The Lodge

Preston invaded Heather's mind like a fever, twisting itself into every fiber of her thoughts, sending a tendril of warmth cooling around her heart. She was in deep...and this time, she didn't think she could pull herself out. Her wolf bothered her incessantly and her breathing hitched every time she stared into those...intelligent, calming, sensitive eyes of his....

Amari snapped her out of her daze and Heather quickly turned her head towards her friend, her brain quickly trying to process what she'd just said. Lifting the corner of her mouth in a smile, she got into the car and fastened her seatbelt. "Hey, number one: you have a car. Number two: it works. Number three: you have your license. You're in pretty great shape if you ask me," she laughed in response.

Rolling down the window, she let the wind play with her hair, tossing it up into the air and brushing it against her face. The cool night breeze was calming and it helped her forget about everything, if only for a little while... "So do you have somewhere in mind? Know any cool places? And trust me, I haven't really been out to fun places much so whatever you pick will be just fine," she remarked.
Amari giggled a bit, "I suppose I am in pretty good shape." She smiled before pulling out of the drive slowly. Amari continued driving down a long path for quite sometime before hitting the actual road. She glanced at Heather for a second before looking back at the road. "Well, I know we're technically a bit young but I know this really cool club in town. Though, the door guys are sweet and don't really care," she smiled softly, thinking about her last adventures there. Amari kept her eyes trained carefully on the road ahead, driving along quite smoothly.
Heather's eyebrow raised, questioning Amari's suggestion. A club? She knew she was underage, and not to mention she couldn't even stand the smell of alcohol. The sheriff in her home town had always reeked of it... ", are you sure?" Heather responded nervously. Her thoughts quickly flew to her attire. She wasn't really dressed for a reputable establishment. ", don't really think I'm cut out for that sort of place. I doubt they'd let me in..." she chuckled, motioning to her casual clothing. Part of her did wonder what it would be like to visit one though, the energetic music, the lights, the dancing.
Amari rolled her eyes and laughed. "If you don't want to drink, we don't have to. Dancing is something I love to do and that's why I go. It'll help let off some steam." She turned her gaze once more to Heather, examining her outfit. Amari placed a hand Heather's arm, "Hun, it'll be fine." She smiled at her motherly tone then giggled a bit, removing her hand. Amari didn't care to drink herself but dancing was truly one of the most freeing things she could think of. She wanted Heather to feel more comfortable here, especially around her.
"Alright alright, if you say so, Mom," Heather replied sarcastically, her laughter swirling about the car before being overtaken by the wind from the open window. However, she tugged a bit at her jean shorts and adjusted her t-shirt, praying she looked alright. She'd never actually been to a club before, but she certainly knew what bouncers were and generally, if you weren't good-looking enough, or really sexy enough in their terms, you didn't get in. Depending on how reputable the club was, some people stood hours in line waiting to get in, only to get denied at the front door.

Heather ran her nimble fingers through her long, honey brunette locks, now wishing she'd brushed her hair before hastily hopping into the car. "Are you sure I look alright?" she finally sputtered once more, hoping the red had faded from her eyes. She never wore makeup, feeling it just wasn't a necessity but at that moment, she almost wished she had just a bit of foundation to help mask the red if it was still there.
Amari laughed along at Heather;s comment. She focused in a bit more on the music playing. Amari drummed her fingers on the steering wheel for a moment, zoning out some, beginning to sing along softly. She snapped herself back into focus when Heather spoke once more. "Uh, yeah. Just trust me, you look fine." She turned her eyes to look her over again, nodding her head. Amari actually thought Heather was quite pretty and knew the bouncers wouldn't mind letting them in. "So... Have you met Dahlia yet?" She raised an eyebrow, keeping her eyes on the road. Amari kind of hope she didn't since her and Preston were kind of a thing now. Dahlia pretended not to be bothered by things like that but Amari knew she could be, from time to time, a bitch about it.
Heather rested her head against her fist as she propped her elbow up on the frame of the car door window. She was still overly fussy about how she looked but for now she would take Amari's word for it and quit fidgeting. Her eyes flicked in Amari's direction for a moment then back out the window as she sorted through her memories.

"Well...not exactly. I mean, I think I've seen her once or twice in the kitchen but I...I haven't talked to her, so no. Not really," Heather replied nonchalantly, "I understand she kinda...runs the place, if you know what I mean, but that's about it. Why do you ask...?" She continued to gaze out the window as the car entered the city limits. Neon streaks of light flew across her vision from traffic lights, signs, headlights, and brakelights from other cars. There was hardly much traffic, being quite late, and it seemed a bit more peaceful than the city usually was for Heather. She didn't feel so trapped tonight as she normally would have among the tall office buildings and skyscrapers.
Amari nodded along as she spoke. Dahlia did kind of 'run the place', in a way. She was very pushy and Amari was glad Heather hadn't had the chance to meet her. "Just wondering..." She took a deep breath as they pulled into a small parking lot. Amari shook her head at a couple making out beside the large, brick building. "Seriously?" She mumbled as she placed a hand on the door handle. "You ready to enjoy tonight?" she spoke softly, glancing playfully over her shoulder at Heather. Amari was ecstatic that she had actually agreed to go and didn't really want to drink. Dahlia tended to just drink and leave with some random guy while Amari danced alone. This would definitely by a nice change for her, and Heather both.
Heather was almost sad as the wind ceased to weave through her hair, the car coming to a stop. However, her expression very quickly changed as soon as she saw the tall building in front of them. It was hard to see much of the actual structure in the dark, but boy was it lit up. Neon lights flashed and twinkled, causing her to blink her eyes a few times to adjust to their intensity. "This is it?" she murmured softly, clicking open the car door and stepping out, all the while not taking her gaze off of the building. She ran her nimble fingers through her long hair and smiled softly, hearing the music drifting out the front door from inside.

When Amari asked her if she was ready to have fun, a bright expression lit up her features and she nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm ready to give it a shot," Heather responded in a laugh. Propping a hand on one hip, she waited for Amari to lead the way then quickly tagged along, taking in all the new sounds, sights, and smells. Werewolves senses were heightened to the max and so and first, never having experienced something like this before, it took Heather a while to sort out everything. It all seemed to blend together. First, she separated the music from the rest, listening in a while before letting it drop to the background. The scent of alcohol caused her to scrunch her nose but there was also the aroma of fresh fruit and that definitely smelled appealing. Spotting the obvious couple making out against the end of the wall, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Typical...

Heather's examination of all the new senses came to an abrupt halt as the two approached the line leading to the bouncers at the entrance. Taking a deep breath, she combed out her hair some more and stayed glued to Amari's side, hoping they wouldn't run into trouble. The music was a techno, dance and dj sort of style and the bass shook the floor a bit, almost making her want to dance right there and then.
Amari smiled at the bouncer, earning a simple nod in return. He pushed open the door, letting both Heather and Amari in quickly before anyone else could squeeze by. Amari turned, giving a thumbs up to Heather as they walked in. "I really enjoy the music they play here! The DJs are amazing!" she yelled over the music. Amari glanced around to see if anyone looked familiar but nobody really did. She shrugged, grasping Heather's arm gently once more. Amari began pushing her way through masses of people, trying to get out somewhere on the dance floor. When she felt she reached a good spot, she stopped, turning to Heather with a smile on her face, and began dancing.

( Cleo , Armageddon , Sock , Angel Evans , Sarah , Ian Drake , rifleman223 , Tyra , Nanashi , November Rain , Jon_14 , october_rain , Crowsky , ForgottenBlood - Hey everyone.. I noticed the role play is dying and just wanted to attempt to bring it back... xD )
The rhythm and heavy bass of the club's music reverberated up through Heather's feet and she couldn't help but laugh as an energetic Amari took hold of her wrist and dragged her onto the dance floor once they'd gotten past the bouncers. There was an excited spark in the girl's eye and she immediately broke out into dance as soon as they found a fairly open spot. Heather's cheeks flushed slightly and she looked around nervously, wringing the hem of her shirt lightly. She hadn't really danced ever since she was forced to leave her hometown. She wasn't sure she even remembered anything presentable.

Amari was stubborn;however, and was determined to get Heather to dance, bumping her with her hip and laughing. Finally the anxious wolf girl gave in and began to wave her hands in the air. It didn't take long before the two were almost in sync, rocking out to the amazing DJ's playlist. Heather had a knack for techno music and the DJ happened to be playing some of her favorite songs. Soon, she truly forgot about most everything that had been bringing her down before and simply got lost in the atmosphere.

However, noticing a couple guys at the bar peering over at them, she leaned over to Amari and whispered in her ear. "I think we've got an audience...," she murmured, her cheeks already reddening in embarrassment. They probably thought she was a nut the way she was passionately dancing to the song, "Levels" by Avicii, that the DJ was playing at the moment.
Amari smiled, laughing as they both began getting more and more into the music. She danced around excitedly, twirling in circles around Heather; giggling the entire way. Amari stopped just in front of her, smiling once more before letting her dancing mimic Heather's. She liked the way she danced and let herself go. It seemed like dancing wasn't just Amari's own release. She looked over for a moment at the guys Heather had pointed out. Amari smiled softly, waving at them. She turned back to Heather just as the song switched and she closed her eyes to get back into her moves. Amari was too into the music to realize that one of the guys had come up behind her, beginning to dance around with her. She felt hands grasp her waist and her eyes narrowed. Amari turned around quickly, grabbing his wrists tightly. "I will break you." She growled angrily in his ear. Amari watched as the guy walked back over to the bar, clearly pissed off but not more than Amari was. "F*cking pig," Amari yelled to Heather, glancing once more at the guy.
Heather let out a whoop then laughed gleefully along with Amari as they both let the music capture them. However, as Amari danced beautiful, swinging her curves, she spotted the guys whispering to each other, then one daringly venturing up to the two of them, focused on Amari, specifically her body... And sure enough, his hands snaked around her smooth waist, him probably thinking she was just one of the drunk girls who wouldn't know any better. She watched, pausing her dancing immediately, as Amari snapped and clenched the guy's wrist. Heather's sensitive hearing could pick up on her threatening words, and she sighed in relief as her friend let him go.

Taking that opportunity, Heather quickly moved in front of her friend, blocking her view of the pervert. "Yeah, of course he is! But Amari, you need to calm down...!" she scolded the girl, lowering her voice and glancing around nervously, "You can't wolf out...not here.... And you know this is where its going if you let that a** get to you." As much as she wanted to tear into the guy, Heather knew their secret's safety was more important. They could jeopardize the entire pack if one of them transformed in the middle of a public club. Her deep brown eyes weren't full of hate or distaste, but concern for Amari's safety.
Amari sighed, nodding in response to Heather. "You're right..." Her mind drifted to Cole for a moment. She wondered if they were even still together after what had happened earlier. They hadn't spoken since but he didn't seem as worried about it so she brushed it off. Amari smiled softly before shaking her head. "It's a good thing you're here," she laughed before returning to her dancing. The music was beginning to get a bit louder, hurting her ears a bit but she didn't care at this point. She always thought she might go deaf from the loud music but it was nearly impossible, or so it seemed to be. Amari took a deep breath, chewing her lip.
Heather gave Amari an encouraging smile as her friend agreed. That was one unfortunate thing about their kind... Anger was a trigger. Heather's mind drifted back to one of the only times she'd been to school. There had been a nasty fight in the hallway, an older senior bully smashing his fist into a new freshman's nose. She'd only been there to drop off her homeschool transcript at the secretary's office when she'd come across the scuffle. She watched in horror as everyone simply stood around, gawking at the scene instead of standing up for the kid. Finally, when the senior dragged the poor freshman into the men's restroom and she heard the sound of flushing seeping out through the door, she couldn't take it anymore. She didn't care that it was the guys' restroom and marched it, shoving the senior off of his helpless victim and into the wall. She'd only been fifteen at the time, but heightened strength was one of the attributes of being a werewolf and she had no trouble pinning him against the brick wall. When he'd jeered at her, calling her a reclusive freak, she snapped, her nose lengthening into a long, furry muzzle and the rest of her body following the transformation. As clear as day, she remembered his it had gone from cocky to terrified in a split second. He truly had seen her as a monster. Her inner wolf had screamed at her to tear him to pieces, how he'd deserved it, for she was young then and instinct ran strongly through her veins, pressing her wolf to be unusually violent. She had ended up giving him a nice, long growl but then tossing him to the side, doing everything in her power to resist her wolf's blood lust.

Shaking her head, Heather pulled herself away from the vision, shuddering and rubbing her arms at the sudden chills that racked her body. She couldn't focus on that...that was in the past, it was over. She and her wolf were in sync now, and her wolf had matured with age, coming to realize that violence didn't solve everything. Dispersing the last of her thoughts, she began to dance once more with Amari, though she noticed her friend's uneasiness. As soon as the song concluded, she lightly gripped Amari's shoulder. "Amari...are you okay? Maybe we should get out of here. It's getting late," she suggested. She couldn't stand seeing a friend so upset, Amari being the closest friend she ever had.
Amari shook her head. "I was just thinking about Cole... Not that it's important." She shrugged slightly, trying to smile once more. "We should go though..." Amari slipped her arm around Heather's, smiling over at her as they walked along towards the doorway. "Are you hungry?" She asked softly, just before the music began playing again. Amari could feel her stomach growling and knew she needed to eat something. She had been wondering what the others were doing at the lodge but everything seemed to bother her right now. Amari wanted to forget about Cole almost entirely at this point and focus on having fun with her new found friend but she figured that 'relationships' don't go like that.
Heather tilted her head to the side lightly, her honey brown hair spilling over one shoulder as she listened to her friend's melancholy statement. "Cole? I thought you two were getting along really well! Did...something happen?" she asked softly, not wanting to upset Amari but hoping she could help by being there for her. When she mentioned getting hungry, Heather nodded quickly and smiled. "Yeah, me too. This was fun, but we really should get back to the lodge for some grub," she chuckled, squeezing her friend's shoulder lightly, "Thank you for bringing me...this was really cool."

As they began making their way to the exit, however, Heather's thoughts inevitably drifted back to Preston. Her wolf had been there, gnawing at the back of her mind if only slightly, but now that she'd allowed herself to think about him, her wolf made its presence known.

We shouldn't have left him alone like that... He needs us, he's our ma-

Yeah yeah, our mate, I know... You've made your opinion very clear, Heather sighed mentally, cutting off her inner wolf's sentence, Look, I know you're very convinced about this but...but how do you know he's not just another typical guy? What if...what if he doesn't want a commitment?

There, she'd said it. She wanted to get close to Preston...desperately in fact. She shivered and rubbed her arm, remembering how warm and protected he made her feel. She recalled his rough, tanned fingers intertwining tightly with hers, letting her know he was there all through the healing process of her silver bullet wound. And finally, her cheeks flushed red as she remembered his lips colliding with hers as they had stood there in the water, both half naked, surrounded by swirling white fog from the crystal clear waterfall. She could almost still feel the heat of his sun-kissed bare chest seeping into her skin, sending tendrils of warmth shooting through her every nerve.

Want him...need him...., her wolf whined, pacing the bars of its mental cage, driven by pure instinct.

I....I know... just give me some time, she gave in to her wolf silently. She couldn't deny the ever-growing feelings that she had for Preston. At one point or another, she was going to have to face them and make a choice... But first, she needed to know that it was real. That Preston felt the same way... Then maybe...maybe she would have a chance at banishing her fear that kept her trapped behind a stone wall of regret. A chance at having a normal relationship with someone...someone special...
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(I think everyone else gave up on this... ): )

Amari continued walking, sighing softly before speaking again. "I thought so too... But then he said something to Derek that I guess pissed me off for some reason. We got into a small argument and he kind of ran off..." She shrugged, pushing the door open and holding it for Heather. "I've never been in a relationship before... And I suppose we were together? But it was a stupid idea in the first place." Amari waited for Heather, unlocking the car with her keys. She shook her head slightly, smiling again. "Anyways... What are you hungry for?" Amari took a section of her hair and began twirling it around her finger. She tried to keep her focus on Heather but he eyes kept wandering around, looking at the passing people. Amari felt like some of them knew. For some reason, she always began feeling that way around large groups of people. The look in their eyes, no matter how harmless to others, drove her insane. Amari knew anxiety and fear were a big part of this but she still felt a certain type of way around people not living at the lodge. Why are you so worried about those people? They don't matter... Worry about your friend and Cole. Actually, don't worry about him. He's causing you harm and certainly not your mate. Vampires and werewolves don't get along... You should have realized this a long time ago. Amari was fighting the urge to scream internally at her inner self. The mixture of harassment and comfort it showed on a daily basis seemed to drive her wild. Nothing was worse than having her inner wolf that acts like a disappointed parent.
[Yeah... :c Though I haven't seen or heard from Sock or Armageddon at all lately. I wonder if they're still on the site or taking a break or what. But I didn't give up on it though.~ <3 *hugs* It's a great roleplay! And I hope you're still up for some Preather/Heston romance.~ Lol! xD Ooh, and I think I'm gonna bring in another charie...~ *wiggles eyebrows* Haha xD It's kind of a mystery opening of how I'm bringing them in, though, so do you mind if I introduce them here in the rp and then post their character sheet? Though you did say in the O.C. that the rp was getting pretty crowded with characters...but then again no one's posting so that's the only reason i suggested. |D ]

Heather was quickly snapped from her vision as Amari's question invaded her thoughts, grabbing her attention. "Huh? Oh, right. Eating...," she replied, running her fingers through her hair and chuckling slightly in embarrassment at her scatterbrained nature, " know what I think would be best?" Glancing around, she made sure they were far enough out in the parking lot away from the people drifting in and out of the club before speaking again, this time in a lower tone. "We should go hunting tonight. Let our wolves stretch their legs. We can surprise Preston with a bountiful catch. 'Cause you know, the female smarts and agility win out over the brute strength of the guys every time when comes to cornering a deer," she whispered, grinning and bumping into Amari playfully, "Come on, it'll be fun! I haven't been on a hunt in what seems like ages. As long as we stick together, we'll be alright. We'll make our run far enough away from the waterfall and be on high alert for Hunters."

Heather's entire body tensed, remembering the loud crack of the rifle and the searing pain that had enveloped her side. Taking a deep breath, she shook off the images and smiled again at Amari. She'd been chased by Hunters before, this was no different. And besides, Hunters were quite dumb sometimes when it came to tracking werewolves. Amari and Heather were both female wolves, lean and light on their feet, making them hard to follow. They would be safe as long as they stayed together and watched each others' backs. At that notion, her inner wolf even settled down a bit, being slightly content at the idea of a hunt, though it knew their conversation about Preston was far from being over; right then, it was just on hold.
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(I definitely like the charrie idea :) Since nobody else is posting, it's not a bad idea at all. I really wish everyone was still active... Things were really just getting started!)

Amari smiled at Heather. She could tell her thoughts weren't the only ones wandering at the moment. Amari giggled when Heather bumped into her. She had mentioned hunting instead of getting food and just the thought made Amari excited. "I actually like your idea better...Preston would probably be very impressed, come to think of it," she looked over at Heather, "I may be a little rusty.. I haven't hunted in such a long time either." Amari opened the car door, slipping inside with ease. She liked the feel of being somewhat safe in the car but it was never like being out on her own. The wind flowing through her fur, the thrill of simply running wild was the best part of being a werewolf. She adjusted the rear-view mirror out of habit, waiting for Heather to get in as well.
[Okie!~ :3]

Heather seemed to perk up even more at the mention of Preston's name, though noticing how immediate her reaction had been to simply hearing his name, an embarrassed blush visited her cheeks, and she cleared her throat, chuckling softly. "Oh don't worry, it'll all come back to you, I guarantee it. That's what we've got the instinct and our inner wolves for, right?" she responded confidently, slipping into the passenger seat of Amari's car.

"Let's go chase some dinner," she proposed, grinning excitedly as she rolled down her car door window, "Why don't we head down south of the lodge, since Preston and I were up north when the Hunters found us." Peering over at Amari, she watched her start the car and relaxed in her seat, running her fingers through her honey brown locks. A slight smile danced on the corner of her lips as she thought of the guys' faces when they returned to the lodge with a full sized deer. Or maybe two.~ Being the tough, proud males they were, they didn't seem to think the females could do just as good or a better job on a hunt. Boy, was she eager to prove them wrong. Having been on her own for two years before coming to the lodge, she had hunted every chance she got when passing through a forest. And when you're half-starving, you pick up on the best hunting techniques quite swiftly.
Amari smiled, "I sure hope it does manage to come back to me." She started the car and glanced once more over at Heather before starting the car. Amari made her way out of the parking lot and headed back to the lodge. "I'm so ready to see the looks on the guys' faces when we catch our own meal while they're making their dinner at home!" Her soft giggle turned into a loud laugh. She blushed a bit, "I really hate my laugh... But I guess that's just another girly problem, right?" Amari thought for a moment about one of her foster home brothers. He was the only 'sibling' she ever let herself get close to. They used to hang a lot, mostly outside of school but he was always there for her in school too. She remembered once how she had laughed and snorted, causing herself to freak out because it was in front of her crush. But, her brother reassured her that guys find that cute in girls and the idea of it not being that is just another thing only girls worry about. The boy she had liked didn't even notice anyways but, of course, she took it as he did hear it and was repulsed by it.
Heather laughed out loud along with her, letting her arm hang out of the car in the cool night breeze. "Yeah, totally! Their jaws will be on the floor," she added, resting her head back against the seat. However, at Amari's next statement, Heather turned to the girl and tilted her head to the side. "Hate it? Amari, you've got to be kidding...! It's one of the cutest laughs I've ever heard," she scolded her friend, turning her eyes back to the road, "Besides, if you want to hear a terrible laugh, catch me while I'm in the middle of drinking something. Now that sounds pretty much like a drowning cow if you ask me... And yes, I think all girls hate their laugh, so you're not out of the ordinary there."

The rest of the drive to the forest was quite smooth and relaxed. The topics drifted from the guys back at the lodge, to the jerks at the club, and to what strategy they should initiate for tracking down their prey when they got there. In fact, Heather almost didn't realize that they were there until Amari hit the breaks and put the car in park. Stepping out into the open air, she closed her eyes and let the wind play with her hair, causing it to drift across her face and trail out behind her, accented by the moonlight shining down on the two werewolves.

"You ready?" Heather turned to her friend gave her an encouraging smile before her slender body began to morph. Her thin arms elongated into furry limbs and her fingers into clawed paws. Her stature hunched over and her honey brown hair became fur, velvety ears and a silky tail sprouted from her body. Soon, a yellow, tan, and brown wolf stood before Amari, yipping slightly as she urged her friend to join her.
Amari smiled, blushing a bit more. "Well, thank you. I'm sure yours is just as cute," she giggled once again. She pulled the car into the large drive easily. Looking up at the lodge, she felt like it looked so different at night. During the day, it looked more unique and intriguing. At night, it almost just looked like any other large, possibly abandoned building. She smiled as Heather stepped out, following suit, Amari did the same. Amari laughed as Heather yipped at her. She quickly shifted, standing next to Heather now in her own form. Amari bowed her head lightly before hopping from paw to paw. She yipped back at her friend and tried with everything she had not to sprint way ahead.

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