The Lodge

Chris stayed awake as she shut her eyes, still sifting through her hair slowly as he thought she was sleeping on him, he wanted to ask something for her. So then he asked to see if she was awake or not, if not he wouldn't bother her again. " Would you come with me somewhere, later on tonight? In our forms? " He knew that tonight was a full moon, and there was supposed to be an open sky, he had to see her underneath the beautiful light of the full moon.
Damon emerged from his room. He walked calmly down the stairs and into the kitchen. He glanced at Dahlia for a moment before grabbing a bag of blood himself. He set it in the microwave for 5 seconds to get it a bit warm. He sighed and shifted his footing, taking the bag out of the microwave. He sighed as his fangs extracted and he took a bite, letting the warmed liquid drip down his throat. He hummed in approval, closing his eyes. He too had gone into a place where he simply chose not to feel. He opened his eyes once the bag was drained and carelessly threw it in the sink. He crossed his arms over his chest, staring out of the window in silence. He leaned against the sink, his bold eyes traveling back to Dahlia. He stared at her for a moment, debating over whether he thought she was attractive or not. He ran his eyes up and down her body and shrugged. He darted his tongue out to moisten his lips, coming to the conclusion that indeed Dahlia was hot. He combed his fingers through his hair before walking over and sitting calmly in the chair.
Dahlia heard someone coming down the stairs. She didn't feel like turning to look but soon found out it was Damon. Dahlia continued to drain the bag of blood while Damon stared at her. She stared back, not really showing any specific emotion on her face. When he walked away, she tossed her empty bag into the garbage and turned to face the lounge. She leaned forward against the counter, eyeing Damon from behind. He was certainly intriguing, to say the least, and Dahlia was interested.

Preston felt the urge to take off into a sprint but tried to block it out. He looked up to the sky which was slowly turned from the light grey color to a soft blue. It had stopped raining since earlier and now he was ready to give in to his urges. Preston shifted into his wolf form and took off bounding into the woods. It felt so incredible to just go, leaving all of his thoughts behind. He stopped when he reached a waterfall and shifted back to his human form. Preston walked over to a rock and sat, looking at the water intensely.
Damon felt eyes on him and he felt a smirk tug at his lips. He flicked his gaze over to quirk an eyebrow at Dahlia. "Yes?" He asked in a low tone. He stood to walk over to her, standing in front of her, leaning forwards, his hands pressing against the counter on either side of her frame. "Why do you intrigue me so much?" It was more of a question directed to himself but he said it none the less.
Dahlia smirked when he turned around. She didn't really want anything, well, except for him in general. Dahlia leaned in, only inches away from him, when he placed himself right in front of her. "I was just going to ask you the same thing." She spoke softly, looking into his eyes curiously. Then she backed away a bit, a slight smirk still on her face.
Ivory sat there for a long bit of time, watching people come and go through the rooms while continuing to absentmindedly stroke Issac's fur. Her golden pools of irises would sometimes flicker back down to a slumbering Issac, and she would feel a smile come back to her lips before glancing back up and around, the smile fading as her expression became thoughtful. That is, before she would glance down at Issac again. The smile would return, and so on - a small cycle of expressions, yet all of them as content as could be.

She lifted her hand for a moment to start another stroke, and to a second or two later, she felt Issac's canine head become sharper on her lap. She set her hand back down, blinking once in confusion when she felt Issac's usual curly. bouncy hair instead of fur, and glanced down to find Issac's normal head now resting on her lap. She put on hand up to her mouth to stifle a giggle, her golden eyes flaring momentarily with amusement at the position he was in on her lap, finding it silly in her own innocent way.

Instinctively, her eyes moved down his body - but widened and glanced in the opposite direction immediately when she realized that he was naked. She felt her cheeks tingling with non-existent blood that would have been rushing up to her face, but her hand remained resting on his hair nonetheless, her expression becoming very, very abashed. She didn't know if she should have woken him up or not - it'd probably have been a very good idea at the time.

But, quite coincidentally, a moment later, she felt his head rise slightly. a small grunt coming from him as he woke. She kept her gaze to the side out of common courtesy, until she felt his head rise from her lap slightly. Her gold gaze quickly flickered to his face only, and her lips were now set in a very awkward grin, and he watched his expression become shockingly surprised as he jolted up. nearly falling off of the couch in the process - which made her do a tiny chuckle. He stood, but luckily kept the blanket wrapped around his lower half. She managed to accidentally catch a small peak at his upper body, and nearly slapped herself when she found herself thinking something.

. . . He's really well-built.

She watched him scamper away and scolded herself very quietly under her breath. Ivory Velesandra, get yourself together! She shook her head to herself, disappointed that she would have thought something like that - even though it was true. She rolled her eyes at the after-thought tacked on at the end, and leaned over to take the glass of crimson liquid and take another slightly longer sip. The shiver rolled down her spine again, and she quickly set the glass down to pause and wait cautiously. Even though just continuing wouldn't put a dent in her usual diet, she would rather be safe than sorry.

A few minutes passed before she glanced towards Issac and found him in clothes - to her relief. He had a very awkward grin on his face, and she couldn't help but smile to herself - that boy could be just adorable sometimes, even when he was shy, and his face reddening made it even more so. She rolled her eyes playfully at his throat clearing and embarrassed little greeting, showing that she was fine and didn't mind too much about that little incident.

He then wandered back to the couch, taking his spot next to her once more - but only one spot this time, since he was fairly smaller than his canine form, although even his human form was pretty big compared to little Ivory. Speaking of little, Ivory had curled her legs back up to her chest and werehugging them agaimn, resting her chin on her knees. She liked this position - she just found it comfortable for some odd reason. It was tied with laying down.

She felt eyes on her after a moment of silence and stillness, and glanced to the side to find Issac's bright blue gaze trained on her with a small smile on his lips, and she returned it warmly, yet in her own strange, shy way. She watched him lean in, as if to hold her again, but hesitated and pulled away again - making her face fall slightly. He grabbed the blanket he had previously been in and dawned it over himself, and she let her chin rest back onto her knees, staring ahead with subtle disappointment. Eh. If he was uncomfortable, she wouldn't want him to do anything he didn't want to do.

She was silent for a moment before she flashed another absentminded little smile, asking Issac in that wistful tone of hers that she usually got, her disappointment all but disappearing with a new question in her mind, ". . . How was your little nature walk?" She gazed ahead with bright, vague eyes, as if in another universe - yet continued to listen for a response and kept herself prepared to respond back if necessary.
Damon pursed his lips in a play pout motion. He wasn't entirely looking for anything from Dahlia either, just some fun. He kept his arms pinned on either side of her, he leaned in so their lips were just centimeters apart, whispering a low "Well, miss Dahlia, you surely grasped my attention. Now, its your choice of what you want to do with it." His tone was a low, seductive purr that had most mortals jumping into his bed willingly, but he knew he had to work for Dahlia, which only made him more intrigued.
Dahlia bit her lip softly, looking him up and down. She ran a finger gently down from his shoulder. "Well then," she hummed, in her soft, playful tone. Dahlia wasn't ready to give in. She wanted to have fun, play a little bit more. Dahlia took her hand back before turning to walk away. She glanced over her shoulder at Damon giving him a wink before turning and heading back into the lounge.
Damon smirked and followed after her like a lost puppy. He draped his arms around her waist, pulling her hips to his and growling against her neck with a gentle bite. He whispered a low "Whenever your ready, Dahlia." He slid his arms off of Dahlia and calmly walked over to the chair, sitting down and gazing at the television as if nothing was wrong.

Issac couldn't help but notice the disappointed look that flattered over Ivory's features. A frown etched into his own and he rested his head back on her lap, murmuring a gentle "It was nice." He closed his eyes and snuggled up against her, preparing himself for what was obviously going to be a long night of partying.
Dahlia smirked as she felt him wrap his arms around her. She shivered when he growled and bit at her neck. Dahlia felt herself wanting him more. She waited for him to walk to the chair before continuing on her way over. Dahlia smiled as she passed by him, letting her smile fade when she sat on the couch. She wanted him, so badly, but she new they both enjoyed playing this little game.
Ivory blinked once, snapping from her previous trance to glance over at Issac momentarily. Upon finding him preparing to lean back onto her, she quickly unwrapped herself from her hugged position, laying her legs flat on the couch to allow his head to rest back onto her lap. He shifted and did so, responding in a very soft, calm murmur that it was a nice walk.

She felt herself grin as one hand rested atop his curls, her head leaning back against the back of the couch, her golden eyes fluttering shut again. The smile grew a tiny bit when he made himself comfortable and cuddled up to her, and she responded in a vague, very mellow tone, ". . . That's good." She herself felt like sleeping again, as she was sure he did - and that fact alone amused her. It was like some kind of strange connection - when he felt sleepy, she did. It was fairly cute in her perspective.

She felt herself start to relax, her head lolling to the side just slightly as she began to rest again, focusing on Issac's slow, heavy breathing and his warm temperature. It was like a metronome that began to lull her into rest, and she was perfectly alright with that.
Damon rose his head and scent Dahlia a knowing smirk. He stood with a stretch, gazing impatiently out of the window. He huffed as he saw the pinkish skies. He ran a hand through his hair, pursing his lips before walking silently over to the couch, sitting down next to Dahlia. He peered over her to gaze at Issac and Ivory, raising an eyebrow. "Oh please, why don't you just suck eachothers faces off already?" He snorted and returned his attention to the television, his hand finding a comfortable spot on Dahlia's thigh.

Issac rolled his eyes at Damon's comment and rose his head to nuzzle against Ivory's. He found a comfortable places with his arms wrapped around her fragile frame, his cheek pressed to hers and his eyes closed. He opened a lazy eye to gaze at Ivory with a small smile. He was startled by the sound of something shattering and he gazed up to see Damon with his shirt unbuttoned dancing like a complete dumb ass..but in his own way making it look attractive? Issac cringed at this and turned to nest his head back against Ivory.

Damon, having gotten bored jumped up onto the upper floor, rolling his hips, playing air guitar and smirking like a complete utter fool. All of the booze Damon had previously consumed had finally taken its tole. "Since I can't go to the club...well." He smirked and continued his little gig.

(For the visual....

Dahlia glanced over to see him smirking at her. She turned back to watch the television again. When she felt the couch shift, Dahlia tried to keep her eyes trained on the television. Dahlia wasn't going to let his hand being on her thigh bother her too much. Her eyes wandered over to Ivory and Isaac when Damon spoke to them. Of course they liked each other, Dahlia just figured the two were too shy to do anything. Besides, they probably figured werewolves and vampires couldn't be together.. little do they know. Dahlia looked up, surprised, when Damon had gotten up and began dancing. She rolled her eyes as a slight smile escaped her lips, "What on earth are you doing?" she asked.

Preston decided he would go for a quick swim. The waterfall seemed to be calling his name. It looked so soothing and serene, he couldn't help himself. He glanced around before taking off his clothing, all except for his boxers. Preston stepped into the water, wading out and underneath the water that was falling. It felt so relaxing to be here, the only other sounds besides splashing water being small birds chirping. He stayed in the water for some time swimming around before he got out to sit on the rock again.
"Well. I'm completely wasted and I feel like dancing." He said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He smirked and offered his hand, quirking an eyebrow. (I feel like a noob, I just have nothing to write and I'm tired. xD )
(That's definitely okay. I'm getting pretty tired as well. Maybe we should both just sleep and continue whenever we get up? :3)

Dahlia smiled and took his hand. She was a bit worried as to what might come next but she did it anyways. Besides, what fun is it to just watch someone dance around? Not much fun at all.
Ivory heard Damon's very sarcastic comment and felt her expression become one of a small, abashed exasperation, her lips quirking into a half frown. Her head tilted up to glance back at Damon, golden gaze sparking for a moment with a small annoyance that lasted for no more than half a second. For a moment, she thought that Damon was actually going to be gentlemanly for a little bit - but upon seeing his expression, one becoming mellow, vague, and very sarcastic, she realized what was happening to him and let her gaze flicker to the side, trying very hard to hide her grin as she remembered all of the alcohol he had previously drunken.

She felt her head rise slightly when she heard Issac snort dismissively - and when she felt something warm nuzzle up against her own pale cheek. Both her cheeks tingled with her non-existent blush as pools of gold brightened in a small excitement and widened in embarrassment, her gaze flickering to the side to find Issac's cheek pressed against her own - only making the tingling in her face intensify. Feeling long arms wrap around her and pull her into his larger form made a small grin twitch on her lips - a grin that held a mesh of complicated emotions. Complete abashment, warm content, awkward acceptance, a feeling of fuzzy joy - so many more swam in her mind, and she did not resist his act of care in the slightest, finding the position of his large, fairly muscular frame almost wrapped around her tinier, delicate one quite safe and comfy.

Her lips continued to twitch before they accepted the expression and became that grin lopsided with emotion fully, her eyes shimmering pools of gold as she watched one lazy, yet just as gentle sea blue eye open to meet her gaze. The corners of his lips were turned up into a small smile, and she returned it wholeheartedly, keeping herself firmly and equally as snuggled up to Issac as he was to her.

There was silence for a moment before the sound of shattering rang in her hearing, and her own head perked up along with Issac's at the sound. She felt her eyes widen and her eyebrows raise in surprise when she found Damon up and about - dancing with his shirt open and waving his hips around like the world would end tomorrow. She blinked once - a long, confused blink - in surprise before she blinked twice and shook her head to herself, feeling herself fail to stifle a giggle at the silly sight. Oh, drunken Damon was such a character - such a perverted, seductive character.

She felt her head lean back down to it's relaxed position, and at the same moment, Issac's own cheek returned to warm hers up again, making her smile in an absentminded delight. It felt so nice to be held - things like this would happen fairly often around that place with her and Issac, but it was just a smidge better today, considering the wonderful, ecstatic feelings dwelling in her from the small amount of human blood she had consumed. She closed her eyes in complete contentment, nuzzling back against Issac, feeling quite comfortable where she was, thank you very much.


[ Ah, the dreaded tiredness. D: I'll get this last post up to sit out there for you to respond to after you've had some sleep, @Sock . I like @oOBubblesOo 's idea - get some rest, hun. > u > ]
[Hmm is anybody even on?]

Cole awoke from his slumber sliding down the staircase ever so gracefully singing to himself. HE went into the freezer and pulled out a pack of blood ripping open the package and began eating for the simple fact that he didn't feel like drinking.. He sat on the chair that Damon was in previously eating his blood icee he looked at the couples and closed his eyes smiling "Young love is the best,well Isaacs young anyway" he chuckled to himself.When Damon got up and onto the table dancing like an idiot Cole laughed "So now is when you want to finally get fun?" he asked sarcastically continuing to eat
(Hes not on the table. Look at the picture.)

A smirk came over Damon's face as Dahlia came up. He grabbed her hand in his and pulled her frame against his, whispering a low "I'm tired of waiting." He slowly planted kisses along her neck, parting his lips so the smooth surface of his now extended fangs to glide over her cold skin. He gave her flesh gentle nips until he reached her jaw, planting teasingly slow kisses along the bone. His hands had a tight grip on her lower back, a grin coming over his face as he continued his painfully slow kisses.

Issac watched the episode with droopy eyes. He grunted at Cole's remark and planted a soft, subconscious kiss to Ivory's cheek. He then let his eyes close, soon gentle snores filled the room and Issac's grip slackened. He shifted his weight to lean against the vampire, his fingertips slipping along her spine as his hand fell onto the couch. His mop of curls were all over the place, some in his face, some against Ivory, some sticking up, some completely flat. His hair was a charity case, and honestly he couldn't care less. As long as he had Ivory, he was fine.

Cole laughed at the spectacle being presented in front of him and all but dismissed it,He wasn't interested in things like that unless it involved him and turned up the volume on the television,Teen Wolf was on and he focused on that while continuing to eat his blood icee "Why aren't there any vampires in this show" he retorted eating another scoop
(Here we go! :D lol)

"From the interstate you followed the small town road out to the forest and the lodge was...South? No, East. Wait...that can't be right... Should have taken a better look while still Human...gosh do I miss opposable thumbs sometimes..." These were the frustrated, exhausted, hopeless thoughts of Heather McClure as she softly padded through the deep woods, weaving around the tall trees and squeezing through thick foilage, her white paws making no sound to give away her position. Her dark brown ears flicked side to side and her tail stayed low almost between her legs as fear began gripping her throat from the inside, squeezing tight. Giving a long, pitiful whine, she finally came to a stop and swiveled her head in all directions. "Great...I'm lost.. I'm a wolf for crying out loud, aren't we supposed to have a good sense of direction??" She gave a frustrated huff and plopped down on her haunches, annoyed with her lack of map reading skills. She'd been on the lookout for this supposed lodge for two years now, though now beginning to wonder if it really existed... "I knew it was too good to be true..." her thoughts sighed as she shook her head. She shifted her shoulder blades, trying to adjust the pack slung on her back into a better, more comfortable position. With quite an expression of dispair in her deep chocolate eyes, she rose to her feet once more and continued on.

Her intense yellow, tan, brown, and black fur swayed lightly in response to the wind's gentle caress and she attempted to keep her mind on more positive things. She loved how heightened her senses were in her wolf form when out in the country. Lifting her sensitive, quivering nose to the skies she inhaled deeply, taking in the heavenly scents of pine, moss, sap, and even the earth. You'd be surprised how many things had a specific smell, even water. "Water." Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted, feeling how dry her throat was. If she couldn't find this mysterious lodge, she might as well find the basic necessities before nightfall. The sun was already beginning to disappear behind the majestic mountains. It wasn't long before the refreshing scent of the clear liquid reached her nose and she took off at a gentle lope through the forest. As she became closer and closer to the source, the roaring sound of gushing water met her ears and a wolfish grin appeared on her furry face. "A waterfall..." She absolutely adored waterfalls ever since she was little. They were stunning and their roar was calming to her ears. Picking up the pace, it wasn't long before she reached the river, following it to the edge where it catapulted over into a glistening, crystal clear pool below.

However, that wasn't the only thing glistening that her eyes caught. Making her way to the very edge of the small cliff, she peered down inquisitively at the being also enjoying the cool water. He looked Human at first glance but Heather's nose told her otherwise. What was that peculiar scent...? She felt as if she knew it, though she had never smelled it before. Never having met another of her own kind, she did not recognize the scent of another wolf. Inching closer and closer to the edge, she tried to get a better look, preferably without being seen. Unfortunately, she took one step too far and her paw came down on a loose chunk of rock, dislodging it and causing it to tumble down the cliffside, making a terrible racket and finally causing a loud splash as it hit the water below. Cringing inside and frantically backpedalling so as to not follow the rock over the edge, Heather flattened her ears and hoped the stranger hadn't seen her, though after that ruckus she was sure the entire forest had turned to stare at her.
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Alex nodded, she'd go with him anywhere.. She felt so peaceful right now.. Just lying there with him. It was like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.. Her brown eyes full of the love they shared.
Ivory watched Damon going crazy in his intoxicated state with Dahlia and simply scoffed quietly to herself. Who else but Damon to be the one being the seductive little creep of the house. He was barely a vampire anymore - to her knowledge, he had moved on from that area of species into an incubus. It was ridiculous how many women the man had slept with - and, once more to her knowledge, she might have caught up with him sleeping with a few men as well. She simply rolled her eyes, averting her gaze to the couch as the sensual scene in front of Issac and herself went on. Not only was that silly to her - Dahlia letting him seemed to be somewhat of a problem as well. It was just encouragement for his sexual antics - she was making herself vulnerable to him, and that was never a good thing in Damon's case.

There was silence for a moment, which was broken by Cole's remark - making her eyes avert upwards and close in wholehearted annoyance. She glanced back at the vampire, who was sucking on a package of frozen blood (which she personally found ridiculous), and responded with a small (unthreatening) scowl and a slightly sarcastic tone of voice, "Oh, hush you! Technically, I'm thirty seven years older than you are, so you're really the young one here." She then leaned back, feeling a small chuckle escape her, satisfied with her smoothly-coming reply. Cole could be a jokester, but she could very rarely be one back, as well - anyone who knew her well would come to know at least that about her.

Another pause of silence before Issac's grunt in acknowledgement came, making her do a small giggle at how tired the boy sounded. His head was now resting on her shoulder, and she felt him lean up to her face again. But before she could react -

She felt a kiss being put onto her pale cheek, a very gentle . . . nice kiss.

She felt her gold eyes widen and her head raise so that she was staring straight ahead, blinking twice as a reaction, another string of emotions meshed up together in a big mess beginning to flow through her once more. It was the same as she had beforehand - excepting the pinches of more abashment, awkwardness, and a slight delight. She was completely silent for a span of about twenty seconds before she snapped from her trance with a blink and did a small, airy little chuckle. The funny thing was that she liked that. Even just that tiny little peck on the cheek - most likely even not by his own knowledge, since she knew from experience that he was prone to doing those types of unknown actions when tired or just sleeping - was nice for her to have.

She felt his grip on her start slacking, and a chill ran up her spine as his fingers ran down it. His head drooped back onto the couch, his weight starting to slacken on her, and she could hold it up with a fair amount of ease - her strength was only half developed, but that was enough to support the weight of a werewolf pretty comfortably. She felt the tickles of his ridiculously placed curls, which were everywhere at once, on her pale neck, and she felt her eyes roll - the boy's hair was fun to play with, but it could get real messy sometimes. As long as they didn't get into her face, she'd be fine. She felt her gaze shift around nonchalantly as she remained as a pillow and a stuffed animal of sorts to the werewolf, gold gaze bright with the flurry of emotions that created small, ticklish fuzzies in her heart, making sure to avoid the scene of sexual antics happening on the sidelines.
(lol no but they should probably eat something lol god only knows how long they've been with out food lol speaking of food ima look for some but ill still reply)
Chris saw her smile and he quickly smiled back staring into her eyes. However, he was getting quite hungry, so he said to her, still staring at her. " So Alex, do you want to go get some food or something? " He however, wanted that moment to last for ever as much as she did.

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