The Lodge

(well the problem with it is.. i dont see chris lookin at another girl. Much less alex getting jealous.. Shes kinda me and im not the jealous type lol Im the type that usually says I dont care what u do with another person as long as i know about it..)
"I love you too" Alex said smiling, the song A thousand years playing in her head.. She then kissed him and brought over the cake which was on the counter, two plates and two forks. She loved red velvet cake.. Though most people used food coloring she knew the secret to cakes made from mixes like Betty Crocker.

(yes and a very good one lol dont get me wrong i did like it)
Chris was just stunned, she could do everything right. The cake look absolutely delicious. He said, " Alex, this looks absolutely delicious! " Meaning every word of it. He walked up to her and whispered into her ear saying. " You didn't have to do this you know. You mean the world to me now. "
Chris chimmed in "I made that" he said proudly

All of the sudden the door opened and in walked a beautiful chocolate skinned vixen flipping her silky brown hair she said in a sweet voice "Hey I'm Meghan and is this the werewolf and Vampire cabin?"
Alex laughed.. "I didn't make it.. I think Cole did.." She smiled and leaned in to him.."You are my world.." She said in return.. Smiling.. Well grinning really. Cole chimed in proving her statement. and then someone burst through the door.. "Yeah.. You're in the right place" She answered..
Chris said to Cole quickly. " Damn you can bake! " He was hoping it was her that baked, but he was wrong, he didn't care too much about it, he still loved her no-matter what. He then looked at Meghan and said. " Feels like the right place.. " He then look at Alex and smiled, asking her. " So what do you want to do now? "
(Sock )

Dahlia simply smiled. She expected him to be a bit harder of a target but in truth, they were both falling into each other's traps at the moment. Dahlia let her hands run along his chest. She gripped and tugged at his shirt when he began at her neck. Dahlia had closed her eyes, just as he began kissing her chin. She opened them slowly before reaching down to take his hand. Dahlia stepped down, motioning for him to follow. She bit her lip, not noticing that her fangs had drawn a single droplet of blood.

Preston was beginning to float off into a daydream just as he heard the noise. He jumped up, shifting into his wolf form before emitting a low, angered growl. It could be anyone, he thought, maybe even a human. But even if it was, he would attack them more fiercely than before. Startling a werewolf like Preston has never proved to be a good thing. He took a whiff of the air, realizing that it as actually another werewolf. Preston shifted back to his human form, taking a seat back on the rock. "If that's you Cole; you're a d*ck, dude." He scoffed, waiting for a response.
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(Cole is a blood suckerrrr)

Cole's eyes widened in disbelief "Really is it good? I'm so glad" Cole relaxed against the couch smiling stupidly in content

MEghan turned to Chris "Why thank you so much sir" She said walking upstairs with her bags to try and find an empty room
Heather flattened her ears as tightly against her skull as she could at the harsh reprimand that greeted her sensitive ears. She could feel the adrenaline begin coursing through her veins, telling her to run. And she almost granted her inner instinct's request but something inside her was curious. Why did he smell different? He didn't whip out a gun or threaten her, despite her furry appearance. It was almost as if he thought she was someone he knew. "He's not afraid of me..." she pondered, the wheels turning in her brain. Sucking in a deep breath, she allowed herself to begin a cautious decent down the cliffside, pausing before finally letting the gentle rays of the swiftly setting sun light up the intense yellow coloring of her coat. She tilted her head to one side, perking her ears at him and still trying to decide if he was a threat. "I wonder if he kisses his mother with that mouth..." she thought, narrowing her gaze and even rolling her eyes. Though she could not perform human speech as a wolf, her body language said it all.
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"Yes.. It is good Cole.. I'm good with baking, though I won't let anyone watch me make red velvet cake, they'd think I was gross and wouldn't eat it.." She wondered if he'd made it with blood to get the rich red color.. It wouldn't be as gross to think about than it would if she'd made the cake.. "And I don't know Babe.. What would you like to do?" She asked finishing her cake..
(Is it night yet?) 
"Thank you so much =" Cole responded he was more than elated to find out that someone liked his cooking he figured he'd try cooking next time. He frowned when he realized he couldn't taste food and one of the most important tings to a chef is somebody tasting their food "I need a taste tester" he thought to himself outloud
(We'll just say it's about 6:30 so it should be getting dark soon xD )

Preston just looked over at Heather as she approached. He didn't feel threatened at all by her, but he knew she was a werewolf, she didn't seem to notice that. Preston smiled and raised and eyebrow, "You can't tell, can you?" He sighed before shifting into wolf again, then shifting back. "I'm not going to hurt you," he tried to let a gentle smile play across his face. Preston figured she must be new to the whole werewolf thing, seeing as how he went through the same thing.
(Okay question, do werewolves in this rp magically regain their clothes when switching from wolf back to human? xD )
"I'll do it.. I love food.. Speaking of that.. Did you put blood in this?? Just curious.. I want to know how you got the color.." Alex said, She'd leaned into Chris, as she volunteered.. She whispered in his ear.. "Then you could taste what he cooks later.." She said winking..
(wow that sounds really kinky)

"No I didn't pomegranate juice (true story xD ),but blood is a great idea however I'm not sure the wolves would appreciate it much if I put blood in their food since the vampires can't very well eat it. Cole sat there pondering other wasy to make the cake red while waiting for the freakin sun to go down
Chris smiled at her after she said that. He grabbed her waist softly and pulled her in and whispered. " Of course, you still want to go out tonight underneath the full moon? " Chris kissed her after that, he didn't care if it was in-front of everyone. He loved her.
(Lol, kay. xD )

Heather's soft ears lifted from her head in curiosity, seeing another being who was...different. Who was like her. The adrenaline was still there, making her fidget, the fight or flight response still in effect, but the way he acted...calmed her nerves somewhat. He was reaching out, telling her there wasn't anything to fear. Deciding to listen to him, her body began to morph, the fur slowly disappearing and being replaced with soft, lightly tanned skin. In a mere few seconds, there was no longer a wolf standing before Preston, but a young woman, appearing around 18 or 19 years old. Long light honey brown hair trickled down over her back and shoulders, much like the waterfall behind them. She was tall, around 5 and a half feet and thin, though somewhat malnutritioned. She wore tattered jeans, a blue checkered western-style blouse, tied in the front just above her belt, and very worn sneakers showing wear from much traveling. She adjusted her small pack over her shoulder and gazed intently at him with her deep chocolate orbs.

"Well forgive my being wary, do you greet all newcomers like that?" she interrogated, gesturing with her hand at the display he'd just given. She studied his face for a moment before her eyes wandered downward. In her amazement at finding another wolf, she had failed to realize his lack of clothing and upon seeing the stranger only in boxers she quickly averted her eyes and cleared her throat a bit, a gentle red flushing into her cheeks.
(hehe, forgive me for just barging in rudely.. Not sure where to start, so Imma wing it, and hope it's alright. xD Andd... I usually write a ton more, but I'm not sure where to begin, soo.. it'll be short for now. ^^")

Ren stopped a few feet from the building, rocking on the balls of his feet as he took in his surroundings. Slung over his right shoulder was a navy blue bag and this he shifted around nervously before hesitantly continuing his way down towards the cabins. He didn't see anyone, much to his relief and uncertainty. On one hand, he wanted to see some signs of life, but on the other, he didn't want any interaction with people just yet. He swept the area once more with his amber eyes before stopping right in front of the cabin. He looked up at it dubiously and raised a hand to knock.
"Of course, my love.." She said smiling and kissed him back... She'd love to, and he knew it.. "Pomegranate juice, interesting.. That's definitely not what I'd use but it was a good idea.. You should try the blood thing.. I maybe one of the only wolves who doesn't mind tasting a little blood in my food.." She smiled.. most wolves thought it was gross.. Though for years, she'd been eating other animals.. Blood wasn't going to kill her..

(That was the point lol)
Meghan walked back downstairs to see new comers "Welcome" she said happily "I''m new here as well" she then walked into the kitchen to find something to eat she saw steaks "Um does any mind if I have one of these?"

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