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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ari reluctantly took Rederik's arm. She waited for him to give his explanation before beginning hers.

Not wanting to give away her entire story, Ari spoke simply --"I came in search of a contact of mine who lives...lived in this region. His town was decimated. I was going to head for another friend's town when I stumbled upon the attack." She left out that her initial contact was a powerful Light mage, now deceased. Her other contact was a family friend, who could be alive still, but Aurelia doubted the possibility.

"I think they've stopped to set up camp up ahead" She said, changing the subject.
Rederik carefully guided the two to the newly declared camp grounds, offering them places against a tree or on the grass of the clearing should they so choose. Once they were properly taken care of, he straightened and rolled the shoulder over that had once supported Ein's weight. His eyes scanned the modest clearing and then looked up at the stars that began to twinkle in the twilight.

"Perhaps we can help you search for those you seek, Ari," he said softly. He turned to Skyre, his voice raising to carry over to the appointed leader. "I must go find Naraya. I will do my best to return before sunrise, but should I not, do feel free to continue on. I can find you again."
Ein felt as if neither of his comrades were giving full details in what truly brought them to the forest, but then again neither was he. It was obvious that this new union of people would take time to get used to, and no one was going to be fully open and truthful with one another. Trust, afterall, was something that needed to be earned.

"I believe you're right. I can hear voices mumbling in the distance."

As they reached the encampment Ein once again nodded a thank you to the man who helped him all this distance. He leaned up against the tree he was placed against and unraveled the bandage, now beginning to turn brown from the dried blood. " Ari.... Do you think you have it in you to help out?" he asked shyly." I can irrigate the wound with my minor water magic, but I haven't anything in my power to heal. " As he finished his sentence he focused on taking some moisture from the air and created a pristine bubble of water, which he then began sloshing over his wound, cleaning the dirt and blood from it.
Skyre nodded in acknowledgement to Rederik, once again missing the fact that he was being regarded as somewhat of a leader. "I imagine we'll remain here for a bit regardless, and I'll try to get everybody to wait for you. Then again, we;ve not really discussed anything communially yet, I don't know what everybody has in mind. Good luck!" Skyre had been steadily regarding the stream of people arriving in the new clearing, and was surprised at the injuries that everybody had sustained. He had thought from inside the hut and later from the skies that things had been progressing relatively smoothly, and felt instantly guilty for leaving everybody with so much damage. He approached Ein and Ari by the tree.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you all a little early," Skyre said honestly, his emerald eyes tingling with concern. "I thought everything was covered. You guys make sure you rest properly, the fit and healthy will carry out the tasks." Skyre had under his arm several long, thin logs that he had collected before being called by Rederik. He threw them into the middle of the clearing behind him and turned back to the pair. "Thanks once again for your help in the battle. I'm not sure such a simple word can truly show my appreciation, but I truly owe my life to all of you." He smiled gently, his eyes still evidently concerned. How he wished there was somebody adept in light magic around.
"I can try to help" Ari said to Ein. She didn't really want to heal another's wounds before her own, but it was important that she came off as trustworthy. Besides, she wasn't going to get better by doing nothing. Even if it was difficult, it would help speed her magical recovery.

Ari placed her hands over the would and focused. The light reappeared, but it was weaker than before. She held her hands there for a minute before removing them. The wound was still present, but it was closed and the skin around looked relatively normal save for some dried blood. Ari leaned back, more tired from the act than she let on. "I'm sorry, that's the best I can do. Be careful not to reopen it"
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As soon as Skyre gave his blessing, Rederik made his way back at a faster pace than what was taken. They had traveled a fair distance and he didn't want the backtracking to take as long. He didn't respond to Ari, for he thought her offer for aid was directed towards Ein's request. Crickets began to chant in the night while frogs near the water's edge croaked out of chorus. Nocturnal creatures began to wake and scurry about as their day began.

His eyes studied the constellations for a moment while he had the chance. It wouldn't be long until he'd be back under the thickness of the woods. He could only make out the brightest of stars, each one carrying halos of light around them in a blur. He found the constant star pointed North and took note of his direction away from it. He nodded somewhat to himself and entered back into the forest with light steps.
Ein was amazed that Ari was still capable of using her magic at this point, after everything they had been through. He was barely capable of retaining the water bubble he was using to wash up. " Thank you, I'll try my best. You get some rest now." With that Ein reached into his pack and pulled out his second to last bandage and a small leather pouch. He tightly bound his leg and limped his way over to where Skrye had planted down the logs. 'Hopefully with the help of her healing and the bandage I'll be able to get close to full motion by morning.'

"Don't worry about it!" Ein said with a winging smile to Skrye. "We were all fighting, and we can all do our part." From the pouch Ein pulled a piece of flint and a small shard of metal. He placed the smaller branches into a tent formation and began striking the flint with the metal. 'I don't have much flint left either... it's almost worn down' He thought to himself.

" I feel like aside from hunting for food and gathering materials, it may in fact be in our best interest to scout for supplies in a nearby town, " Ein said while thinking about how hard it was to find the flint and bandages he already had. As he continued to strike the flint a small cinder began to burn in the branches. " I feel like I've seen you before..." Ein said wearily to Skrye. " In the castle in the Capital."
Jerrick marched along with the others, half listening to their conversation. "I was simply lost." When they reach the clearing, He sits down heavily, unshouldering his pack and digging through it until he pulls out a waterskin. He drinks heavily, and when he sees Ein trying to start a fire, he just snaps his fingers and the tinder ignites.
"Scouting for supplies this late into the night?" Skyre called over his shoulder, going to retrieve another batch of logs from the nearby canopy. He returned and placed them down, admiring how despite his injuries, Ein still wanted to help out. He wished that the other warrior would leave the tasks to him, but respectfully allowed him freedom to act. "We can do that tomorrow, I think. For now, we just need to eat and rest." Skyre paused for a second at the latter comment, crossing his arms in thought as he cast his mind back to the past. "I used to live very near to the Castle of Light, yes." Looking at Ein's face now, Skyre found it vaguely familiar - perhaps he had seen him around town a few times. "If you lived in the city too then I imagine we would have crossed paths a couple of times." Someone slightly recognisable amid the group of strangers, then. Although they had never properly met, at least to Skyre's knowledge, this fact brought him closer to Ein a little - they had a little connection.

The log pile erupted into flames in front of him, and Skyre span around to see Jerrick there. Having missed his name earlier, Skyre asked: "Thanks for that, friend. I don't think I ever caught your name." Skyre was a little surprised that nobody had been scepticle about the idea of a fire - in theory it would alert nearby Shadow Dogs of their presense. Skyre had began to pick up patterns in their workings however, and was adament that they would be safe that night.
Ein jumped back as the fire ignited... ' Seriously... this guy again. He's gonna burn the whole forest down if he's not careful.'

"Anyway... I more so meant scouting for supplies once the sun was up." He laughed a little, " It would be foolish to think of traversing the forest at night with those things around. " Just as quick as he started laughing did he stop, ' Rederik is out there alone.'

Once he sat back down near the tree Ari was resting by, his thoughts went back to when he first saw Skrye's face. " You were in the capital the night of the attack..." A look of grim appeared across his face. " I was visiting my brother at the castle. I was there the night the war began. And... I think I saw you there. "
"You must've seen me very early that night, because I left before any of the major chaos," Skyre stated, standing next to them. His eyes caught sight of Desiree, but he quickly tore them away. "Are you two hungry at all?" he asked. "I ate just before the attack, but I think a couple of the others are eager to eat. I wonder if anybody else around here would be willing to hunt..." His glance wandered to the main bulk of the group as he analysed who was fit and who wasn't. His hand toyed with his waist pack, but he abstained from reaching inside - he only had one potion left and he would need to save it for a more special occasion.
" It was rather early. " again the look of sadness. " As soon as the King gave word of the impending attack my brother guided me out of the capital."

'And then he went back... Idiot.' With that thought Ein reached into the pouch and pulled out a needle and some thread, then quickly began stitching up the holes where the wolf clawed through the leg of his pants. " Anyway, I could definitely use some food. What I would do for some roast chicken and potatoes....."
Desiree had been uncharacteristcally deep in thought. Typically, she was quick to act but these most recent events left her more perplexed than usual. Must be the fatigue, she thought as she numbly followed Skyre and the rest.

Her strength had failed to return at its usual rate; rather, it trickled back into her. This, too, was a worry that help her mind hostage from the events immediately surrounding her. She wondered if being subjected to Skyre's magic or the panic of flight might be the cause. She pulled her cloak tighter against the impending evening's chill and set the hood over her head. From within the confines of the hood, her blue eyes stared at the young wind mage.

He certainly seems to know his art, she thought but recalled the odd scent of it when he administered to her earlier. Yes, something is different about this kid, she concluded.

Desiree cast her glance around at the others who now traveled with them. Her mind was still reeling from the day's events, so she simply accepted their presence and decided to concern herself with them later when she had the strength to do so.

She barely acknowledged the other youngster who asked Skyre about her. True, she was capable of introducing herself, but now was not the time. She was tired, hungry, hurt and wasn't in the mood for conversation or her typical light banter.

They finally arrived at a spot that suited Skyre for the night. Desiree took closer stock of those around as Skyre set off in search of firewood. Before he had returned, she found a nearby tree, curled up at its base and closed her eyes. She barely heard the others' telling their life stories as she succumbed to her body's need and slipped into unconsciousness.
"I doubt you'll have much chance of eating that tonight," Skyre smiled wryly, before standing in the centre of the clearing. Nobody had put themselves immediately forward for hunting, so Skyre took it upon himself to do the task. He disappeared into the foliage, walking slowly through the undergrowth.

The temperature under the shade was cool, but Skyre seemed unperturbed by it. He couldn't help but smile as a cacophony of nightlife noises erupted around him. Skyre had always loved nature, especially Valia's landscaping, and was thankful that in its twisted way, fate had allowed him to experience a life fully interested in it. He raised his right hand in the air, using the little wind magic returned to him to test the air for disturbances, a fairly easy wind trick. Sure enough, he felt something moving in a nearby bush and heard it too - by channelling the wind, Skyre could amplify his senses. Quietly, he tiptoed towards the bush and swung down with his sword at the unsuspecting animal.

There was a muffled squeak, and then nothing. Skyre reached in and grabbed the rabiot's corpse, regarding it sadly. With his fine-tuned and practical use of his magic he had never had a problem with hunting, but has always found the act saddening. Nevertheless, there was no point in showing too much remorse - people needed to eat after all.

Soon Skyre had returned to camp with his prize, handing it over to someone else to cook. As he let the others take care of it, he noticed Desiree asleep against the tree. Her cloak had slipped a little however, and she would be susceptible to the cold. When he was sure that nobody was looking, he knelt next to her and pulled it up, effectively tucking her in. He watched her for a fleeting moment, then returned to observing the cooking.
Ethan reached the cottage of his teacher, the silence and cold dark of its windows left him with a feeling of foreboding. He knew the journey to find him wouldn't be easy, the sight of an attack so close to the hunter's hut meant the darkness was spreading faster. Ethan was worried from the shores of the west and now the southern valleys, how soon would it be before the entire land was ravaged by this shadow. The wisp floated above him providing him light as Ethan pulled a spark kindle stick to light the candles in the home. Worried that the beasts may return Ethan looked to the Orb which shook then split into smaller versions of itself, like fireflies it spread and floated around the cottage property.

Lighting a simple fire Ethan began to heat up the kettle for some herbal tea. Recalling his search ending in a party attacked made Ethan think of the possibility of leaving with them. The thought of where they had been or going brought his desire to search with a party. Too long he had traveled in the forest alone and when he realized his teacher was no longer here it left Ethan worried at the prospect of the future. A small spout of steam was rising from the kettle as Ethan was finishing dusting the shelves and books. So many years these walls and books had become his home. "It'll only get more difficult with time..." he thought as the image of where he would go or what he would do. His life was simple and happy, his future as an alchemist was now simply thrown away. So much change, death, and carnage had flipped Ethan's world around. His only hope and remaining family is his teacher now.

The kettle whistled as it reached its peak, using the iron hook and an old padded rag Ethan removed the pot pouring the heated water into a glass cup. From a wooden cupboard he removed dry leaves and a dark root mulling it in a stone jar. Placing the crushed herbs into a metal ball Ethan let the mixture stir and settle in the hot water. As the dark swirls spread Ethan imagined how the evil that had taken this land spread just like his cup, darkening and tainting everything. The heat of the water awoke him from his day dreaming as he pulled the metal ball setting it on the rag. Drinking it slowly Ethan sat in his master's chair lost in thought.
As the evening settled down and people gathered around the fire to eat and sleep, Skyre just stared vacantly into the flickering flames, deep in thought. It was a mannerism he had developed upon the fall - he always used the time and concentration of the warm light to focus his thoughts on the days events, to get out any unneeded thoughts and emotion and to mourn the many dead. A rusty crescent moon hung in the sky above them, and in the distance an owl cooed. But Skyre remained transfixed, focused on his thinking.

A faint smile erupted on his face. This morning I woke up alone and ready to continue facing the hardships of survival alone. Now I'm sat with another seven survivors, and will find at least another two tomorrow. This amazing fact changed everything - he would no longer have to live for selfish survival. Having similar friends in the same circumstance was a fantastic comfort that gave life an entire new purpose. "I suppose we'll talk over everything properly in the morning," he had announced vacantly earlier, without looking up. Everybody was too tired to make big decisions presently anyway - they'd be better off conferring after a good night's respite.

Naturally, there was one event that dominated Skyre's ponderings. He touched his cheek lightly where Desiree's lips had done the same earlier, closing his eyes and trying to physically remember the experience. That was something he hasn't expected to happen that morning either, his second ever kiss. He was desperately trying not to find himself falling too attracted to the woman, but the affects of being away from civilisation for such a long time had greatly amplified the moment. He had no idea what had caused her to do it, but vowed to at least protect her and support her in the coming days.

As the moon reached its position hung at the centre of the stars, Skyre withdrew, pulling out a long cloak from his pack. He drapsed it over himself and lay down near the edge of the clearing, already drifting off as his tired limbs felt like concrete.

Desiree, he thought, Oh what have you done?"

Then soon he was silently asleep.


LOCKED POSTING is now Semi-Active

(you each have a few posts to head towards sending your characters to sleep; feel free to have a few small conversations before doing so but don't post too many times)
Jerrick stares into the fire as well, flicking his hand and using a sliver of his will to create twisting patterns and shapes in the flames.

Jerrick's thoughts turn towards the tomboyish figure sitting at the fire as well. She had saved him, and he in kind saved her. Were their debts paid? Or did they owe eachother their lives?

"I'll take first watch." His deep voice rumbles.
Naraya paced outside the cottage faintly grumbling in a gutter all growl. The ball of light disappeared with Ethan and could be seen as he move from room to room. She had become tired from the fight coupled with the trek and decided to rest just at the tree line near a window to occasionally keep track if the wisp. She had noticed too late Rederik did not follow her, but she knew they'd find each other again. They always did.

It wasn't until well into the night that Rederik found his way to the cottage and saw his companion in a heap across the way. A lump formed in his throat and he rushed to Naraya's side. To his relief, the white heap jumped at the sound of his approach, ears perked and red eyes attentive. The beast of a feline rose and wrapped her large paws over his shoulders lightly and rubbed her head on his while deeply purring. Rederik pat Naraya on her sides and hugged her before she went back to standing on all fours.

Without word he began his trek back into the forest eager to make it back to the camp of the newly formed band of comrades. Naraya followed, slowly at first, but then stopped and exerted a guttural moan that caused Rederik to turn completely around. She often did that when she disagreed with his decisions, and it was often she had a better plan. They stared at each other for a moment, and then Naraya turned her head to look at the cottage. Rederik followed suit, his eyes scanning through the blanket of dancing fireflies about the property, and noticed the interior was aglow. There was someone actually in that house.

Cautiously, he approached the front door, Naraya at his side. He could inform those living within there were more survivors or at least ask for supplies before heading out. The concept of potential danger did cross his mind, but he couldn't imagine anyone living in such a lovely home would be a threat. He rapped on the door thrice in quiet succession and waited for a response.
Ethan was slowly enjoy his tea, the warm fragrance and the taste calmed him from today's events. Ready to rest for the night he began to remove the remaining water from the kettle and clean the cup, however before he could the wisp lights began to emit a faint pattern. Cautious Ethan put the kettle aside, standing in the center of the room he stood carefully watching the lights emit. Who or whatever it was came from the direction of the hunter's hut. The fire crackled bringing a small shock to Ethan a bit taken back from the silence and sudden pop. As the door rattled from the heavy knocks Ethan at least knew it was not of beast. Waving his hands all the small bits of lights flickered. Rushing to the door they joined back above the entrance and ignited in a bright shock illuminating the front of the cottage. From the wisp Ethan could see the figure now in front of the door. A tall individual with leather and cloth armor though badly torn. Among him was a beastly companion who's fur was as white as the moon. Not the two he saw before he stayed cautious and spoke from the wisp.

Outside the door the wisp hovered attempting to stay out of the range of the feline as it began to pulse slowly. A voice escaped from the ball of light "Who seeks this cottage and those that reside in it?" as Ethan kept near the center of the room. The light kept its focus on the visitors illuminating them in the dark. Whether they be friend or foe a fight among two versus himself left Ethan worried. He awaited their answer...
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Rederik shielded his eyes from the sudden light, and he looked about the area for who or what could be causing it. Naraya fixed her attention on the orb, tail patting against the ground as her pupils dilated. Neither expected the ball of light to speak, however, and it caused the two to retract from it further. Rederik took a step back and away from the cottage.

"I am Rederik, and this is my companion, Naraya," he announced to the light. "We mean you no harm. I only wished extend an offer to join me and my comrades. It's not safe anymore. Shadow hound packs are becoming far too numerous and its nearly impossible for us survivors to make it on our own. I know it's difficult to leave the comforts of home, but it's just a place. We survivors should band together."

He'd hoped his little speech was enough to entice the true speaker from the cottage. It was a very real possibility that this very home would be overrun with shadow hounds by tomorrow, and whoever was inside would be decimated. Rederik had encountered his fair share of stubborn individuals clinging to their former lives, refusing to come to terms with the magnitude and reality of the fall. They all suffered and withered on their own before death was granted to them by evil reckoning. All he could continue to do was hope that the next person he encountered would have the will to move on and survive.
Ethan listened carefully to the stranger calling himself Rederik. The man did not seem to be hiding from any fault and with the signs of his tattered clothing it was now clear he was with the previous two he had met on that hill. The light dimmed out lowering itself to the door. Ethan walked to the entrance unlatching the metal hinge. The wood creaked as it was slowly opened. The warm light of the fire and the emitting light of the wisp gave Ethan the view of the two. "I know all to well that this place will not be safe soon..." recalling how close the recent attacks where to the home. "...I merely wished to gather my things and relax before I departed it." as he motioned the two to enter, the wisp flying inside resting just above his shoulder.

Walking back to the kettle which was still warm "Apologies to my rudeness but I can not bare trust in times like these, still you did not force yourself into my master's home and I would be a rude host if I did not least offer you something to drink and eat." as he went to the shelf removing a cup and saucer. Turning to the kettle he poured himself another glass and dropped the metal ball to let the remaining herbs soak. From the cupboard he pulled a small jar letting its content flow slowly into the saucer. The white velvet liquid filled to the brim and was glistening under the fires light, Ethan set it down near the fire smiling at the feline Naraya who stood next to its partner. "The two who where with you...the short haired girl and the ebon haired male, are they well?". Ethan stood near the fireplace awaiting for his visitors to enter and answer.
It had been years since he was invited into someone's home, and it caused the man to pause. With a slow step inward, he crossed the threshold, his soft-soled boots hollowly patting against the wooden flooring. The interior was just as inviting as the exterior, and Rederik found himself turning about the entrance to study everything close by. Naraya huffed somewhat as she entered, a little less in awe as she sniffed the air.

"They are well," he answered. "They are currently recuperating at the camp, of which I must return to. The journey here took an hour and some and we have injured that needs tending to. I thank you for inviting me into your...master's home, and I would be honored to stay if the situation were not dire in the least. If I may ask you for any supplies you may be able to spare. Bandages. Medicine. Anything you are comfortable departing with, I would be most obliged."

While Rederik stayed by the door, Naraya took to exploring the cottage. She sauntered to the fireplace and inspected the frame with a couple of curious sniffs before moving on to where Ethan had set down the tea. Her neck craned upward as she stuck her nose close to the brim, her breaths swirling the steam that rose from the hot liquid.
Ethan took the man's words seriously recalling how weak the two he met where. He had hoped not to leave till morning but knew too well it would be dangerous to do so. Turning to the other side of the cabin he reached for his satchel and began to grab empty and filled vials of various color "I am Ethan, my father was a medicinal healer and my teacher was an alchemist. From both I learned, my skills are at your disposal." From the drawer he pulled small papers filled with various leaves and roots that had dried, stuffing them gently into the satchel. "If what you say is true then I guess my search will have to continue with your traveling group." Ethan was not one to deny help to others, not when he couldn't provide it to his town. Laying a vial of crimson red next to the man "Its made from a flower that grows on the ridge, drink it and you'll find yourself brisk as a fire, you'll need that energy if we are going to journey back." as he tossed a bag towards him "You'll find bandages in the dresser there and the food will be in the cupboard. Take as much as you can carry." as Ethan looked to the feline "Careful there its a bitter tea I am not much for sweets." noting its curious nature.

With his satchel set and another bag with cloth garments and books ready he looked to the man then back to his master's house. The walls and ceiling always looked welcoming, the warm voice of his teacher talking over the fireplace was still fresh in his mind. Not knowing if his master would return he fear the old man would be caught in the hounds grasps. Not wanting to risk it he pulled a small leather pouch from under the bed. Opening it carefully he let the contents pour into the center of the room. The black powder piled quickly and Ethan's memory fell back to its creation, his master warning of its danger and the rarity of making it, even to Ethan the exact method was not taught. Still if there was anyway to ensure his master knew not to return then this would be the way. Ethan took a deep breath taking in the last home he knew.

Stepping outside of the cottage, the satchel to his side and a backpack upon his shoulder. He turned back to Rederik "Lead the way..."
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The vial Ethan handed Rederik was held loosely between the pads of his fingers as he twirled it slowly by the neck and studied the red liquid thoughtfully. It sounded far more useful to someone at the camp than himself, and he set it into the bag he was given. He made his way to the dresser to fill the bag with bandages. Food, to him, could be gathered in the wild, but bandages were far rarer to come by. The bag was not full, however, by the time he placed the final roll of cloth within, and he made his way to the cupboard.

Naraya became disinterested with the tea and calmly walked back to Rederik's side. He gave her a scratch on the cheek before cinching the bag and threw it over his shoulder. The weight took some getting used to, and caused him to lean slightly to the left to distribute it. He quietly made his way outside, finding Ethan waiting for him.

"Lead the way," he said to him, and in response he nodded. Ethan, in his mind, was making the right decision, but knew it was a tough one to follow through. If Ethan chose not to follow at any point, he would not stop him, for he would have to respect his decision. Rederik did not look back as he retraced his steps through the woods, down a hill, and to a stream. They followed the stream in the direction it flowed, continuing on as it widened into a river. His movements were swift and aimed to disturb as little as possible. At the fallen oak, he led them back into the woods, walking only a short distance until they made it to the clearing where the group lay resting. The sight of the fire invited his fatigue to remind him of what his body had been through in the day.

It was only when he reached the small fire that he looked to see if Ethan had followed. He thanked the man with a low bow of his head, but did not speak so as to not disturb those who slept. The hour was late, and the three could likely get in a few hours of sleep before sunrise. Naraya wasted no time and found herself a spot in the clearing to sprawl out. Rederik quietly set the bag of supplies down a few feet away from the flickering flames and dragged his feet towards his companion, sitting down at her back as he fought sleep. He never liked to sleep.
Ethan followed Rederik letting him gain a bit of distance before he turn to look back at the cottage now beyond their sight. Looking to the wisp he motioned towards it as it pulsed. Ethan turned back to Rederik to keep up with his hastened steps not wanting to be left behind. The wisp flew fast through the woods and bushes till reaching back to the cottage, stopping mid air it hovered slightly before lowering itself towards one of the candles. With a sudden burst the wisp disappeared, the force of the small burst pushed the candle down from the desk towards the center of the room. The waxed stick rolled quickly before finally hitting the blacken powder. Suddenly a raged inferno erupted as the blast ignited the cottage leaving it to burn in ash. Ethan felt the wisp light fade from his mind and the sound of a thunderous rumble gave him note that the deed was done. He was no longer able to return to his master's home and any evidence was now gone.

Following the feline and Rederik they had reached a clearing, the amber glow of the fire was flickering on the horizon. His pack was heavy and the journey though quick was tiring. Nodding back to Rederick they reached the campsite and quietly removed the bags and packs. From the party he saw the two he met before where resting near the bank, the short haired woman seemed drained and the ebon haired male standing watch only motioned very little to their presence. There was many more in this gathering and from their sound sleep it was a traumatic day for them all. Noting their exhaustion and his as well Ethan felt best to treat them after they awoke. Perching his back to a stone he stared up at the stars above, the sky so vast you could get lost in its splendor brought him memories of camping out. His mind raced with thoughts of what if's but his eyes became heavy and with a small yawn Ethan set his pack up resting on its padded form. He fell to a slumber and for the first time in a long while he felt relaxed.
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