The Lodge

The seductive smile that was thrown at Issac only made him more uncomfortable. He felt a growl raise in his throat as he watched the hand extend. "I don't want your help." He said lowly. He didn't know what it was that made him feel so uncomfortable, but then again, seductive smirks when he was in a vulnerable position was never something he favored. He slid away from Cole before standing, making his way out of the house. He sat down in the rain, curling his arms over his chest, his eyes trained on the ground. Even tho it was pouring, he was safe.

Damon watched the scene, oddly amused. "Nice going Cole, scared the puppy." He gave Cole a smirk before standing. "Well, I'll take that as my cue do to something." He walked over to the window and opened it before quickly darting his hand away and lowering the blinds. "Issac. Get inside, we already have one person smelling like a wet dog. We don't need two." He spoke through the blinds. Sure it was a poor way to communicate, but it was all he had.
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(lol Cole?)

"Aww,I don't bite much" Cole went and flopped down on the couch "I need some excitement in my life at this point I wish I sparkled so that I could at least go outside" Cole got up and began dancing around the living room
(oh. Oops. xD )

Damon watched Cole with a cringe. "Could you be anymore gay?" He rolled his eyes and stood, making his way to the door, as if on cue Issac walked in, clothes sticking to his..oddly muscular torso. He made his way upstairs and closed the door. Damon sighed and gave Cole a look. "Dude, you don't flirt with Issac, it just doesn't..happen." He rolled his eyes and walked upstairs to take care of the stinky werewolf.
(your sig is broken hun)

Cole opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it he'd constantly get hot headded and get into fights with Damon which was why they didn't like each other so he decided to apologize. HE walked upstairs knocking on Isaacs door "I'm really sorry about that Isaac,you don't ever have to worry about me bothering you again" he said cheerfully walking away from the door
Dahlia kept her eyes on Damon for a while. He was her next target for seduction but she knew it would be quite the challenge. She stayed seated when the incident between Isaac and Cole occurred. Dahlia smiled as they picked on the young werewolf but slowly let her smile fade as she noticed the glare Preston was giving her. She coughed to clear her throat before standing and walking to the fridge to retrieve another bag of blood, drinking it down as quickly as before.

Preston watched the whole scene from the kitchen. He was a bit ticked off that they were choosing Isaac, of all people, to pick on. As much as Preston wanted to intervene, he knew it would be best not to. He sighed before heading upstairs to change into a normal outfit, rather than just his sweatpants he had been wearing. Preston changed into a plain outfit and went back downstairs, sitting in a chair, opposite of the one Dahlia had been sitting in.
Ivory watched them talk about perverted places and such, and simply rolled her eyes to herself, resting her elbow on her leg and bending over in a leisurely manner to rest her chin on her palm. Pfft. A club. She barely spoke to anybody, even the people she lived with - why would she ever go to a club? It was ridiculously absurd to even think about speaking to drunken mortals and such -

She felt a gaze land on her, and her head tilted up and glanced towards it's origin - finding it as the teasing gaze of Sedrick. He spoke of her coming along with the rest of the group, and she felt her golden eyes widen at the thought, remaining silent. She remained this way for a full minute before she finally felt her lips stretch into a disbelieving, awkward grin, doing one single, dry, sharp laugh, thinking that he was joking. Her thoughts from before flooded her mind, and she shook her head amusedly, feeling herself rise to her feet and turn to face the group.

She responded to Sedrick in a very obvious tone, "Noooo thank you." Her arms crossed over her chest, and she felt her lips become a quirky little half smile, taking the promise as a complete joke without a second thought.

And then a scene unfolded. Her face fell at the scene of pervertedness, and felt her eyes dim as she gestured around her hopelessly and started back up to her room. She didn't need this, nor did she feel like listening to people get picked on. She felt a very strong urge to go and help out Isaac, but seeing both Damon and Cole start up the stairs only made her stop.

She felt herself huff a sigh. It would have been appropriate to say that she felt a little useless. She curled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees, feeling a bit happy that it would be just her and Oakley home tonight - at least, after Ivory had gone on her hunting trip for animals to sustain her. She huffed a sigh and went silent.


[ ...Ivory's a bit useless right now. ]
Damon came down moments later. He flopped down on the couch and leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "I'm too old for this." He said with a low groan. He sighed and flicked his gaze to Dahlia, giving her a calculating stare before returning his gaze to the television. Sure, Dahlia was beautiful. But Damon wasn't going to give in that easy. He knew what she was trying to do, and it just amused him that much more.

Issac came down a good time later, his curls were wet and he was dressed in sweatpants and a loose grey v-neck. He settled on the couch next to Damon, looking like a kicked puppy. He trained his gaze on the television, reaching over to grab a blanket. He pulled it up to his shoulders and nested his head against the couch, his curly mop of hair the only thing showing.
(I'm sure we'll find a way to keep her occupied soon ( :)

Preston glanced from Dahlia to Damon and rolled his eyes. He as trying to pretend he wasn't bothered by it but, of course he was. Although he showed no emotion, Preston sighed and leaned back into the chair. He turned his gaze over to Isaac who had covered himself with the blanket. He did feel bad but he would have time to talk to him about it later.

Dahlia threw away the empty bag and wiped a droplet of blood off of her cheek. She licked it off in somewhat of a seductive manner. Dahlia went over to the chair she had been sitting in earlier. She would rather not sit across from Preston at the moment but she'd have to deal with it. Dahlia looked up at the television, pretending to be somewhat interested.
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Oakley watched standing by, just being a by standard she didn't like it much but what else could she do? Start a fight? Yeah right, Oakley and fights just don't mix. She then decided it was time for her to shower, walking up stairs she went straight for the wash room, she unstressed and just before she got into the shower she closed the door, she's had to many 'mishaps' where people walk in. She than hopped into the shower.

Sedrick sighed "Don't we just have a bunch of insensitive bunch of creators today."
After a moment, Ivory felt the weight shift on the cushions of the couch, and her gaze flickered over to find Damon sitting on the couch again. She wasn't too fond of the way he had acted, which made her golden gaze flicker back forward blankly. A few minutes passed, and she remained in her position comfortably, her already small form now smaller, considering that she was curled up in a ball on the cushion of the couch.

But the weight shifted once more, and her gaze flickered over to find Isaac had come back downstairs in new clothing and with a wet head of hair, snuggling up on the couch next to Damon. Why next to Damon, she didn't know. But her gaze flickered back forward, seeing as he was back downstairs and didn't look enraged or anything - he simply looked very hurt, which sent a pang of hurt inside her own heart momentarily. Vampire or werewolf, these people were her friends - even if she was normally left out of some things.

She felt her lungs fill with air and her chest rise and fall with another quiet sigh as she remained silent, staring forward blankly.
[ Uh...the RP started in the morning. I'm sure that this entire scene didn't turn early in the morning directly to later at night in the course of a small conversation. Right? Am I incorrect? ]
Damon looked more then uncomfortable. He stared straight forwards, scooting away from Issac. He combed his fingers through his dark hair and sighed, sulking back against the couch. He stared at the television, boredom obvious over his features. He stood and walked straight to the alcohol. He pulled out scotch and poured some into a glass. He walked over and sat back down, taking a long sip, no he couldn't taste it, but the burn scorching down his throat felt nice. He closed his eyes and set the glass of booze on his thigh, his fingers gripping it loosely.

Issac clenched his jaw and gazed up at the ceiling. He was now extremely uncomfortable. He had a vampire after him. He shifted in discomfort, he was just a newly bitten werewolf, he seriously couldn't protect himself if Cole decided to come after him, and that thought scared him.
(Cole isn't after him..)

(He thinks Cole is after him. .3. CAUSE COLE WAS BEING ALL SEDUCTIVE AND SHIT.)
[ Mind if I get a little interaction in, @Sock , maybe with Isaac? I dunno, Ivory needs something to do right now. :/ And I'd make it pretty cute. x u x ]
(hmm paranoia gotcha)

Cole came downstairs and slipped into the kitchen pulling out various ingredients and began too cook. Before he was turned he loved to bake and cook and still had a flaring passion for it
Ivory glanced around Damon at Isaac, who was looking quite uncomfortable at the moment. This caused her lips to become a small frown. Now this was just unacceptable. Poor thing...she didn't like seeing anybody like that, especially Isaac. He looked a lot more fragile when he was like it. This caused her to set her feet onto the ground and stand, moving around her side of the couch over behind where he sat and going still when she was behind him.

There was something that she would sometimes do with Isaac - it had to do with just playing with his hair. It was a habitual thing that she had gotten into ever since the two had become somewhat acquainted to each other, and she always found the act amusing to herself. And that's exactly what she started to do - she started to play with the soggy curls in a whimsical, almost absentminded manner.

She was silent as she did this for a moment before she finally spoke in a small, soft voice that was all her own, "...Good moooooorning, Isaac." She paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm sorry that you're sad." Her tone was perfectly, innocently, and honestly sorry as she spoke, her golden eyes litten up slightly in a fascinated amusement as she waited for a response from the werewolf.
Oakley was soon done her shower, and she quickly changed into her regular attire of jeans and a tank top, with her hair still wet she went back down stairs and sat around were everyone else was. She noticed some where tense while others them selves. "Did I miss something?" Oakley questioned.

Sedrick shrugged "I haven't really been paying attention."
Damon snorted as Ivory walked over to Issac and he politely scooted over to allow her room, setting his now empty glass on the table. He closed his eyes and draped his arms over his stomach for a late morning nap.

Issac almost purred as he felt his hair being touched. He leaned into Ivory's hand, his bright eyes soon fluttering shut. He hummed in delight and began to nuzzle his head against her hand, earning an eye roll from Damon. "Hi Ivory." He said in a sleepy tone. There was something about people playing with his hair, it caused the occasional shiver to run down his spine with just made him to lean in further.

A slight smile braced his lips and he snuggled back further against the couch. Attempting to keep his foot from twitching. He opened his eyes lazily to look up at Ivory. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes once more. "Sit down?"
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Cole had just taken put a cake in the oven leaving the bowl and spoon on the counter "Umm If anyone wants too lick the spoon your more than welcome" he then turned back around and began working on a batch of slutty brownies cracking mixing and measuring furiosuly

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