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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Pythe wasn't sure what to think but feeling no judgment to question her capture she simply nodded. Removing a small dagger from her back belt she closed her eyes as she dove the blade directly at him. This was the first time she had attacked a living person and the idea of her killing him made her hands shake as the blade stood still from her grip.

Afraid to look she fell to her knees as her one good eye teared up then down her cheek. She held fast to her beliefs of being strong like her father but the thought of actually harming another living soul was too much for her to bare. Sure she has had her moments of fighting and her patch had made people think she was ruthless but never had it steamed to so much as to drive an actual blade into a person's chest. Why would he want that from her and why did she listen. Was it his voice or the way he commanded it, still the deed was done and now her hands where unclean.

Slowly she opened her eye looking through her wet teared lids at the figure who should now be a corpse "I'm sorry..." her voice was light and shaky as slowly the dim light of the night looked towards the young man.
Cyril grimaced slightly as the blade cut through his flesh, stumbling forwards to his knees. Despite everything, he'd never really sustained a real dangerous injury: his magic knowledge was largely theoretical. Pain was a new experience for him, and eyes closed and opened chest trembling, he took deep pained breaths as he felt the blood trickle down his abdomen.

Then he began to laugh, a hollow, painful croak that gradually grew in intensity. His icy eyes flicked open, now burning with intensity. He extended a quivering arm and rolled up his blood soaked robe with an awkward tug, exposing his mutliated skinny flesh. With his other hand, he allowed the blood to trickle to his fingers, and then raised the red-dyed arm to his mouth, extended his tongue and licked up the draining blood, an animistic grin on his face. Then he extended that wobbling arm and held his bony hand over the wound. There was a brief flash of light, and then when he drew his hand away, the wound was completely gone, the skin if anything more unblemished than before.

"So you see now," Cyril began to speak, his voice a chilling murmer, climbing back to his feet. He was in such a state of anger that he didn't even notice her fragility. Not once did his glare leave the eyes of the newcomer. "Even if you'd been able to somehow slice and dice me up like beef carved for a banquet, I'd be able to shrug it off as nothing. Your little tricks, your sneaky schemes, none of them would work. You are completely and utterly at our mercy. I wonder, how absolutely powerless do you feel?"

Suddenly his fresh arm was grabbing for her collar, and he pulled her towards him with surprising strength. "You don't need to tell me!" He yelled, pushing her away and standing back, eyes darting around angrily, his narrow, reborn chest rising and falling with each pace he took. "Because I know, I jolly well know! Everything I once had I gone, all of my power snatched away! Look at me. My precious robes are tattered and shredded, attentive servants and loyal workers swapped for over fortunate peasants!" He shouted up at the stars, lost now in his anger. "So now you know how a fallen prince feels. And how much more it hurts, oh it stings, when you lose a copious everything. And unlike my arm, there is no easy fix. Nothing dims the light within, but out here, all light is swamped out and fallible. In this fantastical dystopia, nothing can be fixed! Nothing!"

By the end he was half screaming, his voice coarse. He stopped, panting down deep breaths and then, a little calmer, turned to Rusar. "I'm not in the state of mind to do anything. Deal with her as you see fit." And with that, he trudged off into the foliage, adjusting his blood-soaked robes.


Rusar halted her shot as the more water was used to threaten them. She naroed her eyes feeling another flare of magic ready to evaporate the tendrils water once more until Cyril spoke up sounding like he had some sort of plan. She pulled back on her magic waiting to see what the prince would do. The water mage didn't look like too much of a threat, at least not one on the level of any shadow's they had fought recently. There was no headband or helmet to suggest some kind of control either. She couldn't blame the other woman for being defensive and paranoid given everything that happen either. As the other mage dropped her attack Rusar lowered her arrow but kept it drawn. It was nice to see another survivor however trust was not something that could be given out so freely.

She was taken off guard by Cyrils out burst challenging the mage to cut him. an obserred request to begin with, as far as she was concerned. What would it help any? She didn't bother stepping in since it was his request, one of someone who was starting to loss his nerve in all of the chaos that persisted to find them at every turn. As he grew more frantic she worried if she would have to turn her arrow on him. She couldn't really blame the prince for his out burst. Arguably Cyril had lost the most in the fall of what would have been his had things continued naturally. However everyone had lost their own small versions of a kingdom or worlds in the take over. Most lost their life, homes or family some, as shown from the village a few days before, had even lost their free will. Rusar wondered sometimes who were truly lucky, the ones who died and found rest beyond that shatter remains of their land or the ones who survived but tasked with the job of try and piece everything back together.

Rusar watched quietly as Cyril marched off in an angry riot and just shook her head. As much as she sympathized with him it was still annoying to have to deal with the emotional out bursts of others. She turned to the water mage who took the brunt of the out burst feeling the need to clear a few things up before anything more could be established. "Well then..." she sighed "To clarify we do not work for Cyril, We just found him. We're just a group of survivors trying to keep hidden from the Shadow king. This mountain seemed like our best best at the moment. I'm guessing your a survivor as well then?" She asked calmly, jade green eyes studying the other woman for any signs of hostility or panic.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c0623f1f2_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.84b3dc5ed54edb07a7a79afcc8a04010.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c0623f1f2_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.84b3dc5ed54edb07a7a79afcc8a04010.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Desiree blew some loose strands of hair from her face that had fallen during her brief sprint to Skyre and Ari. Neither of them seemed worse for the wear although Skyre was covered with dust of ancient times that dusted his otherwise red hair a more subtle rust color.

Both of them were laughing, almost hysterically, when Desiree arrived which led her to believe that all was well... or at least well enough. It was the first real show of emotion that she had seen from Ari and Desiree's blue eyes brightened at the prospect of the girl opening up more to the group.

Desiree looked past the duo to the collapsed house. Dust still floated listlessly around the area in a somber aura of what the building might have been in happier times. Desiree touched her element and drew a very light curtain of air between the debris and the group of them to keep more of the dust from settling on them.

"I may not be the most trained mage amongst us," Desiree said with a chuckle and a sparkle of mirth in her bright, blue eyes, "but I'm sure there are easier ways to collapse a building without being inside of it."

She took a few steps closer as Skyre began to examine his find. Desiree stood slightly apart from him and Ari as she didn't want to intrude on their discovery. From her vantage point, she could barely make out the light markings on the pages, but her inattention at the university for anything that didn't have to do with her element betrayed her ignorance with them.





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Skyre looked from the page to Desiree, her silence betraying her lack of similar enthusiasm. He sighed slightly, regarding her with a knowing smile. It was a slight shame that she didn't share quite the same passion as him, but then again, that was what made them different, that was what made her so interesting. He felt the air shift slightly beside them, noting Desiree's kind effort to stop the pervading dust from harassing them further. "Well, aparently I can add inadvertant demolition to my list of hidden talents," Skyre laughed once more, moving closer to Desiree to truly share his discovery with her.

Gently, he placed the papers in her hands. In total there were about ten crinkled sheets, each connected by a battered, torn seam. He noted now that he studied it in greater detail that it was a strangely beautiful grey colour, in spite of the centuries of dusty enslaught. As artistic as the flickering font, the seam was made of interlocking tendrils of the grey material. Skyre was curious: the material wasn't immediately discernable. He gave it a soft prod; it felt charred, burnt, molded, ashy. A unique texture for something like it was. Skyre was almost blushing now in happiness. What a discovery it could turn out to be!

He placed a tender hand on the page, his finger pointing to an alien letter amongst its faded gaggle. "That symbol is a 'th' sound, if I remember rightly," he mused, moving his hand to another location. "And that is an 'oi'. I think." He squinted to regard it, and found himself chuckling once more. "It's a peculiar style of handwriting, don't you think? Completely wild, almost totally illegible. But also strangely beautiful. It almost dances around the page. Like a fire dances from coal to coal."

"That's the beauty of this discovery for me though," he turned now to Desiree, taking back the precious documents, "This town is completely desolute, an unknown mystery. If you'd told somebody that such a place existed, they'd have laughed you down as a dreamer. But in spite of the dust, the centuries, and everythign else, history lives on. And it makes me confident that, no matter how hard the Shadow King tries, he will never truly be able to irredicate the past. Memories will always remain, like the final ashes sprinkled out amongst the smouldering flames." Skyre's eyes were shining like two suns, a fantastic joyful passion erupting throughout him. It empowered his words, made it so that everything else seemed to fall silent for a moment as the world stopped to regard him.

A brief pause, and then eager to disrupt his moment of glee, Skyre's stomach gurgled violently, startling him manically. Returning back to Earth, Skyre took in his surroundings once more. The smell of lightly charred meat wafted through the air towards them: dinner was ready. "Sorry about that," he smiled sheepishly, looking between the pair of them. "My enthusiasm got ahead of me. Dinner anyone?" He thought about offering and arm out to Desiree, but that would likely alienate Ari a little, something he didn't want to do, having just got laughter out of her for the first time. So he shared his peaceful smile to the both of them, and for a brief moment, it was almost as if he had forgotten about the travesty on the other side of the mountains. He was in his own little time-capsule town, his own safe haven, lost on a castle on the clouds in a dream.


Hours? Minutes? Seconds? how long was he in these tunnels? Ethan's mind seemed to ponder at the thought as the only light available was from the wisp. The stones below looked undisturbed for years or even centuries. Ethan wasn't comfortable and if not for having Aurora for company he would have never ventured into such a tunnel. "Still nervous?" she spoke lightly as he put his hand to the warm rocked walls "...a bit to think someone could cut this deep without leaving a trace of a tool..." as the wisp floated back and forth.

With the two alone it felt best chance to ask further the question she was avoiding. "Aurora...?" he said hesitantly as he stopped to look at the wisp "...why won't you show me the memory of our meeting?" his voice stern in his resolve. The pulses of the wisp seemed slow and paced while the orb of light stood mid air. He felt as if she was staring at him. The silence was only enhanced with the darkness of the tunnel but soon her voice broke the still waters between the two. "...the memory is buried in you Ethan suppress by your teacher..." her voice shaky as if revealing a dark truth.

Ethan's eyes widen from the reminder of his teacher. How long had it been since he lost his way in search of him. The old man who had taught him and trained him still missing. His hand fell to his chest as he clenched his shirt as if he had done a sin in forgetting him. Then her words echoed back as something was caught in what she spoke of. "What do you mean by him?" Ethan's eyes looked serious to the wisp "...." its silence as if trying not to answer "...Aurora why?" he repeated once more. The light seemed to get brighter as her voice echoed back "...I don't know how he had done it but you memories from that day are blocked deep in your sub-conscience. My memories of everything before we met as well are locked within..." she spoke calm and almost in whisper.

Ethan scratched his head from above his hat. Why would his teacher seek to hide that day what happened to do such a thing. He recalls that since then he was never taught the mystic arts since forced to learn on his own. Several memories of him asking the old man always with the same answer "Magic is only a means to a end dear boy..." the voice of the old man still lingering in Ethan's mind. The wisp seemed to hover further down the tunnel and though Ethan had more questions to ask he was interrupted by her call "Ethan! Look!" as the pulse went rapid in the orb of light. Reaching the turn of the tunnel they could see light, amber and velvet dancing in the distance. A torch or fire? something was causing this light and either way it was an end to the lonely darkness of the tunnel.

Rushing fast his feet echoed upon the stone slabs. He could feel the cool air from behind mix with a wave of heat from ahead. Upon reaching the door way Ethan took a moment to lean upon the wall to catch his breath. The heat of the tunnel had risen rapidly so much that his cloak was hindering him. Taking a drink from his pouch Ethan finally turned into the doorway. His eyes widen and his mouth dropped in amazement. Words could not describe the wonder within the chamber now laid before him. With such a sight Ethan fell to the ground looking far and up, left and right, no matter the distance or the angle the source of the light was the size of a mountain. The wisp was silent as he rose up looking back to the carvings and pebble pathways around it. "We have to get the others..." he spoke "...but Ethan?" she attempted to state but he quickly turned around rushing up the stairway back to the entrance of the mountain.

Ethan's mind was running a thousand ideas a minute attempting to gauge what or who could have done it. His knowledge of the world was not immense his only hunch was with Skyre and Rusar. For whatever laid below only they could be able to explain. The wisp flew quickly in chase of the alchemist as the two made their way back up.
Pythe was still in shock with the blood upon her hand from the dagger. When the prince had started to laugh manically with his hands upon the wound. Crimson blood covered his fingers and soon light emitted brightly and though his robes where stained of his own blood the deep cut was gone. He then continued to harass her repeatedly with issues and thoughts that seemed to run all across the young man's mind. His words though seemed to be muffles as she tried to figure what had occurred or what she had came into.

Slowly the archer came to her and with a soft voice spoke to Pythe who was finally gaining back her senses. Her words seemed truthful and for the most it seemed no reason to lie. Still it was hard to trust strangers, but with the inability to fight back against so many Pythe realized it was easier to go with the flow then fight the current. Clearing her tears and walking slowly to the pools to clean her hands she spoke softly, her gaze on the deep heated water in front of her.

"I am Pythe....Pythe Ashworth." the dry blood slowly spread and streamed away in the water like beads in sand. "...I have been traveling for several days and from the things I have seen my body and heart of naturally been weary of strangers..." drying her hands upon a small cloth. Walking to her hammer she sat back down letting the metal mace rest upon her lap. "...if by chance you are traveling beyond these mountains then as my apology for attacking I wish to accompany you till I fulfill my sin." as she attempted to still show some strength. Her single eye looked to the archer seeking to resolve her faults and at the same time gain some company in her journey to the desert. "I may not look it but I am talented blacksmith even my village was famous for our wares." her voice turned quite near the end as she recalled the burning ash that was now her village. Her grip tighten on the handle of her hammer.

With a finally look of the small group she could only stare and await an answer.
Rusar tensed the draw on her bow as the mage, or rather Pythe, moved towards the pool of water. She watched weary as the fellow survivor as she explained her situation and apologized for attacking them. Something that could be forgiven since Rusar herself had almost done the same thing upon meeting up with the group. Though the mention of a 'sin' caught her attention Rusar figured it best not to sit around and question her to no end in the middle of the hotspring when the sun was going down and they still needed to find the other half of their group. The huntress eased the tension on her bow pausing a moment to study the woman before sliding her arrow back in its quiver. She was more than capable of defending herself with out it so she didn't feel the need to intimidate the girl further. Then came the question should they let her join their little rag-tag group?

After a short pause of quiet consideration Rusar reasoned that it wasn't really something for her alone to decide but rather the group as a whole. Which meant they had to get moving. "I don't really have the final say in whether or not you can join us or not. There are still others in our group who might have their own opinions. Regardless you can come with us to find them." She replied.

Warren, unlike Rusar, had no sense of caution on the matter. His excuse was that if they did attack him, he could probably tank the attack anyhow.

He came over and (tried, she may duck) clapped her on the back. It would probably because of his strength feel like her own hammer hitting her, but that was simply him being clumsy with his strength.

"Join the gang! I'm sure they won't mind another. Besides, what harm could be done? It ain't like you could kill us if ye tried anyway with the number we are!"

Warren laughed, though the point wasn't entirely non-valid. Even just Warren and Rusar could put up a helluva fight together.

Warren personally didn't have any judgement of the woman, seeing as he had no idea about her and so far showed no hostility to him.



Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Desiree tucked her blonde hair behind her ear as she looked over the ancient parchment that Skyre had handed to her. The strange writing was far and beyond anything she had ever seen before and certainly had never studied. For a moment, she felt useless again for at least Skyre had some enthusiasm about his discovery and possible interpretation of the old missive.

Skyre's description of the scrawling on the sheet was lost on Desiree. The letters didn't dance for her and didn't look beautiful; rather, they mocked her and her ignorance. She was glad that Skyre took the papers back from her hands as she couldn't trust that she wouldn't have crumpled them up or torn them to shreds.

Her blue eyes dimmed from their typical luster as Skyre's excitement about the deserted village washed over her. Desiree was glad for him, but at the same time she was tired of the constant reminders of the Shadow King that they seemed to discover on an almost daily basis.

"That's great, Skyre," Desiree tried, but her heart wasn't truly in her words. However, she put on an air of joviality so as not to spoil his exuberant mood. "Maybe there are some hidden secrets in those pages that might help us in our struggle," Desiree offered not knowing really what else to say.

She turned away as if she were examining their surroundings, but really Desiree didn't want Ari to see that she was just an ignorant, dim-witted mage with nothing more going for her than her looks and her talent.

Truth be told, Desiree was embarrassed.

When Skyre mentioned dinner, Desiree found herself without any real appetite. She still smiled at him as they walked back to the camp. Desiree released the small barrier of air that held the dissipating dust at bay as they moved away and silently chastised herself for her lack of attentiveness at the university.


Skyre smiled softly back at Desiree. Her hollow interest had been audible through her words, and although he wasn't particularly fussed that she didn't share his passion, he understood that he had potentially swamped her out with his enthusiasm. After all, he could hardly expect her to share his every interest. So as they began to head back to the centre of camp, he placed a caring hand upon her shoulder, as if to say 'It's alright, I still like you regardless of what you think.'

Whilst he did so, he cast his eyes and mind about him, regarding the scattered rows of crumbling houses. How he wished there was a way he could remain, in spite of everything else, enjoying what little peace the town gave him, devoting his life to deciphering the puzzles of history the town set out for him. But as exciting as it was, there'd be nobody to share that information with if they couldn't somehow redeem the kingdom. It was a difficult, almost impossible task, but with Desiree at his side and the constant symbolism his creative mind forged from the surrounding landscapes, he felt elated. He could take on the world.

It was whilst he was regarding these houses that he noticed something peculiar. A slither of green wrapped like a lepper's hand around the cracked foundations of a hut. Despite the forest capsule that surrounded the strange village, there wasn't a shade of green that strong in sight; the woods were bleak, grey and faded in both leaves and stem. Yet this vine was almost tropical. His curiousity pricked, Skyre removed his arm from Desiree's shoulders and bent down next to the vine. To his surprise, it dropped as he prodded it, lifeless and cold, unveiling a snake-like trail which lead out of the town and all the way to... the body of a girl!

Skyre rose to his feet, and made a fleeting dash for the girl. In his herioc eagerness however, he completely disregarded the fresh bruising on his side and back, and found himself gritting his teeth and half hobbling before he reached her. With a half-stumble, he arrived and almost collapsed to his knees to examine her. The first thing that caught his eye was her peculiar garb. It was as exotic as the vine that stemmed out from the ground in front of her, but like the vine, her golden charms were dulled and scratched. Her tanned face was mottled from dirt and she lay ungracefully on her front, a long and remarkably undirtied ponytail rolling down her spine.

"Are you alright?" he asked anxiously, but when there was no answer, he immediately checked for her pulse. To his huge relief, she was still breathing. He took a heavy sigh. How horrible it would have been for fate to tease them with a fresh body not fallen to some dreadful force, but neglected by nature itself. With a dignified grunt, he rolled her carefully onto her back, her bare stomach making him blush a little. She must have been a dancer, he determined. People like her (in fact, people of all sorts of trades) made visits to the capital each year, and Skyre remembered back to witnessing a dance at a festival of sorts. He smiled a little at the bright, painful memories, but shook them off. Right now it was important to get her to someplace safe.

Which was what he attempted, awkwardly sliding his arms under her knees and back in a vain bid to carry her. But he was weak, and with his damaged side, he dropped her clumsily. With a frown he turned to whoever else had followed him. "She's alive," he announced gravely, "but she's weak. We need to take her back to camp." Once again he cursed not putting more effort into his fitness back at the university. If he'd at least attempted to exercise instead of spending most of his time locked away in books or study, then perhaps he'd have had an easier time of it all.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c0668fa89_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.8d55e291e9a32f26a5cb65385bdb1598.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c0668fa89_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.8d55e291e9a32f26a5cb65385bdb1598.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Desiree's countenance brightened a little at Skyre's touch. She knew that he meant well and was trying to make her feel better, so she attempted a wan smile of thanks. It was small comfort to her having been exposed for her ignorance, but it was a kind gesture on his part nonetheless.

She followed Skyre as he discovered the incongruent vines and then the girl. No, not a girl, a woman, who by appearance was near Desiree's own age. She was dressed in an odd fashion with loose fitting pants but tight shirt and vest. It wasn't her appearance, or her exceptionally long hair which struck Desiree; rather it was her ... smell? Desiree at first couldn't place the scent, but while Skyre checked the woman's pulse it became clear.

"Celery," Desiree stated flatly. "She's a mage, Skyre. I can sense vestiges of her talent in the air, and it tastes like celery."

When Skyre's strength failed to lift the woman, Desiree knelt down and lent her aid. "Here, let me help." Desiree spoke to her internal voice for help, and the air around them responded. With the added assistance from her element, Desiree helped lift the woman between them.

She looked over at Skyre as they worked together to secure the helpless woman. Desiree's blue eyes brightened. Her earlier despondency had vanished as she now felt her value in this effort.



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Rusar rolled her eyes as Warren openly welcomed Pythe to the group. He wasn’t exactly the most cautious or forward thinking. Never had been and probably never will be, so she didn’t bother scolding him. But between Her, Warren and Lapis they were more than capable of defending themselves should something happen. “Alright then, let’s get going.” She said turning to the path Sky had the others gather at before parting ways. Cyril had wandered off somewhere but Rusar figured it was best for him to collect himself before returning to the group. The huntress kept her bow in hand just in case as she looked for tracks or a path, thankfully the trail was easy to follow.

With things more or less settled and he the path easy to follow Rusars mind wandered to the small squabble that happened a few minutes ago. She had her suspicions before while traveling up the path but found it more apparent when using her magic for more than just drying self off or sparking a fire. Something about this place had been tugging at her. Not in a physical sense but more in a magical one. It was stronger when she used her magic almost as if feeding into it, very strange feeling but oddly comforting at the same time. It didn’t make much sense at all in her head there was nothing outside of charms or amulets that were proven to increase ones magic abilities. Though there were plenty of myths and superstitions.

As they left the spring the heat she sensed from the water lingered and grew the further up the path they went. It wasn’t a tangible heat but the same tugging she had felt before only stronger. The stronger it felt the more she was curious as to why. Something tickled in the back of her mind, a possible answer remaining just out of reach, taunting her. She quietly pondered on it as they made the trek further up the mountain. The forest opened up to the ruins of stone carved city, ancient remains withstanding the test of time as if pulled out a history book. Rusar halted mid stride as she got a full view of the ruined city. Eyes widening slightly as something clicked in her mind. “Can’t be…” she muttered under her breath in disbelief. An old story coming to mind of a place similar to this one but a few things that needed to be checked before she could be sure her guess was true.
"Celery?" Skyre smirked incredulously, rubbing his arm muscles as if by some glorious miracle the action would enhance his strength. To Skyre it'd been fairly obvious that she was a nature mage as soon as he'd seen the arm-like creeper that ran from in front of her fallen head to the building side. But he saw no need to countermand Desiree's judgement and so nodded politely at the observation. Still, as between the two of them they lifted the hapless woman, he noticed that the shine had returned to her eyes. She, like me, functions best in the face of danger, he noted, So maybe there is another similarity between the two of us then.

"She wears a dancer's garb," he explained, semi-strained as he took the weight of her legs whilst Desiree carried her arms. She wasn't too heavy, and Skyre reckoned without his fresh side bruisings and with a little help from the wind he'd have just about managed to carry her alone. In spite of the present danger, Skyre found himself smiling again. With Desiree at his side, he trusted fully in her ability to help with the lifting. In fact, he pretty much trusted her in everything now. His mind flashed with images of the pair of them working together in perfect tandem to stop the Shadow King. It's like what Ethan suggested before. With her power and my control, we could probably tear apart the grand hall of the Castle of Light.

"I'm sure a dancer would be thrilled with holding the scent of celery, of all things," he half-chuckled, half-winced, "I mean, celery's hardly a charming, beautiful scent." Skyre was glad in that moment that he didn't share Desiree's knack for tasting magic; he abhorred celery to the extents of avoiding it like the plague. The only scent he could taste around her was that of sweat and dust, the same scents the group had clensed themselves of only an hour previously. Skyre hardly cared about his state of scent though, especially with everything else at state.

Eventually they reached the fireside, and laid her down carefully beside it. Skyre was no doctor or healer, so he didn't know where to start with bringing her back to health. She was visibly exhausted, but given the warmth of the mountain and surrounding desert, probably not cold. Was water a good medication then? Or maybe they could simply get Cyril on the case. The prince would be returning soon if thingswere going to plan, along with Rusar, who he could ask to cool down any collected spring watter. Rising to full heart once more, Skyre's face was completely neutral, his brain clicking through a plan in ticks and whirrs.

In fact, where are they? The search party he had sent out had been away for much longer than he had anticipated, and he couldn't help but worry that they had befallen some terrible fate, maybe losing themselves in the bleak black woods, or facing ambush from some vicious animal. He shook his head. The girl could hardly wait for them to arrive. He would have to head to the hot-springs himself.

"She needs water, pure water," Skyre explained with surprising confidence for someone with little medical knowledge, "I'm going to dash to the hot springs and use the wind to ferry over some for her. Keep watch on her state in my absense." Not leaving her time to argue (although he would hardly be surprised or complain if she did tag along), he started in long, measured strides towards the entrance to the village.

And to his relief stumbled upon the rest of their group. He sighed contently, and in his moment of recongnition he somehow missed the other newcomer who strode somewhat dejectedly at their side. "Rusar," he smiled, nodding in turn to the others, "I need your help. We found a girl alive and weak just outside the village. I want to fetch her spring water to rejuvinate her, and I need your assistance cooling it down." It was then that he took a double take and noticed Pythe. "I do apologise," he chimed, all wide eyes, "In my anxiety I failed to notice you. Welcome to out motley crew. Hang on a sec... where's Cyril?"


Rusar was caught up marveling at the ancient village that she didn't even notice Sky walk up to the group. It was only when her name was called that she refocused back unto the present. She looked to Sky as he mentioned something about water and a girl. Was one of the others hurt or something? She really didn't give it much thought her mind was far too distracted. When Sky welcomed the mage to the group with out any kind of questioning what so ever she tuned back in fully to the conversation. She shook her head I swear hes as bad as Warren sometimes... she thought to herself. She sighed softly "A bit happened while getting Lapis and Cyril." She answered softly before motioning for the redhead to follow her off to the side away from the rest. Always much easier to discus with not as many people around to jump in mid explanation.

"The new comer is Pythe, we ended up coming across her while trying to come here. Cyril walked out into the open before we could stop him and caused her to get defensive. Unfortunately Cryil had some kind of... mental break while standing off against her." She muttered not really sure what to call Cyril's rant. "He walked off but I don't know where he went... as for Pythe she seems to be a survivor like us, shes also a water mage." She explained looking over to the new comer. Her gaze wandered to the background however before glancing over to Sky. "So... what is this place?"
Skyre raised an intrigued eyebrow at her request, and with another smile to the others, he paced after her. With Cyril absent, he couldn't help but wonder: had something bad happened to him? When it turned out that actually Cyril had completely flipped, Skyre was beyond surprised. After all, only that morning had he began to garner more appreciation from the fellow survivors from his cooking. Then again, he was the youngest of the bunch, and unlike some of the more rural figures, the survival life was a completely alien way for him. He supposed if he'd been more insightful he'd have expected something. Still, Rusar's vague explanation of what he'd actually done, coupled with the fact she felt a need to sideline him for the explanation made him wonder just how bad the prince's outbreak had been. He shuddered, suddenly feeling a large flood of pity for the boy. Another thing I'd have picked up on had I not been obsessing over Des.

"This place?" Skyre said, clearly more occupied on present matters now that they had taken a more grave turn, "We don't actually know. It's abandoned like every over forsaken settlement; the only remaining occupants are the insects that wade through the tides of dust that coat these crumbling huts. But it's also completely different; there's an age to the destruction, like people suddenly upped and left centuries before." He paused for a long moment, his mind caught in the wonder of the place's history once again, then shaking off his daydream and returning back to the real world. "Anyhow, that's irrelevant right now. A woman needs water, and we need to help her." He nudged her shoulder as if to emphasise the point, not entirely sure she had understood before.

Turning back to the other new arrivals, he crossed his arms thoughtfully, his foot tapping a steady rhythm on the grim tiles beneath them. "Say, what was the extent of Cyril's 'mental break?" he asked more quietly, "If it wasn't too bad, do you think Pythe would be willing to help us? If she could draw up and purify ground water, of course dependant on how experienced of a mage she is, then we'd be saved the trip back to the hot-springs and would be able to treat this woman faster." There wasn't a single doubt in Skyre mind that the girl wasn't trustworthy. After all, she was a survivor like them, and what hope was there to be found in a solitary, unlawful life?

Rusar's gaze lingered on Sky's explanation of the village. She could feel the tug must stronger now as if it were something physical pulling her deeper into the village. Sky brought her focus back to the conversation with a nudge this time the distracted huntress managed to catch more information about there being another new girl. "You guys found another person?" she questioned softly before being asked about Cyril. She sighed softly trying to put it into words.

"He didn't exactly take being threatened to well and started ranting about being a prince who lost everything, how upsetting it was. Then he asked... rather ordered her to attack him. She cut him more out of fear than anything and then he kind of... went a little insane..." she scratched the back of her head. "Manic laughter, drank his blood and then healed himself... then ranted some more calmed down and stormed off." She explained bluntly "I know it wasn't exactly smart to let him go off on his own but after that display I figured space was the best thing to give him. He didn't exactly express a positive view about everyone." She shrugged not really surprised by the last part.
"Sounds pretty brutal," Skyre sighed, concerned and now rather glad he hadn't been present. He refused to comment either way on the prince and his behaviour though. Skyre had always found himself oddly drawn towards those under attack, and in a strange way he sympathises with Cyril. Some time alone would probably be best for him, and hopefully he'd return in better mind. Still, Skyre was sorrier still for the newcomer Pythe, who must've been given quite the baptism of fire to their little group.

Cyril's absence and that fact that Ethan was also seemingly nowhere to be found left Skyre with little choice but to request the other girl's assistance. Leading Rusar back to the group, Skyre smiled at them again, although there was a greater concern in his eyes than before. He offered a friendly arm out to the hammer-wielding woman. "Welcome to our group again, Pythe," he greeted, "I'm sorry you had to suffer what you did. Cyril's a little unstable and his opinions and behaviour don't match that supported by our group. That said, without major objection from anybody else, I'd like to welcome you straight in. Our species is now sparse in number and we need every hand we can take."

"With that said, I hate to be so demanding right off the bat, but we could use your help," Skyre pointed over to the centre of the plateau, to the resting body of the collapsed girl. "We found a woman unconscious and weak at the other side of town. I'm informed that you're a water Mage? If so, would you mind providing some clean water for her to drink?" He looked around at the crowd, at the more cautious members around him. "I guess you could treat this as some kind of initiation test if you want. Obviously you've a right to decline though, and if you feel like resting due to Cyril's antics, I won't judge either way."


Pythe had followed the group and for the most part stayed silent as she observed the party. The noble seemed to run off on his own and from their reaction she assumed it was true they where not his guards. The muscled figured was riddled with scars and though he seemed like a walking armory his smile was warm. Though she was curious if he wasn't a bit more muscle then head smart considering he welcomed her with such an open display. The hunter seemed the most experienced and on occasion she would catch her gazing towards the water mage. Though she was accepted to join the party it was easy to tell she was keeping her guard up. The younger one of the group with the sword was silent as if she wasn't concerned with the current issues focusing more towards reaching the rest of the gang they had departed from.

The walk took less then half a hour soon a village came into view as the group became lively. Pythe was nervous considering she hadn't seen anyone for what seemed like weeks. Now she was being pulled into a group of unknowns. Before she could speak out though a red headed figure nearly flew towards the group bringing up a dust of wind from behind. He spoke quickly and turned faster then a raging river eying Pythe. Introducing himself he like the muscular Warren welcomed her immediately without much of a question or worry. For a moment she was curious if perchance they where just a group of escaped mages or she was being con-ed, but that changed when she heard his request.

It seemed the archer Rusar had informed him already Pythe's talent and he was already seeking her to do something for the group. Considering the previous incident of the prince she figured it was best to try and earn some trust and in the same since gain some insight of the group. The boy seemed to mimic her thoughts offering her the option to step back and decline the request. Nodding carefully at the boy who called himself Skyre "I'll do my best..." she said softly as she stepped away from the group to look at the landscape. The unnatural heat of the area made finding water difficult and with the pools so far it would take to long to travel back. Seeing a patch of wild growth she put her hand on the ground closing her eye as she calmed her heart. Clearing her mind and blocking the sound of everything around her she waited with a small breath.

Though it took awhile she could hear it, the rushing of small amounts of water from under the mound. The stream was weak but it was still flowing meaning its source was still capable. Opening her eye she looked back at the group then picked up her hammer slamming it right on the ground as hard as she could. A loud hum as it hit hard upon the near stone like ground echoing across the area. Kneeling near the hammer she tried to call it forth feeling it move towards her then back down each time pushing away earth and rock. "Faster..." she whispered as the water continued to pummel and build up. The hammer started to shake as the pressure beneath the ground was rising. "Faster..." she stated once more before finally she heard from beneath her hammer the slivers of water. A small clear pool began to gather in the small hole, retrieving her skin pouch she trickled a small bead of water. Once full she capped the pouch and the water remain slowly receded back into the crack below returning once more to its natural flow.

Exhausted from the focus she got up using the hammer as a light crutch "Its not much..." as she handed it to Rusar bowing her head slightly to show her respect for sparring her life.
Ethan had continued his trek from the tunnel the wisp keeping up with every step. Soon he could feel the cool natural air rush his face as the glimpses of the exit above broke through the darkness. Finally reaching the overgrown entrance Ethan stepped back into the dim outside. Taking a full deep breath he felt rejuvenated as if escaping the pits of the underworld. Removing his pouch he took a drink letting his throat finally cool from his parch rush to the top. The wisp floated to his shoulder "Did we really need to rush?" Aurora stated with a confused tone. In between breaths he nodded back to the ball of light "...what I saw...wasn't natural..." taking another breath "...be it the Shadow King or something else its a power that is beyond explaining Auroa." finally calming down as he straightened up before making a quick walk back to the group "...whatever it is Skyre and the others need to know."

The wisp followed silently as he made his way back to the main entrance of the village. The fire pit was primed and the air was fill with whatever they had caught cooking among the embers. The first person he was able to see was Ari her familiar short hair was always easy to spot for Ethan and since the days of Helia's attack she's been on his attention more then before. Waving his arm to gain her attention he saw Desiree near by looking distracted. He wasn't sure where the others had gone but figured they would not be far. It wasn't till he got closer that he noticed something else near the fire or more to the point someone. Walking slowly up to the two girls he looked briefly at the stranger who's garb was more flashier then what he was accustomed to seeing. Looking to Ari and Desiree he questioned them on what he has missed since his travel in the tunnel. "Where do I start? is she alive?" his voice distracted with what was found below them and tending to their new guest's health.
Rusar watched as Pythe worked with her magic. She tensed slightly as the hammer was drawn her guard still up around the new magician. She had never really seen a water mage, lie many other mages of secondary magic, they weren't exactly common. She was impressed though when the water was drawn up from the ground it wasn't a whole lot but impressive just the same. She blinked when Pythe offered the water skin to her and she forced a small smile "Every bit helps really..." She muttered softly accepting the water skin. She spotted Ethan emerge from the ruins of the city and make his way over to where the other part of their group was. She made her way over water skin in hand. She managed to hear the last part of ethans statement as she arrived. "From what I gather she's alive just very weak." She spoke up before holding out the water skin to the skilled alchemist, "Its not much but better than nothing."
Ethan folded his cloak into a make shift pillow raising the individual's head. When Rusar appeared she explained the best she could on the situation. Though his eyes had caught onto another new face he didn't have time. Reaching for the pouch he smiled bobbing his head in thanks looking to the hunter "I'll tend to her but when I am finished there is a pressing matter that you'll want to hear." as he opened his satchel removing several dried roots and leaves.

The water was cold and though he had a thousand things on his mind his focus one on the new comer. Her heart rate was fast and the skin around her lips looked chapped. He pinched her skin upon her hand noting that it wasn't retracting quickly. All the signs pointed to dehydration and heat exhaustion. How long she was like this was beyond his knowledge but slowly he opened her mouth as he positioned her head letting the water fall slowly in drops to see if she would regain herself. Letting the few drops moisten her tongue he grabbed a small cloth damping it with some of the cool water. Folding the leaves into the cloth he placed it upon her forehead then continued to drop more of the water upon her mouth.

He continued this process slowly till she showed signs of wakening. How long it had been since he treated someone since Cyril had joined the group. It was an experience that he felt natural in and once more reminded him of his past before the fall. His wisp watch slowly above his shoulder.
Harper drifted in darkness she felt nothing in the abyss of the shadows. Was she dead? All she could think was hoping to find a way out that death wasn't the answer. Memories of her family and the times at the academy had flooded her like a motion of her life flashing faster then the flames she once danced around. She tried to call out but her voice could not break the silence her throat dry as the great sands. When the pain around her body tightened and the memories faded she curled up trying to hide in fear of being forever swallowed in this darkness.

Was then the sound of voices undistinguished to her seemed to echo in the darkness. Heavy muffled feet scurried around as she felt light and almost weightless. She tried to call out once more to no avail. What was this where they coming to bring her to the spirit world beyond? Soon as the muffled voices went quite she felt the cold of the darkness slip away. A deep warmth surrounded her body and soon her throat felt something like a gift of relief as the burning subsided inside her tongue. Soon she felt the drops of water "WATER!" he mind yelled as if it was worth more then any gold or treasures in the capital. Without realizing it her hand slowly moved grasping another's who was providing her the source of life.

Her eyes slowly tried to open but the flush of light from the fire and lingering sunlight hurt as she forced more of the cool drink into her mouth. Near drowning both her hands would not let go fearing it was never to return. The strangers hands where tightly held though she did not know of it with the drive to drink forcing her body to swallow more. As the last drops of the pouch where squeezed out she removed the mouth of it taking a deep breath. Her hair fell to the side as she tried to regain her bearings. Was then she noted that her hand was still grasping the pouch and the stranger.

In a gasp she released it looking over the fire and individuals that surrounded her. Harper wiped her eyes several times fearing she was delusional but no matter what they remained. A young man with an orb of light stood beside her watching her patiently with two woman on the other side eying her carefully. Reaching her hand out to the strange fellow she pushed him with her finger. When she felt his body was solid and not a dream she started to cry and laugh leaping to the long blonde woman wrapping around her. Harper was ecstatic as if she had found someone and was no longer alone. Her body was still weak and though she held on tight to the woman she couldn't hep but feel more like a child now then an adult. "Are...are you real? Am I not dead or dreaming?" her words where rushed and between her sobs and laughter they where barely able to escape her breath.
Ethan watched before quickly a snap came and he felt a tight grip from the woman. Her hands grasped the skin pouch forcing it closer to her. Suckling it like a baby upon its mother's milk she forced the water down nearly choking. Trying to slow her pace Ethan wasn't able to fight her desire. When she had finally let got her hair flopped over to the side. He watched carefully unaware of who she was. His experience with Helia reminded him not to be to trusting with strangers during these troubled times.

Shockingly the woman stared at him with her amber eyes then poked him in the chest. Confused he was about to ask before she suddenly bursting into tears laughing and crying like a wild child. Though she appeared older her current attitude seem to reflect shock which considering her condition was no surprise. What was a surprise though was her leap unto Desiree, Ethan wasn't sure how she would have taken it but as the woman spoke between her rasping breath Ethan simply nodded his head towards Desiree, Ari, and Rusar.

"As real as anyone I am afraid..." as he got up dusting his hat and packing his satchel. Slowly he offered a root to Desiree to hold unto while he looked to the strange woman "...when your able chew on this it'll help with your recovery I would also advise you not to move around too much." as he left his coiled up cloak for her to rest on. Looking to Rusar he stared carefully at the hunter "She'll be fine for now...but I think we need to talk...where is Skyre?" he stated as his eyes slightly looked to Ari then away quickly.
Rusar stood back as Ethan tended to the unconscious woman part of her wondering if additional survivors was really what they needed or not. The added force to help defend themselves was welcomed but it would also put more strain on their resources which, if Sky still wanted to push towards the dessert, would already be taxed going forward. Still that was a conversation to another time. She glanced towards the ruins where Ethan had returned from remembering how he mentioned something urgent needing to be talked about. It didn't do much to dampen her suspicions.

Her mind wandered until the sound of voices drew her back to the small gathering. She saw that the strangely dressed was awake and Ethan reassured her that she wasn't dead or dreaming. Rusar pointed just over her shoulder where the redhead lingered. "Over there... whats so urgent though?" She asked curiously.

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