The Lodge

Chris watched as she laughed, he wanted to say something, , but there were others around him, so he just smiled, and kept it to himself, then he thought to himself " She's beautiful... " He hesitated for a second because of his thoughts, and then replied to her. " Sure, lets go take a look around. " He liked her, she was all he had on his mind. He knew that he had to accept because it was his only chance to talk to her.
Ivory felt herself snapped out of her trance as the silence continued, feeling the vampire next to her become much more tense than before. She blinked twice and let her head tilt to the side to find that Damon's gaze was focused intently onto someone else. Her gaze did a quick little dart over towards who it was - turning out to be Cole - and back to Damon with a little more caution, unsure if this was the sign of some kind of brawl or something of the sort starting.

But he turned his own gaze back to her with an indecisive expression before he excused himself to stand, and she simply widened her eyes and nodded as he made his way upstairs and heard the house shake as he slammed the door behind him. She blinked in confusion. Maybe it was because of Cole? He didn't seem angry at her in the slightest, and he was looking at Cole so fiercely...

She shook her head, taking another sip of the crimson liquid in her glass, lapsing back into silence.

She heard the door being scratched at, and she blinked in confusion, glancing towards where the door was set. It started to open slowly, and she caught low whines coming from behind it until Issac's large, canine head had poked inside. She felt her lips twitching for a moment, a grin threatening as he glanced over at Cole before starting over to one of the bathrooms.

He stayed there for a minute or two before coming back out and slowly coming over to where Ivory sat, and leaping onto the empty space next to her. She had to hold up her glass of blood for it not to spill for a moment, turning her head and quickly leaning over to set her glass on a table next to the couch so that it wouldn't have a chance to be spilled. She then turned back to Issac's towering wolf form now snuggling up on the couch beside her with a lopsided, amused little smile at the big, not to mention now dried, furry canine.

There was a pause of silence for a minute or so before she heard the front door opening up again, and she glanced quickly towards the door to find that there were newcomers. She felt herself tense up slightly for a moment before she relaxed herself and felt one hand raise in a small wave to them, letting her crooked smile become a bit shier. She was never one for introductions, so she simply let her hand drop and let Dahlia and Preston take care of the rest, as well as Oakley and Sedrick - they seemed to be doing fine with handling the newcomers. She had never been the greatest at that type of thing, considering how quiet and reserved of a young woman she was.

There was more silence until she felt the hands on her lap rise and rest on something very soft. She glanced down just in time to see and hear Issac's big doggie head on her lap, his bright blue eyes focused on her as he whined silently for a clear action to take place. She felt herself chuckle a bit before she started to simply pet Issac, scratching behind his ears and running her hands through his fur. She felt a bit discouraged when she saw the look in Issac's blue irises, and she felt her face fall slightly in concern. She wouldn't ask, though - if petting him and giving him love in his wolf form would help, she was more than willing to do it. She also just liked to touch his fur - it was so poofy and soft.

She let his head rise and go behind him to drag a blanket over his lower half, and she chortled silently as he did so before his head returned to her lap. She continued with her petting and scratching, enjoying it, actually, liking the more prominent animal in his blood under the now much thicker woodsy scent that she had grown so accustomed to over the years. She watched him start to drift off, and simply continued to pet him, her eyes brightened and even widened slightly with a very amused expression, feeling a childish curiosity and even entertainment take over.
Cole rolled his eyes at Damon's childish behavior and was about to answer the new girl's question until preston chimed in and he closed his mouth again.When Isaac came in Cole avoided all eye contact and saw Isaac doing the same,he still felt bad he didn't mean to make the boy uncomfortable but there was nothing he could od about it now. He sighed going up to his room smashing the wineglass on thee wall and slamming the door shut in frustration. Although he still wanted to break more things
Alex smiled and then went with him to find a room.. It was nice to hang out with him, though she wondered what the future might hold.. She told herself she would try not to get herself attached.. Though she didn't know whether or not she'd succeed.. She was already starting to like him. she liked even his presence.. It was calming almost.. 
((hehe Im excited.. The turkey is awesome))
Chris, while walking with Alex, knew he had to say something to her, but he hesitated for a second. Then he grabbed her hand and stopped her in an empty hall way and looked into her eyes. He said... " I can't hold this back any more.... " Then he looked into her eyes and said. " When I first saw you, you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen... I just feel... different when I'm around you..." Chris had to say the truth, because he knew that she had to know what he felt.
Alex stopped when Chris took her arm.. He was gentle as if careful to only get her attention and not to frighten her.. The word that came out of his mouth likewise in a way.. They made her tremble, not from fear but from something else.. Something she couldn't explain.. "I.." She really didn't know what to say.. However it was then that she knew she was attached to him.. Her heart skipped a beat as she hesitated.. But what she did next surprised even her..

Her hands still trembling she touched his face gently.. Staring deep into his eyes she pulled him closer to her, close enough to kiss him gently. She stopped for a second, her breath catching, and then kissed him again, this time with a lot more passion..
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Chris just didn't think when she kissed him, he was in heaven, he cared about her, even though he had just met her, he knew that he cared about her. Chris held her hands passionately inside his as they kissed, and reassured her that it was going to be okay. He loved her, it was love at first sight.... However he had had one other thing on his mind, it was about her necklace, why was she protecting it.... He had to ask her eventually.
The wolf in Alex synced with her for the moment as she pushed him against the wall.. Not hard but completely full of passion and fire.. It's as if something she'd long forgotten had jumped out at her forcing her to react. She continued to kiss him.. Not knowing where this might lead.. Though to be honest she didn't actually care.. The moment could go where ever it wanted as long as she went along for the ride.
Chris embraced Alex, he saw something in her eyes, he knew what it was, he realized that it was the wolf inside of her. Chris went with it however, as the wolf inside of him was trying to escape, however he didn't know as if he could let it, but he couldn't as there was one thing on his mind, her, and the wolf understood that as much as Chris did, so he didn't contain it anymore, instead the wolf came out.
The wolf didn't make her do what she was doing.. But certainly wasn't going to stop her.. She loved him just as much as Alex did.. When she'd felt his wolf sync with him it was all over.. She stopped kissing him, his hand in hers and grabbed one of the door knobs and opened the door.. The room was empty thank God, as she pulled him inside and began to kiss him again..
(I'm stopping here for now lol )

Quickly Chris turned her around and gently pushed her onto the bed, still kissing her romantically. Chris knew what he was running into, but he didn't care, he cared about her, all he had was her on his mind.

Breathing heavily in Chris's arms Alex smiled.. "Uh.. Wow!" Was all she could really say.. She guessed that she had found their room.. Her necklace laid across his chest, she hadn't actually noticed it still being there until she put her hand on it.. She sighed, took it in her hand and looked at it sadly.. "This was my brother's.." She'd said almost without realizing it..
Chris was actually getting an answer then saw her look at the necklace with such a sad look and clearly could tell that something bad happened to her brother. He didn't want to ask her what happened to him, instead he moved her hand to her hand holding the necklace and closed her hand for her, telling her " That it was ok I understand. " Quickly he went to go kiss her again, to show his compassion for her while still holding her hand.

Chris then took the necklace, and placed it gently around her neck and smiled for a second at her, he was happy with her.
Ian went to the room Sedrick said he could share, he sat down on the second bed, he was bored, he didn't know anyone here, he was still unsure what to do, so he decided to just stay there. He lay back on the bed looking at the roof, he was rarely unsure of things as he lay there he wondered would he get used to being here?and what should he do next.
Alex smiled meekly.. Glad he was there.. She kissed him back and then just laid there.. She was sad about her brother but she didn't let that stop her from having a good time.. She'd never let anyone touch that necklace before, but she felt safe with him.. For the first time in her life she was safe..
Chris moved his hand and started to brush her hair slowly, he wanted her to feel safe around him. He said quickly looking at her. " I'm glad your here" He said to her not holding it back, but he cared about her and he had to let her know that, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Then he said. " Can I tell you something? " He was trying to get her attention. He was thinking that he was going to say " I love you ", maybe she already read his mind, maybe she was going to expect he was saying that... Hopefully she would say it back.
@Angel Evans no we're not <__< )

Issac soon drifted off in the comfort of Ivory's touches and woke up..well nude. He yawned and stretched out across the couch, the blanket still covering his groin. He grunted before glancing down at his chest, he nearly flailed out of the blanket but quickly grabbed it and pulled it tighter around his waist. He scampered upstairs and cringed when he heard the noises coming from the room next to his. "Already?!" He groaned and pushed open his door, walking in and pulling on some boxers, some sweats and a sweatshirt following. He wandered downstairs and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hi." He said with a crooked grin.

Issac felt his cheeks flush slightly and he shifted before making his way to the couch. He sat down next to Ivory, gazing at the television with a frown. He couldn't wait for night to roll around, he seriously needed to get out of this darn cabin.

Issac gazed at Ivory with a small smile. He admired her golden eyes and her fair skin. He found himself leaning in and he quickly jerked away, shifting with discomfort and pulling the blanket he had previously used to cover himself over himself. He tilted his head back, his foot tapping against the floor, his teeth chewing on his bottom lip. His wolf was urging him to just protect and hug Ivory, and sure he could, but then even without his wolfs influence he would end up kissing her.

Everybody knows Werewolves can't be with Vampires. Right?
Preston looked over at Dahlia. He always felt like they should talk more but he knew she hated him. Preston didn't know exactly why or what he may have done, but he felt like he should try to fix that. He turned his gaze away after a moment. Preston didn't want the others here to know about it, although he kind of made it quite obvious something was between them. He knew that werewolves and vampires weren't supposed to mix but things happen sometimes you just can't control..

Dahlia caught Preston looking at her from the corner of her eye. She knew he still had feelings for her but that happens with every relationship. Dahlia stood quickly and went to the kitchen. This time, she took out two bags of blood. She leaned back against the counter to drink them. She started on the first bag, sinking her fangs in to drink it slowly. Dahlia could hide her emotions, it was one of her better developed traits.
Alex looked at his and waited for him to stay what he wanted to say.. She smiled at him.. Happy that she felt right here.. Happy that she could spend this time with him..

(sorry the post is lackin.. Im a little sad right now..)
Chris looked into her eyes, opened his mouth and said something that felt meaningful to him, and hopefully the same to her. " I love you. " He had just met her, but she was everything to him. She was perfect, he didn't want to leave he didn't want her to leave.
"I-I love you too.." Alex was surprised but sincere, she smiled and kissed him.. She believed with everything she had that he was right for her.. That he wouldn't leave and neither would she..
Chris moved his hand into her hair, and began to sift her hair slowly, her hair was soft. He sat up a second and continued to move his hand through her hair. Chris smiled for a second as he looked back at her. He told himself that she was the one.
Alex smiled.. As he sifted through her hair, she kissed him softly. "Who knew love could feel like this?" She said as kind of a rhetorical question.. She closed her eyes, wishing for this night to never end..
Dahlia remained at the counter, still drinking the blood. She glanced at the window to see if the sun was going down any time soon. It looked to be about 3 pm so the sun would be going down in a few hours. She finished off the first bag, tossing it away, then picking up the next bag she had laid out. Dahlia thought the blood tasted a bit better warm, more like when she as hunting.

Preston slid down a bit in his chair and sighed. He stood after a moment and walked outside. It was really a beautiful day out, it made him want to run endlessly through the woods. He thought about just going for it but he knew it would simply exhaust him. Preston was going out for the first time tonight with some others from the lodge and wanted to be as awake as possible for it.

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