The Lodge

Dahlia felt like she needed to do something more active. She glanced around, not sure quite what to do. Dahlia had gotten quite comfortable in the chair by now and was getting a bit tired. Isaac's sleepy voice and Damon being already asleep, made her want to sleep even more. She closed her eyes for a moment before standing. Dahlia walked up to Preston, whispering something quietly in his ear so just the two of them could hear. She then proceeded to go upstairs for a nap.

Preston maintained a blank expression as she spoke. Inside, he felt a bit odd about what she said but he didn't want the others to think it was something weird, or sexual. When she finally walked away, Preston turned a bit more in his chair to face the television. He had noticed Ivory trying to comfort Isaac which made Preston feel a bit better about not intervening earlier. Though, if Isaac ever needed his help at any other time, he would be right be his side. He knew what it was like to be new to the whole situation and he also knew having a friend to help you through it makes it much easier.
Alex sighed as she opened the door to the cabin, She didn't know who'd she'd be rooming with but she had to talk to the person in charge to find out.. Her army bag was over her shoulder, she'd picked it up at a thrift store but it came in handy. She moved around a lot..
Ivory felt herself do a small grin when she saw the satisfaction on his features. It really was a huge weakness of his that she found to be quite adorable - she was glad that she was somehow making him feel a bit more relaxed, even if in her own silly way. His responses were much more mellow and his shoulders seemed to relax with his position as she continued on.

He offered her to sit, and she shot him a small, crooked grin, responding with a long, mellow, "Mhmmm." She then fluidly lifted herself over the back of the couch and slid herself next to Isaac, momentarily letting her hands go from his hair, her petite form next to his larger one. She glanced over at Damon, shooting him a grateful smile at his polite gesture, and back to Isaac as she turned in his direction and began on his hair again, her eyes brightening once more as she became childishly fascinated again.

She spoke again, saying wistfully, "How're you today?" It was a bit of a silly question to be asking, but it was worth a shot at conversation - maybe she'd know what he was so tense about, and be able to help somehow.
Cole pulled the cake out letting it cool and placed the batch of brownies into the oven. When the cake was completely cool he went to work frosting it. A few minutes later it was done,it was a simple red velvet cake he placed it on the counter for whoever wanted some namely the werewolves since they still had their sense of taste he sighed waiting for the slutty brownies to finish baking
Alex saw people cooking and left them alone, looking for the person in charge.
[ @Sarah , just a friendly little reminder that the rules of the RP state that posts should be no less than three sentences. Just giving you a heads-up. c: ]
Preston saw the girl wander in. He smiled and stood up to greet her, walking over cautiously. "Hey, I'm Preston." he said, extending a hand. "Are you looking for someone?" he asked, glancing around. Nobody had mentioned a new comer so he just assumed she was lost and looking for help.
Issac rested his head on Ivory's shoulder. He curled his arms around her in a subconscious gesture of caring. He nested his head against her neck, his eyes once more drooping closed. He seriously was like a sleepy puppy at times. His frame tensed as she mentioned his day and he muttered a quiet "Fine." It was an obvious lie, but he didn't entirely feel like talking about how uncomfortable he was. He opened his eyes, keeping his ears on the gentle breathing from the sleeping vampire slumped over on the couch next to them. He relaxed from it, it was continuous, It never stopped, never gave him doubt that it wouldn't be in his ears at one point or another. He shifted slightly, now focusing on the cold, living corpse he was clinging onto. His overly warm frame pressed against her cold one caused a comfortable medium. He felt his conscious slipping and he grunted, blinking open his eyes, only to be pulled back under again. He lazily opened his eyes for a final fighting chance, keeping himself mildly interested in the television.
(Thanks I'll keep that in mind..)

"Alex.. Alex Canin, and yes.. I'm looking for the person in charge.." Alex said shaking the wolf's hand. She looked around. The cabins were decent and likable. She could stay here without issues..
Cole had finally finished baking and put the brownies on the counter. He washed the dishes quickly and sighed in content he was in a much better mood and couldn't wait for everybody to try his cooking/He then walked into the living room now completely exhausted and after a few blink's he was completely under the sandman's spell

Ivory watched Isaac's head droop to her shoulder, and she felt her head tilt down towards her lap slightly - if she could've blushed, she would have. She normally blushed whenever something like this happened (or in her non-existent human form, at least) and felt her body relax a bit more when his long arms wrapped around her small frame, hugging her closer to his warm body, using her as a pillow and a stuffed animal of sorts. She repressed a small chuckle at the thought.

He tensed when she asked her question, and she felt herself tense slightly also, hearing his timid response and immediately regretting the question. She paused for a moment before responding quietly, "Sorry, won't ask again." She swore to herself to not try anything to make him uncomfortable again, and felt her own body loosening with his as he began to relax again.

Wow. He was really comfortable. She would never get over how nice it was to be held by a werewolf - his body temperature and hers met to make a very cozy temperature, and she felt her own head start to droop and rest lightly on Isaacs, which was leaning on her shoulder. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment, and she heard Isaac do a small, awakening grunt, as if attempting to keep himself awake - which made her do a small, lopsided smile.

Ivory felt herself slipping away from consciousness, and she let her small stature be cuddled by the werewolf, drifting off slowly, yet surely into rest - a long hunt from last night was enough to make her need a little nap, and she felt pretty damn comfortable where she was. The scent of werewolf was all-too-familiar to her by now, and she didn't cringe away from it as other vampires unexposed to their scent daily would - she found it nicer, actually, more appealing, considering the animal blood mixed with the human under that strong woodsy scent. She was perfectly fine being a little teddy bear.

Her golden eyes became obscured, and her face relaxed into the blissful peacefulness of sleep, her breathing becoming deeper and slower.


[ ;u; ]

Soon enough the young werewolf was too pulled under to sleep. His grip on the vampire loosened, his cheek comfortably resting against Ivory's neck. Soft snores filled the previously silent room as Issac sunk deeper into sleep.

He awoke soon after to a crash. He looked startled before he realized that it was just the television. He sunk back against Ivory, resting her head on his shoulder and nuzzling his cheek against the top of her head with a soft hum. He closed his eyes again, his breathing soft. He sighed and shifted with boredom. He forgot his medication. Shit. He chewed on his bottom lip, his leg bouncing up and down continuously. He flicked his eyes around the room, his fingers drumming on the arm of the couch restlessly.
[ Oh God . . . it's happening. ]


Ivory had a dreamless rest for a long while, feeling Isaac's hold on her loosen and relax as he, too, fell into a peaceful sleep, before she slipped from her conscious state. It was a pretty cute sight - the big bad vampire resting in solitude on their side, while a pale, petite form and a tall, more muscular form rested quite comfortably in a snuggling hold. Their expressions were all ones of the peacefulness of sleep, and it was quite a tranquil thing to watch the three of them sleep - even Damon seemed to look calmer. The silence and the deep, slow breathing of the three continued for several minutes, the vampire never having to shift her position for comfort.

This expanse of time was broken when she subconsciously left Isaac's head raise up slightly, and her own managed to carefully and comfortably slide onto his own shoulder. This stirred her slightly from her rest, but her facial features only twitched from their state for a mere moment before it relaxed again. Ivory always looked so much more vulnerable in her sleep - which was quite a large amount, considering she looked fragile even when not in her sleep. She subconsciously felt his cheek rest on her dark blonde hair, along with a satisfied hum, and she felt her lips twitch with a small smile for a brief moment.

But after a few minutes, she began to feel him start shifting, as if uncomfortable. This caused her expression to briefly break more and more frequently, until finally the shifting caught her slowly returning attention and her golden eyes fluttered open. Her head lifted up groggily, and she blinked once or twice tiredly, glancing up at Isaac with heavy eyes.

She asked in a very groggy, almost drunken tone from her sudden awakening, "...You okay?" The fidgeting discouraged her slightly, and she wanted to know if he was uncomfortable or not staying there, since shifting around wasn't the greatest sign of comfort in her eyes. Golden pools gazed at him half closed as she waited patiently for a response.


[ The Ivac/Issory ship has taken hold. oCo ]
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Issac flicked his gaze to Ivory. "Right. Yeah. Just need medication." He jumped up form the couch and nearly skipped into the kitchen to grab his calming pills. He swallowed the small, blue pills and sighed as the drugs kicked in. He hummed and shook his wrists, back to his 'normal' self. He walked back to the couch and laid down with his head tilted back, a goofy grin coming over his features. "I feel better now." He said rather bluntly.

Damon, who had been awaken by the continuous tap and fidget from Issac was glaring at him deeply. Damon sighed and shook his head, he stood and grabbed two glasses, lazily pouring blood into them. He sighed as he returned and handed Ivory one before settling down on the couch, taking lazy sips at the crimson liquid. The smell of blood invaded Issac's nose and he had to keep himself from gagging. The werewolf stood and caressed his fingers through his curly hair. He yawned and sighed, "'mma go for a walk." Issac quietly walked out of the house.

Soon where stood Issac stood a large, slender but well muscled wolf with strange markings. It rose its head and sniffed the air before bounding off into the wood. He always felt at peace when his mind and wolf molded together. He sat in the middle of the woods, his tail swaying along the dirt and twigs.

Damon watched Issac bound off and he sighed, taking another long sip of blood. He sunk down into the cushion, closing his eyes. "Why can't night just roll around and save us all from this torture?" He said, his tone a low mumble.
Ivory felt a pang of understanding when he mentioned his medication and perked herself up quickly to nod and scoot herself away, allowing him to unwrap himself from her and stand to go fetch his pills. She repositioned herself, straightening back on the couch before she allowed herself to leisurely lean back into the plush leather cushions, her pale hands resting themselves nonchalantly on her lap. She felt a bit more refreshed now, the several minutes of rest having improved her senses and sharpened them back to their normal state - or, normal for her half-developed senses, at least.

After a minute or two, the young werewolf returned and flopped back onto the couch, and her golden gaze flickered over towards him, the left corner of her lips being tugging up into a half smile at his remark. She was so used to the boy saying such straightforward things without a second thought, so she was merely mildly amused by the remark rather than confused, as anyone who didn't know Issac would be.

She felt the weight lift from her side, and her gaze turned towards where Damon was standing and going over to grab two clear, elegant glasses. He came back with them filled with the red substance that her kind naturally fed from, and he sat back down to hand one glass to her, which she casually took and glanced down into. It was human blood, alright - the scent was clear as day. Something that she only drank in dire situations. A quick flicker of a glance over to Damon and back to the glass told her conscious to just accept the drink as a very rare treat for today only - it was never a good idea to decline an act of even the most subtle actions of true chivalry or kindness from Damon, after all.

With a small shrug of her shoulders, she raised the elegant glass to her lips and tilted it back slightly to take a sip of the blood. Human blood had always tasted sweeter, tastier to her than to most vampires, considering that she didn't get the sweeter taste of human blood compared to the tangier taste of animal blood often at all. This blood was fuller, richer in flavor, even though to mortals and other beings it would simply smell salty and metallic. It felt good going down her throat, and it sent a small shiver down her spine - but she immediately took a pause when it happened, a long, counted pause. She would do this to keep herself under control between every sip of the blood. She wouldn't be changed - she was more than capable of handling small treats such as this every so often.

She glanced over at Issac, and she felt her expression drop a bit at his disgusted expression, shooting him an apologetic grin as he stood. He announced he was taking his leave for a walk, and then proceeded to bound outside into the rising sun to shift, she assumed, feeling herself raise one free, lithe hand to wave at him as he left, her golden gaze trailing after him until he had disappeared out the door.

She paused in silence for a moment, turning back forward, before she let out a sigh in a content manner. It was a fairly nice morning so far, especially since she had excused the event from this morning with a cuddle to the victim affected. She felt pretty good at that moment in time, especially with having earned even the smallest gesture of the most subtle act of kindness from Damon - he was obviously much more polite to his own kind than to the werewolves, which was understandable. She sometimes felt glad she was of her own species and not the other, nor that of the humans. And that she was quiet and stay-out-of-the-way. Less chances of earning a quarrel with the vampire next to her and getting on his bad side - which was a horrible thing for anybody to have done.

She raised the glass to her pale lips and took another small, satisfying sip again before lowering it back down, leaving the presences in the living room to be Damon and herself. She heard Damon release a long sigh, and her gaze instinctively flickered over towards him, hearing him mumble an exasperated, seemingly rhetorical question to himself - a question which, in an attempt of small talk, was made answerable by Ivory.

Her lips became a tiny, almost sympathetic grin and her gaze returned to the crimson liquid in the elegant glass in her pale fingers, responding in a small, very soft and timid tone, ". . . Ah. Sometimes I wonder that myself, Damon." She paused for a moment before saying in a slightly more wistful, almost absentmindedly blissful tone of voice as she remembered her experiences in the forests surrounding them, ". . . Just the experience of the hunt is . . . too wonderful to not wish for that sometimes." She found herself lost in her thoughts as she lapsed into a nostalgic silence, her hand subconsciously raising to her crimson treat after a carefully counted pause to take another sip of the sweet, metallically tinged liquid.
Alex sighed really hoping she could find out where she was staying that night.. It had been a long day for her.. She'd already been to one funeral, two weddings, and now here.. Everywhere she went she knew nobody.
Cole had been awake watching the whole fiasco go down. He smirked too himself as he saw the young Lycan begin to loose control of himself. When he left he watched Ivory and damon interact with each other interested in their behaviour when dealing with each other Damon was as hostile as ever but he had kindly poured a glass of blood not only for himself,but Ivory as well Cole made sure to make a mental note of that. Cole finally got up himself and poured a pack of blood into a wine glass sniffing it lightly and then drinking. revering in the blissful feeling of the blood falling down his trachea 
(if anybody's on,you should come bother cole make him cry or something)
(make him cry? lol)

"Uh.. Never mind.. I think Ill just go make a friend and see what happens.." Alex said running a hand through her hair. She went over to the vampire with the wine glass filled with blood and sighed then introduced herself.. Though she wasn't one for vampires she'd try to get along.. "Hey.. My name's Alex.. Alex Canin.." Everyone else seem preoccupied so it was just him and her.
Damon flicked his gaze to Cole, his calm gaze slowly hardening to a glare. He returned to his blood, taking a long, steady sip before setting the now empty glass down and wiping the blood from his upper lip off on his arm. He gazed at the girl with pursed lips. "Excuse me." He stood, calmly walking out of the room, the door to his and Issac's bedroom closing with a slam.

Issac stood, in the woods, frustrated with himself. He couldn't always change out of his wolf form right away, and the frustration didn't help him. He eventually sighed and trailed back to the cabin, nudging the door with his nose, pawing at it a few times. He whined lowly and flicked back his dark ears. He shook out his pelt and nudged the door open. He walked inside slowly, his blue eyes scanning the house quietly before landing on Cole. His tail subconsciously tucked between his hinds, his ears remaining flat against his dark cranium. He shifted on his multicolored paws, walking over to the bathroom to shake out his soaking pelt before sulking back into the living room, pointedly avoiding Cole. He leaped swiftly onto the couch, curling up next to Ivory.
Alex blinked in confusion.. "Ok.." Creepy much? Alex thought to herself.. If she was gonna be here she might as well get over the stupid vamps versus wolves thing.. She looked at the vamp she was talking too and smiled half heartedly.. Not exactly wanting to know what had just happened.. Alex sighed hoping this leap wouldn't take a turn for the worst.

(Too short my bad) 
Alex didn't really know what to do with herself.. She felt, alone, out of place, and worse, like half the vamps here wanted to eat her alive.. The hair on her arms stood on end.. Stupid wolf senses. Every time she was around vamps her skin did this.. The worst part of it was.. She didn't hate them.. She found them to be creepy but otherwise alright.

At the moment all Alex wanted was to know where she was going to sleep.. However that seemed like the last thing on everyone's mind.. She was exhausted. And to make matters worse she had a migraine.. She got those a lot.. When ever she got stressed.. The docs never knew why.. It wasn't a tension headache.. They'd already cleared her for that.. Not knowing what it was gave her worse headaches..
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Preston looked at the girl, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, nobody's really 'in charge' here we all just kind of.. showed up," he glanced around at the others still in the lounge, then back over to Alex. "Pretty much just go look for an empty room and you can sleep there." He didn't know what else to tell her. Preston wasn't usually the one to introduce people but Dahlia as asleep at the moment. Since everyone else had almost entirely ignored her, he figured he should take charge in helping her out himself. "Oh, and don't bother talking to that guy." he said simply, referring to Damon.

Dahlia woke up when she heard a door slam. "What the hell.." she mumbled, somewhat annoyed but mostly just trying to wake up. Dahlia got out of bed, fixing her hair that had been messed up slightly from her sleep. She headed out into the hall, glancing around at the doors, trying to figure out who was apparently pissed off. Dahlia saw that the door closed was Damon and Isaac's. Of course Damon was slamming doors, who else would have the nerve to do that for no reason? She rolled her eyes before turning to go back downstairs.
Ian arrived at the lodge, unsure what to do, was there someone he was supposed to talk to?, did he just pick a room? he didn't know what to do so slowly walked in the door and looked around him "nice place" he muttered to himself.
Chris arrived at the same time, noticing as well as there was another person who had just gotten to the lodge, he could get a scent from him, he was one of the bloodsuckers. Quickly he approached the door and turned the knob and opened the door and stepped inside as well, keeping an eye on the area around him.

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