The Lodge

[sorry for the late reply, oOBubblesOo! 'Twas busy with school. D:]

"It must be the instinct. It has ways of warning us, even when it's something we can't see or smell. Instinct was....what drew me here," Heather advised quietly, her own heart thumping in response to the adrenaline rushing through Preston's veins. It was a connection to him that she couldn't understand. She had never been so inside someone else's head before as she was his. His every strong emotion coursed through her own body, experiencing it as he did. And right now, anxiety was building up within him and she could feel every bit of it.

Heather felt his strong, rough hand tighten around hers and she squeezed his palm in response to reassure him the best she could. She didn't know what they were going to find in there...but she was going to stick with him no matter what it was. She wasn't letting her fear control her actions, not now. Not when Preston needed her.

The male werewolf glanced back at her as his fingers gripped the doorknob of the lodge's front doors. Breathing deeply, Heather nodded, urging him to go ahead and open it. She allowed her own thoughts to fill his mind, creating a comforting mental hug of sorts. It will be okay. A soft smile curved the edge of her lips upward in a calming manner as her deep brown eyes gazed into his. The way the light reflected off them at that moment, they could have been mistaken for liquid pools of heavenly dark chocolate.
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(I'm gonna try to drag this on a bit until Sock comes back :P )

Preston nodded in response and let his fingers slide off of the doorknob, turning fully to face Heather. He shook his head before walking to sit in a nearby chair. "What if Scott's dead?" Preston ran his hand over the top of his head, ruffling his hair a bit. He shook his head again, "He can't be though, right? Or else I wouldn't be feeling what.. or at least... what I think he's feeling." Preston gazed up at Heather, his eyes pleading for reassurance. His fingers began twitching a bit so he locked his fingers together, twirling his thumbs around one another. Preston turned his gaze to the floor before quickly shifting it up to look at the open yard in front of the lodge. He scanned intensely for any hunters but came to the conclusion that they had all returned home since the sun was starting to rise soon. Preston sighed and leaned back into the chair, closing his eyes tightly.
[so, do you want me to reply first, @oOBubblesOo ? Or do you want to post another reply/edit your previous one to interact with Sock?

@Sock Preston hasn't made it inside the lodge yet. xD ]
(Here. I'll just post again xD )

Preston stood quickly and turned to Heather. "Well, whatever awaits, awaits." He took a deep breath before turning the knob quickly and pushing the door open. His eyes flickered from left to right, scanning the lounge. Preston noticed Scott in the kitchen, practically crumple up on the floor. He rushed over, slipping a bit on the slippery surface of the kitchen floor. Preston dropped down to the ground, putting a hand on Scott's back. "Scott.. What the hell happened?" Touching Scott, Preston now felt a surge of even deeper pain, more of a aching hurt instead of that of an injury. He kept his eyes trained on Scott's saddened face, feeling like he had no other choice but to persist and remain there for his friend.
Heather's heart felt like it had just cracked, hearing him speak that way. Shaking her head and kneeling down in front of him, she grasped both of his hands in her own soft, slender ones. "Preston... look at me. You're right, because if Scott was...wasn't around anymore, you wouldn't be feeling this," she scolded him gently, placing a hand over his heart, "Feeling his pain. He needs you now. You can't hide behind that wall of 'what if's forever. I should know... But know that you don't have to do it alone! I'm here and I'm not leaving." Placing a hand on his face, she rubbed his rough cheek with her thumb, peering deep into his eyes. She was dead serious and she would do anything to convince him of that. Bending over, she pressed her lips against his hands. "Come on. If Scott is in trouble, we may not have much time," she instructed, standing up and helping Preston to his feet.

Heather trailed into the lodge at Preston's heels, her breathing hitching at the sight of Scott. He shouldn't have been up and about, especially not with all those bullet holes! Silver wounds took much longer to heal. He could have reopened them and possibly have bled to death. The room was a mess and the people sadly looked about the same. She gagged at the vomit still pooled on the floor, now spread about the surface due to people stepping and slipping on it no doubt. Poor Isaac was passed out in a crumpled heap on the ground. Flowers and vases that had been on some of the end tables had been knocked over.

Turning to Preston, Heather rubbed her arms as her mind frantically sought out what to do. She didn't know Scott well...hell, she'd been passed out when he first arrived! She doubted there was anything she could say to help. That was up to Preston now. Breathing deeply and calming her senses, she jogged to the kitchen and quickly gathered some regular towels, paper towels, water, and cleaner. She then proceeded to make her way back to the living room, get down on her knees, and clean up the leftover contents of Isaac's stomach. She avoided breathing through her nose and worked as swiftly as possible, soon getting the floor back to its decent state. It would take some air freshener for about a day but the odor would wear off eventually. Putting away the supplies, she began cleaning up the living room, straightening up the vases and picture frames, picking up discarded items from the floor, and sweeping up the dust that had been tracked in by the distraught alpha when he had returned from wherever he'd run off to. She looked over at Preston and Scott frequently, hoping Preston had made some headway in discovering what exactly had happened.

How's he doing...? she asked Preston quietly through their telepathy.
Scott closed his eyes. He didn't hear Preston, but he could feel him. Feel him and smell him. Scott extended a shaky hand, he opened his eyes, red rimmed and puffy. His tanned face was sploched with ugly red marks from his sobs. He placed his warm hand on Preston's neck, opening his mouth to speak. It just came out as a cracked sob and he let his head hang. Soon claws were brushed against Preston's neck and sunk in sharply. Scott transferred the memories, getting angry, going into the woods, letting his wolf take over, crying in the forest, sinking into the lake, going back to the lodge and the phone call. He unhooked his claws shortly after, his hands rising to cover his face in shame.

(Meh. Short post but its good enough.)
Preston stared at Scott, seeing the tears run down his friend's face made a lump form in his throat. Something seriously bad had happened and he knew it wasn't the usually accident. Preston clenched a fist as Scott's claws dug into his skin. He saw the images playing out like a movie in his head. Scott had went into a rage, worse than Preston had ever truly seen him in before. He saw Scott show up at his home for a brief minute and then... Preston closed his eyes tightly as the images of Scott tearing into his own mother began appearing. Tears now flooded Preston's eyes as well. He sank down more, leaning against Scott when he retracted the claws. Melissa had become sort of a mother figure for Preston in the past years and seeing her death was overwhelming. Preston couldn't even muster up anger at Scott, at this point. When a werewolf raged, it was worse than almost anything. This was the worst thing he could have imagined happening but in this moment, all he could do was sob beside his best friend. He placed a hand on Scott's upper arm, tightening his grip. The tears were running through the slits provided by his closed eyes and dripping occasionally on the floor, mostly drenching his shirt. Nothing Preston could say would make this better, but he knew a million things could make it worse so he remained silent.
Scott slowly draped his arms around his friend. Soon his own sobs began, his head falling onto Preston's shoulder. Scott was broken. He would probably get worse before he got better. His fingers curled around Preston's shirt, fisting it with strong hands.

Scott's low sobs melted into Preston's and soon the only sound in the room was the boys broken cries. Soon Scott's painful sobs molded into low whimpers. Scott by now had ruined Preston's shirt with his salty tears.. He'd wash it later. Scott's face was sticky with drying tears against Preston's shoulder, his near black hair a mess on his head. His bare chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing, a nauseous feeling settled in Scott's stomach, most likely from swallowing too many tears and mucus. He parted from his friend, only to stand and walk into the bathroom, his gag echoing through the hallway part way through his journey to the toilet. Soon the gags turned to heaves and coughs as he reached the toilet.
Hot, salty tears welled up in Heather's eyes and she slid her hand across her mouth at the lightning bolt of pain that struck her heart. It must have been something truly terrible, for now Preston was bent over, his body racked with quiet sobs at what he'd learned from Scott. Her lips quivered and she stood there silently for several moments, not being able to comfort Preston this time. That all too familiar knot lumped itself in her throat, hindering her breathing. There was nothing she could do to help him, and it made her feel helpless....weak...

Our mate is grieving....we can't just let him go through this alone. We need to pick ourselves up and be there for him.

Feeling her wolf give her the strength to move her legs, Heather slowly moved towards Preston, sinking to her knees beside him. She wrapped her thin arms around his shoulders and buried her face into his cheek, her own tears mingling with his.

I'm sorry this happened, Preston...she must have been dear to you. Like your mother.... I wish there was...something I could do.... she murmured in his mind.
Preston wrapped his arms around Scott as he felt him do the same. The tears kept flowing and his sobs became softer as Scott moved to the bathroom. He slumped back against the counter, head in his hands. His face was now streaked with tears, red splotches appearing at random, Preston felt Heather wrap her arms around him and he let his sobs grow even softer, almost going away altogether. My mom died when I was younger. Scott's mom was always there for me after, almost like a second mom. Preston took in a sharp breath before starting to push himself off of the floor. He could hear Scott gagging and coughing in the bathroom and wasn't sure if he should do anything. His arms felt a bit weak when he tried to get up, causing him to fall back down again. Preston opened his eyes, now red and puffy, hints of yellow glowing through their normal color. He whimpered once before sighing. Preston groaned, gathering his strength to get off of the floor. Looking around the room, he now realized that Derek wasn't there. Anger rose up from deep inside and Preston's eyes began to clear up a bit, their yellow no more vibrant. "DEREK!" He called out angrily before rushing upstairs. Preston flung open the door to Derek's room, glaring over at the calm and collected alpha. "Scott killed his mom in a rage and you didn't even think to try to stop him!? This time, it is on you! You're the alpha! Whether he's an alpha now or not, he's still a part of this pack, your pack, and you should have intervened!"
The werewolf girl continued to sit there on her knees, her shoulders slumped and her expression grim as Preston took off up to the second floor. Lifting her arm, she rubbed her sleeve against her face, soaking up the last of her tears from her face. There was nothing she could do now. The last thing she wanted to do was get in between a fight between an alpha and another angry male. It was too dangerous... Sure she was a wolf too, but as a female she was not built as strong as the males. The females were meant to be guided and protected by their males, though some males took advantage of the situation and only kept them for their own personal desires, controlling them by force.

Heather sat there and hung her head, feeling the life just sapped out of her. Breathing deeply, she gripped the edge of the kitchen island table and pulled herself up, staggering over to the couch and just collapsing there. She tucked her knees up into her chest and let her eyelids droop closed, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Her hair spilled over the arm of the couch and she withdrew inside her head, wishing it would all just go away. So much pain, so much sadness... It was beginning to feel exactly how it did right before she was forced to leave home. She clenched her eyes shut tight as the sound of shouting and accusations drifted down from upstairs and took a quivering breath.
Amari wandered over to Heather who had just taken a seat on the couch. Amari herself had been quite upset earlier and Cole still seemed to be angry. She watched as a tear rolled down Heather's cheek before sitting right next to her, wrapping her arms around the girl. "Hey doll-face. I know you're feeling down and out but I know somebody who's dying to get you in a better mood and spend some girl time." Amari was attempting to cheer her up, probably failing heavily, but she did want to try and get to know her better. She let her lips form a soft, half-smile before nudging her. "It'll be okay. Preston's strong and he'll be even stronger for you and his best friend. He may be getting himself into trouble upstairs but that's what boys like to do." Amari shrugged slightly, keeping the half-smile on her face.
Derek made a low snarl. "He's not in my pack. And if it hasn't occurred to you I DON'T ALWAYS KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" Derek stood, red eyes glowing, face curled in a scowl. "Don't blame this on me." He walked out of the room, and downstairs, his jaw was clenched, eyes glowing. He walked straight out the door, slamming it behind him. He disappeared in his Camero, a bitter look plastered over his face.

Scott stayed wilted over the toilet, coughing and shivering. He stood and brushed the back of his hand over his mouth. He walked out of the bathroom, just at the right time to see the door slam. More tears welled in his eyes and almost like a scared child he began to sob again. It was all just so wrong, he was the one to blame and no one could tell him otherwise. He stood in the hallway with his hands covering his eyes, his shoulders slumped and knees about to buckle. He sniffled in gasps of air when he remembered to breath and soon found himself crumbled to the floor, leaning against the wall, his sobs hurting his chest.
Preston growled as the alpha stormed out of the room. "He always f*cking leaves when shit gets serious." Preston rolled his eyes, fists clenched, and walked out into the hall. He noticed Scott laying on the floor, against the wall. Preston walked over, sitting down beside him. He remained silent, still a bit angry from moments ago. Preston swallowed hard, trying to keep himself for falling into the sadness and breaking down again.
Heather flinched at Amari's sudden touch on her shoulder, almost afraid it was one of alphas, ready to kick her out of their home. But when the blow and harsh words she expected didn't come, she hesitantly let herself uncurl just a bit, opening her eyes to peer up at the girl hovering over her.

"W-what...?" she mumbled, her voice stuffy from crying. It took her a minute to process who it was and what she said, but when she did realize it was Amari, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve and she slowly allowed the fellow werewolf to help her up. "O-oh, I...I'm fine...r-really..." she tried to fib, but it was obvious she was a mess. Her body shook when she breathed deeply and red tear stains streamed down her cheeks like rivers. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she then rubbed her forehead, trying to ease her developing headache.
Amari smiled and shook her head. "You're not exactly the best liar," she removed her arm from around her and placed her hands in her own lap. Amari leaned forward, watching as Derek rushed outside. Not surprising to see him so angered but it was a bit odd that he left Scott to fend for himself either way. Amari turned his head to face Heather, turning her body as well. She hoped they could go out to a club or something just to spend some time together and cheer her up. Amari hated seeing people so upset, especially when she could feel their pain.
[Going to bed now guys. I should be on tomorrow evening! Night lovelies!~] 
Heather managed to lift her lips in a very sight, sad smile at Amari's words but inside her heart still felt as if someone was squeezing the life out of it. Truthfully, she just wanted to disappear into her room under her bed sheets and sleep; to try to forget the whole thing. But she knew sleep wouldn't come to her for a while after what had happened... Maybe it would be a good idea to go out with Amari for a while. It would probably be good to get away from the lodge and all its drama.

Fumbling with her hands for a moment, she took a deep breath then turned to her friend. "Yeah I'm normally a lot better at it. But sure...spending some time out would probably be best right now. Do you have something in mind?" she asked meekly, looking much more like a scared, lost puppy than a werewolf.
Scott rose his hands to his face, his breath choaking. He let out a low, quivered breath as he calmed himself. He stood and silently walked upstairs. He closed the door to his and Preston's room, crawling onto the other, dry vacant bed in there. He rested his head on the pillow, his gaze resting on the wall. Guilt was slowly beginning to tear him up from the inside. A dull pain throbbed through his chest and temples. He muttered a quiet "I'm sorry." Before he closed his eyes and let exhaustion take over.

Issac soon woke with a low groan. Hickies ran up and down his neck and jaw. He squinted at the light of the house, blinking a couple of times and running his forehead. "F*ckkkkkkkkkkkkk......" He said in a low tone, pushing his face into the couch. His head throbbed and his stomach twisted and churned angerly. His muscles and joints ached and the smell of his stomach contents made him gag. He gazed up at the two werewolves sitting on the couch and huffed before pushing his face into the cushion. He kicked off his shoes, using his feet and shrugged off his jacket, tossing the leather clothing onto the chair next to the couch. He stood and stumbled before gripping onto the couch to steady himself. All at once the memories came back to him and he grinned slightly before making his way to the bathroom.
Preston stood up slowly, watching his friend head back down the hallway. He made his way downstairs to grab something to eat. Preston didn't feel really hungry but he knew he needed to eat something. Isaac was passed out the last time he recalled but now he must have headed to his room. Derek seemed to be missing, still, but that came as no surprise. Preston kept his eyes trained down, not in the mood to be his perky, happy self at the moment. He knew he should talk to Heather but she would understand that he needs time.

Amari smiled and jumped up off the couch. "Well let's go!" She tried slightly to block Preston from her view as he came down the steps. "We can take my car and head to.. I don't... Where do you wanna go?" Amari continued to keep up her perky act, for the sake of keeping Heather happy. She hated saeing others upset but she too needed to get away from this place and the drama.
Heather sniffed and rubbed her face, tucking away stray locks of hair that continued to pester her vision. She was sure she looked like a complete mess, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her voice holding on to that quiver. However, she did her best to appear happier for Amari's sake. She could tell her fellow werewolf was doing her best to cheer her up and that brought a genuine smile to Heather's lips. Nodding, she put her palms down onto the plush couch on either side of her and pushed, making her way to her feet. "Go? Gosh, well I...I don't know. I haven't really been enough places to want to visit one," she answered awkwardly, laughing nervously to help cover up the anxiety in her voice, "Do you have somewhere in mind?"

She slipped her gentle hands deep into the pockets of her jean shorts and tilted her head to the side in her timid manner. Amari shifted around uncomfortably, Heather noticing she kept moving in front of her view. She squinted her eyes a bit, trying to figure out what she was doing, and that was when her eyes caught sight of Preston. Her mouth ran dry and she swallowed, seeing his pale complexion. He wasn't doing any better than he was earlier when he'd found out about Scott... Immediately she dropped her gaze and clenched her hands in her pockets. Her inner wolf paced its cage, growling at her to go and make it up to him, but she refused, shoving her wolf to the back of her brain. She was probably the last one Preston wanted to talk to at the moment... And she knew that she, herself, needed to get out of the Lodge for a while. There was too much going on and if she stayed any longer, she would slump right back into a depressed, overly emotional mess.

"I-I don't care where, let's just start driving and we'll find someplace," Heather answered quickly, looking back up into her friend's worried face. Reaching out, she grasped Amari's hand and headed for the front doors, pushing them open and hurriedly slipping outside. The longer she stayed, the longer she felt Preston's pain, the harder it was for her to leave. She needed to get out as soon as possible.
Amari sighed as she followed alongside Heather outside. She had caught on to what Amari was doing but clearly she pushed that aside. Amari smiled once again, reaching into her pocket to grab her keys. She clicked her car unlocked and headed towards it. Amari slid in quickly, closing the door to prevent being seen by anyone she wanted to avoid. She noticed that Derek's car was gone but didn't think much of it. Amari opened the passenger side door swiftly for Heather, leaning down to look at her. "It's not the coolest, certainly not like Derek's." She chuckled softly before turning on the radio leaving it on a soft volume.

Preston sighed as he saw the girls go out the door. He had broken down once in front of Heather and knew it as bothering her to see him like this. Preston slumped forward into the fridge, bracing himself against it. A few more tears slid down his face before he bit his lip, stopping himself from crying again. He lifted his head quickly, growling deeply. It was safe to say he was pissed about a lot of things and now he was ready to find Derek and tear his head off. He chewed his lip as he pulled out an orange from the fridge. Preston let a smile cross his face as the thought of Heather crept into his mind. He remained slightly happy as he peeled and ate the delicious fruit.

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