow King's beasts for any longer than a few hours? And yet..." Ari drifted off, seeming to talk to herself more than the man "Everyone seems to think otherwise, as what is likely the majority of Valia's citizens all seem to be in these parts at the exact same time." She found herself staring at the light again. Tearing her gaze away from it, Ari refocused the conversation. "Strange, isn't it?"
Despite his argument, Skyre let the newcomer disappear into the distance, pleased that he had made her see at least a little sense. However, behind them, the sun was already beginning to set. She won't make it before nightfall, Skyre realised a little too late, but I don't imagine there'll be any more shadow dogs around tonight. We dealt with an awful lot earlier, and I don't suppose the Shadow King will be able to fix them up that quickly. She'll be safe from him then, though I imagine she'll be annoyed at herself for serving so late. Skyre kept watching in the direction that she had headed. West, hey? That conflicted with the plan that was beginning o form in his head, but two hours wasn't too far of a journey - they could meet her early the next morning and hopefully persuade her and her ambiguous companion to join them.

Not aware of Ari and Jerrick, who were masked a little by the trees at the edge of the stream, Skyre turned back to Desiree, who he thought he was alone with now. "Well, I don't imagine that's the last we've seen of her. Quite the fiery girl, wasn't she?" He gifted her a contemplative smile, and then his eyes widened, a small laugh escaping him. The short break in action had allowed him to think back to the kiss once again, savouring it and marvelling, a little perplexed, over its occurrence. Then suddenly his mind snapped back to reality and he noticed the cuts and scars of her body. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.
Jerrick grunts and rises to a sitting position. "I haven't seen any old men recently. No. Just a whole bunch of people fighting creatures of shadow. They're probably all over the place and if your old man was out...well, I'm sure you can guess." He takes takes deep breaths of air. "We however are not your enemies. Besides, what reason would we have to attack an old man? Look at us, Shadow hounds attacked us. We're obviously not in league with the Shadows."
Clara's hike to the camp was long and tiring, not to mention the fact that she had failed to get something to eat weighed heavily on her shoulders. She suspected that her grandfather would be angry about that. It wasn't that anger she feared though, it was the one that he would have when he realized that she had made contact with other living people not on the side of the Shadow King and had reward them with an arrow pointed at their face. She knew she wasn't the best with making friends but even saying that pointing a weapon at them wasn't the way to make an impression. She had made up for it though in her eyes, she had offer them a place to meet her despite the fact that it was probably Clara that needed them more. Her grandfather was old, he had a hard time moving freely like she did. It was part of the reason why she had offered to go hunting by herself. Now she was going back empty handed and with news of her turning down the best chance they had at survival.

"Stubborn as a mule." She muttered to herself in the darkness, the sun having set many minutes ago. She was close to the clearing now though, enough to see the tent they had pitched yesterday. They had agreed to camp in this area for a day and two nights because her grandfather needed rest. Though whether he was resting or not was the question that clung to Clara's mind, especially when she say the three rabbits strung up at the edge of their camp.

"By the Gods, how in the world did you get 'em?" She asked, pointing at the skinned animal as she glanced at her grandfather. He sat by a circle of rocks, firewood already placed in the pit ready to be lit by her. He had prepared everything and supplied the food, it made her think that perhaps she was rather useless. If she had one skill though it was creating fire, which she did as she walked forward that let her hands move through the series of gestures that would create a fire big enough to cook their meal. She then grabbed the biggest animal and an arrow, Clara stuck it from butt to brains through the animal so that it could cook. "You goin' to tell me how you did it?" She asked once again, getting a gentle chuckle from her grandfather in response.

"Nature Magic has that ability, my dear." He replied simply. "I figured you won't catch anything with that bow of yours and decided I didn't want to go without supper tonight." Clara glared at him, feeling her pride sting slightly at her grandfather's lack of confidence in her. Still it was also a good thing, she was so ravished that she didn't know if she could wait until the meat was fully cooked. Talk of the other survivors could wait until later, once her belly was full and mind glazed over with delight.
The wisp had returned to his side and for a moment images of the fallen cabin flooded his mind, from what could be seen the story the young lady and tall man where telling was true. Listening back at the two he smiled searching in his pack, removing two small vials

"You don't seem to be knocking at death's door yet..." as he put his hand forward showing the two glassed bottles "Drink this, its made from a root that grows around here...may not be sweet but it'll help with your fatigue." as he laid them on the grass beside them. The wisp's light pulsed signalling Ethan about the sunset, night would fall soon.

"Well it would seem I must put off searching for now, this place can be a maze at night if not careful." as he watched the two. Standing back up Ethan removed his hat, wiping his brow "My teachers cottage is not far from here, theirs not much but if you wish we can depart to safer quarters and a warm supper." as he prepared his satchel and straightened his hat

"I know not what brought you here or if they'll return, but a gathering like this must be fate...and as my teacher would say we must be a good host to fate." as he began to climb back up the hill, the wisp flying pass him to lead the way back waiting for him to follow.
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Desiree watched the young girl with the bow with mild fascination. That there was yet another survivor tramping through the forest begged for an explanation. I thought the hounds were chasing me, she thought, but perhaps they were zeroing in on all of us?

Facts weren't adding up and Desiree detested unsolved puzzles. Her brow furrowed and she unconsciously tapped her quarterstaff over and over again lightly on the ground as she set her mind to the problem. Doing so tuned her out of pretty much the entire conversation the girl had with Skyre and her concentration was broken when the girl turned and walked back into the forest to return to wherever it was she had come.

The young boy – no, wind mage she corrected – turned back to Desiree with a calm smile. He laughed lightly at his reaction to the girl who just left them and then his demeanor became more serious as he appraised Desiree.

"Are you alright?" he asked her, with genuine concern in his voice.

Desriee considered the question. She stopped tapping her quarterstaff, chose to lean on it instead and met Skyre's eyes.

"No," she replied calmly. "No, I am not alright. I am drained past the point of exhaustion, bruised, slashed and cut, recently flown to gods only know where after escaping from a horde of shadow beasts by a kid who knows more about my magic than I will ever know. I am tired, cold, hungry and quite frankly put out. My hair is a wreck, and my clothes almost beyond repair."

Desiree paused for a heartbeat or two. Then,

"And my feet hurt."
Ari stared at the potions, contemplating the paradoxical nature of her situation. The potion could perhaps heal her quickly (assuming it wasn't poison, which she was quite sure that it wasn't), but she couldn't get it. It was almost comical, to have such a petty struggle after a taxing fight. Ari tried to flex the muscles in her fingers and found that they moved weakly. She was beginning to regain control of her body.

Of course, she'd known that this would happen. At the University, they always warned of this side effect for thunder magic. Temporary paralysis. What else was new? It was only the second time it had happened to her -- the first being much worse, as she was alone and it was dark -- but it still wasn't a pleasant feeling. Ari attempted again to move her hand and found it more responsive. She knew that even after the paralysis wore off, she'd have to deal with a lingering numbness in her body and consequently be weakened in magic and motor skills.

She tried lifting her arm. It moved heavily and clumsily a few centimeters off the grass before giving up. But it moved. Won't be long now, Ari told herself. She wished she'd asked the stranger about his magic or at least asked his name. In any other circumstance, Ari would have tracked him after he left. She wanted to know if he was a master that could mentor her or if he was somebody she would have to take down in the future. The latter was an outlying possibility, but all sides must be considered. Aurelia gazed blankly at the vials he'd left behind. She'd probably never meet him or another Light magic user again.

Trusting in her ability to now reach the potion, Ari outstretched her numb arm. She gripped the vial, but it slipped out of her weak hand. Hopefully nobody saw that, she thought, looking around at the faces above her. No one was paying her any mind. She withdrew her arm and closed her eyes, resolving to wait another few minutes before attempting to retrieve the vial.

It could be worse, Ari thought in an uncharacteristically optimistic way, I could be dead. She breathed deeply, remembering all the burdens that came with magical mastery. Her professors always warned of overexertion. 'Today paralysis, tomorrow death' one of them would always say before launching into a spiel about how combined physical and magical overexertion could kill a man. He was a bit dramatic about it, but the general idea was true. It led Aurelia to be ever conscious of her spiritual and corporeal energy towards the end of a fight. This time around, it was magical energy that she drained, but she'd cut it close. A bit too close for her liking.

At least I'm not dead. She reached out again for the vial.

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