The Lodge

And they were off, two female wolves disappearing into the thick forest beneath the silver light of the waning crescent moon. Their paws pounded the earth silently, dirt flicking up behind them as they weaved back and forth through the trees and dense foliage. Heather kicked up her back legs playfully and gave a soft howl, then fell silent as the scent of deer wafted into her nostrils. Turning her head towards Amari, she slowed from a full out run to a gentle lope, flicking her ears in the direction the smell was strongest. Listening carefully, her sensitive ears picked up the crack of a twig and a rustling in the distance. Lifting her muzzle, she motioned for Amari to take one side while she split off towards the other. They would carefully close in on their majestic prey and then block it off from both sides, hopefully catching it off guard before it had a chance to run out from between them. Heather's lope slowed even more to a crawl as they got closer and closer to their target.
Amari could feel her heart pounding harder and harder as they ran. She had forgotten how much she loved the feel of hunting and simply letting go. Amari made sure to keep her eye out for any hunters but she figured they were all back in bed, at home, with their precious, unknowing, happy little families. She growled at her own thought. How can they sleep at night knowing the things they do? We're people too. We didn't choose to be this way... Amari changed her sprint into a calm, low crawl as she followed Heather's hint. She snaked in and out between a few trees in her way before practically laying down to eye their target. Amari was beyond ready to take the animal down but she wanted this to be a team effort, as she knew it must be.
Heather got down all the way, practically lying on the ground, shielded by the dense bushes and low-hanging tree branches as she eyed their prey closely. There the deer stood, conscious of its surroundings but unaware of the two careful wolves stalking its presence. Lowering its neck, the deer tore off mouthfuls of foliage, grinding it between its teeth before moving on to the next lush spot.

Heather's intense yellow eyes flicked to Amari as she spotted her friend across the clearing, also waiting impatiently for the jump. She could see Amari's muscles twitching, itching to leap out of her hiding spot and take down their dinner, but Heather knew there was more than just speed and strength. The timing had to be just perfect... She waited patiently, her eyes locked onto the deer's every move. Only when its head was turned away from both wolves and its ears lowered to the ground did the wolf girl finally pounce, claws extended and teeth bared.

Just as she'd planned, the deer spooked, quickly leaping swiftly just out of Heather's grasp and barreling straight for Amari. While the deer's focus was on Heather, it wouldn't even see Amari coming until it was too late. She wanted to make sure her friend was graced with the first kill of the night, especially since Amari hadn't gotten to hunt in so long. Heather fully well knew the exhilaration of the first catch in a long period of idleness and getting your food handed to you on a plate. She wanted Amari to feel that tonight.
(I messaged everyone else to see if they were still interested in this but nobody really replied... :/ )

Amari crouched down as low as she could. She kept her eyes on the deer for a moment, flicking them over momentarily to Heather. Amari could feel her heart pounding softly, but quickly. She was more than prepared for this attack, in fact, she felt like she had been anticipating it for a long time. Amari watched intently as Heather moved swiftly, scaring the deer. Just as they both had known would happen, the deer tried to flee. Amari bared her teeth, launching herself up and at the deer. She tackled it down almost effortlessly, biting don on it's neck violently. Amari felt her heart pounding more loudly now. She couldn't believe she had successfully done it this time after so long. Amari sank her teeth down into the animal's twitching neck, holding and waiting for the kill. Once it had finally stopped moving, Amari stepped back, turning her head to Heather, her tail swinging happily behind her.
[Yeah... :c It's hard to imagine why everyone would just jump ship like that all of a sudden...]

As Amari leapt into action, clamping her strong jaws down onto the deer's neck and holding them there like a steel trap. Heather didn't relax; however, because she knew it was never over until the deer stopped kicking. If you let go too soon, it could wriggle free and those hooves could be deadly to the wolf, especially if it managed to kick you in the head. Heather didn't have to wait much longer as Amari swiftly finished the job, perking her ears proudly and even strutting around a bit. Heather's tongue lolled out of her mouth and she chuckled mentally. "Nice work! You got a tarp and space in your trunk, right? This is a big one, probably too heavy to drag all the way back to the lodge," she told Amari through telepathy, nosing the deer lightly with her jet black nose.

Just then, an unfamiliar scent drifted into the clearing, assaulting Heather's sensitive sense of smell. Immediately, she jerked her head up and her entire body froze as she analysed the scent. It was definitely another wolf and the testosterone she could heavily detect indicated a alpha male... "Amari....Amari, that's not Preston, Scott, or Derek....," she mentioned worriedly, her entire body quivering as she prepared for a flight or fight response, "It's an alpha. A strong one at that....and something tells me he's not after our kill... We need to go. We can come back for it later." The werewolf girl took a step back, her eyes darting in all directions, trying to pinpoint the stranger's location.
(Not like I wanted to. Someone else jumped ship and left me screwed because I couldn't get back to the lodge.)
Amari lifted her muzzle proudly in the air as Heather spoke to her. "I'm pretty sure I have one. If not, we'll just have to drag it... Shouldn't be too hard." If she could have smiled, she would. But instead, she simply let her tail keep wagging. Amari looked into Heather's eyes, noticing she began looking frightened. She let her tail fall back into place, her ears lowering. "I don't know who that could be. We should probably go... Like... Now." Amari quickly made her way next to Heather, looking all around before nudging her friend. She wanted to let Heather go first and save her from any danger she might once again fall into.

(My laptop is going bananas right now.. xD )
[Lol! How so? xD ]

Heather's fur waved slightly as the wind ran through it, her tail tucked between her legs as she moved closer to Amari. Suddenly an eerie howl shattered the heavy silence and twigs snapped off in the distance, getting closer and closer. "Amari! Amari run!" she hollered in her mind, taking off at breakneck speed, but making sure Amari was close behind her. Her white paws thudded against the damp earth, and she panted heavily, willing her legs to move faster.

But everywhere they seemed to turn, he was always right there! He would be behind them one moment, then on the side, then suddenly smack in front of them, the loud rustling of foliage giving away his position. Heather's intense yellow eyes widened, and she skidded to a halt in order to make a sharp turn in a different direction. Why was he chasing them? What did he want? The worst scenarios flashed through Heather's eyes as she ran, her lungs burning but fear keeping her galloping on. Maybe he was one of those alpha wolves that stole away females in the middle of the night, forcing them to be apart of his pack... She'd heard the rumors, but had simply believed them all to be myth...until now.

Then all of a sudden, it dawned on her. He was corralling them, pushing them tighter and tighter in a circle, essentially herding them together much like a stallion would his mares. In a moment of desperation, she lifted her muzzle high into the air and let out a heart-wrenching howl, calling out to Preston as loud as she could in her mind. "Preston...!! Preston, please hear me...! It's Amari and I, we're being hunted down. We can't get back to the lodge!"

Indeed the strange alpha wolf continued to push them closer and closer to the center of his circle until they found themselves backed up to the base of a cliff with nowhere to run. A pair of vibrant yellow eyes lit up the darkness in the woods in front of them, growing closer with each passing moment. Finally, the strange wolf stepped out into the moonlit clearing, eyeing them both carefully with a critical gaze. His fur was a mahogany brown with a few unique stripes of yellow running beneath his eyes and on his chest up to the center of his back. His paws and top of his forehead running down between his eyes were of a much lighter mocha, and he prowled toward them, a low rumble emitting from his throat.

Amari began barreling after Heather. Their only hope was to outrun the alpha but their efforts seemed to be failing heavily. She whimpered softly as she pushed herself to run as hard and fast as she could towards the lodge. But wait, should they go there? What if this thing was after someone there and not them and he knew they would lead him there? Amari began panicking, slowing herself down a lot in the process. She felt a single tear run down from her right eye. Amari had never known wolves could cry but she had seen dogs do something similar. She growled lowly, now more pissed off than anything. Amari didn't want to let this alpha get in the way of anything. She turned, howling loudly at him and turned back quickly trying to catch her speed once more.

Preston heard Heather's distressed calling. He immediately jumped up from where he had been standing, rushing down the stairs. Preston didn't know where she was but his inner wolf seemed to know. He pushed open the door, almost knocking it entirely off of it's hinges. Preston shifted quickly, hitting the ground hard. He growled before howling as loud as he could. "Heather!? Heather, I'm on my way! What's wrong!?!" Preston's mind began playing images of what could be happening. He ran faster and faster, trying to catch her scent but failing at the moment.

(My left clicky-button thing {lol} isn't working so it's a bit more difficult)
[Hey just wanted to let you know I didn't get a chance to post here tonight because of studying and I also want to make sure I can write up a nice post, which I couldn't do tonight for this particular rp. So I'll reply tomorrow, kay? <3 @oOBubblesOo ]

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